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Embracing Minimalism: 10 Strategies for Achieving Simplicity in Indian Homes

April 13, 2024


In a world filled with excess, minimalism offers a refreshing approach to living. The philosophy of minimalism encourages us to declutter our spaces, simplify our lives, and find contentment in the essentials. While it may seem challenging to adopt minimalism in the context of Indian homes, with their vibrant colours and rich cultural heritage, it is indeed possible. Let’s explore ten effective ways of embracing minimalism and make it work beautifully within an Indian home setting.

1. Simplify the Decor and Preserve the Essence:

Minimalism doesn’t mean sacrificing cultural elements. Instead, focus on preserving key pieces that hold sentimental or aesthetic value. Choose furniture and decor items that have clean lines, neutral colours, and blend harmoniously with your surroundings.

2. Declutter with Purpose:

Indian homes often accumulate a wide array of objects over time. Embrace the art of decluttering by sorting through your belongings and letting go of items that no longer serve a purpose or bring joy. Emphasise quality over quantity, and create a space that allows you to breathe and appreciate what truly matters.

3. Streamline Storage Solutions:

Efficient storage is crucial for maintaining a minimalist home. Explore creative storage solutions that help you organise your belongings effectively. Utilise hidden storage spaces, invest in multi-functional furniture, and adopt smart storage systems to keep clutter at bay.

4. Opt for Natural Materials:

Incorporate natural materials such as wood, bamboo, jute, and cotton into your home decor. These materials not only add a touch of simplicity and warmth but also align with sustainable practices. Choose furnishings and accessories made from eco-friendly materials that resonate with the essence of minimalism.

5. Mindful Furniture Selection:

When selecting furniture, prioritise functionality and simplicity. Opt for pieces that serve multiple purposes and have a timeless design. Avoid ornate and bulky furniture, and instead opt for sleek, minimalist designs that create a sense of openness and tranquilly.

6. Thoughtful Colour Palette:

Choose a neutral color palette as the foundation of your minimalist Indian home. Soft whites, earthy tones, and muted shades create a serene and uncluttered atmosphere. Add pops of color sparingly through carefully selected accessories or artwork to maintain a sense of balance.

7. Mindful Art and Accessories:

Minimalism encourages us to be intentional with the art and accessories we choose. Select pieces that hold personal significance or convey a specific message. Opt for simple, uncluttered frames and display them as focal points in your space while keeping the overall arrangement minimal.

8. Mind Over Matter: Letting Go of Excess Attachments

Embracing minimalism is not just about physical decluttering but also about letting go of emotional baggage. Practice detachment from material possessions and embrace experiences and relationships instead. Focus on what truly brings you joy and create a home environment that reflects your values and aspirations.

9. Embrace Sustainable Practices:

Minimalism and sustainability go hand in hand. Reduce waste, embrace eco-friendly practices, and choose products with a smaller environmental footprint. Consider upcycling or repurposing items whenever possible to reduce consumption and minimise your impact on the planet.

10. Cultivate Mindful Habits:

Finally, minimalism is a lifestyle that extends beyond the physical realm. Cultivate mindful habits such as practicing gratitude, mindfulness meditation, and conscious consumption. Embrace the simplicity of a clutter-free home as a catalyst for personal growth and a reflection of your inner journey.

Minimalism can be successfully integrated into Indian homes by adopting a mindful and purposeful approach. By simplifying our spaces, decluttering our lives, and embracing sustainable practices, we can create a harmonious and serene environment that celebrates both minimalism and our rich cultural heritage. Let us embark on this transformative journey towards a simpler, more meaningful life in our Indian homes.

How Much Should You Pay for Interior Design in Pune?

March 23, 2024

interior design in puneWhen it comes to investing in interior design services in Pune, understanding the pricing models and factors that influence the cost is crucial. Whether you are revamping your home or setting up a new office space, knowing how much you should pay for interior design can help you make informed decisions and achieve the desired results within your budget.

1. Pricing Models

Interior designers in Pune may charge based on different pricing models, such as fixed fees, hourly rates, or percentages of the total project cost. Understanding these models and their implications can help you choose the one that best suits your project requirements and budget.

2. Scope of Work

The scope of work plays a significant role in determining the cost of interior design services. A simple room makeover will cost less than a full-scale renovation or a complete interior design project. Clearly defining the scope of work with your designer can help in estimating the overall cost accurately.

3. Designer’s Experience and Reputation

Experienced and reputable interior designers in Pune may charge fees based on their expertise and track record of delivering quality results. While it may be tempting to opt for a designer with lower fees, investing in a skilled professional or an interior design company in Pune can ensure a successful and satisfying outcome for your project.

4. Additional Services

Additional services such as project management, procurement of materials, production, installation, and post-installation support can add to the overall cost of interior design. Discussing these services upfront with your designer and understanding their fees can help you budget effectively and avoid any surprises during the project.

5. Combination of Fee Structures

Some interior designers in Pune may offer a combination of fee structures to accommodate different aspects of the project. For example, a designer may charge a fixed fee for the design concept and an hourly rate for project management. Understanding how these fee structures work together can give you a clear picture of the total cost involved.

When considering interior design services in Pune, it’s essential to partner with a reputable and reliable interior design company that values transparency and quality. Dlife Home Interiors is a leading interior design company in Pune known for its innovative designs, impeccable craftsmanship, and customer-centric approach. With a team of experienced designers and a commitment to delivering exceptional results, Dlife Home Interiors can transform your space into a personalised sanctuary that reflects your style and preferences.

Determining how much you should pay for interior design in Pune involves considering various factors such as pricing models, scope of work, the designer’s experience, additional services, and fee structures. By understanding these elements and working with a trusted partner like Dlife Home Interiors, you can achieve your interior design goals effectively and within your budget.

Interior Design Packages Unraveled: How Flat Rates Maximize Your Design Budget

March 09, 2024

Interior Design Packages Are you looking to revamp your living space but feeling overwhelmed by the cost of hiring an interior designer? The good news is that there are ways to maximize your design budget, and one effective method is through interior design packages with flat rates. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of interior design packages, unravel the benefits of flat rates, and how they can help you achieve your dream space without breaking the bank.

Understanding Interior Design Packages

Interior design packages are a popular choice for individuals and businesses seeking professional design services. These packages typically offer a range of services tailored to meet the specific needs of the client. They can include anything from initial consultations and concept development to full-scale project management and implementation.

The Benefits of Flat Rates

One of the key advantages of opting for a flat-rate interior design package is the transparency it offers in terms of cost. This means that you know exactly what you’re paying for upfront, without the worry of unexpected additional charges down the line. Flat rates provide a clear understanding of the financial investment required for your project, allowing you to plan and budget accordingly.

Maximizing Your Design Budget

Predictable Costs

With a flat-rate package, you can accurately predict the total cost of your design project. This predictability allows for better financial planning and ensures that you stay within your budget.

Comprehensive Services

Flat-rate packages often encompass a wide range of services, from initial concept development to the final installation. This comprehensive approach ensures that all aspects of your design project are covered within the agreed-upon budget, providing excellent value for your money.

Efficient Use of Resources

By knowing the exact cost of your design package, you can make informed decisions about where to allocate your resources. This ensures that every dollar of your budget is efficiently utilized to achieve the best possible outcome for your space.

Choosing the Right Package for You

When considering interior design packages with flat rates, it’s essential to evaluate your specific needs and the scope of your project. Look for packages that align with your design goals and budget, and be sure to inquire about any additional services or customization options that may be available.

Packages by interior designers with flat rates offer a cost-effective and transparent approach to achieving your design goals. By maximizing your design budget through flat-rate packages, you can enjoy the expertise of professional designers without the worry of unexpected costs. So, whether you’re looking to transform your home or enhance your business space, consider the benefits of flat-rate interior design packages in making your design dreams a reality. In conclusion, with the right interior design package, you can achieve the space of your dreams without breaking the bank. So why wait? Start exploring the world of flat-rate interior design packages today and make your design aspirations a reality.

The Complete Checklist for Dining Room Interiors

March 01, 2024

The Complete Checklist for Dining Room InteriorsThe dining room is a central space in any home where family and friends gather to share meals and create lasting memories. Designing dining room interiors that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing requires careful planning and attention to detail. We will provide you with a comprehensive checklist to help you create the perfect dining room interior.

Determine the Layout:

When envisioning the perfect dining room, one must first become a maestro of space, conducting an orchestra of furniture with a precise layout in mind. Begin your symphony of design by gauging the available space, sizing up the dimensions like an artist contemplating a blank canvas. Peer into the geometry of the room—its sharpest angles, gentlest curves—and pay homage to the placement of windows and doors, for they are portals to natural lightning. Start by assessing the available space and determining the layout of your dining room. Consider factors such as the size and shape of the room, the placement of windows and doors, and the flow of traffic. This will help you decide where to position the dining table, chairs, and other furniture pieces.

Select the Dining Table:

The dining table is the focal point of the room. Choose a table that suits your style and accommodates the number of people you typically entertain. Consider factors such as shape (rectangular, round, or square), material (wood, glass, or metal), and size (to ensure sufficient space for seating and movement). the dining table—a convivial round table that encourages eye contact and conversation, or a stately rectangular one that dictates hierarchy and splendor. With each selection and positioning of chairs and accent pieces, you are not merely filling a room; you are crafting a sanctuary of gastronomy and camaraderie, a testament to your understanding of structure, comfort, and aesthetic unity.

Choose the Right Chairs:

Select chairs that complement the dining table and provide comfort for your guests. Consider the height, width, and cushioning of the chairs. Upholstered chairs offer a more luxurious feel, while wooden chairs provide a classic look. Don’t forget to ensure that the chairs fit comfortably under the table when not in use. Amidst this personal canvas of colors and textures, selecting the right chair isn’t just a matter of décor—it’s about crafting a nook that cradles your soul after long days and becomes the unspoken protagonist of many cherished moments. The perfect chair is a companion that echoes your inner style while offering a silent, steadfast sanctuary of relaxation. It should not only blend with the elegance of your interiors but also stand as a testament to functionality and comfort, enveloping you in its arms as if it was made just for you.


Lighting plays a crucial role in setting the mood and ambiance of the dining room. Picture the warm radiance that bathes the walls, highlighting each cherished photograph and work of art with a tender luminance. This is the power of masterfully chosen dining room lighting – it’s not just about visibility, it’s about setting a mood, enhancing comfort, and transforming ordinary spaces into magical arenas for making memories. Consider a combination of overhead lighting, such as chandeliers or pendant lights, and task lighting, such as wall sconces or table lamps. Install dimmer switches to adjust the lighting intensity according to the occasion.


The flooring isn’t just a surface—it’s the foundation of a dining experience where every meal becomes more than just sustenance; it becomes a feast for the eyes, a comfort to the feet, and a prelude to the laughter and conversations that fill the air. Such is the power of choosing the perfect flooring for your dining room—a decision that sets the stage for countless future gatherings. Make sure to choose a flooring material that is both practical and visually appealing. Hardwood floors are popular for dining rooms due to their durability and timeless appeal. Alternatively, you can consider laminate, tile, or vinyl flooring, depending on your budget and personal preference.

Wall Decor and Color:

Wall decor is where abstract art pieces intermingle with vintage family portraits, echoing the blend of past and present. Each wall becomes a canvas that reflects your personality, with bold accent pieces standing as testaments to your unique style. Select a color scheme that complements the overall theme of your home. Neutral tones create a calming effect, while bold colors add vibrancy. Consider adding wall decor such as artwork, mirrors, or wall shelves to enhance the visual appeal of the dining room.

Window Treatments:

Colors, textures, and patterns converge in these fabrics and accessories, harmoniously blending functionality with aesthetics, creating a statement that resonates through the home. The right window treatment not only complements your décor but also elevates it—making an indelible impression on all who enter. Choose window treatments that provide privacy, control natural light, and enhance the overall aesthetic of the room. Options include curtains, blinds, shades, or a combination of these. Consider the size and style of your windows when selecting window treatments.

Storage Solutions:

Incorporate adequate storage solutions to keep your dining room organized and clutter-free. Sideboards, buffets, or display cabinets offer both functionality and decorative value. Consider storage options for tableware, linens, and other dining essentials. Imbued with the promise of decluttered sanctuaries, these innovative designs morph seamlessly into living spaces, whispering tales of hidden compartments and sleek shelving that cradle your cherished possessions.

Accessories and Decorative Elements:

Add the finishing touches to your dining room with carefully selected accessories and decorative elements. Consider elements such as a centerpiece for the dining table, decorative vases, candle holders, or a rug under the table to tie the room together. From the rich tapestry of a well-placed area rug to the subtle glimmer of ornate picture frames catching the light, accessories become the finishing notes in the grand composition of your living space. It’s in these nuanced details that a house transforms, breath by deliberate breath, into a home ripe with character—an intimate reflection of the soul that resides within.

Personal Touches:

Finally, infuse your dining room interiors with personal touches that reflect your style and personality. Display family photos, heirlooms, or artwork that holds sentimental value. Incorporate elements that make the space unique and inviting for you and your guests.

Designing dining room interiors that balances functionality and aesthetics requires careful consideration of various elements. By following this checklist, you can create a dining room interior that is not only visually pleasing but also conducive to enjoyable meals and memorable gatherings. Remember to adapt the checklist to your personal preferences and make your dining room a reflection of your unique style.

Sreekanth and Vandana’s Home Interior in Hyderabad is a Mesmerizing Haven

February 24, 2024

home interior in HyderabadMr. Sreekanth Ramachandran and Mrs. Vandana K expressed their desire for a clean, contemporary and minimalist aesthetic home with a touch of warmth and comfort. They wanted their home interior in Hyderabad to be a haven. A space where they could relax and unwind after a long day. To bring their vision to life, we focused on creating an open and spacious layout that promoted a sense of tranquility.

Stunning Living

One of the highlights of this home interior in Hyderabad is the living room. The living is a stunning piece of artwork. It features a cozy yet chic ambiance, with a plush sofa and armchairs arranged around a sleek coffee table. A statement chandelier hangs from the ceiling, adding a touch of glamour to the space. The walls are adorned with tasteful artwork and framed photographs, personalizing the room and infusing it with the couple’s unique personality.

The Perfect Dining and Kitchen

The dining area seamlessly merges with the custom-made living room, creating an open and inviting space for entertaining guests. A stylish dining table and chairs set the stage for intimate gatherings, while a contemporary sideboard provides both storage and a display area for decorative items. The lighting fixtures above the dining table create a warm and inviting atmosphere, perfect for enjoying meals with loved ones.

The kitchen of this home in Hyderabad was designed to be functional and aesthetically pleasing. Sleek cabinetry and modern appliances were carefully selected to optimize storage space and facilitate efficient meal preparation. The use of light-colored materials enhances the sense of spaciousness.

Spacious Bedrooms

Moving to the private areas of the home, the master bedroom exudes a sense of luxury and comfort. A plush upholstered bed takes center stage, complemented by bedside tables and elegant lighting fixtures. Soft, soothing colors create a serene ambiance, promoting restful sleep. The ensuite bathroom is a sanctuary in itself, featuring modern fixtures, a spacious shower, and luxurious finishes.

The remaining bedroom designs were designed with the needs and preferences of the couple. Each room reflects individual personalities while maintaining a cohesive design language throughout the home. Ample storage solutions were incorporated to keep the spaces organized and clutter-free.

Throughout the entire design process of this home interior in Hyderabad, Mr. Sreekanth Ramachandran and Mrs. Vandana were actively involved, providing valuable input and feedback. Their collaboration with our design team ensured that their dream home was transformed into a mesmerizing haven that perfectly encapsulates their style and preferences.

The interior design journey of Sreekanth and Vandana’s home in Hyderabad was a remarkable experience. The project resulted in a stunning living space that exceeds their expectations. The collaborative effort between the couple and our interior designers in Hyderabad brought their vision to life, creating a modern, stylish, and functional home that truly reflects their unique personalities. It’s a testament to the transformative power of thoughtful design.

Watch Mr. Sreekanth and Mrs. Vandana, share their experience of transforming their humble home in Hyderabad here.

The Best Architectural Design Strategies for Indian Homes

February 16, 2024

The Best Architectural Design Strategies for Indian Homes

When it comes to designing homes in India, it is essential to consider the country’s unique climate, culture, and lifestyle. Indian homes are known for their vibrant colors, intricate detailing, and a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity. Let’s explore some of the best architectural design strategies for Indian homes that enhance functionality, aesthetics, and cultural relevance.

1. Climate-responsive Design

India experiences diverse climatic conditions, ranging from scorching summers to monsoons and chilly winters. To create comfortable living spaces, architects should adopt climate-responsive design strategies. This includes orienting the house to maximize natural ventilation and daylight, incorporating shading devices like overhangs and balconies, utilizing thermal insulation materials, and designing courtyards or atriums to facilitate cross-ventilation.

2. Courtyards and Open Spaces

Courtyards have been an integral part of traditional Indian homes for centuries. They serve as central gathering spaces, provide natural light and ventilation, and act as buffers against extreme temperatures. Incorporating courtyards or open spaces in modern architectural designs can create a sense of openness, connect different areas of the house, and provide a green oasis within urban environments.

3. Incorporating Traditional Elements

Indian architecture is rich in tradition and history. Integrating traditional elements into the design can add character and a sense of cultural identity to Indian homes. This can include elements such as carved woodwork, jali screens, terracotta tiles, colorful murals, and traditional motifs. Combining these elements with contemporary materials and techniques can create a unique fusion of tradition and modernity.

4. Smart Space Planning

Efficient space planning is crucial in Indian homes, where space constraints are often a challenge. Architects should focus on optimizing space utilization and creating multi-functional areas. Smart storage solutions, modular furniture, and flexible layouts can maximize usable space and enhance the functionality of Indian homes. Additionally, incorporating open floor plans and seamless transitions between indoor and outdoor spaces can create a sense of spaciousness.

5. Sustainability and Eco-friendly Design

With growing environmental concerns, sustainable design strategies are gaining prominence in Indian architecture. Incorporating eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient systems, rainwater harvesting, and solar panels can minimize the ecological footprint of Indian homes. Architects can also explore passive design techniques like green roofs, natural landscaping, and incorporating planters to improve air quality and reduce heat island effect.

Designing Indian homes requires a thoughtful approach that balances cultural aesthetics, functionality, and environmental sustainability. By adopting climate-responsive design, utilizing courtyards and open spaces, incorporating traditional elements, optimizing space utilization, and embracing eco-friendly practices, architects can create homes that are not only visually appealing but also comfortable, efficient, and environmentally responsible. The best architectural design strategies for Indian homes are those that celebrate the country’s rich heritage while embracing contemporary needs and aspirations.

A Journey Through the Exquisite Home Interiors of Mr. Antony Perumbavoor in Kochi

February 10, 2024

Nestled along the picturesque marine drive in the vibrant city of Kochi, lies a residence that epitomizes the seamless integration of contemporary design and opulent living. D’LIFE Home Interiors had the honor of collaborating with Mr. Antony Perumbavoor to transform his home into a sophisticated sanctuary that harmoniously blends elegance and functionality. From the expansive open-concept living and dining areas to the meticulously planned kitchen and luxurious bedrooms, this project showcases our unwavering commitment to providing unparalleled customer experiences and delivering exceptional results.

Captivating Living and Dining Areas

Home Interiors of Antony Perumbavoor in Kochi

The living and dining spaces of Mr. Antony Perumbavoor’s residence in Kochi exude a timeless quality, characterized by a thoughtfully curated design that elevates the overall ambiance. Large floor-to-ceiling glass windows not only frame breathtaking ocean views but also invite an abundance of natural light, creating an inviting and warm atmosphere within. These elements seamlessly connect the interiors with the mesmerizing beauty of the surroundings, creating a sense of serenity and tranquility.

Within the living room, a large sofa takes center stage, enveloped in a carefully selected grey color scheme that exudes sophistication. Accompanied by a two-seater sofa and a pair of elegantly upholstered chairs, this space beckons relaxation and fosters intimate conversations. A tastefully crafted coffee table and a rug, harmonizing with the overall design scheme, lend a touch of refinement to the area. The visual focal point of the living and dining rooms are the striking black walls, which infuse the space with a sense of drama and depth, exuding a unique and luxurious warmth. Strategically placed pockets of greenery add a refreshing touch of nature, creating an oasis of calm within the interiors. The seamless flow between the living and dining areas ensures a harmonious transition, allowing for effortless movement and a cohesive design narrative.

Elegant Dining Area

Home Interiors of Antony Perumbavoor in Kochi

The dining room serves as a testament to the pursuit of warmth and an inviting ambiance within the home. An exquisite eight-seater table, featuring a sleek black glass tabletop, becomes the centerpiece of this space. Vibrant grey chairs and a carefully chosen rug subtly contribute to the overarching design theme, enhancing the visual appeal of the dining area. The combination of meticulously selected furnishings creates an atmosphere of refined elegance, inviting family and guests to savor moments of togetherness and indulgence.

Luxurious Bedrooms

Home Interiors of Antony Perumbavoor in Kochi

The bedrooms in the home of Mr. Antony Perumbavoor in Kochi exudes pure luxury and comfort, creating personal sanctuaries for relaxation and rejuvenation. Each bedroom has been thoughtfully designed to provide a serene escape from the outside world. Soft, neutral tones create a soothing atmosphere, while carefully curated artwork and accessories add a touch of individuality and character. Plush beds adorned with luxurious bedding, complemented by tasteful side tables and ambient lighting, ensure a restful and indulgent retreat. The design of each bedroom reflects a seamless integration of comfort, style, and personal preferences, culminating in spaces that embody the epitome of luxury living.

The residential interior design project for Mr. Antony Perumbavoor in Kochi is a captivating journey through the seamless fusion of contemporary design and luxurious living. From the captivating living and dining areas to the serene and indulgent bedrooms, every space embodies the commitment of D’LIFE Home Interiors to create exceptional customer experiences. The project showcases the perfect balance between elegance and functionality, resulting in a harmonious sanctuary that surpasses expectations. The transformation of Mr. Antony Perumbavoor’s residence stands as a testament to our dedication to excellence in the realm of residential interior design, providing an exquisite haven where beauty, comfort, and luxury converge.

Advantages of Glass Cabinet Doors in Kitchen: Enhancing Style and Functionality

February 02, 2024

glass cabinet doorsGlass cabinet doors in the kitchen are a popular trend that has gained significant attention in recent years. Not only do they add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any kitchen, but they also offer several advantages that make them a practical choice. Let’s explore the benefits of incorporating glass cabinet doors into your kitchen design.

Showcasing Your Beautiful Dishware

One of the most obvious advantages of glass cabinet doors is the ability to showcase your beautiful dishware and kitchen accessories. With glass doors, you can proudly display your collection of fine china, colorful pottery, or stylish glassware. This not only adds a personalized touch to your kitchen but also creates a visually appealing focal point that enhances the overall aesthetic of the space.

Creating an Illusion of Space

Glass cabinet doors have a unique ability to create an illusion of space in your kitchen. By allowing light to pass through, they visually expand the area, making it feel more open and inviting. This is especially beneficial for smaller kitchens or those with limited natural light. Glass doors reflect and amplify the available light, giving the impression of a larger and brighter space.

Easy Accessibility and Organization

Glass cabinet doors make it easier to locate and access your kitchen essentials. With a quick glance, you can see what’s inside each cabinet, eliminating the need to open multiple doors in search of a specific item. This not only saves time but also helps to keep your kitchen organized and efficient. You can even consider arranging your items in a visually appealing manner, creating a display that is both functional and beautiful.

Adding Depth and Texture to Your Kitchen

Glass cabinet doors introduce depth and texture to your kitchen design. They break up the solid visual elements, such as wood or painted cabinetry, by offering a transparent surface that adds visual interest. Whether you opt for clear glass, frosted glass, or textured glass, these doors can add a unique dimension to your kitchen, creating a more dynamic and visually captivating environment.

Showcasing Your Personal Style

Glass cabinet doors provide a platform to showcase your personal style and design preferences. You can choose from a variety of glass options, including clear, frosted, seeded, or even stained glass. This allows you to tailor the appearance of your cabinets to match your overall kitchen theme and decor. Whether you prefer a sleek and modern look or a more traditional and rustic feel, there is a glass option that will complement your style perfectly.

Incorporating glass doors into your kitchen design offers a multitude of advantages. From showcasing your beautiful dishware to creating an illusion of space and adding depth and texture, these doors elevate both the style and functionality of your kitchen.  If you are planning to get a fresh look for your kitchen, we highly recommend adding glass cabinet doors. You can get the help of an interior design team to transform your space into one that is budget-friendly and personalized to your lifestyle.

With easy accessibility, organization, and the ability to showcase your personal style, this are a versatile choice that can transform any kitchen into a stunning and inviting space. Consider this design trend for your next kitchen renovation and enjoy the benefits of this modern and elegant addition.

How to Design Your Kitchen to Suit You Long Term

January 27, 2024

How to Design Your Kitchen to Suit You Long TermDesigning your kitchen is an exciting endeavor, but it’s important to consider long-term functionality and convenience. A well-designed kitchen should cater to your needs not just now, but also in the years to come. We’ll explore some key design tips that will help you create a kitchen that suits you long term. From lowering the microwave to raising the dishwasher and varying counter heights, these ideas will enhance both the aesthetics and functionality of your kitchen space.

Focus on Lighting

Lighting is crucial in any kitchen, and designing your kitchen for the long term means selecting lighting that will continue to work for you over time. Consider adding task lighting above the sink and stove to ensure adequate lighting for cooking and food preparation. Choose fixtures that are durable and simple, like recessed lights or pendant lights, for a classic and timeless look.

Lower the Microwave: Accessibility and Safety

One common mistake in kitchen design is placing the microwave too high above the countertop. While it may seem convenient at first, it can become a hassle over time, especially as you age or if you have children. Lowering the microwave to a more accessible height not only makes it easier to reach, but also reduces the risk of accidents or injuries. Consider installing the microwave in a lower cabinet or within the kitchen island for added convenience and safety.

Plan for Storage

Storage is essential in any kitchen, and it’s important to plan for ample storage that will cater to your needs in the long term. Consider installing cabinetry that extends to the ceiling to maximize storage space, invest in pull-out drawers, and utilize corner cabinets with pull-out shelves for easy access.

Raise the Dishwasher: Ergonomics and Comfort

Similarly, raising the dishwasher can greatly improve the ergonomics of your kitchen. Bending down to load and unload dishes can put strain on your back and knees, particularly as you grow older. By raising the dishwasher off the floor, you can maintain a more comfortable working height, reducing the risk of repetitive strain injuries. This can be achieved by installing the dishwasher at an elevated position within the cabinetry, eliminating the need for constant bending and kneeling.

Vary Counter Heights: Enhancing Efficiency and Flexibility

Having a variety of counter heights in your kitchen can greatly enhance both efficiency and flexibility. Traditional kitchen designs often feature countertops at a standard height, but this may not suit everyone’s needs. By incorporating different counter heights, you can create designated areas for specific tasks. For example, a lower counter can be dedicated to baking or food prep, while a higher counter can be used for serving or casual dining. This allows multiple users to work comfortably and efficiently in the kitchen, accommodating individuals of different heights and abilities.

Consider Universal Design Principles: Accessibility for All

In addition to lowering the microwave, raising the dishwasher, and varying counter heights, it’s worth considering universal design principles when designing your kitchen. Universal design emphasizes creating spaces that are accessible and usable for people of all ages and abilities. This can include wider doorways to accommodate mobility aids, pull-out shelves and drawers for easier access, and lever-style handles that are easier to grip. Incorporating universal design features into your kitchen will not only make it more functional for you long term, but also increase its appeal and market value in the future.

Create a Timeless Look

Designing your kitchen for the long term also means creating a timeless look that will remain stylish for years to come. Opting for classic colors and finishes, like white or natural wood, will ensure that your kitchen remains fresh and modern. Choose hardware and fixtures in brushed nickel or stainless steel for a classic and sophisticated look.

Designing a kitchen with the help of a professional interior designer with a long-term perspective is essential for creating a space that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and convenient. Lowering the microwave, raising the dishwasher, varying counter heights, and incorporating universal design principles are all effective ways to ensure your kitchen suits your needs as you age or as your lifestyle changes. By considering these design tips, you can enjoy a kitchen that adapts to your requirements, providing comfort, accessibility, and efficiency for years to come.

Creative Ways to Showcase Your Child’s Artwork in Your Home

January 13, 2024

Creative Ways to Showcase Your Child's Artwork in Your HomeAs a parent, you’re likely overwhelmed with your child’s beautiful artwork. From finger paintings to colourful drawings, their creations are a source of pride and joy. However, finding the perfect way to display and honour their masterpieces can be a delightful challenge. In this blog, we’ll explore various creative and stylish ways to showcase your child’s artwork in your home, allowing you to treasure their artistic endeavours while adding a personalised touch to your living space.

Create a Gallery Wall

One of the most visually striking ways to exhibit your child’s art is by creating a dedicated gallery wall. This can be achieved by using simple frames or clipboards to display their pieces in an organized and aesthetically pleasing manner. Another option is to use a combination of different-sized frames and arrange them in a collage-like fashion on a wall. This allows for flexibility in adding and changing artwork as your child creates new pieces. Additionally, consider incorporating other decorative elements, such as string lights or washi tape, to add an extra touch of whimsy to the display.

Custom Art Binders or Books

Consider compiling your child’s artwork into custom art binders or books. This not only provides a neat and organised way to store their creations but also offers a portable option for sharing their work with friends and family.

Utilise Display Rails or Wire Systems

Opt for display rails or wire systems to hang your child’s artwork. These versatile solutions allow for easy rotation of displayed pieces, ensuring that their latest creations always have a place to shine. Another option to display your child’s artwork is to use magnetic boards or walls. This allows for a dynamic and easily changeable display, as they can simply attach their latest creations with magnets.

Incorporate Their Art Into Everyday Items

Transform your child’s art into practical items such as custom-made placemats, coasters, or even fabric to be used for throw pillows or quilts. This not only showcases their creativity but also adds a personal touch to your home decor. You can also consider turning your child’s artwork into personalised greeting cards or invitations for special occasions. This not only allows their art to be shared with others but also gives them a sense of pride and accomplishment. Another idea is to create a digital portfolio of their artwork, which can be easily shared with family and friends online, giving them a wider audience for their creations.

Digital Displays

Consider digitising your child’s artwork and displaying it using digital photo frames or creating a dedicated digital gallery on your devices. This modern approach allows for easy sharing and ensures that the originals are preserved. Additionally, you can consider organising an art exhibition at home and inviting friends and family to admire your child’s creations. This not only boosts their confidence but also provides a platform for them to receive feedback and appreciation from others. Another idea is to collaborate with local businesses or community centres to showcase your child’s artwork in public spaces, allowing a wider audience to appreciate their talent.

Create a Dedicated Art Corner

Designate a specific area in your home as an art corner, complete with a rotating display of your child’s creations. This can serve as a constant source of inspiration and pride for your little artist. Additionally, consider organising art-themed playdates or workshops where your child can interact with other young artists and learn new techniques. This can foster a sense of community and encourage artistic growth. Another idea is to enrol your child in art classes or workshops outside of school to further develop their skills and expose them to different art forms and styles.

Displaying your child’s artwork in your home is a wonderful way to celebrate their creativity and foster a sense of pride in their achievements. By implementing these creative ideas, you can turn their art into cherished decor pieces that reflect the love and admiration you have for their imaginative endeavors. You can also seek the help of your nearest interior decorators to embrace the opportunity to transform your home into a vibrant gallery that honours and showcases your child’s artistic talent.

How to Choose the Top Interior Designer for Your Home in Hyderabad

January 05, 2024

home in hyderabadWhen it comes to designing your home in Hyderabad, finding the right interior designer is crucial. A skilled and experienced interior designer can transform your space, making it not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and practical. If you’re seeking the top interior designer for your home in Hyderabad, this post will guide you through the process. Let’s discuss the key factors to consider and offer practical tips to help you make an informed decision.

1. Define Your Requirements:

Before embarking on your search for an interior designer, it’s important to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve. Identify your interior design style, preferences and project goals, and set a realistic budget. This will assist you in finding an interior designer who aligns with your vision and can work within your budget.

2. Research and Shortlist:

Start by researching interior designers in Hyderabad who specialise in residential projects. Look for professionals with a strong portfolio and positive client testimonials. Check their websites, social media profiles, and online directories to gather more information about their expertise and design philosophy. Shortlist a few designers who resonate with your style and requirements.

3. Check Credentials and Experience:

Once you have a shortlist of potential interior designers, delve deeper into their credentials and experience. Verify their qualifications, certifications, and professional affiliations. Consider their years of experience and the range of projects they have completed. An experienced designer will have a better understanding of local design trends and access to a network of reliable suppliers and contractors.

4. Portfolio Review:

Reviewing an interior designer’s portfolio is crucial to determining their creativity, versatility, and attention to detail. Look for projects that are similar in style and scale to your own. Pay attention to the quality of craftsmanship, use of materials, and overall aesthetics. A diverse portfolio demonstrates the designer’s ability to adapt to different design styles and preferences.

5. Client References:

Request client references from the shortlisted designers. Contact their previous clients to gain insights into the designer’s work ethic, professionalism, and ability to meet deadlines. Inquire about their experience working with the designer and whether they were satisfied with the final outcome. Client references provide valuable, first-hand information that can help you make an informed decision.

6. Budget and Cost Transparency:

Discuss your budget with the shortlisted designers and ask for a detailed cost estimate. Top interior designers in Hyderabad should be transparent about their fees, including design fees, project management fees, and any additional costs involved. Ensure that you have a clear understanding of how the designer charges for their services and what is included in the proposed budget.

7. Communication and Compatibility:

Effective communication and a good working relationship are essential when collaborating with an interior designer. Schedule initial consultations with the shortlisted designers to gauge their responsiveness, listening skills, and ability to understand your requirements. Choose a designer with whom you feel comfortable discussing your ideas and who can effectively translate your vision into reality.

8. Project Timeline and Deliverables:

Discuss the expected project timeline and deliverables with the interior designer. Understand their availability and whether they can accommodate your desired completion date. Clear communication regarding milestones, design presentations, and project updates is vital to ensuring the smooth and timely execution of your home interior project.

Choosing the top interior designer for your home in Hyderabad requires careful consideration and research. By defining your requirements, researching and shortlisting designers, reviewing portfolios, checking credentials and client references, discussing budgets, and assessing communication and compatibility, you can find the perfect interior designer who will bring your vision to life.

D’LIFE Home Interiors is an interior design company that offers a comprehensive range of services to cater to all your interior design needs. With a team of experienced designers and craftsmen, D’LIFE is committed to delivering high-quality and innovative designs that exceed client expectations. From concept development to final execution, D’LIFE ensures attention to detail and a seamless project management process. Remember, the right designer, like D’LIFE, will not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home but also create a functional and personalised space that reflects your style and personality.

2024 Living Room Trends That You Need To Try

December 29, 2023

2024 living room trends by expert designersAs we step into the year 2024, it’s time to explore the latest living room trends that will redefine the way we design and decorate our homes. From multipurpose zones with personal touches to impactful details and minimalist floor plans, there’s something for everyone to embrace. So, let’s delve into the exciting living room trends that will dominate in 2024.

Multipurpose Zones with Personal Touches

In 2024, living rooms are set to become more versatile than ever before. Embracing the concept of multipurpose zones, homeowners are creating designated spaces for various activities. Whether it’s a cozy reading nook, a small home office, or a dedicated entertainment area, the living room is transforming into a multifunctional hub. To add a personal touch, consider incorporating customized elements like built-in bookshelves, comfortable seating arrangements, and personalized artwork.

Earthy Tones and Hand-Painted Murals

In the coming year, expect a shift towards earthy tones and a departure from conventional wall treatments. Hand-painted murals are gaining popularity and are expected to replace plaster and wallpapers in 2024. Interiors with earthy tones and unique artistic expressions bring a sense of warmth and individuality to living spaces. From nature-inspired landscapes to abstract designs, hand-painted murals add a touch of personalization and create an eye-catching focal point in the room.

Impactful Details and Minimalist Floor Plans

Simplicity and elegance take center stage in 2024, with living rooms embracing minimalist floor plans. Streamlined furniture arrangements, clean lines, and uncluttered spaces create a sense of openness and tranquility. To make a statement, focus on impactful details such as sculptural furniture pieces, textured wall panels, or unique architectural features. This trend allows you to highlight a few carefully curated items, emphasizing quality over quantity.

Statement Lighting

Lighting plays a crucial role in setting the mood and ambiance of a living room. In 2024, statement lighting will be a key trend to watch out for. Bold, eye-catching fixtures such as oversized chandeliers, geometric pendant lights, or artistic floor lamps will take center stage as decorative elements. These statement pieces not only provide ample illumination but also serve as stunning focal points that elevate the overall aesthetics of the room.

Botanical Decor and Statement Pieces

Bringing the outdoors inside continues to be a popular trend, but in 2024, botanical decor will take on a bolder approach. Large, lush indoor plants, hanging gardens, and living green walls will add a touch of freshness and natural beauty to living rooms. To complement the botanical theme, incorporate statement pieces like natural wood furniture, organic textiles, and earthy textures. This combination creates a harmonious and inviting atmosphere that connects you with nature.

The year 2024 promises an array of exciting contemporary living room trends that blend functionality, personalization, and aesthetics. From creating multipurpose zones to incorporating hand-painted murals, impactful details, statement lighting, and botanical decor, these trends offer endless possibilities for transforming your living space. So, embrace these trends and let your living room become a reflection of your personal style and a hub for relaxation and entertainment.

How Much Do Kitchen Cabinets Cost in Bangalore? A Guide for Kitchen Designing

December 21, 2023

Kitchen Cabinets Cost in BangaloreWhen it comes to designing or renovating a kitchen in Bangalore, one of the key elements to consider is the cost of kitchen cabinets. Kitchen cabinets not only provide essential storage space but also greatly contribute to the overall aesthetics of the kitchen. If you are in Bangalore and planning a kitchen renovation, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the factors that affect kitchen cabinet costs. In this blog, our interior designers in Bangalore delve into the various aspects that influence the cost of kitchen cabinets and offer you valuable insights to help make informed decisions about your kitchen design project. 

Factors Affecting Kitchen Cabinet Costs in Bangalore

  1. Material Selection:

The type of materials you choose for your kitchen cabinets significantly impacts the overall cost. In Bangalore, you can find a wide range of options such as solid wood, marine ply, medium-density fibreboard (MDF), or particleboard. Solid wood and marine ply cabinets tend to be the most expensive, while MDF and particleboard are more budget-friendly alternatives. 

  1. Cabinet Size and Layout:

The size and layout of your kitchen cabinets will naturally affect the cost. Larger kitchens with more cabinetry will generally incur higher expenses. Additionally, complex layouts, such as custom designs or intricate corner units, may require additional craftsmanship, resulting in increased costs. 

  1. Hardware and Accessories:

The choice of hardware and accessories also influences the cost of kitchen cabinets. Handles, hinges, drawer slides, and other fittings come in various qualities and styles, each with its own price range. Premium hardware and accessories will contribute to a higher overall cost. 

  1. Finishes and Surface Treatments:

The finish and surface treatment of your kitchen cabinets and countertops play a significant role in determining their cost. Whether you opt for laminates, veneers, paint, or other finishes, each option comes with its own price point. High-quality finishes and specialized techniques may increase the cost of the cabinets. The same is true for the kitchen countertops. The material you choose impacts the modular kitchen cost in Bangalore. 

Cost of Modular Kitchen Cabinets in Bangalore

Modular kitchen cabinets are a popular choice due to their convenience and versatility. They are pre-designed and manufactured in modules, allowing for easy installation and customization. Here’s an overview of the cost range for modular kitchen cabinets in Bangalore:

  1. Basic Modular Cabinets:

For a basic modular kitchen cabinet setup in Bangalore, you can expect to spend around INR 50,000 to INR 1,50,000. This range usually includes standard material options and simple finishes which are of minimal aesthetic and functional value.

  1. Mid-Range Modular Cabinets:

If you are looking for a mid-range modular kitchen cabinet with better material quality and more design options, the cost can range from INR 1,50,000 to INR 3,50,000. This range offers a wider selection of finishes, hardware, and accessories.

  1. High-End Modular Cabinets:

For those seeking high-end modular kitchen cabinets with premium materials, finishes, and customization features, the cost can go beyond INR 3,50,000. Customized designs, imported materials, and advanced hardware and accessories options contribute to the higher price range. High-end modular cabinets are often made with luxury materials such as solid wood or high-quality laminates. They also offer more customization options, allowing homeowners to create a unique and personalized kitchen space. Additionally, the advanced hardware and accessories available in this price range provide enhanced functionality and durability.

It’s important to note that the above cost ranges are approximate and can vary based on multiple factors, including the brand, design complexity, and additional customization requirements.

 When planning a custom-made modular kitchen, understanding the factors that influence kitchen cabinet costs is crucial. By considering the material selection, cabinet size and layout, hardware and accessories, as well as finishes and surface treatments, you can make informed decisions that align with your budget and design preferences. Whether you opt for basic modular cabinets or go for high-end customization, investing in quality cabinets will enhance the functionality and aesthetics of your kitchen for years to come. 


Small Patio Design and Landscaping Ideas for Your Home from Interior Designers

December 09, 2023

small patio design and landscapingWhen it comes to outdoor spaces, even a small patio can be transformed into a beautiful and inviting oasis. With the right design and landscaping ideas, you can maximise the potential of your small patio and create a cosy retreat to relax and entertain. Let’s explore some expert tips and creative ideas from designers to help you make the most of your small patio space.

Define Your Purpose

Before diving into the design process, it’s important to determine how you want to use your small patio. Is it primarily for dining, lounging, or gardening? Understanding the purpose will guide your design decisions and ensure that the space is functional and tailored to your needs.

Optimise Vertical Space

When working with a small patio design, vertical space becomes invaluable. Consider using wall-mounted planters, hanging baskets, or trellises to add greenery and create a lush atmosphere without sacrificing valuable floor space. Vertical gardens not only maximise the use of space but also add visual interest and texture to your patio.

Choose the Right Furniture

Selecting the appropriate furniture is crucial when designing a small patio. Opt for compact and multifunctional pieces that can be easily folded or stacked when not in use. Bistro sets, folding chairs, and benches with built-in storage are excellent choices for small patios. Additionally, consider using furniture with light-coloured cushions or open-weave designs to create an illusion of more space.

Maximising Space with Multifunctional Furniture

Designers often emphasise the importance of multifunctional furniture in small spaces. Invest in pieces that serve dual purposes, such as a storage ottoman that can also be used as a coffee table. Folding chairs and tables are also excellent choices, providing flexibility when you need to create more space for entertaining.

Create Zones

Dividing your small patio into distinct zones can make it feel larger and more organized. Designate separate areas for dining, lounging, and gardening, using different flooring materials, rugs, or planters to visually separate the spaces. This zoning technique not only adds functionality but also creates a sense of depth and dimension.

Incorporate Lighting

Well-planned lighting can transform your small patio into a magical retreat, extending its usability into the evening hours. Consider installing string lights, lanterns, or solar-powered path lights to create a warm and inviting ambiance. Lighting fixtures can be strategically placed to highlight architectural features, plants, or seating areas, adding both beauty and functionality to your patio.

Colour Palette and Patterns

Designers often play with colour and patterns to visually expand small spaces. Choose a light colour palette for furniture and accessories to create an illusion of openness. Incorporate patterns in cushions, rugs, or wall decorations to add visual interest without overwhelming the space.

Embrace Vertical Privacy

Privacy can be a concern when designing a small patio in close proximity to neighbouring properties. To create a sense of seclusion, consider using tall potted plants, trellises with climbing vines, or bamboo screens. These vertical elements not only provide privacy but also add a touch of natural beauty to your outdoor space.

Use Mirrors and Reflective Surfaces

Mirrors and reflective surfaces are excellent tools for visually expanding a small patio. Placing a mirror strategically can create an illusion of depth and make the space appear larger. Reflective surfaces, such as glass tabletops or metallic accents, can also bounce light around and add a sense of openness to the area.

Incorporate Water Features

The soothing sound of water can enhance the tranquilly of your small patio. Consider adding a small water feature, such as a tabletop fountain or a wall-mounted spout, to create a calming atmosphere. Water features not only provide auditory pleasure but also act as focal points, adding a touch of elegance to your outdoor space.

Designing a small patio requires careful planning and creative thinking. By incorporating these expert tips and ideas from designers, you can transform your limited outdoor space into a stylish and functional retreat. Remember to define your purpose, optimise vertical space, choose the right furniture, create zones, incorporate lighting, embrace privacy, use mirrors, and consider adding water features. With a little imagination and attention to detail, your small patio can become a haven of relaxation and enjoyment.

A Home Interior Project in Kannur, Kerala: Crafting Dreams into Reality

December 01, 2023

A Dream Home Interior Project in Kannur Kerala In the picturesque town of Kannur, Kerala, lies a home that stands as a testament to dreams turned into reality. Mr. Faisal and Mrs. Mufshira, our esteemed clients, embarked on a journey to transform their living space into a haven that reflected their unique style and catered to their specific needs. With our team of expert designers, we set out to create a home interior project that not only captures their vision but also exceeds expectations.

Design Philosophy

Our design philosophy for this home interior project in Kannur is centred around a meticulous selection of details that would bring forth a cohesive and personalised space. Every aspect, from furniture designs and decor to the overall layout and colour scheme, was carefully chosen to create a harmonious living environment. The result is a home that not only boasts aesthetic appeal but also seamlessly integrates functional elements for practical living.

Living Spaces

The living rooms and dining area stand as reflections of Mr. Faisal and Mrs. Mufshira’s unique personalities. Carefully curated furniture pieces, thoughtfully selected decor items, and a play of colours create an ambiance that is both inviting and stylish. The spaces are designed not just for function but to inspire and resonate with the homeowners’ lifestyle. The interior design revolves around a lighter colour palette, strategically chosen to promote openness and welcome natural light into every corner of the home. The furniture arrangement in the living room encourages conversation and relaxation, with comfortable seating options and a cozy fireplace as the focal point. The dining area, on the other hand, features a large table that can accommodate gatherings with family and friends, making it a perfect space for entertaining.

Stylish and Functional Kitchen

The heart of any home, the kitchen, has been meticulously designed to marry style with functionality. Ample kitchen organisers ensure a clutter-free environment, while the overall aesthetic elevates the culinary experience. The result is a kitchen that seamlessly combines practicality with a touch of modern flair. The sleek countertops and high-end appliances add a luxurious touch to the space, while the ample storage solutions keep everything within easy reach. Whether it’s preparing a quick weekday meal or hosting a dinner party, this stylish and functional kitchen is sure to impress both homeowners and guests alike.

Cosy and Comfortable Bedrooms

bedrooms kannur homeThe bedroom design ideas in this Kannur home are designed to be sanctuaries of comfort. Contemporary decor features, carefully selected furnishings, and an emphasis on creating a cosy ambiance showcase our commitment to detail. Each bedroom is a retreat—a personal space that invites relaxation and tranquilly. The use of soft, neutral colors and plush bedding adds to the overall sense of tranquility, while large windows allow for plenty of natural light to fill the space.

This home interior project was done by experienced interior designers in Kannur who have seamlessly turned  dreams into reality. Through a meticulous blend of design aesthetics, functionality, and attention to detail, we have created a home that not only meets the specific needs of our clients but also exceeds their expectations. As we celebrate the completion of this project, we take pride in knowing that we have crafted a living space that truly reflects the essence of Mr. Faisal and Mrs. Mufshira’s unique style and requirements.

Festive Transitions: Holiday Decor Ideas That Work From Thanksgiving to Christmas

November 25, 2023

holiday decor ideas for thanksgiving and christmasThe air is crisp, and the scent of cinnamon and pine fills our homes. As we approach the holiday season, it’s time to transform our living spaces into warm and inviting havens. What’s even better? Decorating your space seamlessly from Thanksgiving to Christmas creates a cosy atmosphere that lasts throughout the entire festive season. Here are some holiday decor ideas to carry you through from the turkey feast to the joyous Christmas morning.

Thanksgiving Tablescapes: A Foundation for the Season

Thanksgiving kicks off the holiday season, and a beautifully set dining table is the heart of the celebration. Start with a neutral tablecloth or runner as a base. Add autumnal touches like pumpkins, gourds, and rustic candles. Consider using versatile elements like metallic accents that can transition well into the Christmas season.

Warm Lighting: Creating a Cosy Ambiance

Invest in warm, ambient lighting fixtures that creates a cosy and intimate atmosphere. Fairy lights, candles, and soft glowing lanterns not only enhance the Thanksgiving vibe but also seamlessly transition into the enchanting ambiance of Christmas.

Natural Elements: Timeless and Versatile

Incorporate natural elements like pinecones, twigs, and dried leaves into your decor. These elements evoke the essence of fall during Thanksgiving and seamlessly blend with winter greenery as Christmas approaches. Consider creating a charming centrepiece or wreath for the Thanksgiving table.

Versatile Wreaths: A Doorway to the Holidays

As a holiday decor opt for wreaths that can adapt to the changing seasons. Start with a wreath featuring autumn leaves and berries for Thanksgiving. As December approaches, add small ornaments or bows to transform your home into a Christmas-ready masterpiece.

Neutral Colour Palette: A Canvas for Change

Stick to a neutral colour palette with accents of gold, silver, or copper. Neutrals not only complement the warm tones of Thanksgiving but also provide a timeless backdrop for the vibrant colours of Christmas decorations.

Layered Textiles: Cosy and Adaptable

Invest in throw blankets and pillows in warm tones for Thanksgiving. As Christmas approaches, layer on festive reds, greens, and whites. This simple switch can instantly transform your living room from fall comfort to winter cheer.

Thanksgiving Tree: A Unique Tradition

Embrace a new tradition with a Thanksgiving tree. Decorate it with personalised gratitude notes, fall-themed ornaments, and small trinkets. After Thanksgiving, repurpose the tree with Christmas decorations for a seamless transition.

Dining Room Decor: From Harvest Feasts to Christmas Dinners

Choose versatile custom-made dining room decor that complements both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Consider a centrepiece with interchangeable elements—fall leaves and pumpkins for Thanksgiving, and ornaments or fairy lights for Christmas. You can get in touch with an interior designer to craft the perfect space your home.

Adaptable Mantel Decor: A Focal Point

Create a mantel display that evolves with the season. Start with autumn leaves and acorns, then add miniature stockings, twinkling lights, and ornaments as Christmas approaches. This focal point ties the room together and sets a festive mood.

Culmination with Christmas Tree Magic

A classic Christmas tree is the epitome of holiday decor. Opt for a neutral tree base adorned with Thanksgiving-themed ornaments initially. As the days draw closer to Christmas, introduce a second wave of decorations, transforming your tree into a Christmas masterpiece.

This holiday season, let your home tell a story of gratitude and joy that seamlessly transitions from the warmth of Thanksgiving to the enchantment of Christmas. Embrace the spirit of the season with decor that evolves as seamlessly as the changing leaves outside.

How to Properly Accessorize Your Coffee Table: A Guide to Stylish and Functional Decor

November 17, 2023

coffee tableThe coffee table is often the centerpiece of a living room, and accessorizing it properly can elevate the overall look and feel of your space. It’s not just about adding decorative items; it’s also about creating a balance between style and functionality. In this blog post, we will explore some tips and ideas to help you accessorize your coffee table in a way that enhances your home’s aesthetic while serving practical purposes.

Start with a Clean Canvas

Before you begin accessorizing your coffee table, clear your coffee table of any clutter or unnecessary items. Start with a clean slate to give yourself a better idea of the available space and avoid an overcrowded look.

Consider the Scale and Proportions

When selecting accessories, keep in mind the size and shape of your coffee table. Choose items that are proportional to the table’s dimensions. For instance, a large coffee table can accommodate bigger and taller pieces, while a smaller table may require more delicate or compact accessories.

Create Height and Layers

Add visual interest to your coffee table by incorporating items of varying heights. This will create depth and dimension. A simple way to achieve this is by using books or decorative boxes as a base and layering smaller objects on top. Consider incorporating a mix of heights, such as candles, vases, or sculptures.

Play with Texture and Materials

Mixing different textures and materials can add richness and diversity to your coffee table arrangement. Incorporate elements like wood, metal, glass, ceramics, or textiles. For example, a wooden tray can provide a rustic touch while a metallic centerpiece adds a modern flair.

Add Greenery or Fresh Flowers

Plants and flowers breathe life into any space. Consider placing a small potted plant, succulent, or a vase of fresh flowers on your coffee table. Not only do they add a pop of color, but they also bring a sense of freshness and natural beauty.

Balance with Negative Space

When you accessorize your coffee table, avoid over-cluttering your coffee table. Negative space is just as important as the accessories themselves. Allow some breathing room between objects to create a balanced and visually pleasing arrangement.

Consider Functionality

While aesthetics are essential, don’t overlook functionality. Think about how you use your coffee table and what items you frequently reach for. Incorporate practical elements like coasters, a decorative tray to corral remotes or small items, or a stylish storage unit for magazines or books.

Reflect Your Personality and Style

Your coffee table is an opportunity to showcase your personality and style. Choose accessories that resonate with you and reflect your taste. Whether it’s a collection of vintage items, travel souvenirs, or family heirlooms, let your coffee table tell a story about who you are.

Accessorizing your coffee table is a creative and enjoyable way to enhance your living space. Remember to strike a balance between decorative elements and negative space, and talk with your interior designer; and always infuse your personal style into the design. With these tips and ideas, you’ll be well on your way to creating a beautifully accessorized coffee table that elevates the overall aesthetic of your home.


How to Rock a Two-Colour Combination for Bedroom Walls

November 11, 2023

How to Rock a Two-Colour Combination for Bedroom WallsPlanning to elevate your bedroom’s aesthetic with a bold and stylish update? Embracing a two-color combination for your bedroom walls can add depth, character, and an element of surprise to your space. Whether you’re drawn to the classic elegance of navy blue paired with crisp white, or the calming harmony of sage green complemented by a soft blush tone, we will guide you through the art of rocking a two-color scheme like a pro.

Understanding the Psychology of Colors

Color psychology plays a crucial role in interior design, especially when it comes to bedroom walls. Different colors evoke specific emotions and moods, impacting the overall ambiance of the space. For instance, blue is often associated with tranquility and serenity, making it an excellent choice for creating a calming atmosphere in the bedroom. On the other hand, vibrant hues like red or yellow can add energy and warmth to the room, making them ideal for creating a cozy and inviting feel. Understanding the psychological effects of colors will help you make informed decisions when choosing a two-color combination for your bedroom walls.

Choosing the Right Color Combination for Your Bedroom

Before diving into specific color combinations, take the time to assess your personal preferences and the existing decor in your bedroom. Consider the mood you want to establish and the existing color palette of your furnishings, bedding, and accessories. If you prefer a soothing and cohesive look, opt for complementary colors that sit opposite each other on the color wheel, such as blue and orange or green and red. For a more dramatic effect, contrasting colors like black and white or navy and mustard can create a bold and contemporary statement on your bedroom walls.

It’s also crucial to take into account the size and natural light in your bedroom. Darker colors can make a large room feel cozier, while lighter colors can open up a smaller space. Additionally, the orientation of your bedroom can affect how colors appear throughout the day. North-facing rooms may benefit from warmer tones to counteract the cooler light, while south-facing rooms can handle cooler tones without feeling too stark. By considering these factors, you can narrow down the options and select a two-color combination that complements your personal style and enhances the overall ambiance of your bedroom.

Two-Color Combination Ideas for Bedroom Walls

When it comes to two-color combinations for bedroom wall decor, the possibilities are endless. Whether you prefer a timeless and sophisticated look or a playful and modern aesthetic, there are numerous combinations to suit every taste. For a classic and elegant feel, consider pairing deep navy blue with a crisp white or soft ivory. This combination creates a sense of depth and sophistication, making it ideal for traditional or contemporary bedroom designs. If you’re aiming for a serene and calming atmosphere, combining a soothing sage green with a delicate blush pink or muted coral can evoke a sense of tranquility and understated luxury in your bedroom.

For those who enjoy a more vibrant and eclectic style, experimenting with bold color pairings like emerald green and mustard yellow or royal blue and tangerine can inject personality and energy into your bedroom decor. These striking combinations can be used to create eye-catching feature walls or to delineate different zones within the room, adding visual interest and depth. By exploring a variety of two-color combinations, you can find the perfect balance that resonates with your design vision and reflects your unique personality.

Tips for Painting Two-Color Combinations

Achieving a seamless and professional-looking two-color combination on your bedroom walls requires attention to detail and technique. To ensure a flawless result, consider the following tips when painting your chosen color duo. When transitioning between the two colors, use a small angled brush to create clean edges and prevent color bleeding. Take your time to ensure that the lines are straight and precise, as this will contribute to the overall polished look of the design. If you’re painting a geometric pattern or a specific design with the two colors, use stencils or painter’s tape to achieve crisp and intricate shapes.

It’s also important to maintain a consistent paint application throughout the entire process, avoiding uneven coverage or visible brush strokes. For a professional finish, apply two coats of each color, allowing sufficient drying time between coats. This will enhance the richness and depth of the colors while ensuring a uniform appearance. Additionally, invest in high-quality paint and tools to achieve the best results, as superior products and equipment can make a significant difference in the final outcome. By following these painting tips and techniques, you can bring your chosen two-color combination to life with precision and finesse.

Accentuating the Two-Color Combination with Decor

Once your two-color combination has been expertly painted on the bedroom walls, it’s time to enhance the visual impact with carefully curated decor and accessories. Consider incorporating textiles, artwork, and decorative elements that complement the chosen color scheme while adding depth and texture to the space. For example, if you’ve opted for a navy blue and white combination, introduce throw pillows, bedding, and curtains in coordinating patterns and textures to create a cohesive and inviting atmosphere.

For a two-color combination featuring bold and vibrant hues, balance the intensity with neutral or metallic accents to prevent the space from feeling overwhelming. Metallic accents like gold or brass can add a touch of luxury and sophistication, while neutral elements such as natural wood or woven textiles can provide warmth and balance. By layering different textures and finishes, you can elevate the visual interest of the room and create a harmonious blend that showcases your two-color combination in its best light. Remember to strike a balance between the colors and textures to ensure a polished and cohesive look that exudes style and personality.

Lighting Considerations for Two-Color Bedroom Walls

Proper lighting is essential for showcasing the beauty of a two-color combination on bedroom walls. The right lighting can enhance the depth and vibrancy of the colors while creating a welcoming and inviting ambiance. Natural light can accentuate the hues and nuances of the chosen colors, so consider maximizing the use of natural light by opting for sheer or light-filtering window treatments. This will allow the colors to be illuminated by sunlight, bringing out their full potential and creating a dynamic visual impact.

In addition to instilling natural light in your home, artificial lighting plays a crucial role in highlighting the two-color combination. Incorporate a mix of ambient, task, and accent lighting to create layers of illumination that showcase the walls and the surrounding decor. Wall sconces, pendant lights, and table lamps can be strategically positioned to draw attention to the painted walls and create a captivating interplay of light and shadow. By carefully considering the lighting design in your bedroom, you can ensure that your two-color combination is always presented in the best possible light, day or night.

Professional Help for Two-Color Bedroom Wall Designs

While painting a two-color combination on bedroom walls can be a rewarding DIY project, some homeowners may prefer to enlist the expertise of professional painters or interior designers. Professional painters can ensure precise and flawless application of the chosen colors, especially when dealing with intricate designs or patterns. They have the skills and experience to create seamless transitions between the two colors, achieving a polished and professional finish that elevates the overall aesthetic of the bedroom.

Interior designers can provide valuable insights and creative input when selecting a two-color combination that aligns with your design vision and complements the existing decor. Their expertise in color theory and spatial planning can help you achieve a cohesive and harmonious look that reflects your personal style. Whether you choose to collaborate with professional painters, interior designers, or both, seeking expert assistance can streamline the process and guarantee exceptional results that exceed your expectations. With their guidance, you can confidently bring your vision of a stunning two-color combination to life and transform your bedroom into a captivating sanctuary of style and sophistication.


How to Clean and Care for Your Sofa: Tips from Professionals

November 03, 2023

How to Clean and Care for Your Sofa Tips from ProfessionalsYour sofa is not just a piece of furniture; it’s a cozy haven where you relax, unwind, and spend quality time with loved ones. To ensure that your sofa stays in pristine condition and lasts for years to come, proper cleaning and care are essential. We’ll share some valuable tips from professionals on how to clean and care for your sofa.

  1. Vacuum Regularly

Regular vacuuming is crucial to remove dust, dirt, and debris that can accumulate on your sofa’s surface. Use a soft brush attachment to gently vacuum all the nooks and crannies, including the cushions and crevices. This will not only keep your sofa looking clean but also prevent the build-up of allergens. 

  1. Check the Manufacturer’s Guidelines

Before you begin any cleaning process, always check the manufacturer’s guidelines for your specific sofa option. Different materials and fabrics require different cleaning methods. The guidelines will provide instructions on what cleaning products and techniques are safe to use without damaging the fabric. It is important to follow these guidelines to avoid voiding any warranties or causing irreversible damage to your sofa. The manufacturer’s guidelines may also provide tips on how to treat specific stains or spills that may occur on your sofa. 

  1. Spot Cleaning

Accidents happen, and spills are inevitable. When a spill occurs, it’s important to act quickly. Blot the stain with a clean cloth or paper towel to absorb as much liquid as possible. Avoid rubbing, as it can push the stain deeper into the fabric. Use a mild detergent or a specialized upholstery cleaner recommended for your sofa’s fabric to gently clean the affected area. Always test the cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn’t cause any discoloration.

  1. Professional Cleaning

Even with regular vacuuming and spot cleaning, it’s recommended to have your sofa professionally cleaned at least once a year. Professional cleaning services have the expertise and equipment to deep clean your sofa, removing embedded dirt, stains, and odors. They can also help revitalize the fabric, making your sofa look and feel like new. Professional cleaning services use specialized techniques and products that are specifically designed to clean different types of upholstery fabrics. They can also provide additional treatments such as stain protection to prolong the lifespan of your sofa and keep it looking fresh. 

  1. Protect from Sunlight

Direct sunlight can fade and damage your sofa’s fabric over time even if it is in the living room. To protect it, position your sofa away from direct sunlight or use curtains or blinds to block the harsh rays. If it’s not possible to avoid sunlight entirely, consider using protective covers or throws when the sofa is not in use. These covers or throws can act as a barrier between the sunlight and the fabric, preventing fading and damage. Additionally, regularly rotating the cushions and flipping them over can help distribute any potential fading more evenly across the entire sofa. 

  1. Rotate Cushions

To ensure even wear and tear, rotate the cushions regularly. This will prevent certain areas from becoming more flattened or worn out than others. Fluff and plump the cushions regularly to maintain their shape and provide optimal comfort. 

  1. Avoid Sharp Objects

Be mindful of sharp objects near your sofa, such as keys or pets’ claws. They can snag or tear the fabric, causing permanent damage. Use caution when moving furniture around the sofa to avoid scratching or bumping it against hard surfaces. Additionally, consider placing a protective cover or blanket over the sofa when not in use to further prevent any accidental damage. If you have pets, it may be helpful to trim their nails regularly to minimize the risk of them scratching the fabric. 

  1. Use Armrest and Seat Covers

If you have pets or children, consider using armrest and seat covers to protect your sofa’s fabric from spills, stains, and pet hair. These covers are removable and washable, making them an excellent investment for maintaining the cleanliness and longevity of your sofa. 

By following these clean and care tips from professionals, you can keep your sofa looking and feeling fresh for years to come. Regular vacuuming, spot cleaning, professional cleaning, protecting from sunlight, rotating cushions, avoiding sharp objects, and using covers are all effective ways to clean and care for your sofa. Remember, a well-maintained sofa not only enhances the aesthetics of your home but also provides a comfortable and inviting space for you and your loved ones to enjoy. 

Common Floor Plan Mistakes When Building a Home and How to Avoid Them

October 27, 2023

Common Floor Plan Mistakes When Building a Home and How to Avoid Them

Building a home is an exciting and fulfilling experience. It allows you to create a space that perfectly suits your needs and reflects your personal taste. However, in the process of designing your floor plan, it’s important to be aware of common mistakes that can have a significant impact on the functionality and flow of your home. Let’s discuss some of the most common floor plan mistakes when building a home and provide tips on how to avoid them.

Ignoring the Importance of Natural Light

One of the biggest mistakes homeowners make is not paying enough attention to natural light when designing their floor plan. Insufficient or poorly placed windows can result in dark and gloomy interiors. To avoid this, take into consideration the position of the sun throughout the day and strategically place windows to maximize natural light in each room. Consider incorporating skylights or light tubes as well.

Overlooking Traffic Flow

Traffic flow refers to the movement of people within a space. It’s important to consider how people will navigate through your home to ensure efficient and comfortable movement. Avoid creating narrow corridors or obstructed pathways that may impede foot traffic. Ensure that doorways and hallways are wide enough, and position rooms in a way that allows for a logical and seamless flow from one area to another.

Lack of Proper Storage Space

Insufficient storage space is a common mistake that can lead to clutter and a lack of organization in your home. When designing your floor plan, plan for ample storage areas such as closets, built-in shelves, and cabinets. Consider incorporating storage solutions that utilize vertical space, such as floor-to-ceiling cabinets, to maximize the available area.

Not Considering Future Needs

When building your home, it’s important to think not only about your current needs but also about your future requirements. Consider factors such as potential growth of your family, aging in place, or accommodating guests. Incorporating flexible spaces that can be easily converted or repurposed, such as a home office that can later be transformed into a nursery or guest bedroom, can save you from costly renovations down the road.

Neglecting the Flow of Rooms

The layout and flow of rooms are crucial to creating a functional and harmonious home. Avoid placing bedrooms next to noisy areas such as the kitchen or living room. Consider the proximity of the kitchen to the dining area to ensure ease of serving and a smooth transition between spaces. Take care to design a logical and intuitive flow between rooms to enhance the overall functionality of your home.

Underestimating the Importance of Privacy

Privacy is a vital consideration when designing your floor plan. Overlooking privacy concerns can result in uncomfortable living situations. Ensure that the new bedroom design and bathrooms have adequate separation from common areas. Plan the placement of windows to avoid direct views into neighboring houses. Carefully evaluate the positioning of rooms that require privacy to create a comfortable living environment.

Not Including an Entrance Lobby

An entrance lobby is an essential feature that sets the tone for your home and creates a welcoming atmosphere for guests. One common floor plan mistake is overlooking the inclusion of an entrance lobby or foyer. Without a designated space for the entryway, the main door may open directly into a living area, creating a lack of privacy and leaving no room for receiving guests. To avoid this mistake, allocate a separate area near the entrance for an entrance lobby. This space can serve as a transition zone between the outdoors and the interior, providing a place to greet guests, store coats and shoes, and create a favorable first impression of your home.

Not Opening Enough Windows

Windows play a crucial role in a home, providing natural light, ventilation, and a connection to the outdoors. However, one common floor plan mistake is not opening enough windows or not strategically placing them. Insufficient windows can result in dark, gloomy spaces that lack fresh air circulation. When designing your floor plan, consider the placement and size of windows carefully. Incorporate windows in each room to maximize natural light and provide cross ventilation. Pay attention to the orientation of your home to ensure that windows capture desirable views and make the most of natural daylight.

Not Considering Furniture Proportions

Furniture is an integral part of a home, and it’s important to consider its proportions when designing a floor plan. One common mistake is overlooking the size and scale of furniture in relation to the room’s dimensions. If the furniture is too large or too small for the space, it can create an imbalance and make the room feel cramped or empty. To avoid this mistake, measure your furniture and plan the room layout accordingly. Allow sufficient space for comfortable movement and ensure that furniture pieces complement the overall design and functionality of the room.

Overlooking Site Conditions and Aspects

The site conditions and aspects of your property have a significant influence on the design of your floor plan. Neglecting to consider these factors can lead to suboptimal living spaces. For example, failing to account for the direction of prevailing winds may result in poorly ventilated areas. Similarly, disregarding the natural topography or views offered by the site can diminish the overall appeal of your home. When designing your floor plan, take into account the site’s features, such as the slope, vegetation, neighboring structures, and scenic vistas. By aligning your design with the site conditions and aspects, you can create a home that harmonizes with its surroundings and maximizes its natural attributes.

By being aware of these common floor plan mistakes when building your home, you can save yourself from future frustrations and ensure that your space is functional, comfortable, and meets your specific needs. Collaborating with an experienced architect or designer can also be invaluable in avoiding these pitfalls and creating a well-designed floor plan. Remember, careful planning and attention to detail during the design stage will lead to a home that you can enjoy for years to come.  


10 Quick and Easy Diwali Decoration Ideas for Your Home in 2023

October 20, 2023

Diwali decoration ideasDiwali, the festival of lights, is a time when homes are adorned with vibrant colors, sparkling lights, and beautiful decorations. It’s all about creating an ambiance that radiates joy and positivity. If you’re looking for quick and easy Diwali decoration ideas to spruce up your home this year, you’ve come to the right place! Here are 10 ideas that will add a touch of festivity and create a warm and inviting atmosphere for your celebrations:

Rangoli Designs

Start by creating stunning Rangoli designs at your entrance or in your hallway. These intricate and colorful patterns made with powdered colors, flower petals, or rice flour are not only mesmerizing but also considered auspicious. Let your creativity shine as you design unique Rangolis that reflect your style and personality. 

String Lights

There’s no denying the charm of string lights during Diwali. Hang them on your windows, balconies, or wrap them around pillars for an instant festive glow. Opt for warm white lights or go bold with vibrant multicolored ones to create a magical ambiance that will mesmerize your guests. 

Paper Lanterns

Add a whimsical touch to your Diwali decor with paper lanterns. These delicate and ethereal decorations can be hung from ceilings or placed on tables. Choose lanterns in different sizes, shapes, and colors, and watch as they create a captivating play of light and shadows in your home.

Diya Decor

Diwali is incomplete without the traditional diyas (oil lamps). Place these beautiful and ornate lamps around your home to symbolize the victory of light over darkness. Arrange them on windowsills, countertops, or even create a stunning centerpiece with a collection of diyas.

Flower Arrangements

Flowers always bring a touch of freshness and beauty. Make stunning flower arrangements using marigolds, roses, and other seasonal flowers. Place them in vases or use them to create garlands to adorn your doorways, staircases, and windows. The vibrant colors and sweet fragrance of the flowers will add a festive atmosphere to your home, creating a welcoming ambiance for your guests. Additionally, you can also incorporate floating candles or fairy lights into the flower arrangements to enhance the overall visual appeal. 

Toran – Door Hangings

Adorn your entrance with attractive torans or door hangings made of flowers, beads, or fabric. These Diwali decoration ideas  not only add a festive touch but also signify good luck and prosperity. Choose bright and vibrant colors that make a statement and set the tone for your Diwali celebrations. Consider using torans or door hangings that feature traditional Diwali symbols such as diyas (oil lamps) or Om symbols to add a cultural touch to your decorations. Hang them at different heights to create visual interest and make a lasting impression on your guests. 

Candle Decor

Candles instantly create a warm and cozy atmosphere. Use decorative candle holders, arrange them in clusters, or create a beautiful candle centerpiece on your dining table. Scented candles will add a delightful fragrance to your home, completing the sensory experience. 

Embellished Curtains

Give your windows a festive makeover by adding embellished curtains or drapes. Choose fabrics with intricate embroidery, sequins, or mirror work to infuse a touch of glamour and elegance into your home’s decor. These embellished curtains will not only add a festive touch to your windows but also create a luxurious and sophisticated ambiance in your living space. The intricate details and shimmering elements will catch the light and make your home feel even more inviting during the holiday season. 

Wall Hangings and Artwork

Brighten up your walls with colorful and vibrant tapestries, wall hangings, or artwork depicting traditional Diwali motifs. These artistic pieces will bring life to your interiors and serve as conversation starters during your celebrations. Not only will these wall hangings and artwork add a festive touch to your home, but they will also showcase your appreciation for Indian culture and traditions. The intricate designs and vibrant colors will create a visually stunning backdrop for your Diwali festivities. 

Pooja Unit Decoration

Create a dedicated pooja (prayer) corner in your home. Decorate your pooja unit with idols or figurines of deities, fresh flowers, and a beautifully adorned pooja thali. This corner will serve as a sacred space where you can offer prayers and seek blessings during Diwali. You can also add traditional diyas or candles to create a serene and peaceful ambiance in your pooja corner. This will enhance the spiritual atmosphere and make your prayers more meaningful during the Diwali celebrations. 

With these 10 quick and easy Diwali decoration ideas, you can transform your home into a festive haven that radiates joy and positivity. Embrace the spirit of Diwali, let your creativity flow, and enjoy the process of decorating your home for this special occasion.  


10 Ways Mirrors Can Transform Your Home’s Lighting and Space

October 14, 2023

transform your home

Mirrors are not just decorative pieces for your home; they are powerful tools that can enhance the lighting and space in any room. Whether you have a small apartment or a spacious house, strategically placing mirrors can create a sense of openness, improve natural light distribution, and add a touch of elegance to your living space. Let’s explore ten ways mirrors can transform your home.

Reflect Natural Light

Mirrors are excellent at amplifying natural light. Placing mirrors opposite windows or doors allows them to reflect sunlight into the room, brightening up even the darkest corners. This simple technique can make a significant difference, especially in rooms with limited access to natural light. 

Create Illusions of Space

If you have a small room that feels cramped, mirrors can work wonders. By strategically positioning mirrors on walls or doors, you can create the illusion of a larger space. The reflection makes the room appear more expansive and open, giving a sense of airiness and freedom. This technique is particularly effective in rooms with low ceilings, as the mirrors can visually extend the dimensions of the space. Additionally, using mirrors with decorative frames can also add a touch of elegance and style to the room’s overall aesthetic. 

Enhance Room Depth

Mirrors can add depth to any room, making it feel more spacious and inviting. By placing a mirror at the end of a hallway or on a focal wall, you can create a visual extension, making the space feel longer or wider. This can be particularly effective in narrow or small rooms, as it tricks the eye into perceiving more space than there actually is. Additionally, mirrors can also reflect natural light, further enhancing the sense of depth and brightness in a room. 

Highlight Architectural Features

Do you have a beautiful fireplace, a unique piece of artwork, or an architectural feature that deserves attention? Placing a mirror above or beside it can draw the eye and create a focal point. Mirrors can enhance the beauty of these elements and add a touch of sophistication to your home.

Multiply Light Sources

Strategically positioning mirrors near light fixtures, such as lamps or chandeliers, can multiply the amount of light in the room. The mirror reflects the light, spreading it across the space and creating a brighter and more vibrant atmosphere. This technique is especially effective in rooms with limited natural light, as it helps to compensate for the lack of sunlight. Additionally, the reflection of light can also make a small space appear larger and more open. 

Transform Dark Corners

Dark corners in your home can feel gloomy and uninviting. Adding mirrors to these areas can instantly brighten them up, as the reflective surface helps bounce light around the room. Consider placing a mirror in a dim hallway or a neglected corner to make it feel more welcoming.

Open Up a Narrow Space

If you have a narrow room, like a galley kitchen or a long hallway, mirrors can visually widen it. Hang mirrors on the side walls, and they will create an illusion of increased width, making the space feel more balanced and harmonious. Mirrors can also be strategically placed at the end of a narrow space to create the illusion of depth,  and transform your home making it feel more spacious and open. Additionally, choosing mirrors with decorative frames can add a touch of style and elegance to these areas, enhancing their overall aesthetic appeal. 

Make a Statement with Oversized Mirrors

Oversized mirrors are not only functional but also make a bold design statement. They can serve as a focal point while adding a sense of grandeur to a room. Hang a large mirror in your modern living room or dining area to create a stunning visual impact. The reflection from an oversized mirror can also help to amplify natural light, making the space appear brighter and more inviting. Additionally, the size of the mirror can create the illusion of a larger room, perfect for smaller spaces that need a boost in visual size. 

Reflect on Outdoor Views

If you’re fortunate to have a beautiful garden or an attractive outdoor view, position a mirror to capture and reflect that scenery. This technique brings the outdoors in, making the room feel more connected to nature and adding a sense of tranquility. The reflection of the outdoor views can also create the illusion of a larger space, making the room feel more spacious and open. This can be especially beneficial to transform your home if you have smaller rooms or apartments where natural light may be limited. 

Add Style and Elegance

Last but not least, mirrors are stylish accessories that can elevate the overall aesthetic of your home. Choose mirrors with unique frames or shapes that complement your interior design style. Most professional interior designers suggest that this can serve as decorative pieces that reflect your personality while enhancing the lighting and space in your home.

Mirrors are versatile additions to any home, capable of transforming the lighting and space in remarkable ways. By strategically placing mirrors, you can maximise natural light, create illusions of space, highlight architectural features, add elegance to your living environment and transform your home. Experiment with different sizes, shapes, and placements to discover the magical effects mirrors can have on your home. With a little creativity and thoughtfulness, you can unlock the full potential of mirrors and turn your house into a brighter, more inviting space.


Alleppey Home Interior: A Kerala Home Finds Modern Expression

October 06, 2023

At D’LIFE, we recently had the pleasure of working on a home interior project in Alleppey, Kerala. The family entrusted us with their dream of having a home where each room had its own visual and spatial mood, yet everything had to come together to be simple and elegant. We were excited to take on this challenge and create a space that surpassed their wildest expectations.

Design Plan

For this Alleppey home interior project, we chalked out a design plan that would allow each space to shine on its own while still coming together to create a cohesive whole. Our goal was to create a modern expression that imbued elegance, memories, and functionality. Here are some of the design elements we incorporated into the project:

Alleppey home interior (5) (1)Blend of Contemporary and Minimal:

We took inspiration from the sleek lines and clean aesthetics of contemporary design, while incorporating the simplicity and functionality of minimalism. This combination allowed us to create a space that felt both modern and timeless.  

Customised Furniture:

We designed and customised furniture pieces that were not only functional but also added to the overall aesthetic of the space. These custom pieces were tailored to fit the specific needs and style of the project, ensuring that every element in the space was cohesive and visually appealing. Additionally, by designing our own furniture, we were able to ensure high-quality craftsmanship and unique pieces that couldn’t be found elsewhere. 

Lighting Design:

We used lighting to highlight the unique features of each room and create a mood that was both relaxing and inviting. The strategic placement of different types of lighting fixtures, such as ambient, task, and accent lighting, allowed us to enhance the architectural details and focal points of the space. This not only added depth and dimension to the overall design but also created a warm and welcoming atmosphere for the occupants. 

Colors and Palete:

We carefully selected a color palette that complemented the overall design concept and created a cohesive look throughout the space. The use of soft, neutral tones helped to create a calming and serene environment, while pops of color were strategically incorporated to add visual interest and personality. The chosen colors also worked harmoniously with the lighting design, further enhancing the desired mood and ambiance of each room. 

The End Result

The end result was a space that was simple, elegant, and functional. Each room had its own unique character, yet everything came together to create a cohesive whole. The family was thrilled with the final result and felt that we had exceeded their expectations.


The living room of the home is right at the entrance. With its custom l-shaped sofas at the living room, cement-finished walls, and artefacts, the room has immense style and memories. Next to the living room is the dining space. A rectangular, six-seater black dining table, surrounded by matching chairs, occupies the heart of the room. The dining space is elegantly illuminated by a modern chandelier hanging above the table, adding a touch of sophistication to the room. The open layout of the living room and dining space creates a seamless flow, allowing for easy interaction and entertaining between family and guests.

Elegant Kitchen

Alleppey home interior (3) (1)The kitchen of this Alleppey home interior project features a combination of grey cabinetry and white countertops. A neutral tile backsplash cloaks the back wall, while a kitchen island defines the centre of the space. The island not only provides additional counter space but also serves as a breakfast bar with sleek bar stools. The stainless steel appliances and modern fixtures add a touch of sophistication to the kitchen, making it both functional and visually appealing.

Mesmerising Bedrooms

Alleppey home interior 1In keeping with the overall theme of the home, the bedroom interior ideas share similar schemes and structural profiles. In the master bedroom, a king-sized bed with a plush headboard takes center stage, complemented by elegant bedside tables and soft lighting fixtures. The room also boasts a spacious walk-in closet, an en-suite bathroom with modern fixtures, and a luxurious bathtub.

With wood-panelled walls and lighting, the second bedroom echoes the aesthetic of the master bedroom. It features a queen-sized bed, a cosy reading nook, and a large window that fills the room with natural light. The second bedroom also includes ample storage space, an attached bathroom with sleek finishes, and a spacious shower.

At D’LIFE home interiors, we take pride in creating spaces that are not only beautiful but also functional. Our goal is to create spaces that reflect the personality and lifestyle of our clients while still incorporating our own unique design elements. If you’re looking for a home interior design company that can help you create your dream space, look no further than D’LIFE.


How to Design a Room for Your Elderly Parents

September 29, 2023

How to Design a Room for Your Elderly ParentsAs our parents grow older, their needs and preferences change, and creating a safe, comfortable, and functional living space becomes important for their well-being. If you’re looking to design a room for your elderly parents, there are several key considerations to keep in mind. Here, we will provide you with some helpful tips on how to design a room that caters to the specific needs of your elderly parents.

Prioritise Safety

Safety should be the foremost concern when designing a room for elderly parents. Install grab bars in the bathroom and near the bed to assist with mobility. You can also get rid of the platform bed in your parents bedroom and opt for a heightened bed. This makes it easier for them to get into it. The standard approximate height of the bed will be 25 inches, but you make sure it suits your parents as this height tends to change with others. Also, ensure that the flooring is slip-resistant and remove any potential hazards, such as loose rugs or cluttered pathways. Having a slip-resistant mat ensures that your parents can move easily without any accidents. It also makes your elder parents’ room comfortable and cozy. Additionally, consider installing adequate lighting to minimise the risk of accidents.

Provide Easy Accessibility

Make sure that the room is easily accessible for your elderly parents. Opt for wide doorways and corridors that can accommodate walkers, wheelchairs, or other mobility aids. Place frequently used items within reach and organise the room in a way that minimises the need for unnecessary movement.

Opt for Comfortable Furniture

Choose furniture that offers comfort and support. Opt for chairs and sofas that have firm cushions and have proper backs and armrests. Consider using electric recliners that can assist with sitting and standing. Additionally, incorporate furniture with smooth, rounded edges to prevent any accidents or injuries. The furniture should be placed in such a manner that it is not too far away from the bed, and it should not obstruct their walking path. Do not add unnecessary furniture or decor. There should be a side table with drawers for medicines, a bedside lamp, and particularly, make sure that all the switches are easy to access.

Enhance Lighting and Visibility

A smooth surface or piece of furniture is not the only danger for your elderly parents. As our vision deteriorates with age, it becomes crucial to enhance the lighting in the room. Make use of bright, natural light and supplement it with task lighting where necessary. Install nightlights to aid in navigating the room during the night. You can also install guide lights in the room, making a path to their bathrooms in case they need to go to their bath or toilet at night. A night guide light will help them have a good vision of their floor, even if they don’t want to switch on the main lights. Additionally, use contrasting colour combinations to improve visibility, such as dark-coloured furniture against light-coloured walls.

Create a Relaxing Atmosphere

Create a soothing and calming atmosphere in the room. Opt for soft, neutral colours that promote relaxation. Use curtains or blinds that allow for proper control of natural light. Make sure you do not have loud patterns or prints and instead have warm, soft tones. Incorporate comfortable bedding, pillows, and blankets to ensure a good night’s sleep. Also, when installing items such as door handles and knobs, use lever handles and knobs that are larger in size and can be opened with minimal effort. This makes things comfortable for the elderly.

Consider Bathroom Modifications

The bathroom is a space that requires special attention in terms of safety and accessibility. To make the bathroom safe for the elderly, install a raised toilet seat or grab bars to aid in sitting and standing. Place non-slip mats in the shower or bathtub area to prevent slips. Consider adding a shower seat, wooden benches that do not have sharp edges in the bathroom, or a handheld showerhead for added convenience.

Utilise Smart Technology

Consider integrating smart technology into the room to enhance safety and convenience. Smart devices such as voice-activated assistants, motion sensor lights, and emergency call systems can provide added security and ease of use.

Designing a room for your elderly parents requires thoughtful consideration of their specific needs and preferences. By prioritising safety, accessibility, comfort, and visibility, you can create a space that promotes their well-being and independence.  With these tips in mind, you can design a room that not only meets their physical requirements but also provides a cosy and inviting environment for them to enjoy. If needed, get the help of an interior designer who will ensure a pleasant atmosphere for your elderly parents.  

An Interior Design Guide to Decorating Your Baby’s Room

September 23, 2023

Interior Design Guide to Decorating Your Baby's RoomDecorating your baby’s room is an exciting and joyful experience for any parent. From choosing the perfect color scheme to selecting furniture and accessories, creating a warm and nurturing environment is essential for both your baby’s well-being and your own peace of mind. In this interior design guide, we will explore various tips and ideas to help you transform your baby’s room into a haven of comfort, style, and functionality. Whether you prefer a minimalist aesthetic or a whimsical theme, we will provide practical advice on selecting eco-friendly products, incorporating sustainable materials, and creating a space that grows with your child. 

Select a Good and Safe Room

Selecting a good and safe room for your baby is of utmost importance when it comes to creating a nurturing and comfortable environment. Begin by choosing a room that is spacious enough to accommodate all the essential furniture and baby essentials without feeling cramped. Opt for a room that receives ample natural light, as it promotes a cheerful and healthy atmosphere. Additionally, consider the room’s proximity to the main living areas, as you would want to be within easy reach of your little one. When it comes to safety, prioritize selecting a room that is away from potential hazards such as stairs, sharp edges, or electrical outlets. It is also crucial to ensure proper ventilation and temperature control in the room to maintain a comfortable and safe environment for your baby. By carefully selecting a good and safe room, you can lay a solid foundation for creating a beautiful and functional space for your little one to grow and thrive.

Choose a Calming Colour Palette and Theme

A baby’s room should have a relaxing and calm colour palette. The room should have pleasant colours like sky blue, pink, green, white, etc. You can also choose to have a theme in your baby’s room. Consider a child-friendly theme like that of animals, fish, or cartoon characters. Make sure that the room is not too overwhelmed or loud with the colours and theme. Start with a colour pattern you really love and design around that. You can also go for teal, yellow, or grey, as well as natural shares like beige, wood, etc. None of us like direct sunlight. When it comes to your baby’s room, we recommend you use thick shades. This ensures that the room is cool throughout the day and offers good sleep regardless of the time of day.

Have Movable Furniture

Keep in mind that only readily moveable and kid-friendly furniture should be kept in the baby rooms. Having movable furniture in the baby’s room provides flexibility in rearranging the space as your child grows. Opt for lightweight and easily adjustable furniture pieces that can be easily shifted or repositioned to accommodate different needs and activities. This allows you to create different play zones or reconfigure the room layout as your baby reaches different developmental stages. Additionally, choosing furniture with rounded edges and childproof features ensures a safe environment for your little one, reducing the risk of accidents or injuries. You can get the help of an interior designer to incorporate the best furnishings for your baby’s room. 

Identify the Focal Point

Choosing the focal point is one of the main tricks to creating the perfect room. Even if you don’t want to, a wide window or a specific oversized object, such as a colourful mural or a statement piece of furniture, can serve as the focal point.

Laundry Baskets and Storage are Important

In a baby room, laundry baskets are a huge necessity. With baskets, you can store clothes and also place your baby toys. Additionally, maximising storage unit is crucial in a baby room to keep the space organised and clutter-free. Shelving units, bins, and baskets can be used to store diapers, wipes, blankets, and other essential items. By having designated storage areas, it becomes easier to find what you need quickly and maintain a tidy environment for both you and your baby.

Decorate the Ceiling

Babies spend a lot of time on their backs, so have calming colours or paintings on the ceiling. This can help create a soothing and visually stimulating environment for the baby. You can also consider incorporating hanging decorations that can capture their attention and provide visual stimulation while lying down.

Use Eco-friendly Products

Use eco-friendly products instead of chemical products. Organic blankets, dust-free carpets, and energy-efficient lighting, along with non-toxic paint and furniture, can create a safe and healthy environment for your baby. Additionally, incorporating sustainable and renewable materials into your baby’s nursery, such as bamboo or reclaimed wood furniture, can further reduce the environmental impact. Choosing organic cotton for bedding and clothing helps minimise exposure to harmful pesticides and chemicals. Consider using cloth diapers instead of disposable ones, as they are not only better for the environment but also gentler on your baby’s sensitive skin. You can also use cotton bibs when they have finally started having solid food. Installing low-flow faucets and showerheads can conserve water, while utilising natural cleaning products can minimise indoor air pollution. Finally, embracing a minimalist approach to baby items can reduce waste and clutter by focusing on essential and high-quality items that can be reused or passed on to other families. 

A Luxurious and Comfortable Home in Chennai: Sobha Gardenia

September 15, 2023

Mr. Venkatesh Seshan and his family wanted their home in Chennai at Sobha Gardenia to be a perfect blend of luxury and comfort. They contacted us to design their dream home in Chennai. We accepted the challenge and created a comfortable and luxurious home for them. Every corner of this home in Sobha Gardenia is thoughtfully designed with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that the interior exudes sophistication and luxury.

Living Room: Comfortable and Elegant

Home in Chennai Sobha Gardenia

The moment you enter this stunning home in Chennai at Sobha Gardenia through the 6-foot swing door, you are greeted with a stunning corridor adorned with custom cabinets. This sets the stage for functionality and elegance throughout the home. The family has two living spaces – one at the entrance for guests, and the second for their personal use. The family living room features a plush sofa set that exudes comfort. The stunning ceiling design and tasteful decor elevate the ambiance. The sleek and modern coffee table adds a contemporary touch to the space, while artificial plants and wall decor provide subtle yet interesting contrasts. The interior design of this home in Sobha Gardenia Chennai effortlessly blends modern aesthetics with timeless elegance, creating a truly captivating living space.

Dining Room: A Space to Savor

Home in Chennai Sobha Gardenia

A partition unit partially separates the family dining area from the family lounge. The six-seater dining table is elegant and comfortable, making it perfect for formal and casual gatherings alike. The dining room also connects to the open kitchen for easy access. The interior design showcases a seamless fusion of textures, colors, and materials, resulting in an ambiance that is both inviting and inspiring.

Kitchen: Thoughtful and Inviting

The island kitchen is perhaps one of the most striking features of this home. It provides ample counter space while also serving as a breakfast bar, making it perfect for quick meals or a leisurely conversation. The kitchen boasts state-of-the-art appliances and ample storage that ensures a seamless cooking experience.

Bedrooms: A Private Personal Space

Home in Chennai Sobha Gardenia

Each family member has their own unique preferences and personalities, which is why we designed their respective bedrooms to cater to their individual tastes. For the daughters’ shared bedroom, we created a neutral space adorned with crisp palettes and angular furniture to cater to their desires. The luxurious master bedroom offers a serene atmosphere, creating a stunning masterpiece that exudes opulence throughout.

Designing a home that achieves the perfect blend of luxury and comfort is no easy feat. However, for Mr. Venkatesh Seshan and his family, we managed to create their dream home with elegance and functionality in mind. From the entrance corridor to the master bedroom, every corner of this home exudes opulence and sophistication, while also being functional and comfortable. With its impeccable interior design,  this project in Sobha Gardenia is a testament to D’LIFE’s growing stature as luxury interior designers in Chennai. The interior project sets a new standard for luxurious living, providing residents with an environment that is as visually stunning as it is comfortable.



How to Create the Best Bedroom Layout

September 09, 2023

How to Create the Best Bedroom LayoutThe design and layout of your bedroom play a crucial role in creating a serene and comfortable space for rest and relaxation. A well-planned bedroom layout not only enhances the visual appeal of the room but also optimizes functionality and promotes better sleep. Lets explore some important considerations and tips to help you create the best bedroom interior designs that suits your needs and preferences.

  1. Assess Your Space:

Start by assessing the size and shape of your bedroom. Take measurements of the room and note any architectural features, such as windows, doors, or built-in elements. Understanding the dimensions and limitations of your space will guide your layout decisions.

  1. Plan Your Bed Placement:

The bed is the focal point of any bedroom, so it’s essential to choose the right placement. Consider positioning it against the longest wall without obstructing doors or windows. This placement opens up the room and allows for easier movement. If space permits, leave room for bedside tables or storage units.

  1. Determine Traffic Flow:

Creating a bedroom layout that promotes smooth traffic flow is crucial for convenience. Ensure easy access to the bed from all sides and provide ample space to move around furniture. Avoid obstructing pathways with bulky items to maintain a spacious and functional layout.

  1. Incorporate Adequate Storage:

To maintain a clutter-free bedroom, integrate sufficient storage solutions in your layout. Utilize closet space efficiently, or consider adding wardrobes, dressers, or under-bed storage units. Built-in shelves or floating shelves can provide additional storage without taking up floor space.

  1. Consider Natural Light and Privacy:

Strategically plan your bedroom layout to maximize natural light and privacy. Position the bed away from direct sunlight to prevent discomfort or disturbing glares. Use curtains, blinds, or window treatments to control light and ensure privacy when needed.

  1. Create Functional Zones:

If your bedroom serves multiple purposes, consider creating functional zones within the layout. Reserve a dedicated area for a workspace, reading nook, or a seating area, depending on your needs. Use furniture or rugs to differentiate these zones and establish a cohesive and organized bedroom layout.

  1. Focus on Ergonomics:

Ergonomics play a crucial role in promoting comfort and better sleep quality. Choose a mattress, pillows, and bedding that suit your preferences and provide adequate support. Position reading lights and bedside tables at the appropriate height to ensure convenience and ease of use.

  1. Incorporate Proper Lighting:

Lighting can greatly influence the atmosphere and functionality of a bedroom. Combine ambient lighting, such as overhead fixtures or recessed lights, with task lighting for specific activities like reading or working. Consider installing dimmers to adjust the lighting according to different needs and moods.

  1. Emphasize Symmetry and Balance:

To create a visually pleasing bedroom layout, emphasize symmetry and balance. Use matching bedside tables, lamps, or artworks to achieve a harmonious aesthetic. This creates a sense of calm and order in the space, enhancing relaxation.

  1. Experiment with Colors and Textures:

Colors and textures can significantly impact the ambiance of a bedroom. Opt for soothing and calming hues, such as soft neutrals or cool blues, to create a serene environment. Incorporate textures through bedding, curtains, rugs, or accent pieces to add depth and warmth to the space.

Designing the best bedroom layout requires careful consideration of various factors. By assessing your space, incorporating proper storage, promoting functionality, and focusing on comfort, you can create a bedroom that truly reflects your style while providing a haven for rest and rejuvenation. Remember, personal preferences and needs should guide your choices, so feel free to adapt these tips to suit your unique requirements. If you need professional help, get an interior design team to do things for you. 


11 Living Room Ceiling Ideas You’ll Wish You’d Known Sooner

August 25, 2023

Living Room Ceiling IdeasWhen it comes to designing the perfect living room, we often focus on the furniture, wall colors, and flooring. However, one often overlooked element that can truly transform the look and feel of a space is the ceiling. A creatively designed ceiling can add a touch of elegance, drama, or even a sense of spaciousness to your custom-made living room. In this blog, we will explore 11 living room ceiling ideas that will inspire you to reimagine this often neglected area of your home.

Coffered Ceilings

Coffered ceilings are a classic choice for adding sophistication and architectural interest to your living room. These ceilings feature recessed panels bordered by beams, creating a grid-like pattern. Coffered ceilings can be customized to match the style of your living room, whether it’s traditional, contemporary, or somewhere in between.

Tray Ceilings

Tray ceilings are an excellent option for adding depth and visual interest to your living room. These ceilings feature a central raised area, often in the shape of a rectangle or a square, while the perimeter remains at a lower height. Tray ceilings can be enhanced further with decorative molding or ambient lighting, creating a luxurious and inviting atmosphere.

Exposed Beams

For a rustic or industrial charm, consider exposing the beams in your living room ceiling. Exposed wooden beams add warmth, character, and a sense of history to the space. You can leave the beams in their natural state or paint them to match your living room’s color scheme.

Vaulted Ceilings

Vaulted ceilings are perfect for creating an open and spacious feeling in your living room. These ceilings feature a steep upward slope, creating a sense of grandeur and vertical space. Vaulted ceilings work exceptionally well in rooms with large windows, allowing natural light to flood the space.

Stenciled or Patterned Ceilings

Add a touch of whimsy and artistic flair to your living room by stenciling or incorporating patterns on your ceiling. From intricate designs to simple geometric shapes, stenciled or patterned ceilings can become a stunning focal point. Consider using metallic paints or soft hues to create a subtle yet eye-catching effect.

Suspended Ceilings

Suspended ceilings, also known as drop ceilings, are a practical and versatile option for living rooms. These ceilings consist of a grid system with lightweight panels that hang below the main ceiling. Suspended ceilings offer easy access to electrical wiring, plumbing, and ductwork, while also providing an opportunity to incorporate recessed lighting or soundproofing materials.

Fabric Ceilings

For a touch of elegance and softness, consider installing a fabric ceiling in your living room. Stretch fabric systems allow you to create a seamless and beautifully textured ceiling. This option is particularly suitable for homeowners seeking to improve acoustics or hide imperfections in the original ceiling surface.


Introduce an abundance of natural light and a connection to the outdoors by incorporating skylights into your living room ceiling. Skylights not only brighten up the space but also offer a stunning view of the sky. They can be strategically positioned to highlight specific areas or architectural features within the room.

Mirrored Ceilings

For those who want to make a bold statement, mirrored ceilings can be an intriguing choice. Mirrored ceilings create an illusion of depth and reflect light, making the living room appear more spacious. However, it’s essential to use this option judiciously, as excessive use of mirrors can create an overwhelming effect.

Cove Lighting

Cove lighting involves installing hidden light fixtures along the perimeter of the ceiling. This indirect lighting technique creates a soft, warm glow that enhances the ambiance of your living room. Cove lighting can be combined with other ceiling designs, such as tray ceilings or suspended ceilings, for a dramatic effect.

Painted Ceilings

Sometimes, a simple coat of paint can work wonders in transforming your living room ceiling. Instead of sticking to traditional white, consider using bold or contrasting colors to add drama and personality to the space. Darker colors can create a cozy and intimate atmosphere, while lighter shades can make the room feel more open and airy.

Your living room ceiling doesn’t have to be a forgotten canvas. By exploring these 11 ceiling ideas, you can elevate the overall design and ambiance of your living room. Whether you prefer a timeless appeal or a contemporary look, with the help of an interior design team, there’s a lot of ceiling ideas to suit every style and taste. Embrace creativity, experiment with different materials, and let your living room ceiling become a captivating feature that leaves a lasting impression on all who enter your home.

14 Bedroom Essentials You Can’t Live Without

August 18, 2023

14 Bedroom Essentials You Can't Live Without A bedroom is an essential space in any home. It is a place where you can relax, unwind, and recharge after a long day. To make your bedroom decoration truly comfortable and functional, there are certain essentials that you can’t live without. From a comfortable mattress to cosy bedding, these items will ensure a good night’s sleep. Consider this your guide to bedroom essentials.

Bedside Tables

Bedside tables are actually important. They offer incredible storage, can help with organisation, and also add great aesthetics to the space if done right. You can keep things like your favourite book, an alarm clock, tissues, and other essentials nearby.

Lamps and Lighting

Lighting fixtures are everything in a bedroom. Having good lighting is essential for creating a cosy and inviting atmosphere. Consider adding a combination of overhead lighting, bedside lamps, and task lighting to ensure that you have the perfect amount of light for any activity in your bedroom. Additionally, dimmer switches can provide flexibility and allow you to adjust the lighting to suit your mood.


A mattress is a huge investment. Make sure you find the right one for you that offers a sleep guarantee. We do have many types of markets to choose from, like innerspring mattresses, foam mattresses, hybrid mattresses, etc. You can head to a store and find the one that suits you. A lot of stores now allow you to return the mattress if you don’t like it within a few days after purchasing it.

Full-length Mirrors

Make getting ready in the morning easier with full-length mirrors. Mirrors are a necessary and super-functional addition that makes any space gorgeous. They not only serve as a practical tool for checking your outfit, but they also create the illusion of a larger space and enhance the overall aesthetic. Whether you prefer a sleek and modern design or a vintage-inspired frame, full-length mirrors are the perfect finishing touch for any room.


A rug is a really good addition, no matter what style or theme you have in your home. Adding a rug in your room not only adds warmth and comfort, but it also helps to define the space and tie all the elements together. Whether you prefer a bold pattern or a neutral tone, there is a rug out there that will perfectly complement your home decor.

Wall Decor

Wall decor is a personal preference and can be anything from paintings to wall hangings. It adds personality and character to your space, allowing you to showcase your unique style. Additionally, wall decor can also serve as a conversation starter and create a focal point in any room.


A dresser is an indispensable storage solution for keeping your bedroom organised and clutter-free. It offers ample space to store and neatly arrange your clothes, accessories, and personal belongings. With its multiple drawers and compartments, a dresser ensures that everything has its place, making it easier to find what you need when getting ready in the morning. Beyond its functional benefits, a well-chosen dresser can also enhance the visual appeal of your bedroom, becoming a stylish focal point that you simply can’t live without.


A cosy quilt is a bedroom essential that adds both style and comfort to your sleeping space. Whether it’s a lightweight quilt for the summer or a thick, insulating one for the winter, it adds an extra layer of warmth and cosiness to your bed. With its soft and inviting texture, a quilt invites you to snuggle up and relax, ensuring a restful night’s sleep. Moreover, a quilt can serve as a decorative element, adding a pop of colour or pattern that complements your bedroom decor. Its versatility and ability to provide comfort make a quilt an essential item that you’ll cherish in your bedroom.


Floating shelves offer extra storage and are both functional and aesthetic. The floating shelves can be used to store some of your items, such as decor or accessories. They can also be used to display your favourite books or plants, adding a touch of personality to the room. Additionally, floating shelves can help maximise the use of vertical space, making your room feel more organised and spacious.


Keeping your things organised is so important. A proper storage system will help you easily find and access your belongings whenever you need them. It can also save you time and reduce stress by eliminating the frustration of searching for misplaced items. Additionally, a well-organised space can create a sense of calm and clarity, allowing you to focus on other tasks or activities without the distraction of clutter.

Throw Pillows and Sheets

Throw pillows come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. You can choose from a wide variety of cushions with different pops of colour for your space. to feel luxurious It is important to pick bed sheets that are soft and comfortable. It is effortless and offers great comfort.

Window Curtains

Curtains are definitely essential to a bedroom, as they limit the amount of light that gets in the room. They also offer aesthetics and give you privacy while cozying up a room. Window curtains also help regulate the temperature in a room by blocking out draughts and keeping heat or cold air from entering.


To liven up a space and add simple decor, add plants. Plants are an excellent idea to bring a touch of nature indoors and create a calming atmosphere. They not only add a pop of greenery but also help purify the air and improve overall well-being. Additionally, plants can be easily switched out or rearranged to change the look and feel of the room whenever desired.

Bed Frame

A sturdy and well-designed bed frame is a crucial bedroom essential that provides the foundation for a good night’s sleep. It not only supports your mattress and prevents it from sagging but also adds aesthetic appeal to your bedroom decor. Bed frames come in various styles, materials, and sizes, allowing you to choose the one that complements your personal taste and suits your bedroom’s overall theme. With a reliable bed frame, you can enjoy comfortable and restful sleep every night, making it an indispensable part of your bedroom.

The key to styling a bedroom is including all the essentials that make it the most relaxing sleeping chamber. With these essential elements, you can create a serene and inviting atmosphere. If you still need help, consider taking the help of an expert interior designer who can help you choose things for creating the perfect space that complement your personal taste and suit your bedroom’s overall theme.


The Ultimate Guide to Estimating Kitchen Remodeling Costs: Tips from the Experts

August 12, 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Estimating Kitchen Remodeling Costs Tips from the ExpertsPlanning a kitchen remodeling project can be an exciting but daunting task. From choosing the right materials to ensuring everything stays within your budget, there are numerous factors to consider. That’s why we’ve put together “The Ultimate Guide to Estimating Kitchen Remodeling Costs: Tips from the Experts” to help you navigate through the process. Here, we have gathered insights from industry experts who have years of experience in kitchen renovations. 

Whether you’re looking to transform your kitchen into a modern culinary haven or simply want to refresh its appearance, our guide will provide you with the knowledge and tools to accurately estimate your remodeling costs. No matter your level of experience or budget, our guide will empower you to plan and execute your dream kitchen remodel with confidence.  

Determine Your Priorities

Before getting into the details, it’s essential to determine your priorities for the renovation. What do you want to achieve with your new kitchen? Is it more space, more light, more storage, or better functionality? Knowing your priorities will help you allocate your budget systematically and prevent overspending on unnecessary features.

Plan Your Layout

The layout of your kitchen is a critical factor in determining the costs of your remodel. A simple layout modification, like placing the sink or refrigerator in a different spot, can affect the overall design and functionality of the space. Consider whether you want to keep the current layout of your kitchen or opt for a more open and spacious concept. Working with a professional designer can help you determine the optimal layout while keeping cost factors in mind.

Choose Your Materials Wisely

Materials are an essential factor in determining the cost of your kitchen renovation. While you may be tempted to go for high-end luxury materials, they may not always be practical from a budget standpoint. Instead, focus on choosing materials that offer a balance between durability, functionality, and style. For example, instead of custom-made cabinets, consider pre-fabricated cabinets or cabinet refacing to save costs.

Think About Appliances

Upgrading your kitchen appliances can give your space a fresh look, enhance functionality, and boost energy efficiency. However, appliances can also be a significant expense in your remodeling budget. Determine which appliances you need to replace and which ones you can keep. Consider energy-efficient models that can save you money in the long run. You may also want to consider the cost of installation and any necessary electrical or plumbing upgrades.

Be Clear on Electrical, Plumbing, and Other Systems

While upgrading your kitchen, you may need to make changes to your electrical, plumbing, or HVAC system. These updates can significantly increase your renovation costs, but they may be necessary to ensure that your new kitchen runs smoothly. Make sure to work with a licensed contractor who can provide accurate cost estimates for these systems.

Set a Realistic Timeline

A kitchen renovation can take several weeks or even months, depending on the scope of work. Setting a realistic timeline and ensuring timely completion can help you avoid additional costs. Plan your renovation project well in advance and allow sufficient time for any required permitting, product lead times, and construction.

Set Aside a Contingency Budget

No matter how well you plan, unexpected costs can arise during a kitchen renovation. Setting aside a contingency budget of about 10-15% of the total renovation cost can help you manage any unforeseen expenses. This buffer can provide peace of mind and ensure that you don’t overspend on your renovation.

This comprehensive guide offers essential considerations for evaluating best practices when estimating anticipated costs for your home improvement project. Once you think you’ve got a rough estimate locked down, introduce yourself to an interior designer.  An interior designer works through all your requirements and issues an estimate you will be dealing with and can help you through the project an by following these guidelines, you can work towards the fruitful completion of your interior project and the fulfillment of your long-held aspirations, making your dreams come true. 

7 Outdated Rules You Can Break When Decorating Small Spaces

August 04, 2023

Decorating Small SpacesWhen it comes to decorating small spaces, there are often a lot of rules and guidelines that people follow to make the most of the limited space. However, as design trends evolve, some of these rules have become outdated and can actually hinder your creativity. In this blog post, we will explore 7 outdated rules that you can break when decorating small spaces, allowing you to infuse your personal style and make the most of your compact area.

  1. Not Mixing Patterns

Traditionally, it was believed that mixing patterns in a small space could make it feel overwhelming and chaotic. However, breaking this rule can actually add visual interest and personality to your small space. Experiment with mixing different patterns on your curtains, throw pillows, and rugs. Just remember to choose patterns that complement each other in terms of color and scale to create a cohesive look.

  1. Keeping Everything Monochromatic

In the past, it was often recommended to stick to a monochromatic color scheme when decorating small spaces. While this can create a sense of continuity, breaking this rule can add depth and dimension to your space. Consider incorporating pops of color or contrasting shades to create visual interest. You can do this through accent walls, colorful furniture, or bold accessories that can serve as focal points in your small space.

  1. Only Miniature Furniture

Many people believe that small spaces should only be furnished with miniature furniture to avoid overwhelming the space. However, breaking this rule can actually create a more comfortable and functional environment. Instead of limiting yourself to small-scale furniture, opt for pieces that are appropriately sized and proportioned to your space. This can include a statement sofa or a larger dining table, as long as they are strategically placed to maintain a good flow in the room.

  1. Using a Single Area Rug

In the past, it was common to use a single area rug to define a space in a small room. However, breaking this rule can visually divide your space, making it appear larger and more dynamic. Experiment with layering rugs of different sizes and textures to create distinct zones within your small space. This can help create visual interest and add warmth to your overall design.

  1. White Walls

White walls have long been considered a go-to choice for small spaces to create an illusion of openness and brightness. However, breaking this rule can actually add personality and warmth to your small space. Don’t be afraid to experiment with bold or dark-colored walls to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Just be sure to balance it with lighter-colored furniture and accessories to prevent the space from feeling too heavy.

  1. Recessed Lighting

Recessed lighting has been a popular choice for small spaces as it doesn’t take up visual space and provides even illumination. However, breaking this rule can actually add character and drama to your small space. Consider incorporating pendant lights, wall sconces, or table lamps to create layers of lighting and highlight specific areas within the room. This can create a more intimate and visually appealing ambiance.

  1. Matching Furniture

In the past, it was common to match every piece of furniture in a small space to create a sense of cohesion. However, breaking this rule can add visual interest and personality to your design. Mix and match different styles, textures, and materials to create a curated and eclectic look. This can create a unique and personalized space that reflects your individuality.

Breaking outdated rules when decorating small spaces can help you unleash your creativity and make the most of your limited area. You can also consult and get the help of an interior designer, who can create a small space that is functional, visually appealing, and uniquely yours.  


These Are the House Amenities You Can Skip When Building a House

July 28, 2023

These Are the House Amenities You Can Skip When Building a HouseBuilding a house is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for most of us. And when building a house, we all wish to have the best amenities to make our lives comfortable and luxurious. However, while it is exciting to make plans for a home theater or a swimming pool, some amenities may end up being redundant, and you may realize that you don’t need them at all. In this post, we’ll help you identify the house amenities that you can skip when building a house.

Expensive Appliances

Most of us love to have an expensive kitchen with designer appliances. However, unless you are an avid chef or a passionate foodie, it’s not always necessary. You can opt for simpler appliances that will cater to your basic needs. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also have a functional kitchen without all the bells and whistles. You can always upgrade your kitchen later if you feel the need.

Home Theater

Home theaters are popular among movie enthusiasts who enjoy movie marathons with friends and family. While a home theater is a great addition to your home, it’s not a practical use of space and money if you don’t watch movies frequently. You can always set up a cozy corner in your living room with a surround sound system and a big screen television for your weekly movie nights.

Big Bathrooms

Big bathrooms with jacuzzi tubs and steam showers may sound ideal, but they are not always necessary. A standard-sized bathroom is perfectly functional and can free up extra space to be used in other areas of the house. Plus, a standard bathroom is more cost-effective to maintain and clean. In fact, a big bathroom may even feel overwhelming and require more time and effort to keep tidy. Additionally, opting for a standard-sized bathroom allows for more flexibility in terms of design and decor choices, as it can be easier to find suitable fixtures and fittings that fit within the space.

Walk-in Closet

A walk-in closet is a dream come true for many, but it’s not always necessary. If you don’t have a vast collection of clothes or shoes, a regular-sized closet will do just fine. You can always add extra shelving or hanging rods if necessary. Moreover, a smaller closet means you’ll have less clutter and more space in your bedroom.

Swimming Pool

A swimming pool is a luxury that’s expensive to build and maintain. Unless you are an athlete or use swimming as a daily exercise routine, a swimming pool is not a practical addition to your house. You can always enjoy public swimming pools in your area or join a local gym with a pool.

Building a house is a significant investment, and it’s important to make the right decisions to ensure that your house meets your needs and budget. Skipping some amenities can make a big difference in cost, space, and functionality. Before adding amenities to your design, think about their practicality and frequency of use. Remember, you can always add or upgrade amenities later. Get the help of an expert interior design team if you need assistance sorting things out for you. An interior designer will be able to find your personal preferences and cleverly create a bunch of new possibilities with the space.

Exploring the Key Factors That Influence the Cost of Building a House

July 22, 2023

factors that influence cost of building a house

Building a house requires significant planning and budgeting. When you decide to build a new home, you have to consider several factors that can impact its cost. Understanding these factors can help you make more informed decisions and stay within your budget. Let’s explore some of the key factors that influence the cost of building a house.


The location of your house plays a significant role in determining its cost. If you’re building in an area where land prices are high, such as a city or a popular neighbourhood, you can expect to pay more. Additionally, the cost of labour, materials, and permits also varies by location. Before you start building, research the cost of building in your desired location to make sure it fits within your budget.

Size and Design

The size and design of your house are also essential factors that influence its cost. A larger home will require more building materials, from the foundation to the roof, and will generally cost more. Similarly, a more intricate design can also add to the cost of building a house. Consider which features are essential for your lifestyle and what you can compromise on to keep costs down. For example, opting for a simpler and more streamlined design can help reduce construction costs. Additionally, carefully planning the layout and functionality of your home can help optimise space and minimise unnecessary square footage, ultimately saving you money on materials and construction expenses.

Building Materials

The type and quality of building materials used in your home can have a significant impact on its overall cost. Opting for high-end materials like marble or granite countertops, hardwood flooring, and custom cabinetry will undoubtedly add to the cost. On the other hand, choosing affordable yet durable materials can help reduce the total cost of construction. For example, opting for laminate countertops, vinyl flooring, and prefabricated cabinets can provide a more budget-friendly alternative without compromising on quality. Additionally, considering alternative building materials, such as recycled or sustainable options, can not only save you money but also contribute to a more eco-friendly home.

Contractor and Labour Costs

The cost of labour and contractors can vary depending on your location and the size of your project. If you’re hiring an architect, contractor, or other professional, their fees will also increase the cost of building your home. On top of that, the cost of labour, including electricians, plumbers, carpenters, etc., will also add to the total expenses. Always get multiple quotes from different contractors to compare costs before you choose who to work with.

Time of Construction

The timeline for your house’s construction is another factor that can impact the cost. If you require a quick turnaround, you may have to pay more for labour and materials to expedite the project. Similarly, building during peak construction periods, such as summertime, often means higher rates for contractors and labour. Additionally, unforeseen delays in the construction process can also increase costs. Factors such as inclement weather or issues with obtaining permits can prolong the project and result in additional expenses. Therefore, it is important to factor in potential time constraints and plan accordingly to avoid any unexpected financial burdens.

Building a house can be an exciting adventure, but it’s also a complex project that revolves around several variables. The costs involved can escalate quickly if you don’t have a clear understanding of what you’re getting into. By considering the factors discussed in this post, you can estimate the cost of building your home and make informed decisions to keep expenses in check. Remember to set realistic expectations and hire experienced professionals for the construction, and make sure to hire a well-experienced interior design team to ensure that your home is built to your vision without breaking the bank.


Choose the Right Type of Wallpaper for Home: The Ultimate Guide

July 14, 2023


When it comes to wallpaper, the options are endless. From traditional paper-based wallpapers to modern vinyl and fabric options, there’s something to suit every style and budget. Here are some of the most popular types of wallpaper available:

Vinyl Wallpaper

Vinyl wallpaper is a popular choice due to its durability and versatility. It is resistant to moisture, making it suitable for kitchens, bathrooms, and other high-humidity areas. Vinyl wallpaper is also easy to clean, as it can be wiped down with a damp cloth. It comes in a wide range of textures, patterns, and colors, allowing you to create various looks, from sleek and modern to textured and rustic.

Textured Wallpaper

Textured wallpaper adds depth and dimension to your walls, making them a focal point of the room. It comes in various textures, such as embossed, grasscloth, and fabric-inspired designs. Textured wallpaper is a great choice if you want to add visual interest to your space without using bold patterns or colors. It can create a subtle, sophisticated look that complements a wide range of decor styles.

Peel and Stick Wallpaper

Peel and stick wallpaper has gained popularity in recent years due to its ease of installation and removal. It is a self-adhesive type of wallpaper that can be easily applied to any smooth, clean surface. Peel and stick wallpaper is a great option for those who like to change their decor frequently, as it can be easily removed without damaging the walls. It comes in a wide range of designs, from classic to trendy, making it suitable for any style.

Grasscloth Wallpaper

Grasscloth wallpaper is made from natural fibers, such as grass, jute, or hemp. It is well known for its organic and textured appearance. The wallpaper adds warmth and visual interest to any space, making it a popular choice for living rooms, bedrooms, and dining areas. Grasscloth wallpaper is available in various colors and weaves, allowing you to create a unique and natural look in your home.

Foil Wallpaper

Foil wallpaper is a luxurious and glamorous option that adds a touch of elegance to any room. It features a metallic finish that reflects light, creating a shimmering effect on the walls. This type of wallpaper is often used in small doses as an accent wall or to highlight architectural features. It is best paired with neutral colors to create a sophisticated look or combined with bold patterns for a more dramatic effect.

Wallpaper Styles for Different Rooms in Your Home

Now that you have an understanding of the different types of wallpaper available, let’s explore how to choose wallpaper for different rooms in your home.

Living Room

The living room is often the central gathering space in a home, so it’s important to choose wallpaper that creates a warm and inviting atmosphere. Opt for wallpapers with soothing colors and soft textures to create a cozy and comfortable ambiance. Consider patterns and designs that complement your furniture and decor, and choose a wallpaper that adds visual interest without overpowering the space.


The bedroom is a sanctuary where you go to relax and unwind, so choose wallpaper that creates a calm and soothing environment. Soft, muted colors and subtle patterns can help to create a serene and restful atmosphere. Consider wallpapers with organic and nature-inspired designs to bring a sense of tranquility into the room.


The kitchen is a space where functionality is key, so choose a type of wallpaper that is durable and easy to clean. Opt for washable vinyl or peel and stick wallpapers that can withstand the rigorous cooking and food preparation. Consider kitchen designs that add a touch of personality and style to the space without overwhelming it.


The bathroom is a room where moisture is a concern, so choose wallpapers that are resistant to humidity and can withstand steam. Vinyl or moisture-resistant wallpapers are a good choice for bathrooms. Consider light and airy designs that create a fresh and clean look in the space.

Home Office

The home office is a space where you need to focus and be productive, so choose a type of wallpaper that create a conducive environment for work. Opt for wallpapers with clean lines and minimal patterns to create a clutter-free and organized look. Consider neutral colors that promote concentration and focus. If you need help with decorating your space, entrust an experienced interior designer . A designer will help you create the perfect space that not only enhances productivity but also reflects your personal style. 


A Guide to Selecting the Perfect Wallpaper for Your Home Interior

July 08, 2023

A Guide to Selecting the Perfect Wallpaper for Your Home Interiors

Are you looking to transform the look and feel of your home interiors? One of the easiest and most effective ways to achieve a stunning makeover is by choosing the perfect wallpaper. With an extensive range of colors, patterns, and textures available, selecting the right wallpaper can completely revamp your living space. But with so many options out there, where do you begin? Our comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of selecting the perfect wallpaper for your home interiors.

Factors to Consider Before Selecting Wallpaper

Room Size and Lighting:

The size of the room and the amount of natural light it receives are crucial factors to consider. In smaller rooms, opt for wallpapers with lighter colors and smaller patterns to create the illusion of space. Darker wallpapers can make a room feel more intimate and cozy, but they can also make it appear smaller. Similarly, in rooms with lots of natural light, you can experiment with bolder and brighter wallpapers, while in rooms with limited sunlight, lighter shades can help to brighten up the space.

Existing Decor and Furniture:

Take a look at the existing decor and furniture in the room. Consider the colors, patterns, and textures already present and choose a wallpaper that complements them. If you have furniture with bold patterns, opt for wallpaper with a more subtle design to avoid overwhelming the space. On the other hand, if your furniture is more neutral, you can use wallpaper as a statement piece to add visual interest and personality to the room.

Personal Style and Preferences:

Your personal style and preferences play a significant role in selecting the perfect wallpaper. Do you prefer a more traditional, modern, or eclectic look?, or do you prefer a more muted and subtle palette? Consider your personal taste and choose a wallpaper that resonates with you. Remember, you’ll be living with this wallpaper every day, so make sure it’s something you genuinely love.

Popular Wallpaper Patterns and Designs

Wallpaper patterns and designs can instantly transform a room, adding personality and character to your walls. Whether you prefer a classic and timeless look or a bold and contemporary statement, there’s a wallpaper pattern for every taste. Here are some popular patterns and designs to consider:


Geometric wallpapers are a popular choice for those who love a modern and minimalist aesthetic. They feature clean lines, shapes, and patterns that can create a sense of order and structure in a room. Geometric wallpapers are versatile and can be used in various spaces, from bedrooms and home offices to living rooms and kitchens. They can add a contemporary and sophisticated touch to your interiors.


Floral wallpapers are a timeless classic that can bring a touch of nature and romance to your interiors. From delicate and dainty flowers to bold and oversized blooms, there are endless options to choose from. Floral wallpapers can create a soft and feminine look in bedrooms and living rooms, or add a pop of color and vibrancy to a hallway or dining area.

Pastel Colors:

Pastel colors such as soft pinks, light blues, and pale yellows can create a soft and dreamy atmosphere in a room. They are often associated with a romantic and feminine aesthetic and can be used to create a cozy and calming ambiance. Pastel-colored wallpapers are a popular choice for bedrooms, nurseries, and other spaces where you want to create a soothing and relaxing environment.

Monochromatic Colors:

Monochromatic color schemes involve using different shades and tones of a single color. This creates a cohesive and harmonious look that is both sophisticated and visually pleasing. Monochromatic wallpapers can add depth and interest to a room without overwhelming the space. They are a great choice if you want a subtle and understated look that still makes an impact.


Striped wallpapers are a classic choice that can create a sense of movement and visual interest on your walls. Vertical stripes can make a room appear taller, while horizontal stripes can create the illusion of width. Striped wallpapers can be used in any room and can be combined with other patterns and designs for a layered and eclectic look.


Tropical wallpapers featuring lush palm leaves, exotic flowers, and vibrant colors can instantly transport you to a tropical paradise. They are a popular choice for creating a bold and statement-making look in living rooms, bedrooms, and bathrooms. Tropical wallpapers can add a sense of relaxation and vacation vibes to your interiors.

When choosing wallpaper for different rooms, consider the specific needs and requirements of each space. Think about the functionality of the room, the amount of natural light it receives, and the overall aesthetic you want to achieve. Get the help of an interior designer if you want a helping hand in selecting the perfect wallpaper that complements the existing decor and furniture. They can provide valuable insights and suggest options that align with your personal style and preferences. 

Marble or Granite Countertop. Which One to Choose for Modular Kitchen

July 07, 2023

Marble or Granite Countertop. Which one to choose for Modular kitchen
When it comes to choosing the perfect countertop material for your modular kitchen, two natural stones dominate the market: marble and granite. Both marble and granite have their unique characteristics and offer different benefits. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the differences between marble and granite countertops, considering factors such as durability, resistance to stains, maintenance, and overall aesthetic appeal.

Marble and Granite Countertops

Marble and granite are widely regarded as the most popular natural stone materials for kitchen countertops. While both materials have their merits, they also have distinct properties that make them suitable for different kitchen environments. Understanding the differences between marble and granite is crucial to making the right choice for your modular kitchen.

What is Marble?

Marble is a metamorphic rock formed from limestone that has been subjected to intense heat and pressure over time. Its unique beauty lies in the soft vein patterns that give it an elegant and luxurious appearance. However, marble is softer and more porous than granite, making it more susceptible to staining and damage.

What is Granite?

Granite, on the other hand, is an igneous rock composed of compressed grains of silica, quartz, feldspar, and mica. It has a dense speckled look and is available in various colors. Granite is known for its durability and resistance to chipping, cracks, and heat, making it an ideal choice for busy kitchen environments.

Differences between Marble and Granite Countertops

While marble and granite are both natural stones and share some similarities, they have distinct differences that should be considered when choosing a countertop material for your modular kitchen. Let’s explore these differences in more detail.

Appearance and Aesthetic Appeal

Marble countertops are renowned for their soft vein patterns and elegant look. The natural veining gives marble a unique and luxurious appearance that is often associated with high-end homes. On the other hand, granite countertops have a dense speckled look and are available in a wide range of colors, including blue, green, red, and more. The choice between marble and granite ultimately depends on your personal preference and the overall aesthetic you want to achieve in your modular kitchen.

Durability and Strength

When it comes to durability, granite countertops have the upper hand. Granite is one of the most durable natural stones, known for its resistance to chipping and cracks. It can easily withstand the demands of a busy kitchen environment. Marble, on the other hand, is softer and more prone to damage. It is not as resistant to chipping and cracks, making it less suitable for high-traffic areas.

Resistance to Stains

Granite countertops are highly resistant to stains, as long as they are properly sealed. The protective sealant prevents liquid spills from permeating the surface of the granite countertop, making it easier to clean and maintain. On the other hand, marble countertops are more porous and prone to staining. Liquids such as citrus fruit juices, vinegar, and even kitchen ingredients like turmeric (haldi), can easily stain marble countertops. It is important to take into consideration the potential for staining when choosing between marble and granite for your modular kitchen.

Maintenance and Care

When it comes to maintenance, granite countertops require moderate care compared to marble. Minor scratches on granite countertops can be easily filled with color-matching epoxy or resins, ensuring their longevity. Granite countertops need to be sealed approximately once every two years to maintain their resistance to stains and overall durability. On the other hand, marble countertops can only be polished after installation. Over time, marble may become dull and require republishing to restore its original shine. Additionally, marble countertops require more frequent sealing and careful maintenance to prevent staining and damage.

Slab Availability and Appearance

Both marble and granite countertops are available in the form of slabs. However, it’s worth noting that marble slabs are generally smaller in size compared to granite slabs. Therefore, more slabs of marble may be required to complete the same kitchen. Additionally, the appearance of both marble and granite can vary from slab to slab, as the colors and veining depend on the quarry from which they are cut. This variation allows for unique and individualized kitchen designs.

Stain Resistance and Maintenance

If stain resistance is a top priority for you, granite countertops are the better option. With proper sealing, granite countertops are highly resistant to liquid spills and stains, making them easier to clean and maintain. However, if you are willing to invest more time and effort in maintenance and are mindful of potential staining, marble countertops can still be a beautiful and functional choice.


Now that we have explored the differences and similarities between marble and granite countertop, it’s time to consider which material is the right choice for your modular kitchen. Choosing between marble and granite countertops for your modular kitchen ultimately depends on your personal preferences, budget, and requirements. If you need, get help from an experienced kitchen interior designer to guide you selecting the perfect countertop and styling your kitchen space.

7 Kitchen Decluttering Tips Every Homeowner Should Take Seriously

June 29, 2023

kitchen decluttering tips

The kitchen is the heart of any home. It is where we cook, eat, and spend quality time with our families. However, with all the cooking and eating that goes on in the kitchen, it can quickly become cluttered and disorganized. That’s why it’s important to take kitchen decluttering seriously. Here are some tips that every homeowner should follow to keep their kitchen organized and clutter-free:

  1. Start With a Plan

Before diving into decluttering your kitchen, it’s important to have a plan. Take a look at your kitchen and identify problem areas, such as overflowing cabinets or cluttered countertops. Then, make a list of tasks to tackle and set a realistic timeline for completing them. Identify the areas that need the most attention and create a timeline for tackling each area. This will help keep you on track and prevent you from becoming overwhelmed. 

  1. Clear Off Countertops

Countertops are one of the most common areas in the kitchen that become cluttered. Start by clearing everything off your countertops and only returning the items that are essential for daily use. Consider finding alternative storage solutions for items that are not used frequently. This will help create more space and make it easier to keep your countertops clean and organised.   

  1. Organise Your Pantry

A disorganised pantry can make it difficult to find what you need when you need it. Start by removing everything from your pantry and sorting it into categories. Invest in some pantry organisers, such as baskets or clear containers, to keep everything in its place. Label each container or basket to make it easier to find what you need. Consider using shelf risers to maximise vertical space and make items more visible. 

  1. Sort Through Your Cabinets

Kitchen cabinets can quickly become cluttered with dishes, glasses, and cookware. Sort through your cabinets and donate or sell items that you no longer use or need. Consider using cabinet organisers, such as shelf risers or pull-out drawers, to maximise your storage space. You can also group similar items together, such as all your baking supplies or coffee mugs, to make it easier to find what you need. Another helpful tip is to store your most frequently used items at eye level for easy access. 

  1. Utilise Vertical Space 

If you have limited counter and cabinet space, consider utilising vertical space. Install shelves or hanging racks to store pots, pans, and utensils. You can also use a magnetic strip to hold knives or a pegboard to hang kitchen tools. This will not only free up counter space but also make your kitchen look more organised and functional. 

  1. Keep Your Fridge Organised

A messy fridge not only looks unappealing but can also lead to food waste. Clean out your fridge regularly and keep it organised by storing like items together. Invest in some fridge organisers, such as egg holders or can dispensers, to make it easier to find what you need.

  1. Don’t Forget About Your Drawers

Kitchen drawers can become cluttered with utensils, dish towels, and other miscellaneous items. Sort through your drawers and donate or sell items that you no longer use. Use drawer organisers, such as dividers or trays, to keep everything in its place. This will not only make it easier to find what you need but also save you time when cooking or cleaning up. Remember to regularly clean out your drawers to prevent any buildup of dirt or grime. 

In conclusion, a cluttered kitchen can make it difficult to cook and enjoy your time in the heart of your home. By following these kitchen decluttering tips or with the help of an interior designer, you can create a more organised and functional space that you and your family will love spending time in.


Importance of Choosing an Interior Design Company With the Best After-sale Service.

June 29, 2023

When it comes to choosing an interior design company, most people focus on the quality of their design, work, and price. However, one aspect that is often overlooked is the after-sale service. After-sale service is the support and assistance provided by a company after a purchase has been made. In the case of an interior design company, it includes everything from installation to maintenance and repairs. Let’s discuss the importance of choosing an interior design company with the best after-sale service.

after sale service

1) Timely Repairs and Maintenance

An interior design company with the best after-sale service will provide timely repairs and maintenance. If something goes wrong with your design or installation, they will be there to fix it as soon as possible. This ensures that your space remains functional and beautiful for years to come.

2. Peace of Mind

Choosing an interior design company with the best after-sale service provides peace of mind. You can rest assured that if there are any issues with your design or installation, the company will be there to help you resolve them. This takes the stress and worry out of the process and allows you to enjoy your newly designed space without any concerns. Furthermore, a professional company also offers a warranty on the workmanship and materials used, giving you added peace of mind. This shows their commitment to providing high-quality services and ensuring customer satisfaction.

3. Quality Products and Workmanship

An interior design company that offers after-sale service is more likely to provide quality products. This is because they are invested in ensuring that their work meets your expectations and that you are satisfied with the final result. They will take the time to ensure that everything is installed correctly and that any issues are addressed promptly. In addition, a professional contractor will have the necessary skills, experience and workmanship to handle any unforeseen challenges that may arise during the project. This can save you time and money in the long run, as they will be able to quickly identify and resolve any issues without compromising the quality of their work.

4. Cost Savings

Choosing an interior design company with the best after-sale service can also save you money in the long run. If something goes wrong with your design or installation, the company will be there to fix it at no additional cost to you. This eliminates the need to hire another contractor to fix the issue, which can be costly. Furthermore, regular maintenance and check-ups provided by the service can prevent potential problems from occurring, ultimately saving you money on costly repairs or replacements. Investing in a reliable service can provide peace of mind and financial benefits in the long term.

5. Customer Satisfaction

An interior design company should be committed to customer satisfaction. They should understand that their success depends on the happiness of their customers, and they will go above and beyond to ensure that you are satisfied with their work. This includes providing excellent after-sale service to address any concerns or issues that may arise. Their team of trained professionals should always be available to answer any questions and provide assistance whenever needed.

In conclusion, choosing an interior design company with the best after-sale service is essential for a successful design project. It provides peace of mind, quality workmanship, timely repairs and maintenance, cost savings, and customer satisfaction. When choosing an interior design company, be sure to inquire about their after-sale service and choose a company that is committed to providing the best possible support and assistance.

Kitchen Island Mistakes You Should Avoid at All Costs

June 10, 2023

Kitchen Island Mistakes

Kitchen Island is a fantastic addition to have in your home. It is the main attraction in a home, it is a space where a flavorsome meal is prepared. When creating a kitchen island it is important to choose the right size and option and not make it wonky or disproportionate in any way. With our experience creating custom-made kitchens, here are some island kitchen mistakes you should avoid when making your home. 

Not Considering Kitchen Size

One of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to kitchen islands is choosing the wrong size. Size matters in the kitchen too. The same goes for walkways around it. If you have a small kitchen, a large island can make the space feel cramped and hinder movement. On the other hand, if your kitchen is spacious, a small island may look out of place and not serve its purpose effectively. It’s important to find the right balance between island size and kitchen size.

Forcing an Island

Another common mistake is not considering workflow when designing your kitchen island. Many of us think that the bigger the island in a kitchen, the better. However, an island is not a very practical solution if you have a small kitchen space. This happens when the homeowner tries to force an island into a small kitchen space without considering its layout. The solution to this is to make an L-shaped countertop rather than an island. This way, you still have the extra space for working, dining, and preparing meals. Additionally, choosing compact appliances and maximizing vertical storage can also help make the most of a small kitchen space. Another option is to consider removing unnecessary walls or adding windows to create the illusion of more space.

Ignoring Lighting

Proper lighting is essential for any kitchen, and this includes your kitchen island. Make sure to install task lighting above the island to provide adequate illumination for cooking and food preparation. Additionally, consider adding pendant lights or chandeliers to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your kitchen island. Not only will proper lighting improve functionality, but it can also create a warm and inviting atmosphere for family and guests to gather around during meals. Don’t underestimate the impact that lighting can have on the overall look and feel of your kitchen.

Wrong Surface Material

Picking a surface material for an island can be a daunting decision when there are so many materials to choose from. Incorporating materials such as granite or quartz into the countertop can add both style and durability to the space. However, choosing the wrong surface material can lead to problems such as scratches, stains, and even cracks. It is important to consider factors such as maintenance, cost, and overall aesthetics when selecting a surface material for your island.

No Breakfast Counter

A table and seating do make the island kitchen a true heaven. But if you expect socialization and the room doesn’t have enough space for the seating options, optimize them to include a breakfast counter within the kitchen island. This not only provides additional seating but also creates a designated area for casual dining. It’s also important to consider storage when designing your kitchen island, as it can quickly become cluttered without proper organization.

Not Hiring an Interior Design Team

With an interior design team, you can be confident you’ll get the perfect kitchen island that complements your kitchen design. They can help you choose the right materials, colors, and finishes that will enhance the overall look and feel of your kitchen. Moreover, an interior design team can also ensure that you do not commit any kitchen island mistakes and that your kitchen island is functional and meets your specific needs. They can help you optimize the storage space, add extra seating, or incorporate appliances into the island design. With their expertise, you can have a beautiful and practical kitchen island that will elevate your cooking and dining experience.


A Professional Guide to Choosing Paint for Kitchen Cabinets

June 02, 2023

paint for kitchen cabinets

Choosing the right paint for your kitchen cabinets can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it’s important to consider a few key factors before making your decision. First and foremost, you’ll want to think about the overall style and colour scheme of your kitchen. If you have a modern, minimalist space, you may want to opt for a sleek, high-gloss finish. On the other hand, if you have a traditional kitchen with warm wood tones and classic details, you need to have colours that reflect historical roots. If you’ve recently got a new home or are planning to remodel your kitchen, here’s a complete guide that can help you pick the right colours and finishes for your kitchen.

Cabinet Colours Based on Your Kitchen Design

In traditional kitchen designs, using creams, natural wood grain, and whites will always be a good idea. If you have a modern or contemporary kitchen, consider going bold with black, yellow, bright red, or dark blues. Do make sure that unless you’ve got ample ambient lighting in your kitchen that allows for plenty of natural light, you’ll want to choose cabinet colours in lighter shades. In such areas,  creams and whites are a great option as paint for kitchen cabinets. On the other hand, if you’ve got a large island kitchen, dark or light colours for those modular kitchen cabinet doors could make for a good choice. 

Wall Colour

For a fun pop of colour, go with lemon yellow or lime green for culinary aspirations. If you prefer a more subdued look, consider a light grey or beige to complement the cabinets. A bold navy blue can also add a touch of sophistication to the kitchen. When it comes to choosing the perfect colour for your kitchen, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, consider the amount of natural light that enters the space. Don’t forget to take into account the natural lighting in the room, as it can greatly affect how the colour appears. If you have large windows that let in a lot of sunlight, consider a lighter shade to avoid overpowering the space. On the other hand, if your kitchen is on the darker side, opt for a brighter hue to bring some life into the room. Avoid dark colors, as they shrink the kitchen’s size. Additionally, it’s important to choose a paint for kitchen cabinets that speaks to your personal style and complements the overall design of your kitchen.  Ultimately, choose a colour that speaks to your personal style and complements the overall design of your kitchen. 

Kitchen Backsplashes

Include interesting styles and textures in the backsplash. From mosaic tiles to patterned ceramics, the options are endless. You can consider a metallic finish for a modern touch or a natural stone for a rustic feel. Don’t be afraid to mix and match different materials to create a unique look. And don’t forget about the practicality of your backsplash; choose a material that is easy to clean and maintain. Lighting is also key to showcasing your backsplash, so make sure to install adequate lighting fixtures that highlight its beauty. With the right backsplash, your kitchen will become the focal point of your home. If you require help, consult a professional interior design company that can help with the kitchen interiors.


Tips for Designing a Nook for a Comfortable Breakfast

May 27, 2023

Designing a comfortable breakfast nook

Designing a comfortable breakfast nook requires careful consideration of several factors. Here are some tips if you are planning on designing a nook for a comfortable breakfast and create a relaxing atmosphere that is perfect for enjoying your favorite food or brunch.

Balance Cosy and Bright

The right colour palette can make your breakfast space as cosy as possible. Warm paint colours like cream, beige, or light yellow can create a soothing and inviting atmosphere. You can also add some pops of bright colour through accessories like a colourful tablecloth or vibrant placemats. When it comes to furniture, choose pieces that are comfortable and functional. A cosy armchair or bench with soft cushions can provide a comfortable seating option for your breakfast nook. Also, consider adding some natural elements like plants or flowers to bring some freshness and warmth to the space. Finally, don’t forget to add some personal touches like family photos or artwork to make the space feel more homey and welcoming. With these tips, you can design a breakfast nook that is both cosy and bright, perfect for starting your day off on the right foot!


Lighting is also important in creating a cosy atmosphere. Install dimmer switches or add some pendant lights to create a warm and inviting ambiance during breakfast time. Corner lamps or small pendant lights are a great option to keep things cosy. You can also adopt task lighting to provide a soft, ambient light. Incorporating small and compact storage solutions can help keep the space organised and clutter-free. Another way to make a small living room feel larger is by using light colours on the walls and furniture. Soft pastels or neutral tones can create a calming and open atmosphere.

Mirrors are also a great addition to any small space, as they reflect light and create the illusion of more space. When it comes to furniture, choose furniture pieces that are multi-functional, such as a sofa bed or ottoman with hidden storage. This will maximise the functionality of the room while minimising clutter. Finally, don’t be afraid to add some personality to your small living room with decorative accents such as throw pillows, rugs, and artwork. These finishing touches can make all the difference in creating a cosy and inviting space that feels like home. 

Make it Kid-friendly

If you have children or pets, make sure to create a space that is kid-friendly and safe for everyone. One way to do this is by going higher with your utensil and furniture placement, keeping fragile items out of reach and using childproof locks on cabinets and drawers. Additionally, consider using non-toxic and eco-friendly materials for any furniture or accessories that may come into contact with little hands or paws. By prioritising safety and fun, you can create a space that is enjoyable for the whole family.

To maintain a functional and inviting space, it’s important to keep it clean and organised. This can be achieved by regularly decluttering, dusting, vacuuming, and wiping down surfaces. Utilise storage solutions such as baskets, shelves, and cabinets to keep items neatly stored away when not in use. Labelling containers can also help you quickly find what you need without having to dig through a pile of clutter. Finally, establish a cleaning routine that works for you and your lifestyle to ensure that your space stays tidy on a regular basis.

Go Higher

By going higher and utilising vertical space, you can maximise the functionality of your area. If your breakfast counter is on the kitchen counter, incorporate bar stools  to create the perfect dining area. Use floating shelves or wall-mounted cabinets to store items and keep them off the floor.  If you need, get help from an experienced interior designer in designing a nook, the perfect breakfast spot and do the necessary arrangements. 

Carve Your Own Space

Whether it’s a cosy reading nook, a dedicated workspace, or the breakfast spot we’ve been talking about, Make sure you always carve out your own space with something that stands as a testament to your lifestyle or taste as you create a breakfast space that is uniquely yours. Consider installing floating shelves or hanging plants to add a touch of greenery and warmth to your space. And don’t forget about lighting—a statement pendant light or a sleek table lamp can make all the difference. When it comes to decor, choose pieces that speak to your personality and bring joy to your mornings. Remember, the key is to create a space that inspires you and sets the tone for the rest of your day. So go ahead, carve out your own space, and make it truly special!


How Designers Estimate Interior Design Costs for Homes in India

May 19, 2023

Interior Design Costs for Homes in India

When it comes to estimating interior design costs for a home, there are several factors that designers take into consideration. The size of the space, the scope of the project, and the level of customization all play a role in determining the final cost. Designers may also consider the type of materials and finishes that will be used, as well as any special features or installations that are required.

Factors That Contribute to Your Home’s Interior Design Cost

Interior design is an expensive affair. From choosing the right materials to choosing the perfect furniture and decor pieces, you’ll need to consider different aspects when it comes to controlling the cost. Whether you are looking for the interior design of a 2BHK or a 3BHK, here are some factors that will help you get the interior design cost right.

Scope of design

The scope of the design is the main factor that contributes to the home’s interior design costs. If you are looking forward to doing only the basic furnishing, say, the bed, kitchen, sofa, and dining set, the interior design cost will be lower. However, if you are doing a complete home interior, including the decor, it will cost more.


The size of the home also contributes to the interior design costs. Interior design for a 3 BHK home can cost more than interior design for a 2 BHK home. But again, it entirely depends on the requirements and the carpet area of the project. The larger the home, the more space there is to decorate, and therefore, the higher the cost. For example, interior design for a 3 BHK home can cost more than interior design for a 2 BHK home due to the additional space that needs to be decorated. However, it’s important to note that the cost ultimately depends on the requirements and carpet area of each project. A larger home with minimum requirements may not necessarily cost more than a smaller home with extensive requirements. 


The finishes and materials for the project will affect the cost of the interior design. The type of wood used in the furnishings and the laminates used are all factors. Things like tiles are generally cheaper than hardwood or marble flooring. Similarly, the type of paint used on the walls and ceilings can affect the cost. Oil-based paints are usually more expensive than water-based paints, but they also last longer and provide better coverage. The cost of accessories such as curtains, blinds, and lighting fixtures should also be taken into consideration. Opting for energy-efficient lighting fixtures may cost more initially but can save money in the long run. Ultimately, it is important to strike a balance between functionality, aesthetics, and budget when selecting materials for an interior design project.


The design cost also depends on the locality where the project is located. The cost of a project in a locality near the city or the interior designer will be less as the cost of sourcing an item and transporting all the furnishings and decor will be less when compared to a project site situated far off from its interior designer or factory where the furnishings and decor are being manufactured. The cost of sourcing and transporting furnishings and decor can have a significant impact on the overall budget of an interior design project.

Designer fee

Another important factor is the designer fee in the industry. While some designers may charge a flat fee for their services, others may charge an hourly rate or a percentage of the total project cost. When a designer is working on a project in the same city or region as their factory or supplier, they can often take advantage of lower costs due to proximity. This means that the final cost of the project can be significantly reduced, allowing for more flexibility in terms of design choices and materials.

Additionally, working with local suppliers can also help reduce lead times. This ensure that materials are readily available when needed. Overall, choosing an interior designer who is based in the same city or region as your project site can be a smart choice. This keep costs down while still achieving a high-quality design aesthetic. Some prominent interior design companies, like D’LIFE Home Interiors, do not charge designer fees. Such interior design companies only charge for the design project. So make sure you find a team like D’LIFE if you want to keep the costs low. 

Hiring an Interior Designer

We hope you have got an idea about the  interior design costs of homes in India; which eventually leads to the question: Is hiring an interior designer for your home worth it? Well absolutely, when it comes to designing your home, hiring an interior designer can be a smart investment. Not only can they help you achieve the look and feel you want, but they can also save you time and money in the long run.

By working with a designer based in the same city or region as your project site, you can ensure that they are always available when needed. Moreover, they will also have a good understanding of local resources and suppliers. This can help keep costs down while still achieving a high-quality design aesthetic. Additionally, an experienced designer can provide valuable insights into space planning, colour schemes, and materials that you may not have considered on your own. It’s important to work with a designer who is transparent about their pricing structure and can provide a detailed estimate. They should also align with your budget and vision for your home. Overall, if you want to create a beautiful and functional home that reflects your personal style, hiring an interior designer is definitely worth it.



How Abstract Interior Design Can Add New Dimension to Your Home’s Interiors

May 12, 2023

If you love abstract interior décor, and are ready to explore its space and color but you’re not sure where to start, here are some tips from the design experts.

What is Abstract Interior Design?

Abstract Interior Design for Your Home’s Interiors

The abstract design is inspired by abstract art and modern, retro, and minimalist design trends. The design style focuses on emphasising lines, colours, patterns, and shapes, where you get to showcase your personality with patterns, shapes, and unique statement pieces. What’s interesting about abstract interior design is that this decorating approach challenges the eye with its bold, eye-catching colours.

Abstract interior design also focuses on shapes and patterns, with asymmetrical lines and geometric shapes adding interest to the room. The use of textures is also important in this style, with materials like concrete, metal, and glass adding depth and dimension to the space. Another unique aspect of abstract interior design is the emphasis on art and sculpture. Bold pieces of art are often used as focal points in the room, with sculptures and other artistic elements adding visual interest throughout the space. This style encourages creativity and individuality, allowing homeowners to express their unique personalities through their home decor.

What Makes Abstract Interior Design Special 


Stylish and bold colours that still make the interiors look calm and serene are the highlight of having an abstract interior. Colours that are not commonly seen together are paired to create a unique and visually stunning space.  Overall, abstract interior design is a bold and exciting approach to decorating that can transform any space into a work of art. 


Abstract interior design usually means stepping outside the box. This type of design style reimagines ordinary furniture into something extraordinary. Instead of traditional shapes and colors, abstract furniture features unconventional lines, asymmetrical shapes, and vibrant hues. It’s all about creating a statement piece that stands out in a room. For example, an abstract coffee table with a unique shape and bold color can be the focal point of a living room. 


Abstract lighting fixtures are another way to incorporate abstract design into your home decor. These fixtures often feature geometric shapes or unusual materials like glass or metal wires. They can add an element of surprise to any room and create interesting shadows on the walls. 

Wall Art

Abstract wall art is a popular choice for those who want to express their creativity through their home decor. From colorful paintings to modern sculptures, there are endless options for incorporating wall art into your space. It’s important to choose pieces that complement the overall color scheme and style of your room. 


Adding attention-grabbing geometric patterns in your living room or bedrooms is another way to bring abstract interior design to your home. This involves challenging patterns with textiles and bold colours. They not only add visual interest but also make a space feel special. 


Finally, accessories are the finishing touch to any interior design project. Abstract accessories like throw pillows, rugs, and vases can add the perfect touch of abstract design to your home. When choosing accessories, consider the colours and patterns already present in your space. If you have a neutral colour scheme, bold abstract patterns can add interest and texture. Alternatively, if you have a colourful space, choose accessories with more subdued patterns or solid colours to balance out the room. Mirrors are also another great accessory to incorporate into an abstract design. 

Benefits of Abstract Design

Abstract interior design can create a clean look; and due to the versatility it holds, it can be used in both small and large-scale home projects. Abstract design also gives a great way to add interest to your space without making it too flimsy or overwhelming.  The abstract design is a perfect way to create a clean and sophisticated look in your home. It is versatile and can be used in both small and large-scale projects. An interior designer will be able to help you draw out the beauty of abstract design  and add interest to your space without overwhelming it. It creates a sense of calmness and serenity, which is perfect for those who prefer a minimalist approach to interior design. 

The abstract design also allows you to play with color schemes, textures, and materials, giving you endless possibilities for customization. Whether you prefer a monochromatic or bold color palette, abstract design can help you achieve the look you desire. Overall, abstract interior design is an excellent choice for those who want a modern and elegant home that reflects their unique style and personality. 


6 Modular Kitchen Decor Trends Experts Say Will Rule 2023

May 05, 2023

kitchen decor trends

Gone are the days of simple, straight kitchens. 2023 has packed some unique styles and cooking spaces; here, we’ll be looking at the top 6 kitchen decor trends experts say will rule 2023. 

These are important to know about because they can help you make better decisions when it comes to designing your own kitchen or renovating an existing one. The first thing we need to understand is why these trends are so important in the first place. This may seem obvious, but there’s actually more than one reason: they reflect current social and cultural shifts that are happening worldwide. Also, they offer insight into what people want their homes and kitchens to look like in the future (and how those needs will change over time). So let us check out the six modular kitchen decor trends that experts say will rule 2023. 

Walk-In Closets

Having a walk-in closet or pantry is one of the most exciting new ways to customise your modular kitchen design. It involves separating your kitchen into separate areas for keeping your packaged goods, groceries, and kitchen equipment however you’d like. With this method, you can create an entirely new look for your kitchen with more efficient storage and smarter use of space! Even a narrow pantry provides a row of cabinets for your storage requirements.  


Modular kitchens with multifunctional spaces have been in trend since COVID-19. Multifunctional furnishings are the future of the kitchen and is one of the modular kitchen decor trends that is going to last for a while. Having multifunctional pieces is practical, and even if you are short on space, with efficient planning, these can maximise your functionality without affecting the aesthetics.

For example, a kitchen island with built-in storage and seating can serve as a prep area, dining table, and extra storage space. Additionally, a convertible dining table that can be transformed into a workspace or bar can also be a great addition to a multifunctional kitchen.  


Kitchen floating shelves, open cabinets, wall racks, and hooks are going to be part of modular kitchen decor trends in 2023. Smart storage solutions allow homeowners to keep their kitchen organised and clutter-free while also displaying their favourite dishes and cookware. These are not only functional but also add a modern and stylish touch to any kitchen design. Consider installing pull-out shelves or drawers in your new cabinets to maximize accessibility and organization. Additionally, incorporating a lazy susan or corner cabinet can make use of previously unused space in your kitchen.

Funky Backsplashes 

If you’re looking for a way to add some personality and colour to your kitchen without making a big commitment, a kitchen backsplash is the way to go. A backsplash is most commonly used to cover the main wall of a kitchen with a hard material, typically granite, marble, or tile, to protect it from rapid wear and tear. Backsplash is also great for people who don’t know what they want in their home yet and are planning to add more as time goes on.  


Floating, hanging lights, modern-minimalist chandeliers, and other modern light fixtures are becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason. Not only do they allow you to configure your kitchen in whatever way works best for you, but they also help keep costs down by allowing you to use only the pieces that fit your needs. This trend will be especially useful for those who live in small spaces or want to create a more compact kitchen without sacrificing functionality or style.

The Minimalist Approach

The minimalist approach is an interesting one to consider. It’s not something that you often see in kitchens, but it could be a great way to add some interest and style while still keeping things simple. This trend involves using simple furnishings, cabinets, and materials in order to create a sleek and modern look that doesn’t feel cluttered or busy. You can use this type of decor in any room of your home—not just the kitchen. 

In conclusion, these modular kitchen decor trends are the future. They’re a great way to get more out of your space and make your home feel more like home. If you’re looking for more information on how to create the perfect modular kitchen design, get in touch with an interior designer to incorporate these modular kitchen decor trends so you create a space entirely unique to your needs and requirements.   

Contemporary Design Checklist for Kitchen Renovation in 2023

April 28, 2023

Contemporary Design Checklist for Kitchen Renovation in 2023

Contemporary kitchen designs are getting popular with time. Contemporary kitchens blend seamlessly with any home design and add the perfect elegance to any space. They often feature clean lines, minimalist colour palettes, and high-tech appliances that make cooking and entertaining a breeze. Additionally, contemporary kitchens are known for their functionality and practicality, making them a great choice for modern homeowners. If you are doing your home’s interior project, here is a contemporary design checklist for kitchen renovation to help you out.

Easy to Clean and Maintain

Maintenance is one factor that too many homeowners worry about. If it is difficult to maintain, even a gorgeous kitchen will quickly lose its appeal. Dark cabinets are really challenging to maintain and keep clean. It is important to consider the maintenance requirements of a custom-made modular kitchen before making any design decisions. Choosing materials and finishes that are easy to clean and maintain can save time and effort in the long run.  

Stylish and Efficient Lighting

Other than the feeling of luxury and comfort, lighting in the kitchen makes it more beautiful and functional. Add different lighting fixtures for different moods. For example, under-cabinet lighting can provide task lighting for food preparation, while pendant lights over an island can create a cosy atmosphere for entertaining guests. It’s important to consider the different functions of your kitchen and choose lighting accordingly.

A Wall of Cabinets

Having high quality custom cabinetry is as important as the floor plan. Cabinets are one of the most important choices, as they are the biggest investment you’ll make. Kitchen cabinet designs that are practical, customizable, and as per the architectural style of the home, with multiple storage options, set the tone right in any home. Therefore, it is essential to choose cabinets that not only look good but also serve the purpose. Additionally, selecting the right material and finish can make a significant difference in the durability and maintenance of the cabinets.


Many families now consider appliances and other amenities to be the heart of the kitchen. Appliances like toasters and cooking utensils like coffee pots,  have now become a must-have element for the kitchen. And these appliances facilitate easy cooking and serving, and also facilitates quicker clean-up.

Luxe Countertops

Gorgeous granite or quartz countertops help brighten and visually open up the room. In addition to their aesthetic appeal, these countertops are also highly durable and resistant to scratches and heat damage, making them a practical choice for any kitchen or bathroom. They can also increase the value of a home if you’re looking to sell it in the future. 

Add a Separate Bar in the Kitchen

If you are looking for luxury, bar countertops bring a distinguishing style to the kitchen space. A sophisticated Home bar often creates a welcoming area used for socialising and eating. Adding a bar countertop to your kitchen can also increase the value of your home and make it more attractive to potential buyers if you ever decide to sell. It’s a great investment for those who love to entertain or enjoy a good cocktail at home.

Open Space Plan

We all know that the kitchen is the most important place in the house. If you are looking to liven up the space, open kitchen designs are the perfect solution. Open kitchen designs not only make the space look bigger and brighter, but they also allow for better communication and interaction between family members or guests. Additionally, they provide a modern and stylish touch to any home.

Contemporary kitchens help bring the entire family together. The illusion of space it creates and the depth it brings to the decor is the most stunning. If you are planning to design your kitchen, we recommend you to get the help of an expert interior designer to make it the perfect way for you and your family. An interior designer can  suggest creative storage solutions to maximize the available space in your kitchen and bring liveliness. 


6 Tips to Design Reading Nooks that Ensure Peace of Mind

April 21, 2023

design reading nooks

Everyone knows the feeling of having a dedicated space in their home for the things they love to do. Every bookworm knows the feeling of having a scenic reading nook to themselves. Unfortunately, in most homes, finding a great spot to read is as difficult as finding the time to do it. To help you get inspired, here are some tips to design reading nooks and getting lost in a good book. 

Add a Pop of Colour

Craving a pop of colour? Add a pop of colour while you design reading nooks and get some memorable inspiration. To create a vibrant room, use a colourful canvas with bright colours and playful patterns. A colourfully painted reading chair adds personality to the space. Additionally, consider adding some decorative pillows in complementary colours and textures to the chair to make it even more inviting. You could also incorporate a statement rug with bold patterns to tie the room together.

Transform Extra Space 

If you haven’t quite settled on having a dedicated reading nook, you can also make the space multifunctional. Use the room as a music room to play your favourite instruments, or even more modernise the space and add a small home theatre system to watch some movies. This way, you can make the most out of the space while still having a comfortable spot to read. Additionally, adding a comfortable seating area and some ambient lighting can create a cozy atmosphere for any activity.

Use a Bean Bag 

The best way to read is to infuse fun into your reading nook by adding a bean bag. They are an amazing reading companion, and their ergonomic design enables a stress-free and flexible environment. Bean bags can be easily adjusted to different body positions, which promote long reading sessions. and whatnot, it may even inspire your kids to develop a positive love of reading. Since they come in many shapes, sizes, and styles, they can be put in any space in the room to make the perfect combination of comfort. 

Add Soft Lighting

We all know an abundant supply of light is required for reading and studying. For glare-free illumination, provide ambient lighting. Lighting fixtures like ceiling-mounted lights, daylight from windows, spotlights, chandeliers, wall lights, or pendants can provide the ambient light you need. Recessed lighting also provides soft lighting. If you have a display case with books or artefacts,accent lighting adds visual interest and acts as a highlight element in the room. In addition, dimmer switches can be installed to adjust the brightness of the recessed and accent lighting, allowing for a customizable ambiance in the space. This can be particularly useful for creating a cozy atmosphere in a living room or bedroom.

Add a Curtain

Reading nooks can be the best place in your house to escape reality and indulge in your favourite book. Use curtains or roller blinds as window treatments and to enhance the beauty of your reading rooms. With the right colour and material, curtains can be a great option. In addition to their aesthetic value, curtains also provide privacy and can help regulate the amount of natural light entering a room, making them a practical choice for any home. Additionally, they can also help to insulate a room, keeping it cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.

A Wall of Books

There are certain essential things every booklover should know while designing their reading room. Of all things, when you design reading nooks, you cannot leave out books. Try arranging books according to their genres. Put your creativity together and carve out your reading room wall in different shapes, then fill it with interesting books. Because at the end of the day, it’s all about energising yourself and falling in love with your favourite book. Having a designated reading space can also help you establish a routine and make reading a regular part of your day, which can lead to increased knowledge and personal growth. Incorporating comfortable seating and good lighting can enhance the overall experience of your reading room.

With these aforementioned tips to design reading nooks, each element in your room can help you immerse yourself in your reading world. If you can’t design the reading space yourself, get help from an interior designer to design reading nooks of your home.  

Overdone Living Room Trends Designers Want to Leave Behind

April 14, 2023

overdone living room trends

Over the past few years, the majority of us have spent more time at home than ever before. The time we’ve spent has influenced our design decisions and inspired many people to reimagine new possibilities. As you might be aware, there are definitely trends in interior design, like clothing, and anything can be in or out depending on the year, season and trends. Here are a few overdone living room trends and design elements that designers now want to leave behind.

Black and White Color Combinations

Black and white color schemes were a great way to add a pop of color to a room and was one of the most overdone living room trends. They’re also easy to do, which made them an excellent option for someone who doesn’t have much time or skills in decorating their home. The only downside that many of us haven’t noticed over the years is that black can be overpowering if you don’t use complementary colours with it.

Carpeting and Oversized Rugs

Oversized rugs were a great way to add color and texture to a space. They used to be the focal point in the room, but also an accent piece on their own. But now, this is quite impractical. With the changing trends in interior design, furniture pieces have become more functional and space-saving. Therefore, bulky focal point pieces like oversized rugs are no longer in demand. If you still want to add a rug for your home, try going for one that has different shades of blues or greens so it doesn’t compete with everything else around it!

Oversized Furniture  

Oversized furniture was one of the overdone living room trends that has been around for a while. The oversized pieces tend to look more conventional than they actually are because of their size—and that can lull people into thinking they’re not quite as interesting as they could be.

It can be great to add color and style to your home, but if you’re going to choose this type of furniture, make sure you don’t overdo it! A good way to avoid oversized pieces is by choosing something smaller than usual; this will help make sure that everything looks proportional instead of inundating the room with too much furniture at once (and maybe even costing more money). Another option would be finding ways around having two separate pieces when they could easily work together instead: try combining wood tables with glass or metal chairs together in one space!

Mid-Century Decor 

The mid-century decor is a residential interior design style that was popular in the 1950s and 60s. It’s a mixture of modern with traditional design elements, such as furniture made from natural materials like wood, metal and stone. Designers now feel that the ubiquity of this particular style has made it feel commonplace. As a result, some designers are now experimenting with more unique and unconventional design elements to create a fresh take on contemporary-traditional fusion. This could include incorporating unexpected colors, textures, or patterns into the mix.


People love and hate wallpaper. The use of wallpapers has been the trend for quite some time but with the introduction of textured painting and various color schemes, wallpapers have come to a rest. However, wallpaper is still a popular choice for those who want to add a unique and decorative touch to their walls. The right interior designer or the right mind can make anything cool, and enviable. It can also be a great option for renters who want to personalize their space without making permanent changes.

Floor Lamps 

Floor lamps are no longer popular. Recessed lighting fixtures and track lighting have become the most overdone living room trends for modern interior design. These options provide a sleek and minimalist look while also offering versatility in terms of directing light where it is needed. That being said, floor lamps still remain a practical and stylish lighting option for any room in the house. With various designs and sizes available, floor lamps can easily complement any decor style and provide the perfect amount of ambient lighting. 


Be aware of what you’re buying and how it will look in your home. The goal here is to avoid overdone living room trends that are outdated or lacking in quality craftsmanship. Don’t buy into something just because it looks good on Pinterest. If you want help to redecorate your space, get the help of an interior designer. An interior designer can help you create a cohesive and functional design plan that reflects your personal style and meets your specific needs, while also considering factors such as lighting, color schemes, and furniture placement. Over the years, D’LIFE has operated cross functionally to make sure that homeowners receive all interior solutions in one place, from material selection to furnishing and installation. 


Advantages of Using Crystal Glass Laminate for Modular Furniture

April 04, 2023

Crystal Glass Laminate

Glass is a stunning element when paired with any design since it gives furniture a feeling of elegance and refinement. Crystal glass laminate is a premium material for giving a superior finish to contemporary-style modular kitchens and other home furniture. When applied, crystal laminate looks just as beautiful as glass, but comes with a number of advantages.

Crystal glass laminate is often used in high-end applications where safety and durability are of utmost importance. It is commonly used for skylights, balustrades, glass flooring, and glass facades, and for residential modular furniture. A specific resin inter-layer, which is often clear and transparent, is used to glue together two or more layers of glass to create this particular type of laminated glass. Because of its resilience to impact and breaking, this type of glass is also known as safety glass or tempered glass. Whether you’re working in a kitchen, or a living room it has a sense of elegance and luxury. Read on to find the uses and advantages of crystal glass laminates.

Advantages of Crystal Glass Laminate Over Acrylic Laminate

Crystal glass laminates and acrylic laminates are two popular choices for laminates in the industry. While both materials have their own advantages, crystal glass laminates offer some unique benefits over acrylic laminates. In this blog, we will discuss the advantages of crystal glass laminate over acrylic laminate.

a. Durability: 

Crystal glass laminates are more durable than acrylic laminates. Crystal glass is a hard material that is resistant to scratches, stains, and cracks. It can withstand high impacts and is less likely to break than acrylic. On the other hand, acrylic laminates are prone to scratches and can easily crack or break under stress.

b. Clarity: 

Crystal glass laminates offer excellent clarity and transparency. They are ideal for applications where clear visibility is essential. Acrylic laminates, on the other hand, can become cloudy over time, reducing their transparency and clarity.

c. Heat resistance: 

Crystal glass laminates are heat-resistant and can withstand high temperatures without warping or melting. They are ideal for use in areas where there is exposure to heat, such as kitchens and bathrooms. Acrylic laminates, on the other hand, can warp or melt when exposed to high temperatures.

d. Maintenance: 

Crystal glass laminates are easy to maintain and clean. They do not require any special cleaning agents or techniques. Acrylic laminates, on the other hand, are prone to scratches, which can make them difficult to clean.

In conclusion, crystal glass laminates offer several advantages over acrylic laminates. They are more durable, offer excellent clarity, are heat and chemical resistant, and require less maintenance. While acrylic laminates may be a more cost-effective option, crystal glass laminates are a better investment in the long run due to their superior durability and longevity.

Advantages of Crystal Glass Laminate Over Lacquered Glass 

As discussed, when it comes to choosing the right material for laminated glass, there are several options available on the market. One such popular choice of laminate in the market is lacquered glass laminate. Here are some of the advantages of crystal glass laminate over lacquered glass that you should know about:

a. Enhanced durability:

Crystal glass laminate is made from tempered glass, which makes it extremely durable and resistant to breakage. This makes it ideal for use in high-traffic areas such as commercial buildings and public spaces where safety is a concern.

b. Exceptionally easy to work with:  

Crystal glass laminate is a type of material that combines a layer of crystal glass with a layer of laminate, typically made from a polymer material. This combination results in a product that is much lighter than traditional glass while still retaining many of its desirable properties.

c. Durability: 

In general, laminated glass is considered to be more durable and less likely to shatter or break than traditional glass because of its layered construction. The polymer interlayer material in the laminate can help to absorb impact and prevent the glass from shattering into sharp, dangerous shards. This makes laminated glass a popular choice for applications where safety is a concern, such as in car windshields or in buildings.

Other Advantages of Using Acrylic Glass Laminates for Modular Furniture

a. Reduced wastage compared to regular glass:

Crystal glass laminate may be able to reduce waste compared to traditional glass, but the exact amount of waste reduction will depend on the specific manufacturing process and application. 

One potential way that this could reduce waste is through the use of thinner glass layers. As the laminate layer helps to increase the strength and durability of the glass, it may be possible to use thinner glass layers than would be possible with traditional glass. Thinner glass layers can reduce the amount of raw material needed to produce the glass, which can result in less waste during the manufacturing process. Also, as laminated glass is less likely to shatter than traditional glass, there may be less waste generated from broken or damaged glass products during shipping, handling, or installation.

b. Very resistant to scratches: 

Crystal glass laminate is a type of laminate that is made by bonding a layer of crystal glass to a substrate, such as ceramic or porcelain. This type of laminate is known for its high level of scratch resistance, as the crystal glass layer provides a durable and hard-wearing surface that is difficult to scratch.

Crystal glass laminate is often used in high-traffic areas. This includes commercial buildings, airports, and shopping centres, as it can withstand heavy use without showing signs of wear and tear. Additionally, it is easy to clean and maintain, making it a popular choice for busy environments. Overall, crystal glass laminate is a great option for anyone looking for a scratch-resistant and highly durable material for modular kitchen and other furniture.

c. Easy to tidy up: 

Crystal glass laminate is easy to clean and maintain. Unlike lacquered glass, it does not require special cleaning agents or techniques. A simple wipe with a damp cloth is all that is needed to keep it looking clean and new.

In summary, it offers several advantages over lacquered glass laminate. Its enhanced durability, scratch resistance, ease of cleaning, UV protection, aesthetic appeal, and better heat resistance make it a superior choice for a wide range of applications.

d. Color options to match the design theme: 

It is simple to choose the ideal design to complement any home decor because Crystal Glass Laminate is offered in a number of colours.


Crystal glass laminate is very simple to maintain. A soft towel can be used to clean it. It is a low-maintenance alternative for households with busy schedules because it doesn’t call for any specialized cleaning supplies or methods. It is a preferred option for usage due to its robustness, safety features, and aesthetic appeal. All things considered, crystal glass laminate is a great alternative for anyone searching for a strong, secure, and fashionable glass option. It is a popular alternative for home interior designers due to its adaptability, simplicity of upkeep, and variety of design options. 


Keep Home Interiors Cool This Summer

March 25, 2023


Interior furnishing in Bangalore

The summer season is officially here. There is a lot to look forward to, including vacations, shopping, travel, lazing around, cheerful colours, and juices. When there’s a change even in the way you dress, why not change your home decor too? There’s no better time to freshen up your home than now. Here are some summer home decor changes you can look forward to keeping home interiors cool.

Include Water Features 

A simple trick to cool down and keep home interiors cool this summer includes adding water features. These need not be large fountains that take up space; even a small zen fountain brought online will do the trick. Water bodies have a calming effect on their surroundings, and the frequent movement of water aids in humidifying the air. Another way to keep your room cool is by installing coolers and misters. A cooler uses water to cool the air and can be more energy-efficient than an air conditioner. Mist fans or misters can also help to lower the temperature in a room by spraying a fine mist of water into the air.

Blinds and Curtains

For blocking the glare and heat, blinds and Curtains are great eco-friendly options. Curtains in gauzy or natural fabrics for windows allow air circulation and, at the same time, don’t let in light. Windows exposed to heavy sunlight can use thicker fabrics. Make sure that you keep them dust free. 

Place Plants 

Plants do work wonders to keep home interiors cool and keep the air good. Large potted plants create shade and can be placed closer to windows to keep rooms comfortable in summer. Additionally, plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, improving air quality and reducing the risk of respiratory problems. Some plants also have air-purifying properties that can remove toxins from the air. Learn how you can live in communion with nature by incorporating Biophilic interior Design into your Home. 

Control the Lighting 

You know your home better than anyone; you will definitely know where the sun hits in your home during the day. To control the heat in your home during the day, make sure you keep the unwanted lights switched off. This will help reduce the amount of heat generated in your home and keep it cooler. Additionally, closing curtains or blinds on windows that receive direct sunlight can also help to block out the heat and keep your home more comfortable.

Use Cotton Fabrics

Cotton fabrics are breathable and can help keep you cool during hot weather. Consider using cotton sheets, pillowcases, and clothing to stay comfortable at home. More importantly, cotton is also a hypoallergenic material that can reduce the risk of skin irritation and allergies. Therefore, it is an ideal choice for people with sensitive skin or respiratory issues.

Summer home decor is fun and practical, and at the same time, it is designed to bring in light. These easy ways to decorate your home and keep home interiors cool involve adding colourful throw pillows, incorporating fresh flowers or plants, and using light and airy curtains to create a breezy atmosphere. These are just some ways to refresh your home without stressing yourself. But of course, if you don’t have enough time to do it yourself, hire an interior designer who can help with it. An interior design company can provide professional guidance and expertise to create a cohesive and stylish look for your home. They can also help you source unique and high-quality decor items that fit your budget and personal style.

How to Incorporate Biophilic Interior Design into Your Home

March 18, 2023

biophilic interior design

Biophilic interior design involves bringing elements of nature into your home, such as natural light, plants, and water features. It has numerous benefits for mental and physical health, as well as overall well-being. Here’s how a biophilic interior design can be beneficial to you when it comes to creating a healthy living environment.

Biophilic Interior Design

Derived from the theory of “biophilia”, literally meaning a love of life or living things, “biophilic interior design” is the concept of connecting with nature in this contemporary setting. There is much more to biophilic interior design than just utilizing plants in interior decor.

More than just the design principles or notion of creating a space that is in perfect harmony with nature, biophilic design makes use of natural materials, patterns, and light in a building to maintain a connection to the natural world. The goal is to reinstate our duty to protect the environment. The biophilic design tries to reproduce this sensation of imagined safety since nature serves as a place of sanctuary for humans. This approach has gained popularity in recent years due to its ability to improve indoor air quality and reduce stress levels. Biophilic design has been implemented in various settings, including offices, hospitals, and schools, with positive results.

The Elements of Biophilic Design

Large trees may be found in public areas, but what about at home? It’s probably not doable. But there are lots of more sensible options out there to incorporate into your home. Items that mimic the shapes and patterns of nature are essential to creating a biophilic design. For design ideas, consider the waves that you see in your ocean, the ridges created by wind-blown dunes, and the winding vines of a creeper plant. Any element of nature can serve as design inspiration.
Natural materials not only have a beautiful appearance, but they also feel amazing to the touch. Just picture yourself crossing a cold stone floor to go to the couch and nestling under a faux-fur throw. Heaven! Furthermore, linen, hemp, clay, and wicker are other materials that evoke thoughts of the natural world and that can be incorporated into your biophilic home.

Nature Inspired

The foundation of biophilic design is the use of abundant nature. Remove any bulky, musty drapes or blinds, as well as anything else that can obstruct the light, including big tables or cupboards. Organize the furniture to work with the light, as opposed to against it. For instance, an open-plan living, dining, and kitchen would enable more natural and broad lighting to flow through. One of the simplest methods to create a biophilic room is to use natural upholstery instead of pleather or sustainable timber tables in place of plastic ones.

Planters are one of the easiest and most stylish ways to add greenery to a home. But do avoid plastic or cement-based pots, though; they don’t have much of a biophilic impact. A biophilic design also incorporates the use of water and a profusion of indoor plants. Adding a tiny fountain or other water feature in your home might serve as a tranquil gathering place. Incorporating garden and indoor plants and water features can improve air quality and reduce stress levels, making your Indian home a healthier and more peaceful environment. Additionally, the sound of flowing water can create a soothing atmosphere that promotes relaxation and enhances overall well-being.

People have been searching for methods to incorporate the natural environment into their homes for countless years. Get in touch with experienced builders with experience in developing biophilic urban homes. Biophilic design imitates the sentiments that being in a natural setting gives us while allowing us to interact with it without sacrificing our modern way of life.

How Technology is Shaping the Future of Interior Design

March 11, 2023

Future of Interior Design

Advancement of technology has revolutionized the way interior designers work, allowing them to create more realistic 3D models and visualizations of their designs. Additionally, smart home technology has enabled designers to incorporate automation and energy-efficient features into their projects. These technological advancements have not only increased the efficiency of the design process but have also enhanced the overall customer experience by providing them with a more accurate representation of the final product and its functionality. Let’s see how technology is shaping the future of interior design.

Virtual Reality

Technology has also revolutionized the way architects and designers present their designs to clients. It allow them to experience a virtual walkthrough of the space before it is even built. This not only saves time and money but also gives clients a better understanding of the design, leading to more informed decisions. As technology continues to advance, the role of technology in architecture and design will only continue to grow.

Smart Design Tools

These smart design tools have made the design process more efficient and cost-effective, enabling architects and designers to create more detailed designs in less time. Some of these tools include computer-aided design (CAD), 3D printing, and virtual reality (VR), which have revolutionized the way architects and designers approach their work. These tools have also allowed for greater collaboration between team members and clients, resulting in more successful projects.

Smart Furnishing and Fixtures

Smart furnishing and fixtures enhance the functionality and aesthetics of living spaces. They incorporate innovative technologies that allow for automation, energy efficiency, and remote control, and are considered central to the future of interior design. Some examples of smart furnishings and fixtures include voice-activated lighting, smart thermostats, motorized window shades, and even self-cleaning toilets. These features not only make life more convenient but also help reduce energy consumption and promote sustainability.

Automation and Sustainability

Automation and sustainability are two key aspects that are becoming increasingly important in modern technology. By integrating automation features with sustainable practices, we can create a more efficient and eco-friendly future. This integration optimize resource usage and reduce inefficiency. As technology continues to advance, it is important for us to prioritize sustainability and automation in order to build a better world for future generations.

Technology has revolutionized the way interior designers work; these tools have also opened up new possibilities for customization and personalization, allowing designers to create unique and tailored solutions for their clients. As technology continues to evolve, it is likely that the future of interior design will continue to benefit from new tools and techniques.

An Apartment Interiors in Coimbatore That Works Wonders Within a Limited Footprint

March 04, 2023

Having previously lived on the fringes of the city, the clients were hoping to make their transition to this relatively peaceful apartment in Coimbatore a smooth one. Comfort, clean lines, linear layouts, and contemporary forms encompassed the essence of their brief. As a result, the interior sports contemporary aesthetics and imparts a sense of warmth and contrast with its bold and lively touches. Here’s the home of Mrs Gayathriy & family with exquisite and seamlessly designed interiors.

Contemporary Living Area

The living room is lined with a contemporary-styled beige sofa. Together with the new flooring, lighting, and decor, the customised sofa looks impressive and admirable. We love the timeless quality and the calm ambience it brings to contemporary space. The living space also has a balcony space adorned by glass doors. The glass doors bring in natural light to the living space, creating a bright and airy atmosphere. The beautiful balcony provides a pleasant view of the surrounding area, making it an ideal spot to relax and unwind. 

Modern Day Dining Space

Apartment Interiors in Coimbatore

The solid-wood dining table comfortably seats six. The six side chairs are of the highest quality with cream upholstery. To mix up the look, we have also added curtains to bring in more light and subtleness. The curtains create a cozy atmosphere on this apartment interiors in Coimbatore, perfect for enjoying a meal or simply taking in the view. With the balcony and dining area combined, this is an ideal spot to entertain family and friends.

Open Style Modular Kitchen

Apartment Interiors in Coimbatore

Since the house mostly adopts an open-plan scheme, we brought an earthy palette to the kitchen. The visual scheme is bold, evokes energy, and stands apart from the rest of the house in terms of aesthetics. The most striking feature of the kitchen is its functionality. Since it is derived from an open concept, the kitchen gets plenty of light from the living and dining areas. The cabinets are soft close and have a wooden theme. The cabinets are also spacious, allowing for plenty of storage. Additionally, the countertops are made of durable materials that will last for years to come. 

Calm and Relaxing Bedrooms 

Apartment Interiors in Coimbatore

The client wanted the master bedroom to be a serene space having white walls and contemporary-inspired furniture for their apartment interiors in Coimbatore. With a queen-sized bed and clean-lined dressers, the bedroom achieves a minimalist aesthetic that promotes relaxation and calmness. The use of natural light and strategically placed light fixtures further enhance the serene atmosphere of the room. The only pop of colour that comes in here is the black glossy wardrobe. All the furniture is contemporary and designed and manufactured at our own factory. The kid’s bedroom strikes a quieter, more subdued note with green, wood, and white. The guest bedroom too is designed with a calming atmosphere in mind, featuring contemporary styled furniture with soft fabrics and plush linens.  

Our interior designers in Coimbatore were able to create a visually appealing yet comfortable space that the client can enjoy. Overall, with the furnishings and decor combined, it provides a welcoming and inviting space for the family and their guests to relax and unwind. 


Top 6 Interior Wall Panelling Ideas for Home

February 25, 2023

Interior Wall Paneling Ideas for HomeWood wall panelling has a long history. Interior wall panelling is now making a comeback in homes and is now giving a new style and texture boost. Wood wall panelling dates back to the 15th century, when it was used to warm up cold stone walls in castles and the homes of the wealthy. Over the centuries, wood wall panelling evolved to become a more cost-effective way of insulating and decorating interiors. Here’s some wall panelling ideas to try out yourself and how you can use them.  


Shiplap is a decorative cladding treatment that can be horizontally laid in the form of an interlock for a tight seal. These are rabetted on their sides and have 1⁄8 inch along the top edge to highlight the individual boards. It is composed of flat boards consisting of overlapping rabbet joints. To create a snug fit, a flat groove is cut into the edges. Shiplap has a small gap, AKA a reveal which often adds a rustic charm when installed vertically or horizontally. 


This is a type of wood panelling with a vertical groove and a row of narrow wood planks lined up vertically. Modern beadboard comes in long, monolithic sheets and can be installed with some glue and nails in larger sections instead of placing each individual board piece by piece. It can be used anywhere in the house, even in bathrooms. It is typically only used on the lower three or four feet of the wall and can be used as individual boards or large sheets. Stain or paint the Beadboard for a complete look.


The V groove panels have been popular for years. These boards are milled with chamfered edges and form a V-shaped groove for joints to come together.  Just like shiplap, V grooves are known for their modern simplicity and their ability to be used in various applications. V groove panels are incredibly versatile and can be used in both modern and traditional spaces.


Built as a series of vertical boards covering the joints, this wood wall panelling combines wide boards and thinner strips to create a clean look and a distinctive three-dimensional pattern. Trim work of any kind adds visual interest to a home, and it’s no surprise that wall panelling has become a big interior design trend in the last few years. Board-and-Batten is a row of narrow wood planks made up of tongue-and-groove panels and installed vertically on a wall. This kind of wood panelling ideas gives the interior an intimate, traditional feel or a bungalow style. 

Drop Siding

No matter how cynical the world of home design trends is, some trends just refuse to die. One of those trends is the drop siding. This is one of the wood panelling ideas that has been used for more than a century. Drop siding has withstood the test of time and still finds a place in many homes today. Typically featuring a cove along the top of the board, drop siding is a kind of historical type of shiplap. Because of its flat-backed siding, unlike bevelled styles, it makes the transition to interior use easier.  

Rustic Planking

If you think doing wood panelling makes a room feel dark and chaotic, think again. The rustic planking style is perfect for transforming any residential or commercial space into a haven. Here the planks are nailed up with little to no space end to end. Make sure the walls are painted black so that the wall colours do not show through. 

Today, wood wall panelling is not just used to create a warm and inviting atmosphere in the home, but is also an affordable way to add texture and style to an interior. With so many different types and styles of wood wall panelling ideas available, it is important to take the time to consider what kind of look and feel you would like for your home. Hire a team of interior designers to help you determine the best type of wood panelling for your home. 


7 Tips to Instill More Natural Light into Your Home Interiors

February 18, 2023

ways to bring natural light in your home

The sensation of the sun on your face in the mornings is unmatched; it automatically makes your day more cheerful. As such, it is no surprise that increasing natural light is crucial for your home. A home bathed in natural light is one that is inviting, and makes us feel happier and brighter at home. Here are a few incredibly easy techniques for altering the mood and setting the tone in a room.

White Walls

Keeping your walls white is the simplest way to let more natural light into your house. White walls reflect light beautifully, and it is also a good way to make your home look more open and airier as well as create a peaceful atmosphere. Even a single window that lets in sunlight will significantly increase the amount of light that reflects off the white walls. Dark-coloured walls can make a space feel constrained or claustrophobic. In contrast, white walls open up the space and make it feel more inviting.

Add a Balcony to Create a Doorway

Balconies and terraces are a great way to create a doorway for outside light flow. By strategically placing a balcony or terrace, homeowners are able to let in natural light during the day, thus decreasing their need for electricity. This not only reduces energy costs, but also improves the home’s ambiance and natural beauty. Our interior designers have written a guide to giving  balcony makeover for your home.   

Install Skylights to Double the Lights

An incredibly efficient way to bring in natural light is with skylights. Skylights are also referred to as “roof windows.” Since skylights are faced upward, it lets through the same amount of glazing as a medium-sized window, where the sun is. As they are less likely to cast shadows from outside objects and receive direct sunlight from clouds, skylights provide more consistent lighting than most windows. Skylights are also a great way to not only improve the amount of natural light in a space but also to save energy by reducing the need for artificial lighting.   

Curtains Are Great 

Heavy window coverings and curtains can also obscure sunlight, much like bulky furniture. Opt for blinds or curtains that are simple to roll up or open so you can move them to follow the sun.  We advise avoiding heavier fabrics like velvet in favour of those that are lighter and more natural. Blackout options should still be available (important for light sleepers), but they will be simpler to draw back during the day than bulkier fabrics. Sheer voile curtains are also an excellent choice for your home if you want to protect privacy while still allowing light to enter. Make sure to read this piece containing 6 Tips on Choosing Curtains and Blinds for your Home.

Adopt Open Floor Plan

It’s not just the windows or doors that affect lighting; it’s also the area of the room itself. Light colour paint isn’t always enough in rooms to reflect light; it requires an open floor plan. Open floor plans allow for more natural light to enter the room and spread throughout the space instead of being blocked by walls and doors. This ensures that there is well-balanced natural light throughout the room, creating an environment that is both visually appealing and functional. So if you need a lot of natural light but are on a tight budget, consider clearing out a cluttered area or maintaining an open floor plan.  

Have a Light Color Floor and Fabrics

Flooring can also be transformed into light-friendly reflectors by choosing wooden, laminate, ceramic, or stone floors with a polished finish, which will reflect much lighter than carpets. The reflection of light off a surface can create the illusion of increased space, as the light bounce around the room rather than absorbed. This is particularly beneficial for small spaces or rooms that lack natural light. If you prefer a carpet, then stick to light, neutral colours. Carpeting can often reduce the amount of light in a room, but with the right materials, this doesn’t have to be a problem 

Lighting and Tall Ceilings

If you don’t like the idea of having a skylight, consider artificial lights and having a tall ceiling. Of course, unless you’re planning a remodel, you can’t incorporate this into a home that already exists. But if you’re constructing or buying a new house, be sure to select a room with high ceilings, particularly in the living room. High ceilings have a way of making a room feel more open, spacious, and luxurious. Just keep in mind that this trick only functions if the ceiling is white or in a natural light colour.

Making the most of the available light and adopting minimalist interior design trends throughout the house can be accomplished with the help of mirrored accessories too. Even the tiniest home will feel brighter when mirrors are strategically placed opposite windows to reflect more natural light back into your room.   

To sum up, using natural light to brighten up your home is a great idea that can help create an inviting atmosphere and save money on energy costs. With a few simple tricks, such as painting the ceiling with light colours and adding strategically placed mirrored accessories, you can make the most of the available light in your home and add a touch of fashionable elegance.


Actor Kalabhavan Shajon’s Home in Kochi Is Truly Unique and Special

February 11, 2023

Mr Kalabhavan Shajohn approached D’LIFE to merge his two independent apartments and convert them into a 4 BHK modern home in Kochi. Rather than emulating the existing design style of the original apartment, the project now follows a distinct contemporary design language, creating a space that is timelessly contemporary with interesting woodwork and decor.

The Distinct Informal Living

actor Kalabhavan Shajon’s home

As one walks in, they are greeted by a visual experience across the entire floor. With custom furnishings, decor, luxurious materials and textures, our interior designers in Kochi made sure that client’s highest expectations were met through our very own design, production and execution systems. The entrance to the living room is marked by a foyer with a partition unit. Contributing to the space that the homeowners had wanted, this area can even accommodate a small gathering if needed. The walls and ceilings in the room have been kept white with accent lights to amplify height and emphasize the sense of space. The furniture chosen in the living space of this home in Kochi is contemporary art deco pieces.

Dining That Evokes a Sense of Seamlessness

The dining area, though separate from the living area, has a sense of seamlessness and aligns with the flow. With custom-made tables and chairs that embrace simple lines and neutral tones, this dining room exudes the energy of a timeless sanctuary in a modern setting. The table and chairs stand on a rectangular layout with a distinguished carpet on the floor. Talking about the different treatments, the chairs have a pastel pink shade, while a crockery unit elevates the space further.

Sleek and Contemporary Kitchen

The kitchen, situated on the right side of the space, contrasts with the lighter tone of the living areas. We have also added a bar unit next to the kitchen with dark inserts that let in ample natural light since it adopts an open concept. The apartment, being a conversion, offered ample space which we wanted to make the most of. The kitchen is equipped with a hood and hob and other cooking ranges set on a white granite counter. An island counter in white sits in the centre and we have also added a breakfast counter, flanked by pink tall stools, providing a nice contrast to the crisp, white walls and grey cabinets of the kitchen.

Stylish and Luxurious Home Theatre

Of course, the most striking element in the room is the seating. The home theatre room has well-rested seating for creating a truly relaxing space. With this space, actor Kalabhavan Shajon’s home in Kochi meets the comforts of day-to-day living while providing the luxuries of a weekend retreat. The home theatre room also has a surround sound system inside and sound-absorbing panels on the walls. It is an aesthetically pleasing space with elements that complement each other. It is a space that will give any movie theatre a run for its money.

Bedrooms That Lend a Degree of Lightness and Modernity

actor Kalabhavan Shajon’s luxury home in kochi

When it comes to the sleeping areas, the home gets three bedrooms. The position of master bedroom is in such a way that it provides privacy. We have also crafted dressing units and super-functional wardrobes. Along with bedrooms for the couple and their children, Mr Shajon’s home in Kochi also has a guest bedroom, providing a much more practical layout. In this children’s bedroom, we have added study units and interesting elements of texture to make an elegant statement.

Actor Kalabhavan Shajon’s home now  has a feeling of openness, and the design narrative is extremely contemporary and timeless. The contemporary and timeless elements of the home successfully bring together the family’s modern lifestyle. It also gets the level of practicality they have been longing for with a modernistic, yet elegant aesthetic.

6 Living Room Trends in 2023 Our Designers Swear By

February 04, 2023

living room trends in 2023

The living room is one of the most important rooms in your home; it’s where family and friends come together to relax, unwind, and make memories. But with changing trends every year, how do you decide which decor elements to opt for? We’ve put together a list of six top living room trends in 2023 from our designers that are sure to upgrade any living space.

Personalized Authentic Decor

Our home is the most personal place we have. Our homes should reflect who we are and to some extent reflect our personalities. Choosing a bold and personalized decor will transform the look of your living area by giving new life to your space. Oftentimes, small details that we miss out are what define our personality. Many people really focus on having a family portrait or pillows in their new home. Instead of all these, bring in custom print sofa, decor items or even rugs and blinds.

Sustainable Furnishings

From coffee tables to sofas and chairs, almost all furnishings in your home can be made from sustainable sources that won’t go out of date quickly. The most eco-friendly furniture options are made from repurposed materials like salvaged wood, recycled textiles, and repurposed wood pallets. Also great for furniture and home decor are natural materials like bamboo, rattan, and seagrasses. Incorporating natural materials such as bamboo and rattan into your furniture is an excellent way to embrace sustainability while also creating a modern aesthetic. Vintage and used items are also excellent green furniture options and are one among the living room trends in 2023. Choose vintage or antique items because they are frequently handmade and long-lasting. Additionally, sustainable furnishings use fewer chemicals than other furniture.

Multifunctional Designs

This could mean any piece with additional storage capabilities or even items that can easily perform two roles; like beds with built in drawers or cleverly designed bookshelves doubling up as headboards. Smaller multi-functional components help increase visual impact while adding necessary functionality. This always helps people live smarter lives within smaller spaces if need be.

Unexpected Color Pairings

In 2023, new textile, textures and colors will be brought to the forefront. What will be more exciting to see in the living room trends in 2023 will be the bold colors taking its place in large pieces of furniture. For those who want to create more calming environments, soft pastels are perfect! The range of shades available provide many opportunities when it comes to designing a pleasing space. Items featuring blues, pinks and creams add color without being too overwhelming on the senses and really make all other decor features pop!

Luxury Lighting Fixtures

Lighting fixtures can really bring a touch of luxury to the interior design of your home. Lighting has always been an important part in decorating spaces and it’s no different when it comes to creating that perfect vibe for yourself or guests. With lighting accessories like chandeliers, wall sconces, pendants and lamps there are plenty of opportunities to add some extra shine at any budget level. Whether you have something grandiose in mind or just want small upgrades here and there – decorating with decorative light pieces is definitely worth considering.

Bigger Mirrors and Decor

If you’re looking for a way to spruce up your home decor, consider investing in bigger mirrors and decorative pieces. Introducing mirrors into your space makes areas look bigger. When more light Is present, it makes less obvious areas appear wider. Whether it’s an ornate wall mirror or strategically placed floor lamps and statues; the right additions can take a room from being just alright to extraordinary real quick. Bigger mirrors and decor has high-quality options that will help create more space in any areas of your living environment while helping bring out extra personality into every nook and cranny.

So step away from standard sized furnishings – follow this guide today on how larger scales items like statement lighting fixtures, wall artworks, and curtains can reinvigorate interiors without going overboard. While you are at it, make sure to check out the diverse range of custom-made living room products D’LIFE has to offer.


How Neutral Colours Add Sophistication to Home Interiors

January 30, 2023

How Neutral Colours Add Sophistication to Home Interiors

Are you looking to add a touch of sophistication and modernity to your home interior? Neutral colours are the perfect way to do just that, without overwhelming a space or detracting from an individual’s unique style. From cream, beige and taupe tones, all the way through to greys and muted blues, neutral colour palettes have the power to transform any room in your house into something truly special. In this blog, our interior designers in Bangalore have compiled the main reasons why neutral colours are so effective for creating elegance within home interiors. So, read on if you’re ready to discover more about these versatile hues.

What Are Neutral Colours?

Neutral colours are often misunderstood – they aren’t just the boring shades of beige, taupe and ivory. Neutral tones can also include lighter and richer shades of brown, taupe, white, black, gray, navy and even pale green or pale blue. They are often used in interior design to create balance and harmony. It also instill a timeless appearance that stands out in home interiors. A room filled with too many bright colours can be overwhelming and distracting whereas neutral tones help ground a space by working in unison with other elements in the room such as furniture, cabinets and textiles. Neutral colours may appear basic at first glance. But they offer so much more than meets the eye – they act as a classic contrast or cooler backdrop that allows home decor to truly shine.

Neutral Colours as Background

1. Can be used in any room of the house

From timeless black and white colour schemes to more eclectic pastel hues, neutral colours are an ever-popular choice for home interiors. They provide an understated sophistication that will last for years to come. The beauty of this colour palette lies in its versatility and ability to act as a background or focus feature throughout your house depending on usage. Not only do neutral tones easily enhance existing decorating styles but they can also be used effectively in any room from the living area to the kitchen and bathroom without appearing too overwhelming.

2. Create a calm and relaxing atmosphere

If you’re looking to add a touch of warmth and personality to your home’s interior, consider using neutral colours. Neutral colours can create an elegant and timeless look, and they can be used in any room to achieve the desired effect. Using neutral colours doesn’t mean your home has to be boring – there are endless possibilities for ways to use them in creative and stylish ways. Keep reading to learn more about how neutral colours can add sophistication to your home’s interior.

3. Make small spaces appear larger

To make small spaces seem larger, incorporating neutral colours into home interiors offers a great solution. Neutral tones lend a feeling of sophistication and luxury to a room, which can instantly make it appear more spacious. Neutral walls and furniture offer versatility for accessorising with pops of colour and patterns. Meaning, the space can be changed up as desired. Utilizing light reflection off mirrors strategically placed around the room can also add brightness and depth in place of wall art, creating the illusion of a larger space. Neutral colours are invaluable design tools to create the illusion of more space. It also make sure that an interior looks beautiful and sophisticated.

4. Perfect for people who don’t like to experiment with bold colours

Neutral tones are a great way to spruce up any look without taking any risks. With its subtle hues, they are perfect for those who don’t like to go overboard and require a safe, classical style. These gorgeous neutrals provide a professional air but don’t come across as boring or unimaginative. It’s all about combining different textures and fabrics through clothing and accessories, allowing you to create your very own statement look with an array of muted tones. A perfect blend of comfort and confidence inspired by subtle, delicate colour combinations.

5. Be paired with almost any colour

Neutral colours are a fantastic choice for anyone who loves flexibility in their décor and style. Not only are neutral hues easy on the eye and calming, they get along with almost any other colour to create stunning and attractive accents. For instance, incorporating a bright pop of lime green against a backdrop of creamy white or beige can help brighten up a room while still achieving an elegant balance between colour and tone. As neutrals are widely available, homeowners have ample opportunities to find the ideal shades to mix and match with other pieces to get the desired effect.

6. A wonderful backdrop for beautiful furnishings

When decorating your home, it’s important to remember that each room has a purpose. How much you invest in decor aside, it’s the backdrop of each space that really makes a home come alive. A wonderful backdrop for beautiful furnishings can be simple and timeless or full of vibrant colour and energy. Along with this colour palette, to make sure your living room is an inviting space with a unique atmosphere, create different height levels using bookshelves and TV stands. Layering textures like velvet sofas on top of rustic tables also creates an interesting contrast while finding ways to add touches of traditional elements like wall hangings or natural fibre rugs can complete the look. With careful consideration, you can create stunning visuals from just the background alone!

All in all, neutral colour palettes are versatile and easy to work with colours that can be perfect for any space. These aforementioned tips from D’LIFE’s interior designers are today widely adopted by many homeowners for their home interiors in Bangalore. Make sure to follow them so you can create a soothing and stylish monochromatic design scheme in your home that will make your rooms feel larger, brighter, and more inviting.

Interior Design Checklist for Your Home Theater Room

January 20, 2023

Home Theater Room

Are you planning to turn your room into a private theater room? If so, you need to make sure that your interior design is on point. After all, the right ambiance can really enhance the movie-watching experience. But what exactly should you be looking for when designing a home theater room? Creating the ultimate home theater experience doesn’t have to be an expensive feat. Here’s a checklist our experienced interior designers compiled to help you set up the perfect home theater room:

Room Shape

Start by selecting a room that has minimal distractions such as clutter and noise. Also, make sure there’s no visible light sources other than those meant for display in the theater. While there is no single ideal size for a home theater room, the general rule is that the more space you have available, the better. A room should ideally be approximately 6m long and 4.5m wide with high ceilings for the best viewing experience. However, given that most family rooms are around 3m square, these can be made to work just as well.

Retrofitting & Sound Check

This is where things get fun: choosing the right projector source or 4K Ultra HDTV, and sound system for your home theater room. There are a lot of factors that can play in retrofitting. Sometimes, making alterations to seating plans, the location of the projection screen or even relocation of doors can improve experience. In some cases, even the removal of a wall can drastically change the experience of a home theatre room as it allows for more comfortable viewing. 

For the projector source and sound there are plenty of great options out there depending on your budget and preferences, but we recommend going for something with HDR (high dynamic range) capabilities and sound for an immersive experience.


Good lighting is key in any room but it’s especially important in a home theater room. You’ll want dimmable lights so that you can create the perfect amount of light for whatever situation—whether you are watching movies during the day or at night. Illuminated ceiling lights are also a good option as they provide gentle, diffused lighting without being too bright. There are many different types of lighting fixtures for home interiors available in the market today. You just need to make sure not to put any lights near the screen as this will cause glare and ruin the viewing experience. Finally, think carefully about the height of your television or projection screen as it could affect your viewing angle—when placed too high, it could cause neck strain, and when placed too low, you may have to strain to view the screen!


The sound levels in a home theater will be a combination of low frequency sounds (Bass) and high frequency sounds. The most important aspect of soundproofing a home theater is controlling the low frequency. It penetrates your thick walls, ceiling, floors, doors, and windows. For example, if you listen to loud music in your car and stand outside with all windows closed, you may not be able to hear the lyrics properly, but the bass vibrations will be present. So, to soundproof your room, invest in blackout shades, ceilings or curtains to implement proper soundproofing. It can also be beneficial if you need noise reduction in a particular area of your home.


When it comes to the furniture, select comfortable and spacious seats with plenty of legroom while allowing enough space between them for large popcorn bowls or getting up to fill your favourite drinks. You’ll want to choose plush, comfortable chairs or sofas that are big enough to sink into. Avoid anything with hard edges or that’s too small—no one wants to feel cramped up while watching a film. And if you’re planning on inviting friends over for movie night, make sure you have enough seating for everyone.


By playing with colors and textures, a homeowner can craft a feeling of calmness or energy depending on what impression they want to create in their home theater room. Incorporating pieces like paintings, artwork, tapestries, or various furniture items can all contribute to the look and feel of a room. Additionally, adding in scented candles, flowers and other small details can give the space even more personalized feeling. Decorations are a simple but powerful way to transform any given room into something special.

Over the years, our interior designers in Bangalore have helped many homeowners make the right decisions about home theater set up. Whether it’s design related advice or positioning of the theater within home interiors, we can help you out. By following this interior design checklist, you can create a visually stunning and comfortable home theater room for everyone to enjoy. So go ahead and start planning your perfect movie-watching setup! Have fun.


A Home Interior in Coimbatore That Offers a Comfortable Custom-Made Layout

January 13, 2023

home interior in Coimbatore Given that the client had returned from abroad, contemporary-styled interiors are an integral part of their lifestyle. Thus, we envisaged a cosy home that is high on style and sensibility. The homeowners wanted a very subtle and calm home and didn’t want many bright colors. They wanted the interior of their home in Coimbatore to have functional and aesthetic qualities that resonated with their personalities.

Sleek and Contemporary Living

As one enters the home, they are greeted by a large living room. The living room has a pleasant seating area composed of gray-colored sofas and a centre table. The highlight of the living area is the sofas. Sofas upholstered in shades of grey offer ample seating.

Dining That Adds a Sophisticated Flair

The dining room lies to the left of the main door, adjacent to the living room. It has been “punched out” and is near the kitchen. The dining table has a glass top and flanked by white chairs on one side and a bench on the other. The dining room abuts the living room and gains plenty of natural light. The custom dining table with its black aesthetic adds drama and layering to the voluminous space.

Custom-made Kitchen

The kitchen of this home interior in Coimbatore was purposefully make a bold statement with its contrasting cabinetry. It is designed with an open concept, which allows for an airy and expansive feel. In the kitchen, the relationship between the spaces is fluid as they are custom-built. The kitchen also accommodates built-in appliances, giving this area a sleek look. It also adds visual interest with its eye-catching interplay between colors and patterns.

Aesthetic Bedrooms

The spacious bedrooms adopt a classic simplicity and contemporary style through their wardrobe and other furnishings and decor. The master bedroom features walls in a blue and white theme. The wardrobe is to the left of the bed. Adhering to the homeowners’ request for minimal design elements, we have crafted it to exude a timeless vibe. The kids’ bedroom, fitted with custom study units, showcases a palette of white and pink. The kids’ bedrooms also have study units custom made to their liking. It is a clean-lined space with contemporary furnishings in subtle colors.

This Coimbatore home’s interiors were specifically designed to make it a distinct space with distinct functions. Thanks to our interior designers in Coimbatore, the finished project is a space that is seamless and high on comfort and functionality.


A Home Interior Project in DLF Riverside, Vyttila, Kochi

January 06, 2023

The homeowners Mr Dipin and his family asked our interior designers in Ernakulam to design a clean-lined, contemporary-styled apartment. They also wanted a home with an inviting ambience inspired by gold and teal colors. The main door of the apartment opens to an open-plan living and dining which is swathed in natural light. All the furniture in this home interior project at DLF Riverside, Vyttila, Kochi was custom-made at D’LIFE’s own factory. Across the apartment, you can see pleasant light tones that merge with the overall interiors.

Inviting Teal and White Living & Dining

apartment interior project in dlf riverside kochi

As one enters the home, they are greeted by the beautiful living and dining in a teal and white combination projecting elegance. This is the heart of the house where polished, reflective flooring accentuates the size of the living, as do the full-length drapes. The formal living room has a strong contemporary influence. It relies on abundant natural light and with the addition of decors in gold, the home gets added glamour and glitter. Six-seater dining offers a fresh look to the space with its vibrant chairs. It also embraces a crockery shelf in a pure white theme and a mirror. Beautiful colour contrasts and efficiently designed furnishings and decor dominate the living and dining.

Mindfully Made Bedrooms

The bright and spacious bedrooms conjure up a sophisticated appeal while maximizing storage. The storage space does not compromise the aesthetics of the apartment. According to our interior designers in Ernakulam, the daughter’s bedroom is the most interesting one. The colorful palate with its energizing vibe sets up an inviting ambience. The master bathroom follows the theme of living and dining. Framed with a custom workspace, wardrobe and enveloping headboard in teal, it underpins a sense of subtle luxury.

The guest bed of this home interior project at DLF Riverside, Vyttila, Kochi has reflective glass on its wardrobe. In contrast to the bedroom’s minimal dimension and theme, the addition of a mirror finish wardrobe creates the illusion of a bigger space. We also made sure that the space feels open with the use of a lure window.

A Kitchen that is Aesthetic and Technical

The modular kitchen of this home interior project at DLF Riverside, Vyttila, Kochi has a modern, clean-lined decor. As the homeowners didn’t want too many colors, a neutral color theme enveloped the U-shaped kitchen. Considering the frequent traffic in the kitchen, we decided to go for a U-shaped kitchen. Efficiently crafted furniture dominates the design narrative. Since the homeowner wanted a breakfast table, we took into account the space constraints, and provided a foldable one.

Each piece of furniture, every accessory and decor perfectly fit the requirements of the homeowners. They loved the understated ambience and the timeless contemporary essence. Our design team has converted the whole home into a space that evokes energy and glamour.

5 New Residential Apartment Projects in Anna Nagar, Chennai from Top Builders

December 30, 2022

Residential Apartment Projects in Anna Nagar

One of India’s top metro cities and a hub for the country’s largest industrial and commercial business, Chennai is home to some of the best residential apartment projects in Anna Nagar, Chennai. It provides the perfect place to settle or work and offers something unforgettable no matter how far you go. It’s no surprise to see people investing inside the city. Here are some new apartment projects in Chennai that you can consider if you are looking for a home.

The Gardenia by Ozone Group

The Gardenia is a well-planned luxury apartment in Anna Nagar, Chennai. With close proximity to Anna Nagar Tower and Thirumangalam metro station, Gardenia is a perfect choice for those looking for a luxurious lifestyle. The project is built with the latest technology and features. It has a gymnasium, swimming pool, kid’s play areas, rainwater harvesting, amphitheater and 24 x 7 Security.

Pace Prana by Pace Builders

The Pace Prana is 8 mins from Apollo hospitals, and CMBT and is close to major schools & hospitals & malls. You get to experience clear skies, and clean waters tucked away from the bustling city. It has a gym, badminton and tennis court, grocery store, indoor games, water treatment plant and more. Pace Prana is an ideal locale for those who appreciate nature. It is also surrounded by amenities that exhibit timeless luxury and comfort.

Newry Park Towers by Newry Properties

The Newry Park is a magnificent apartment in Chennai with all modern features and comfort. The project has a basketball court, clubhouse, meditation hall and tennis court. If you are looking for a contemporary lifestyle with a magnificent ambience, then this is the best residential apartment project in Anna Nagar, Chennai. Newry Park Towers offers the best of community living giving you easy access to shopping and entertainment.

Orchid Springs by Alliance Group

Orchid Springs is a luxury waterfront apartment in Korattur near Anna Nagar. It is a beautifully designed residential property consisting of a shopping mall, multiplex and an international standard clubhouse. Spread over 18 acres of lush greenery, Orchid Springs offers elegance and grandeur along with harmonious living. These residential apartment projects in Anna Nagar, Chennai exude brilliance in terms of beauty and value.

The Metrozone by Ozone group

The Metrozone is one of the largest and most innovative residential apartment projects in Anna Nagar, Chennai. It comprise of 29 towers of 2, 3, 4 and 5 BHK luxury residential apartments and penthouses. The apartment has thematic gardens and parks, a multiplex, a large retail mall, and food courts of international standards. It also has an advanced water treatment plant, 24 hours supply of electricity and drinking water. With world-class amenities and all things combined, the Metrozone offers an unmatched, modern lifestyle.

If you are planning to buy an apartment, situated away from the hustle-bustle of city life in the midst of nature in a serene environment, always make sure you get it from a trusted builder who has experience in the housing sector in Chennai. Also, if you need the best in terms of quality service and peace of mind, get the interiors done by a professional interior design company in Chennai who has experience in the field of residential projects.


A 3BHK Apartment Interior Project at L&T Eden Park, Chennai

December 23, 2022

living room interior Project at L&T Eden Park, Chennai

This apartment Interior project at L&T Eden Park, Chennai is effortlessly elegant and has a balance of practicality with style. We have curated design elements to the requirements of the family. One of the main objectives of this project was to meet all the requirements of the family. The design meets the requirement as a collective as well as an individual level while maintaining the aesthetics. The furnishings, decor and artworks echo light tones and still create a minimal inspired contemporary look that is sure to stand the test of time.

Warm and Inviting Custom-Made Living Area

This apartment interior project at L&T Eden Park is filled with natural light. The living is a testament to the owners’ unique personality; it is vibrant and light-filled. The living space has a custom-built tufted sofa, coffee table and a TV unit in a white and wooden theme. We have also given ambient recessed lighting to soften the ambience. The design revolves around the philosophy of creating a warm, inviting, and clutter-free space. The sofa and other furnishings in this living room were ergonomically designed according to the comfort of the homeowners.

The Open-Plan Dining with Minimalist Decor

The living and dining areas have a free-flowing, open-plan layout. The dining area too gets plenty of natural light through the windows and balcony. The six-seater dining with a white table top and flanked by custom-designed chairs lend a minimalist accent to the dining space. Beside the dining area is a crockery unit that stands on the walls creating visual interest.

Well-Equipped Modular Kitchen

The kitchen is stylish and is in a white and rose gold combination. Shelves have a soft close mechanism and have smooth surfaces aligning with the monotony of the colours in the living and dining. The modular layout offers numerous storage possibilities and helps define the kitchen. With the cabinetry and accessories, this modular kitchen is perfect for homeowners, who love cooking and entertaining.

Contemporary Bedrooms

bedroom Apartment Interior Project at L&T Eden Park, Chennai

The bedrooms of this beautiful apartment interior project at L&T Eden Park has been designed by our interior design team in Chennai to create drama with contemporary decor features and enable the play of light throughout the day. The master bedroom gets wooden flooring and has a pop of vibrancy. To visually minimize the bulk, wardrobes are sliding and are in the same wooden theme. The home has a neutral color palette thus adding a punch of personality and elegance to the smooth homogeneity.

Ergonomically and Stylishly Designed Kids’ Room

The kid’s room features a clean-lined, functional design narrative with a customized bed and furnishings. Designed ergonomically and minimally, the kid’s room also has a study unit in a purple-white combination. The color palette makes for subtle drama and gives a sense of expanse.
Our clients wanted to give their apartment a visual and spatial mood and also, needed to have a space with hints of the contemporary in the interior. Our team of interior designers in Chennai have used custom furnishings and decor in this space. And ultimately, this apartment project has come together cohesively. The design plan has come out really well, meeting the requirements of the client and family.

Watch the video here:


10 Group Villa Projects in Bengaluru Offering Premium Community Living

December 16, 2022

Villa Projects in Bengaluru

Over the years, Bangalore has emerged as a favorite spot for real estate investors. The demand for villa projects in Bangalore offering premium community living has also been increasing in the past. the growing IT sector, pleasant climate, easy accessibility and standard of living make Bangalore a perfect destination to buy property.

Advantages of Living in a Gated Community

A gated community is a residential community boundaries and gates that control access to the area. The primary advantage of living in a community is the possibility that you have an elevated feeling of 24-hour security. Moreover, when living in such premises, you have the opportunity to interact with and form bonds with other people. And have each other’s backs in case of an emergency. A gated community offers a well-rounded lifestyle and gazebos for relaxation. You can find things like mini-groceries, eateries, relaxation areas and more. Living in a gated community also means being in a greener environment. There are less pollutants, presence of trees and shrubs and you are constantly breathing clean air. Even if you are purchasing a villa project in Bangalore with the intention of selling it later on, you can sell it for a decent profit especially if you pick a gated community.

Some of the Prominent Group Villa Projects in Bangalore

Prestige Aspen Greens:

Aspen Greens is a villa project in Bangalore at the largest township in the city; The Prestige City Situated in 180 acres of space, it has different housing patterns and plots. It is one of the largest townships in the city and there are many different housing patterns available. Aspen Greens has landscaped avenues, sewage water treatment, 24*7 security personnel, Jogging tracks, Party lawns with an amphitheater and swimming pools for safety and fun purpose. The property is placed adjacent to Sarjapur lake and has reputed schools, colleges, shopping malls, multiplex, banks, and restaurants nearby.

Shriram Chirping Grove:

Chirping Grove offers 3 BHK and 4 BHK luxury villas sprawled across an area of 12 acres. Situated at Sarjapur Road, East Bangalore, the chirping grove is one of the villa projects in Bangalore that offers a comfortable and lavish lifestyle. With easy access to shopping areas, schools, public gardens etc, Chirping Grove is to become the most reputable address in the city. It sets new standards with its artful combination of enriched landscapes and living facilities.

Prestige Golfshire:

Located at Devanahalli, North Bangalore, Prestige Golfshire is a grandeur villa project that offers exclusive 4 BHK villas. This area in North Bangalore is near to one of the biggest hubs in education, healthcare, hospitality, commercial, and residential projects. Spread across an area of 275 acres, this is one of the prominent villa projects in Bangalore offering premium community living. The entire property is built around a golf course which offers a natural beauty for you to get away from the bustle of city life. The villas are designed in a way that they are contemporary and elegant. This ultra-luxurious villa also boasts a private lake, tennis court, clubhouse, swimming pool, and a luxury hotel and is just a 10-minute drive from the new Bangalore International Airport.

Purva Smiling Willows:

Located in Gottigere, South Bangalore Purva Smiling Willows is sprawled across an area of 19 acres comprising a total of 207 units. It is a ready-to-move-in villa project by Puravankara Group that offers plenty of benefits such as lavish lifestyle, great amenities, prime location, and healthy surroundings. This villa project in Bangaluru is also strategically located to nearly all other major points including shopping areas, hospitals, schools and more. Purva Smiling Willows offers 3 BHK and 4 BHK Villas and have Badminton Court, Basket Ball court, gym, cricket court, pool, landscaped garden etc to relax, revitalise and relish.

Raffles Park Villas:

Raffles Park in Bangalore East is a blend of concrete buildings with greenery. The Raffles Park interior project spread across 15 acres is one of the spacious housing societies in the Bangalore East region. The property also boasts an infinity swimming pool, landscape garden, and children’s play area. The villas are specifically designed to suit each homeowner’s requirements and lifestyle. There are 4bhk and 5bhk villas available and is a promising social and physical infrastructure in Bangalore.

The Sound of Water:

This is a luxury ready-to-move-in villa project spread across an area of 19.5 acres. With a total of 207 units comprising of 3 BHK and 4 BHK villas, this villa located Off Bannerghatta Road, South Bangalore is in close proximity to multi-speciality hospitals, shopping malls, and educational institutions. You also get easy access to locations such as J.P.Nagar, Jayanagar and BTM Layout. The property also has a swimming pool, tennis court, basketball court, meeting rooms and garden.

Assetz Earth & Essence:

Situated off Sarjapur Road, East Bangalore, Assetz Earth & Essence offers 3 BHK and 4 BHK premium villas spread across an area of 6 acres. comprising a total of 47 units, this is one of the villa projects in Bangalore offering premium community living. fresh air, soothing scenes and the best amenities makes living at Assetz Earth & Essence a great living experience. The villa project has great road connectivity too.


Alanoville is a ready-to-move-in 4 BHK villa project situated on Hennur Main Road, North Bangalore. It strongly resembles the modern design and architecture. Alanoville has a high-end resort overlook when it comes to the perks and state-of-the-art amenities it offers. Alanoville offers you a green living experience along with its swimming pool, indoor sports, clubhouse, and so on. If you are looking for high-end living with many amenities, Alanoville is a great villa project to be in.

Here’s a beautiful and unique interior design of Mr Muralidharan’s villa in Alanoville, Karnataka that pack both style, function and a stunning first impression. This villa interior project in Bangalore is the perfect space that carries stunning decor vibes, ambience and functionality.

Prestige Augusta Golf Village:

Comprising a total of 460 units, Prestige Augusta Golf Village is a premium villa project in Bangalore.  It offers premium community living. The villa project has a land space of 105 acres and is comfortably  away from the busy city. It offers all amenities such as Gymnasium, library, clubhouse, table tennis court, yoga room, swimming pool and squash court. Golf Village has contemporary-styled villas that redefine comfort and luxury and takes you back to peace and tranquility.

D’LIFE has done a villa interior project at Prestige Augusta Golf Village in 2022. Our team of  interior designers in Bangalore has turned it into a dreamy home interior dedicated to serenity and unique style statements. You can watch the interior project video here:

Prestige White Meadows:

These are 4 BHK and 5 BHK luxury independent bungalows situated in Whitefield, East Bangalore that is finely crafted. The villas have the finest materials, with a never-before level of amenities. Since it is set in a scenic background, it brings a quality living experience combined with its brilliant architecture and luxurious features. The property is also near to hospitals, schools and shopping canters and so on.

A Home Interior Project in Bengaluru that Packs a Stunning Impression

December 10, 2022

Considering the strong sense of contemporary styled interiors and comforting elements, we designed this home of Mr Venkat Rao in Prestige Augusta Golf Village, Bengaluru to match the quirks of each member of the family. The entire structure of this home is in such a way that the spaces are well-lit, all coming together and producing a series of open yet transitional spaces.

Living Space

home interior project in bengaluru at Prestige Augusta Golf Village

This home interior project in Bengaluru has two living rooms. The main door opens into this main living that impresses with its striking presence. The idea of luxury is further detailed through carefully picked decor that creates a fresh and vibrant elegance. The living has a yellow sofa and a wing chair that lend a relaxed visual scheme and act as statement pieces for this home. The walls are in textured cement finish. Besides the Grey walls, the ceiling incorporates wooden panelling, and light fixtures to incorporate a radiance into the contemporary design.

Comfort Dining

Having an accommodating dining area was the mainstay in this design plan. The dining room of this home interior project in Bengaluru is of particular note. As exceptional as the living space, the dining inspires an organic vibe of wood composition. The six-seat dining and the chairs are custom-made and are a mix of casual and formal seating. All the movable and non-movable furniture are designed and implemented by our own interior design and projects team.

A Fully Equipped Kitchen

kitchen interior in bengaluru Prestige Augusta Golf Village - CopyThe kitchen in this house is a continuation of the contemporary design theme in the living room. The kitchen, which is situated beside the living is entirely outfitted in an elegant design scheme and the open modular kitchen with breakfast counter is exceptionally functional. Here, the custom cabinets in a mint green shade draw the spotlight. With custom cabinets, a breakfast counter, and ample lighting, modular kitchen of this home interior project in Bengaluru blends in wonderfully with the overall theme.

Bespoke Bedrooms

The bedrooms designed with wooden flooring are elegant and have an impactful appearance with their custom-designed wardrobes. The clients wanted a subtle yet stylish look that offered comfort and functionality with adequate space. Therefore, the master bedroom of this home interior project in Bengaluru offers a panoramic view with large windows, allowing plenty of natural light. Unfussy colors and contemporary decor characterize the master bedroom. home interior project in bengaluru Prestige Augusta Golf VillageThe other bedrooms too have a contemporary vibe and special aesthetic value to them. The mirrored sliding wardrobes add shine and are subtle and stylish to create a comfortable look. With light-coloured walls combined with wallpapers and lighting, makes its way to blend with the overall layout. All the bedrooms in this house have custom built-in workspace or a study area which is bright and functional.

The layout, planning and the contemporary furnishings plays a crucial role in this home interior project. The homeowners were keen to create an authentic contemporary vibe with unique, and elegant ways, and our interior design team in Bengaluru made sure they received the perfect home mirroring all their needs and requirements.

Here’s a home interior design tour of Rao & family: Augusta Golf Village


How To Make Your Bathroom Safe for Elderly

December 05, 2022


Bathrooms are one of the risky and the most critical places in a home, especially when you have elderly people at home. As it involves a lot of sharp corners, small spaces and wet surfaces, loss of balance or a fall can make serious impacts to a person. Ensuring safety of the elderly is important and here are our top tips if you are trying to make your bathroom safe for elderly.

Shower and Bathtub Safety

For most elderly people, it is difficult for them to stand for long periods, especially when taking a bath. Elderly members who have balance or mobility issues are highly prone to bathroom injuries. A shower chair can ensure stability for people with mobility issues. The chair has to have rubber tips on its legs to prevent sliding. In the shower area, provide space for a caregiver or second person, to easily assist the elderly when necessary.

A detachable shower head also makes sense. It allows the elderly to sit on a shower seat while showering, avoiding falls or helping to wash off themselves properly. To do so, install grab bars to help support balance while sitting on the shower seat or when standing up. These bars when bolted on can perfectly endure the body weight. The bars should be stainless steel or aluminum and installed between 1.10 and 1.30 meters high.

Toilet Arrangement

Your elderly should always be able to access the toiletries. Be it soap or toilet paper, they should be placed in a way that the user doesn’t have to worry about slipping from their hands during use. Install a storage cabinet for placing toiletry items within an easy-to-reach place. Often, the visual perception of the elderly might be impaired. Improper lighting can lead to falls and getting injured. So, to make your bathroom safe, have well-lit and also have night lights for their loo trips. Labeling things in a way which makes things easier for them to identify what they’re looking for easier, helps things out.

Sink and Hardware

Like the shower, sink and other hardware should be easier to handle. Try installing taps or faucets with electric sensors. Elder people can have a higher risk of falls than others. To improve safety in your loved one’s bathroom, you can also consider installing a phone to use in case of an emergency. As the bathroom is mostly attached to the bedroom, elderly members of the family may often use the facility without bothering other people. Therefore, it is essential to be careful especially about the type and position of the fittings in washrooms.

Flooring Precautions

We all know that a bathroom is a slippery area and slipping while in the shower is even worse. It is common for floors to become slippery, to avoid this, get non-slip mats. These mats when placed in the toilet or in front of the bathroom entrance helps a lot when entering or coming out. Non-slip flooring options such as rubberized floors, cement boards, and epoxy can be used. Also, make sure the mats you place near your bathtub or shower are slip-free as well. The best thing about incorporating this in your home is that it makes your bathroom safe for the elderly and for the caregiver as well. Similarly, a good quality door mart for the bathroom is also helpful to wipe the legs and enter the room.

These simple modifications can benefit your loved ones to make your bathroom safe and boost their confidence while using it. In most cases, these help the caregivers to support the body weight of the person and make showering or toileting safe and easier.


Tips for Designing a Narrow Kitchen to Get Better Results

October 31, 2022


The kitchen has always been the most important part of a home, but for some, it may not always be the most spacious. Most modern homes built in small spaces do have a small kitchen space. Do you plan on designing a narrow kitchen? Here are some tips to help you out on the process.

Lighten and Brighten Wherever Possible

If you are planning on designing a narrow kitchen, remember, an open kitchen is always ideal. The lighter and less congested the kitchen, the larger it will appear. Therefore, tidy up things and define each element of the available space. Choose a straight kitchen or an L shaped layout for the best results. This means having few appliances or multi-purpose appliances so that they don’t occupy space. You might need to incorporate storage options if you are particular about having lots of appliances and cooking options.

Moreover, having the perfect lighting when you’re working in the kitchen is important. Pendant lighting, ambient, task lighting and accent lighting are some of the essential lighting options you can explore. The task lighting is great for kitchen work areas while the accent can be beneficial if you want to highlight specific features or bring up the elegance of the kitchen space. If the kitchen has a breakfast counter, add a small pendant lighting to create an overall aesthetic.

Selection of Suitable Color Schemes

If you’re designing a small narrow kitchen from scratch, opt for glossy, matte or wooden textures with white, cream or grey color. You can also color up your kitchen walls with wall decals, patterned tiles to create a focal point and more. In a narrow kitchen design, make sure you keep a light palette on the countertop and walls to keep it airier and more open.

Minimalist Storage Options

Innovative storage solutions in the kitchen will allow utilizing the space efficiently and keep away hot appliances such as hobs, ovens and other cooking utensils. When space is minimal, you can’t afford to lose any of it. Even having an open shelf solution or upper cabinets makes the space much easier to organize the dishes and glasses. But keep in mind that having the upper cabinet may not work if your ceiling is less than 10ft high. In such cases, have minimalist storage and try on some multifunctional options to make most from the available space.

Consider Smart Functions and Systems

A straight kitchen is one of the popular layouts to make use of space if you are designing a narrow kitchen. The key to making this work is filling the walls with cabinets and storage. This way, you get to use most of the space and also, make sure you don’t make the space feel too boxy. Opt for cutlery hooks, knife strips and pot racks to optimize things more efficiently. With proper planning, you can also put a breakfast bar for the perfect spot to have coffee and newspaper. Also try decorating with potted herbs or houseplants to add a little dose of freshness and bring life.

Keep only Essential Accessories

Cooking is an activity in every home, that will never go out of style. But when you have a narrow kitchen, keep only essential accessories. Also, choose the most appropriate ones for your needs. When it comes to arranging and organizing things in less space, make use of the corners plus using less accessories can perfectly complement your narrow kitchen. It is essential to take care of these things especially while planning small apartment interior works.

How to Decorate Double-Height Living Rooms

October 22, 2022

Decorating a double height room needs a lot of work and to bring in some attention and aesthetic sense to it is even harder. If your home is blessed with double-height living rooms, here are some ways to take advantage of the airy interiors and have an amazing living space.

Creating a Focal Wall and Displaying ArtLIVING AREA 3D VIEW 03

One of the main disadvantages of having double-height living rooms is that there is a lot of space wasted which could have been used for creating a more functional area. But imagine a focal wall art or a floor-to-ceiling ethnic wall painting in your living room. Or even, hang a huge art piece. Wouldn’t it look great? It makes a stunning showstopper on a double-height living space that imparts visual depth. A tall painting makes every person visiting your home lookup giving the sense of the height of the place. You can also add modern 3D art installations for a dramatic flair in the entire space.

Add More Functions

No matter how huge some homes are, some homes with double-height living rooms have their staircases away from the living space. You can bring the staircase back to the living room and create a gigantic appearance for your place. Also, why not incorporate a bookshelf or a storage space along with it? One of the ways in which a double-height space can be utilized is by having a sensible storage space. It gives a sophisticated look and also helps in the efficient utilization of the double height.
Also, stay close to nature by adding plants. Plants in the living give a strong feeling of always being with nature. They are also beneficial to have around the home. Plants like snake plants, spider plants, peace lilies, and ferns, help in the purification of air in the house. Installing tall plants gives the illusion of space and makes the space look fresh, and big and mentally makes you even fresher.

Extend Wooden Elements and Rich Colors

Colors and wooden touches play a major role in elevating the look of the space. Go for wooden wall paneling for an element of warmth and a luxurious ambience. You can also accentuate your space with small lighting ideas to highlight the wooden design. Having wooden elements not only gives warmth and earthiness but also gives an illusion of oneness in the living space. Rich colors and textures in the sofa or other furniture add drama and a creative color palette to the double-height living room. Introduce rich colors like shades of brown, red, yellow, blue and a few others. If adding woodwork seems expensive, you can opt for wooden laminates that give the exact same feel as the woodwork. You can entrust a professional interior design company to create the perfect space of your dream.

Add Chandeliers

Want to add a versatile and bold touch to your living room? Just add a chandelier! If your living room is large and if you’re ready to take your lighting options to the next level, adding a chandelier creates a beautiful effect. A chandelier is so underrated in modern-day double-height living rooms but it has so many advantages. They are luxurious and rich. Use the chandeliers near the seating area to set up the mood and create a focal point. You can either go for a chandelier or an ultra-modern pendant to complete the look of your living room. Consider using overhead recessed lights to further bring the space to life. Take the help of specialists in apartment interior works to achieve these kinds of results effortlessly.

A 3BHK Home Interior in Chennai with Visual Appeal and Subtle Glamour

October 14, 2022

This apartment in Chennai, Tamil Nadu is home to a couple and their two children. We were approached by the couple to design contemporary house interiors that is functional with clean aesthetics and bring in as much light and air to create a warm and cozy ambience. This home interior in Chennai adopts an open-plan living-dining room and has three bedrooms and a contemporary modular kitchen. All the furnishings and decor are custom-made by our team of interior designers to meet the requirements and aesthetics of the clients.

Living and Dining

home interior in Chennai Clover by the River, Chennai The main door of this Chennai apartment opens into a spacious interconnected living and dining area. The open plan creates the illusion of more space in this home. A brown-themed sofa and an abstract wing chair placed in the living make for an intimate space. Accent lighting used in the false ceiling amplifies the sense of space. At the other end of the living room is the dining. The dining room design embraces beautiful hanging lighting and adds shine to the six-seater dining unit.

Stylish Modular Kitchen

The kitchen is a visual fabric of the living and dining space. The modular kitchen interiors embrace built-in cabinetry, consoles and cooking spaces which are conveniently located in the room. Its wooden cabinetry echoes an organic counterbalance to blend in with the rest of the home.

Ultra-modern Bedrooms

Each bedroom of this home in Chennai is a reflection of the individuals living in it. The master bedroom exudes a sense of calmness and sensibility. The bed is hosted by a wall-mounted wardrobe and loft. A built-in wood-toned TV unit stands opposite the bed. It also has a surface for books and other decorative items. The furnishings, accents and other design solutions which include the bedside table, curtains, and photo frames, all add a nod to the theme of the room.

Along with the master bedroom and kids’ bedroom, this home interior in Chennai also hosts a guest bedroom. The guest bedroom also embraces the touch of elegance. With a warm and green color and element of texture combined, this bedroom adds volume and texture to the entire space. The natural light flow that floods through this room are fantastic. bedroom interior Clover by the River, Chennai.The kid’s bedroom serves as the major highlight of the home. We had an exciting quest to create a unique design statement and to make it more suitable for the modern age. With two beds, study units and a wardrobe surrounded by bold, bright, cheerful settings, this space is something which little kids alike will appreciate. All the furniture in the kid’s bedroom is custom-made by our team of professional interior designers in Chennai to be ergonomic and offer a playful charm. We designed this space with the latest interior design trends in mind in a blue setting as per the likes of the children.

Here’s a walkthrough video of this home interior in Chennai.

Things to Remember while Selecting an Interior Designer in Udupi

October 07, 2022

DLFIE Interior Designer in Udupi

Whether you have bought a new home or just revamping your current space, seeking the help of an interior designer is the best way to bring your vision to life. Finding and working with seasoned professionals who have the ability to change your thoughts into reality with beautiful aesthetics is a challenge. Here are some things to remember while selecting an interior designer in Udupi.

• Individual or a Company?

An interior designer plays a vital role in helping create the home of your dreams. However, you may desire to work with someone who has been in the industry for quite some time and has a proven track record. You also may not like to end up giving your interior design work to someone who is straight out of college. If you are on a tight schedule and want a stress-free experience, it is always better to approach an interior design company, instead of an individual. Yes, a company may seem like a safe bet, and if you’re prepared, it’s actually the best way!

• Type of Project – Residential or Commercial?

One important thing to note when selecting an interior designer is choosing them based on the type of your project. Some of the interior designers in Udupi may be experts in residential interiors. But there are many designers focusing only on commercial interiors. If you are looking for home interior design and execution, there are specialists to work with. But make sure you find experienced personnel. Yes, experience makes all the difference and can avoid a lot of expensive mistakes and ensure the best results.

• Gather a List of Best Interior Designers in Udupi

Once you have your budget, time and style of interiors fixed, you can start looking for the best home interior designer in Udupi. Read reviews, consult with colleagues and friends and above all, personally look for a design team that would work as per your style and requirements. Look at their portfolios, showroom, and the suggestions they put forward. You may find it easier to get a reliable interior designers in Mangaluru as they may take up work in Udupi as well.

• Know your Requirements and Discuss

Knowing and discussing requirements with the designer is the most important thing the client should remember. Your interiors should always reflect your style and personality. Some people like to have their interiors in contemporary style when others like to go for the traditional style. Most of the designers abide by their own design style. An expert interior designer in Udupi should be able to understand your personal preferences. Also, they should understand the furnishing requirement for each room. Therefore, discuss with them the requirement and that will help them achieve a balanced space that is influenced by your personality and taste.

• Your Total Budget for the Interior Works

Budget is ultimately the primary thing you should consider when planning to carry out the interiors. There are numerous different aspects which may affect the budget but most generally, most interior companies in Udupi offer fixed rates and services. Also, check the average prices of labour, materials and finishes before choosing the cheapest quote from a design team. Keep in mind, cheapest is not always the best. So, consider the affordability and choose the interior design team for your home in Udupi accordingly.

• Discuss a Time Schedule

You need your project handover without delays and thus need a timeline for the design and execution works. During the meeting with your designer, inform them of the deadline and the time schedule that they need to adhere to. The designer may suggest some tweaks in the schedule but being experienced professionals, they should be able to guarantee the set deadlines without any delay. If the designer cannot guarantee timely completion, as per the plan and schedule, it is better to look for someone else.


A Stylish Modern Apartment Interior Project in South India

September 28, 2022

The brief from the homeowners to the creators of this beautiful home was very simple; to create a stylish modern apartment interior with a contemporary setting, and warm ambience in a beautiful yet minimalistic set-up. Given the necessary dimension, the living area had a narrow profile and our designers had to create a whimsical touch with custom made decor and furnishings. The apartment has three bedrooms, a dining room and a kitchen. So, with a clutter-free design scheme, ample storage and cabinets, the design team were able to successfully create this apartment interior project in such a way that it neatly reflects the lifestyle and personality of the homeowners.

Cozy Living Room

living room design apartment interior project kochi

The main door opens into the living room. Passage follows an L shape layout and connects to the dining room and the rest of the interiors. Living room of the apartment is neatly designed with white-gold paneling on the walls and suitable false ceiling with ample lighting. The space has a long L-shaped sofa with a luxurious rug beneath it.

Lighting plays a crucial role in this stylish modern apartment interior project and we have used both direct and indirect lighting with some basic lamps to accentuate the space. Next to the sofa is a coffee table designed in a white finish. With its contemporary elements and edgy natural look, this apartment interior exudes a serene sense of luxury and also boasts stunning views.

Ultra-Chic Dining Space

The dining area lies adjacent to the formal living room. A six-seater rectangular black and white dining table, surrounded by matching white chairs, occupies the heart of the room. The dining also has a semi-open crockery unit in an interesting design to meet the comforts of day-to-day living. With simple palette and wooden cabinetry, it perfectly fits to the small space.

Ultra-Modern Kitchen

black modular kitchen

The kitchen features a combination of sleek black cabinets. The finishes come together to give a warm and inviting character. Though this modular kitchen adopts an unusual L shape pattern, we have added pure contemporary aesthetics to this stylish modern apartment interior project since the duo loves to cook and entertain. The recessed lighting continues around the room.

Contemporary Bedrooms

new bedroom design apartment interior project

All the bedrooms of this apartment follow a contemporary design language that embraces the living, dining and the rest of the house. In the bedrooms, the bed is hosted with wall-mounted artwork while hanging pendant lights beside them cut an earthy presence. Master bedroom embraces a black theme as per the likes of the homeowner. It also adds a youthful and vibrant touch to the otherwise existing chic character of the bedroom. The black theme with the dark wall paneling makes for a striking appearance. Customized wardrobes show their presence in every bedroom in an elegant style.

This project is at Olive Kalista Apartments, Kakkanad, Kochi. Our team of interior designers and project managers made their best efforts to convert this space as per the client’s wish. There are a lot more people and their expertise and dedication behind every such successful project.

Watch the full home tour of this project here:

Are Black Modular Kitchens the New Trend?

September 03, 2022

black modular kitchens

Every homeowner dreams of a kitchen that is convenient and stunning. The modern-day modular kitchens offer the perfect mix of functionality and visual appeal and come in different designs that suit the needs of Indian homes. But which style is in the trend? Well, the black modular kitchens feature a certain amount of grandeur for modern-day users. It works well in bigger and smaller spaces.

Bring Some Luxurious Vibes to the Apartment

Black modular kitchens with dark-colored cabinets create a luxe-like feel and at the same time look gorgeous. The kitchen’s black cabinets and countertop create an intriguing contrast and eye-catching appeal. A kitchen with both ambient and task lighting features looks expensive. The right ceiling and wall lighting provide the owners ample visibility. Even more, under cabinet lighting and pendant lights in the eating area lends a modern appearance. You can also try incorporating a kitchen island for ease in cooking and serving food. Islands are a great way to break into openness and bring some light. With such a kitchen layout combined with a breakfast counter, homeowners and guests can work together while using the space for gathering.

Is Black Modular Kitchen a Suitable Option for Indian Homes?

One of the interesting points that sets apart modular kitchen designs in India is that they all are highly dependent on who is cooking. Indian kitchens need plenty of cabinets and shelves just for stocking the spices. But the colors they flaunt make them breezy and unique. With all the design and functional properties, a black modular kitchen goes very well with our Indian layouts. Straight lines and clean layouts make any kitchen attractive and clearly account for Indian sensibilities. If you want a stunningly-looking kitchen and don’t mind a little bit of extra cleaning duty, an all-black kitchen can be your best bet. It is a one-time expense, and it is well worth it.

What Other Colors Match with Black to Make a Perfect Combination?

A black modular kitchens blend with so many colors. Neutrals especially white, cream, or grey can give your kitchen a glamorous feel and also make the room appear more spacious. Variations of glossy or matte black look neat when combined with wooden accessories and golden or silver decor. Light cream and grey walls against black storage cabinetry, also make a black modular kitchen design look so sophisticated and relaxed. Furthermore, adding floor and walls textures induce interest in the space and give it a more laid-back feel.

How to Incorporate the Perfect Beauty of Black into Your Home Interiors?

In addition to the black modular kitchen, the homeowner may use the same color combination to give his favorite finish to the other furniture also. A touch of black color along with white brings an elegance to most of the other units as well. Thus, some of the home interior designers in Chennai and other cities recommend using the colors of the owner’s choice while customizing the furniture and fittings. However, it is always as per the interest of the users that either a dark or light color theme is adopted by them.

Interior Company in Mangalore Vs a Local Furniture Shop – Know the Similarities & Differences

August 26, 2022

Interior Company in Mangalore

Doing the interiors is the most important thing to look out for in your home in Mangalore. You have to take care of almost everything from the wall color, furniture styles and even decor items. Now you can do the interior yourself by getting the furnishings from your local furniture shop or get them done through an interior company in Mangalore. Choosing between these two can be more complicated than you think. Here’s a guide to walk you through the process.

• Buying Ready Made Furniture V/s Design and Build

Most of us want our homes to be a reflection of our personality and status. We may like to have a specific color theme or uniform appearance for the rooms. When we buy ready-made furniture from the local store, there is not much specific choices about the colors, design and materials. But, when we hire an interior company in Mangalore or any other city, you get highly customizable furnishings that are to your taste. They will design and build all the furniture as per the requirement, size of the rooms and suitability. To design, produce and execute need a lot of efforts, time and patience, but it is worth it for those who desire for the best.

• Complete Interiors V/s Essential Furniture

Hiring an interior design company in Mangalore will give you whole access to a wide selection of furnishing, fabrics and decor items that you will probably never see in local shops. With an interior designer, you end up with a complete home which is well tailored for your taste and lifestyle. And when it comes to buying the essential furniture, it is about compromise on many factors mainly because of the budget or time constraints. For example, if you have moved to Mangalore or any other city in India for a few years, it may be sufficient to settle with essential furniture. But, for those who build a house or buy an apartment, it is better to go for complete home interiors in a professional manner.

• Low Budget V/s Medium V/s High Budget

Budget is one main factor that determines the style of home furnishing. If the budget is low, the only way is to settle for less, though there is desire to get more. Why go for unwanted hassles of loan liabilities? In this case, buying furniture from the local shops, gradually and filling the rooms make sense. By eliminating the designer, and by DIY, you will save a lot on your budget. There are a lot of furniture stores and local carpenters around who can sell furniture at various price points. However, do note that this may lead to poor interior styling and tons of rework in the interiors. For instance, you may be thinking of getting a tropical-themed kitchen however it may not be successful in the place you live.

If you have a medium budget as per the size of the house or flat, professional interior designer can help you design and execute as it fits your pocket. Moreover, they can provide a suitable mix of colors and matching design for the entire house. Nowadays, there are numerous interior designers who are willing to work on a low, medium and high budget. Look for an interior company in Mangalore who are experienced, transparent about their charges and offer you services from start to end. Though you may feel like hiring an interior designer for the entire work is a costly affair, this may be the smartest decision to make for the long run.

• Quick Furniture V/s Planning & Doing

There’s truly a sense of accomplishment when you are decorating the home yourself. When you are into designing your own home, you might have all the adrenaline to do it yourself. You may select the essential furnishing that suit your budget and get it on the same day or the next day. You will have all the control over the process, and is really quick. But sometimes, there is always a chance you can mess things up as there is no plan or professional help. Therefore, if the time and money permits, the best option is to design and do it.

You might be designing your home a second or third time, but when a professional does it, the home will turn out to be more up-to-date and neater. When hiring an interior company in Mangalore, there are fewer chances to mess things up. They have the vision to design and execute on large spaces and can pick the perfect wall colors, decor, furnishings, window types etc.


Different Types of Modular Kitchen Cabinet Shutter Handles Available

August 19, 2022

Kitchen Cabinet Shutter Handles

Kitchen cabinet shutter handles are the last thing that comes to a homeowner’s mind when designing the kitchen. But these minimal embellishments combined with the right materials, do make a statement. It is important to pick the right kitchen cabinet handles for your kitchen’s overall aesthetic appeal, and here are some interesting cabinet handles you should definitely check out.

Handle-less or Recessed Pulls

The push-to-open mechanism or handleless cabinets offer the utmost comfort for homeowners. These types of handles are modern, sleek looking and you will love the handleless function. One of the benefits of this kitchen cabinet shutter handles is that it reduces clutter while still being functional. They also give a sleek look to the kitchen cabinet door and blend perfectly with custom laminate options or veneers that match the kitchen countertops.

Handleless or Recessed pulls are best suited for modern or contemporary kitchens. If implemented in traditional kitchen designs, they may not serve the illusion it provides. However, considering the lesser surface area the traditional handles provide, the handless illusions are sometimes worth implementing.

Cup Handles

Cup handles give a more vintage look. They are durable and are made for heavy cupboards. These types of kitchen cabinet handles are a good choice if you are looking for a vintage-looking kitchen. They exude an ancient sense and look absolutely gorgeous when done in gold or antique brass themes.

People who love vintage looks will love using cup handles in their kitchen. Though they may seem odd in the current generation, with minor decor elements and interesting finishes, they surely make a tremendous difference in any kitchen design.

Stainless Steel Bar Handles

Stainless steel handles are cabinet handles that have been used for a long time. If you like simplicity or minimal designs, then the bar handles are the one to go for. With clean lines and functionality, they make the kitchen look elegant and also add a pleasing personality to the kitchen. The bar handles make a big impact when they are used appropriately in modern kitchen interiors.

A lot of interior designers still do the conventional flat bar type stainless steel handless. With its straight line and rather simple aesthetics, they make a big impact on the design when used appropriately. This type of handle is best when used at its maximum length. Try out cabinet handles of a different color than that of the cabinet laminate finish to create an elegant and classy look. Since these bar handles are mostly made of stainless steel, they can be very durable and easy to clean.

Bow Handles

Bow handles are well known and are one of the traditional styled kitchen cabinet shutter handles. Though due to its design, it may not be always super practical, it has a vintage-inspired feel to it and is best suited in traditionally styled kitchens. These handles have an Italian feel to them and remind us of the traditional architecture.

The bow handles can be paired with dark woods and a traditional styled or farmhouse-style kitchen. A well-designed, good-quality kitchen with bow handles stands the test of time and always looks stylish. Since they are similar to pull-out handles, they go in a number of styles.


To design and create beautiful home interiors with a modern style modular kitchen requires a lot of effort and support from many people. Selecting the materials that give the best finish and durability is the most important factor. Handles or no handle is a decision that needs to be taken by considering the overall design style, budget and interest. Thus, the home owner needs to select the handles for modular kitchen shutter handles as per the suitability.


How to Design and Implement a U-Shaped Modular Kitchen

August 11, 2022

u shaped modular kitchen

A kitchen is the heart of a home and it is where the delicious food is. Modular kitchens have become an integral part of Indian homes. If you are already a homeowner you might be aware of the processes and things to note when planning the kitchen, but also, there are a number of things you might be unaware of. Here’s a handy guide on how to design and implement a u-shaped modular kitchen best suited for your home.

Layout Planning and Design

The U-shape kitchen also known as the C-shape kitchen is one of the perfect options for modern homes. They are fitted with abundant cabinetry for storage and are an excellent option in homes with large kitchen space. U-shaped kitchens are efficient, good-looking and come be customized with a variety of design options, and finishes. In most U-shaped kitchens, with enough space, we can also incorporate kitchen islands. A kitchen island in a U-shaped modular kitchen is more functional than visual appeal. Though people tend to ignore it, with this, we don’t have limitations for space, storage or luxury.

Planning the Functions and Utilities

The U-shaped kitchen is suited for large spaces as it takes three walls and typically has three counters. When designing a U-shaped modular kitchen, keep two meters of open space on either side. The cabinet design should comprise wall mount cabinets on all three sides to ensure maximum storage solutions. The cabinets can be extended to the ceiling to create a smooth look and feel. The top cabinets can be used for storing pots, plates and other items which are not used daily. If one of the walls has a window, place your sink under it. This will give better light and air through the outside window. A U-shaped kitchen has two kitchen corners; if the space allows, it can be used to store your kitchen accessories or plan it efficiently with the help of your interior designer to make it a multi-utility space with additional storage and drawers.

Tailor it for Your Space

If you have abundant space, set up a breakfast counter with chairs on one side of the kitchen. U shape kitchen has plenty of storage space, nevertheless, you can also tailor the space to fit in and hide your appliances like microwave, kettles, purified etc. so that the kitchen space looks well-tailored to your requirements. You can place the cooking range at the center of the kitchen to create the work triangle and give an aesthetic finish.

Understand the Pros and Cons

A U-shaped kitchen is effective and is well designed for large floor plans. It is great for cooking as it offers enough space and fits in almost all your kitchen appliances. However, on the downside, if one has limited floor space, having a U-shaped modular kitchen will reduce the floor space area and make it feel cramped. The layout of u shape kitchen adopts makes it difficult for the homeowner to access appliances or workstations as they are far apart from each other.

Get a Reliable Contractor to Implement

If you are looking to furnish an apartment and get your u-shape modular kitchen done, always consult with professional home interior designers that offer end-to-end solutions. They can provide you with complete guidance and help create customized design options for your modular kitchen.


Alternatives to Bathroom Wall Tiles

August 04, 2022

Are you looking for the best alternatives for your bathroom wall tiles? There are a wide range of options with different styles and finishes available in the market. However, here are some of the best wall tile alternatives that are durable and offer the best of sophistication.

bathroom wall tiles (2)

Acrylic Panels

Acrylic panels are one of the best options for bathroom wall tiles as they are difficult to dent or crack, are stain resistant, and are easy to install. They are smooth and have a seamless look. And due to their seamless and hard-wearing nature, the chances of damage due to water and leakages are less. Acrylic paneling is far more durable than the usual bathroom tiles and is easy to install. The panels also have a non-stick surface which repels deposits as well as soap which makes cleaning them easy. Though they are known for their durability and strength, it is much lighter and easy to install.

PVC Panels

PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) paneling is one of the most affordable options for bathroom wall tiles in the market today. They are hard wearing, require minimal cleaning and do not allow the mold growth, unlike the conventional options. Since PVC is easy to install and is a great way to add a touch of sophistication, many contemporary homeowners have started to widely use it in their homes. Unlike the other alternatives, if the panels get damaged, it is easy and inexpensive to replace. And if it needs cleaning, just mop with water and soap and you are good to go.


If you are looking for a more sophisticated space, marble is the one to go. Though on the pricier side, marbles are beautiful material that creates a new look and with proper care, they last a lifetime. If you need to outshine your bathroom, pair two different types of marbles to achieve the one-of-a-kind look. Do make sure you clean marble with proper cleaners and natural substances. Do not use harsh chemicals as they can cause a stain and cleaning them would turn out to be expensive.


Stone too is a great alternative to bathroom wall tiles. It can last a lifetime and is incredibly strong and sleek. They are mold resistant, warm and incredibly hard-wearing. Stone’s come in various price changes and depend on the type, size and finish one chooses. Stone as a flooring option too is great but make sure you choose a textured stone to avoid slips.

Wood Panels

Wooden panels are very much pleasing and have started to be widely used in new-age homes. Though our conventional wisdom suggests not using wood in bathrooms, the new age engineered woods treated and coated with sealant work well in bathroom wet zones. The use of wood as an alternative to bathroom wall tiles creates warmth and depth with its style. Before you incorporate wooden panels, note that wood is high on maintenance and requires special care in maintenance.

Considering all these facts about the bathroom tiles and understanding their pros and cons consult a home interior design company to decide about the materials that are suitable. Durability, beauty and suitability are the main factors that they will recommend for your home.


Different Types of Home Interior Design Companies in Coimbatore

July 29, 2022

Availing the services of interior design companies in Coimbatore is a great option if you are looking to do your home interiors. But how to choose the design team which is right for you, when there are a lot of firms to choose from? People have various design needs and budget constraints and how to make things easier and choose the right one is the ever-present question. To help you choose the right interior design company, here’s everything you should know about it out there.

1) Providing Only the Design

Having an interior designer is crucial for your home or renovation project. A perfectly designed home will surely create a wow feeling for the visitors as well as the homeowners. You can hire smart and interesting interior design companies in Coimbatore for your home and surely bring in creative decor elements in every space. However, some interior designers provide only the design. They might have a thorough knowledge of the design aspects including finding the placement of the bed, sofa and chairs for the stunning appearance you have longed for, but will not provide the furniture or execution services.

2) Providing Design and Execution

One of the most overlooked aspects of hiring an interior designer is their execution of furnishing. Hiring such designers is beneficial to the homeowners to an extent. They have plenty of design ideas and resources to make the furnishings and decor as per your need. However, it is important to take note of their manufacturing techniques and also where it is being manufactured. Some interior design teams in Coimbatore rely on third-party manufacturing units for making their furnishings and decor. With this, as a customer, you may be highly risking your money as you will not be sure of the materials which have been used and the quality checks they have done. Designing your home interiors like this will invite problems in the future.

3) Complete Interior Works: Design, Production and Execution

Here is the third category of interior design companies in Coimbatore providing all the services under one roof. Interior designers in such firms have a prominent role to play in increasing the visual aesthetics and functionality of a space. Design, production and execution requires excellent coordination to give the best results. Therefore, it is always better to go for one company that agrees to undertake the complete responsibility. It saves time and avoid the struggles.

a) Limited Customization and a Fixed Modules Style

There are several home Interior design companies in Coimbatore offering limited customization and provide the essential modules. These are mostly online e-commerce sites that offer products that are barely made in their own factories. When the client has limited budget, immediate requirement and ready to compromise o design elements, such companies may be helpful. Client should also take care about the quality of wood and after sales conditions while considering such companies.

b) Extensive Customization with Execution Outsourcing

When buying a new home or deciding to redecorate, we also come across interior design firms in Coimbatore that showcase a variety of design options to contemporary standards. They focus on the visual aesthetics and style of a space. They may do the spatial planning, designing and other services to uplift the overall look of the home but may not have their own factory to manufacture the products. Such design firms will often outsource their modular kitchen and furniture execution to other contractors to make your design vision come to life.

c) Complete Home Interiors with Own Execution

interior design companies in Coimbatore

In order to achieve a completely hassle-free process, anyone would need a home Interior design company in Coimbatore that undertakes the full project. From the initial consultation, designing, production and execution till the handover need to from the same company. By entering into a contract, you get the services of professionals with lo of experience in undertaking such works. Advantage is that they have people and strength to carry out the complete works in proper co-ordination. They look after everything from end to end including design, space layout planning, procurement of materials, manufacturing and delivery and execution at site. Thus, there is no need to search for different companies or contractors to create your dream home interiors. Moreover, there is transparency in the agreement and thus the scope of work including the rates mutually agreed.

Villa Interiors in Bengaluru, Karnataka Defined by Contemporary Schemes and Whimsical Elements

July 20, 2022

The client wanted their villa interiors in Bengaluru Karnataka to have a contemporary setting which also achieved a sense of vibrancy and elegance. The home adopts an open concept and thus the primary requirement was to have a light-filled space as a sentimental affair. Keeping in mind the different individual personalities, each corner of this home has its individual personal space with comfort quotients and quirks.

Expansive Living Room

villa interiors in Bengaluru Karnataka by dlife interiors (1)

This villa interiors in Bengaluru, Karnataka designed in an expansive and elongated open-plan scheme consisting of the living room, dining and kitchen. The living room also gets a fresh appeal with its presence of plants in white planters. The priority was to bring in light and ambience along with functionality. So, we adopted a custom-made L shape sofa in a beige color palette with contemporary aesthetics for living. The idea of luxury and elegance is brought out by the wooden panel in the dining. It creates a fresh and vibrant elegance that adds to the style of the room.

Vibrant Dining Area


The dining is a seamless extension of the living space since the home adopts an open concept design. The dining area elegantly carries a wooden paneling. The entire setting has illumination by use of pendant lighting and recessed led ceiling lights. The space is visually connected and with the custom-made dining chairs that look similar to the rest of the pieces.

Parallel Modular Kitchen

parallel kitchen design in Bangalore Karnataka by dlife interiors (5)

The dining area connects to the kitchen space through its side. Considering the space and its heavy-duty use, we incorporated a parallel kitchen. The kitchen, just near to the dining area is in a neutral color palette. With its white palette and led lighting, it has an illusion of expanse. Kitchen cabinets are so artistically designed so as to make them look with minimum visual clutter.

Contemporary Style Bedroom Designs

The bedrooms are an extension of the contemporary scheme the home adopts. The master bedroom echoes a restful vibe, and the wide windows flood the rooms with natural light. The Color tone of the walls is neutral and the furnishings make an elegant statement. Bedrooms also boast rich carpet underfoot and accent walls. Genius storage solutions in the form of a bottom storage bed, wardrobe and study tables make it also have a functional look and feel. The bedrooms with their contemporary theme, add a requisite dose of richness. Further, the minimalist furnishings, decor elements and modern cabinet systems add great new-world elegance to this villa interiors in Bengaluru. This shows that a trustworthy interior design company can create magnificent living experiences using their expertise and experience.


Tips to Make your Home Monsoon Ready

July 12, 2022

make your home monsoon ready

Rains are a great relief from the blazing Indian summer heat. The sound of the rain, the smell and the freshness bring a sense of peacefulness. However, monsoon is also a time which gives us damp interiors and leakages. Here are a few things you should check out for in a rainy season and make your home monsoon ready.

Clean Carpets and Rugs

During the monsoon, clean your carpets and rugs at least twice a week. Investing in a good-quality doormat that absorbs moisture and dust is a good option to keep your home clean and dry. Consider bamboo mats or acrylic rugs. The area where you will keep your umbrellas, shoes and raincoats should also be kept clean to avoid excess moisture and dirt being built up.

Let the Light in

You need to protect your home against rain into your home through the balcony or windows during the monsoon with sun shades or screens. However, make sure you get the light in. Let your home be completely ventilated and let the fresh air enter your home. During monsoon, we often put wet clothes in our rooms to dry, in such cases, make sure to switch on the fan to get them dried quickly. For windows, choose a durable material that is water-resistant and has a quick-dry mechanism.

Adopt Pest-Control

A timely pest control service during the monsoon is the best thing you can choose. use insect repellents, and disinfectants to stay away from cockroaches, mosquitoes and other pests. If you are in densely populated regions, there is a high chance your home will be affected by it. The best time to apply repellents is during the early monsoon. This way, you can destroy nests and colonies on the early stage itself making it more effective and monsoon ready.

Protecting your Furniture against Humidity and Moisture

Monsoon maintenance can be often boring. However, if your home is somewhere which receives heavy rains, your furniture calls for some extra care. Wipe your furniture and always try to keep it damp-free. Along with maintaining the home furniture in good condition, clean your floor and other parts of your house with antibacterial fluid.

Rearrange the Storage

The kitchen and other spaces of your home would also require attention. Your interiors need to be protected during the rainy season especially if you have wooden cabinets. The food items you store in the kitchen have a great chance of going bad if they are kept open by an infestation of fungi. So make sure to keep them in glass jars or high-quality plastic containers and are kept airtight. Let as much sunlight in your kitchen to keep them moisture-free.

Home Insurance

Home is one of the biggest investments we make. It is always advisable to opt for home insurance for adequate protection for the home. If your home is somewhere that receives heavy rainfall or is prone to other natural calamities, to make it monsoon ready, make sure your home insurance has adequate protection against floods and other risks. Do not regret it when it is too late.

By collaborating with skilled interior designers in Hyderabad, you can achieve a perfect balance between style and substance, ensuring that your home remains not just resilient but also a beautiful sanctuary during the monsoons. So, whether it’s waterproofing solutions, furniture placement, or lighting adjustments, the expertise of interior designers can truly make a difference in preparing your home for the rainy season while reflecting your unique taste and personality.

An Apartment in Kerala with Contemporary Elements & Unique Design Style

July 04, 2022

Designed to make a statement, this apartment in Kerala had all the potential to create a space that was suitable for the new age family living. The entire home offered beautiful views of the Kochi city and adopted an open plan with connected spaces that transformed into an entertainer’s dream.

Family Living

apartment in Kerala by DLIFE Home InteriorsThe apartment being on the top floor offered panoramic views and we wanted to make the most of it. With the great views and ample natural light, Mr Satish Rajan & his family’s apartment in Kochi, Kerala was the perfect space for us to make an elegant statement. The client and family wanted a space that provides ample light. Thus, an open style living room gets glass windows and features blue-themed sofas that make a unique design statement.
This apartment has two living areas overlooking the beautiful city, and they are the perfect place to sit and have a cup of coffee. A little further along, the living room merges with the dining and kitchen. The living, dining and kitchen are open lending a breezy air to the space.

An Open yet Bold Dining and Kitchen

The dining space has been put out from the rest of the space to the kitchen. The dining table is custom-made with blue upholstered chairs. It is the expansive windows that bathe the space with natural light and creates a feeling of expansive dining. Adjacent to the dining is the modular kitchen. Kitchen cabinets in glossy black facing the dining making a bold statement. The monochromatic black kitchen has a strikingly modern form and also serves to capture the city views as it adorns an open concept.

Spacious Bedrooms

The bedrooms of this apartment in Kerala are of distinct contemporary schemes for a much more practical layout. Master bedroom with luxury accents and furnishings maintains the home’s charm. It has a cozy vibe to it and the neutral color tone of the bedrooms makes an elegant statement. Master bedroom has its entry through a hidden door. As in the interest of the owner, bed space gets a walk-in closet. This spacious and elegant master bedroom has a subdued color palette. It also has a recliner to bring in subtle glamour.bedroom design apartment in keralaThe paneled wall in the second bedroom accompanied by LED lighting behind the bed gives continuity to the design aesthetic of the home. This beautiful bedroom has a small study table tucked beside the wardrobe. It also features a cozy armchair that lends a sophisticated flair and makes it a perfect place to relax.

Take a visual tour to this beautiful apartment in Kerala.

Benefits of Hiring a Landscape Designer for Your Home

June 27, 2022

Hiring a Landscape Designer for Your Home

The most beautiful outdoor living areas are cherished by one’s who love to gather their friends and family in their home. So, when you want to renovate your house, the exuberant makeovers of the courtyards and verandah are the first thing that comes to the mind. Everyone wants to wake up and enjoy roaming in the well-maintained garden area outside their house. While a DIY can be appropriate for an appealing landscape, if you are unable to take the whole project by yourself, hiring a landscape designer for your house will take things to the next level.

Let us Enumerate the Benefits of Hiring a Landscape Designer for Your Home

1. Bring in the Nature

Expert designers have a lot of experience over the years to beautify your lawn with a perfect combination of unique plants. It is important to incorporate an informal plant arrangement in a curved bed line with evergreen plants to keep your home garden looking lush for a complete year. The introduction of colors through perennial shrubs, classic stone pathways, and tiny water fountains in a coherent fashion is an enigmatic addition to your garden. The goal of a high-quality professional landscape designer is to create a landscape with a balance between the aesthetic and ecological relationship between nature and its resources.

2. Enhance Property Value

A carefully created outdoor landscaping is a guarantee that the buyer will be impressed and the property’s value will increase. According to a study, the factors involved to raise the property value are the sophistication of the design, the size of the property, and landscape and greens involved, and of course, the house interiors. The money invested here can give significant returns if done properly and according to industry standards. So, an inviting landscape is sure to evoke emotions of happiness and warmth in a substantial buyer who visits the property.

3. Create Useful Layouts

The landscape design must have useful elements that fit in the layout plan. A stylish theme is a unifying factor that can create wonders in the landscape. Themes are a good source of guidance about plant selection, geometric patterns, placing water bodies, and structures. Even, if there is a choice to implement softer lines in landscaping, it can be fulfilled by the strategically placing of shrubs and attention-seeking non-living objects. The structures like concrete benches and life-size clay sculptures of animals are some home garden ideas that are a must for decoration.

4. Ensure Less Hassle and thus Peace of Mind

Last but the important feature is the peace of mind. Hiring a landscape designer will save your time and energy. A landscape designer has an advanced skill set and a fleet of laborers to help you finish the project in the estimated time frame. It is important to chalk out a budget plan with the professional to take care of last-minute difficulties due to varying prices and delays.


Forget about the worries because thousands of details are needed to be looked after by an architect for the sustainability of the project and you can get relieved from all of them. Similarly, for the garden maintenance advice and tips also, you can depend on the landscape designer as he is the most reliable person.

How to Select a Perfect Position for Sofa at Your Living Room

June 20, 2022

Position for Sofa at Your Living Room

The options you get for placing a sofa are nearly endless. However, finding the perfect position for your sofa is often tricky. Let us tell you how you can find the perfect sofa position in your living room layout so that you can do so much more with your space.

Based on the Shape of the Sofa

The most popular among the three is the L-shaped sofa. This is often preferred for small living rooms as it offers enough seating and makes use of even the corner space. The U-shaped sofa on the other hand is a better fit for large areas and can be placed comfortably in large living spaces. Since it is the most comfortable among the lot, one can also easily fit a coffee table.

Based on the Home Interior Design Style

For a balanced look, living rooms should have a sofa that sits and fits perfectly in the interior. It’s important to be thoughtful when selecting one. If you have a contemporary style home interior design, integrate a modern sofa that matches with the other furniture theme. A contemporary sofa would have a simplistic yet unique and futuristic profile and would look great in any modern interior. Whereas, if you have a traditional style interior, integrate a traditional one which has curved lines, decorative details and armrests.

Based on the Usage and Function

Aesthetics are important, but functionality is key. Getting the right sofa position is the ultimate trick; keeping every one of your guests and family gathered in a comfortable social circle and naturally in your home is important. A scenario where this makes more sense is a room with L shaped or straight sofa in it. The traffic or the ease of movement this sofa offers in a room is surprisingly interesting as it can be drawn to a corner of a room making the space more spacious. In fact, it allows you to do your primary activity like watching TV and still chat with your friends and family.

Keep note that placing two identical sofas symmetrically might make the place too stiff. If in case, you need to, try out some wingback chairs on one side for a greater sense of openness. The most important factor here is understanding the layout and space it will use. In some cases, with the correct sofa position and placement, it can also work as room dividers and be visual breakers between two spaces.

Other things to Consider

Finding the perfect position for your sofa can sometimes be tricky. The various shapes they come in, the sizes, textures and colors can be always accommodating. But bear in mind that along with the sofa, you’ve got to juggle with the storage, surface space as well as the soft furnishings. With some incredible space planning and furniture selection, it’s possible for you to create the perfect living room layout and bring in the luxurious feel.

Make Your Living Room Extraordinary with these Cool Decor and Furniture

June 13, 2022

living room decor and furniture

Adding cool decor and furniture to your living room can be exciting and intimidating. Whether you have a large space or a den, if you want a calming yet cool and Zen living, you can always gain the energetic touch by adding some furnishings and decor. Here are some ideas for you to consider to make your living space extraordinary.

Large Potted Plants

Plants are the quickest and cheapest idea to liven up your space. Add a large indoor plant, the plant will add a green boho feel and since they are natural stress relievers, having them in your house will make you and your guests more relaxed.

Eccentric Coffee Tables

An eccentric coffee table is a perfect way to spruce up your living room. Invest in a table that gives you multiple styling options and also adds space. If you are short on space and have limitations to add a large coffee table along with your cool decor and furniture, consider a center table with legs that is industrial or masculine for a touch of modernity.

Freestanding Units and Bookcases

Invest in a bookshelf to add a color scheme for your space. A room filled with books not only creates a character but also reflects the quality of the homeowner. If you are able to incorporate a bookshelf that goes all the way up to the ceiling, it will create a more luxurious look in the living room.

Hanging Lights

We often consider lighting at the last in our living room decor. But the fact is, you should be thinking about the lighting setup early on if you are renovating the space. A good hanging light fixture is a great option for a living room as they are very efficient and create a very good ambience. Placing lights near your favorite decor and furniture arrangement can also add an expensive and cozy feel to the room as they can act as a decoration piece.

Oversized Mirrors

Mirrors have always been a necessity in a home and an oversized mirror along with your décor and furniture in the living room is always going to work. Thus, it is one of the best ways to make contemporary home interiors more spacious and elegant. Add light and space to the living space with a big mirror. Mirrors will also be a great idea if you have only a single window in your living space.


Want to make your wall pop? Add a wallpaper. Your walls don’t have to be always restricted to paints. If you want to create a unique twist, incorporate wallpapers that inject a lot of personalities and a distinct form of color into the room. You can also use paintings, photographs, collectables or anything else that you can think of, just make sure it does not make your room look cluttered.

LED Lights

To create a cozy little nest to binge-watch movies and relax, add a layer of LED lighting to your living room. This super functional decor makes it easy to set the mood in a space and also makes for surprisingly good ambient lighting. Install it on your gallery wall, ceilings or on the bottom of the wall to create a backdrop, it will look incredible and give a punch of energy to a living room.


5 Inspirational Design Solutions for the Stairways in Houses

June 06, 2022

design solutions for stairways

The staircase, irrespective of its location in the house, is the absolute solution to transport people from one floor to the next level. Their tranquility and attraction make them the unique structure that needs undivided attention when you are renovating. There are many design solutions for stairways to get the best-looking space for your beautiful home. Some stairway designs may need a lot of expertise from top-notch engineers or architects but these inspirational design solutions to improve their look can be done easily and created on your own.

We have tried to assemble some inspirational design solutions for the Stairway with the help of expert interior designers. These staircase ideas are listed below:

1. Add Wall Decor

If you are looking for the attention seeker walls of the staircase, adding wall décor is the finest solution one can imply to get a unique stairway. One can add a fresh coat of vibrant color to the adjoining wall or display an array of canvas paintings with chiseled frames to grab the guest’s attention with this kind of design solutions for stairways. The sculptural masterpieces hung on the stairway wall have immense capability to give a dramatic look and invoke inspirational attributes to the house. Wallpapers are also one of the cheapest solutions to renovate the stairway wall without much effort.

2. Make it Act as a Room Divider

The stairway when placed at the right location in the hallway may act as room divider adorning it like a panache. The bold dividing stairway is sure to enhance the view from the entrance and make a style statement by incorporating the traditional home interiors concept.

3. Use the Staircase Wall for Storage

The staircase wall is a spacious region that can be extensively converted into storage units or solutions. Adding designer drawer handles in monochrome and use of wooden paneling on the walls beneath the staircase can make way for a multifunctional modern stairway. It is useful for storing utilities and kids’ stuff. Along with that, it shows the art and ascetic design on the newly decorated stairway.

4. Add Style with Distinctive Railing Design

A proportionate stairway with steel railings or brass ones is the focal point of the house. There are versatile designs in the staircase railings that one can choose from. Even custom-made metal frameworks for railings are quite popular nowadays. Optimize the installation costs of the railings with the DIY indoor railings available online.

5. Spiral Staircase to Save Space

The spiral staircases are visitors’ envy and owners’ pride. The circulation area of the spiral-designed stairway has multiple benefits like space utility and makes the area more illuminating. The light obstruction is very less when this stairway is in the middle of the house. So, it becomes the most talked-about center point of the room.


Homeowners are advised by the interior designers to look for the functional aspects of the staircase and the surrounding spaces while renovating. It is not a big thing to give your staircase a modern blend even while maintaining the traditional appearance.

Stylish Home Interior Design in Mangalore that Bring an Aura of Sophistication

May 31, 2022

As a canvas to an artist, this home interior design in Mangalore Karnataka was up to us on how we wanted to do it. As per the client, it was a workspace which required safe, comfortable and functional little spaces while adding beauty and elegance to the home. The living room which is situated to the front door is distinct formal with wooden paneling, the rest of the space of the home too, has sophisticated interiors with a thoughtful lighting scheme that function better and further adds the impression of space and light.

A Spacious Contemporary Living

living room home interior design Mangalore (7)

The living is an exquisite cozy space that accommodates the whole family comfortably. The key to bringing this gorgeous living space to life is adding new layers and tones. The living room is a space where we have injected color, texture and form into the room and it has indeed added a unique character to the space. The large L shape sofa and the wall paneling are elegant and inviting.

Cozy and Vibrant Dining

The dining area of this home interior design in Mangalore lies adjacent to the living room and features a custom design. Here, we have a four-seat rectangular dining table surrounded by matching chairs of beige upholstery. The hanging lights play a crucial role here, as it adds a bit of vibrancy to the space; it was planned even before the design was finalized.

Stylish Bedrooms

There are three bedrooms, two of which share the similar design aesthetics and structural profiles. The master bedrooms design features a warm and cozy wooden finish such as wall paneling, wardrobe and side table cum bookshelf. In the master bedroom to the right of the bed, a sliding window provides a beautiful view of the outdoors. We have also added white curtains to always let light in and add a hint of playfulness. The bedroom interior design also has a white-tone recliner which serves as a relaxation spot here.

kids room home interior design Mangalore (6)

The kid’s bedroom design is generously designed to be relaxed and cosseting as the client and family wanted it to be a serene space. It also features a south-Indian-style four-poster bed. The furnishings and decor, dominated by shades of purple play a big role in elevating the aesthetic of the space. A study unit is also there in the bedroom. The dramatic design of this bedroom makes anyone’s breath away both figuratively and literally.

The second bedroom carries forward the same elegance and detail, as the master bedroom. The bedroom has a wardrobe design which skirts a large section of the room. Yet again, the wooden accessories and lighting add elements of warmth. A customized wardrobe unit, along the wall, in a cement finish scheme, is very functional with its multiple cabinets and drawers.

Crisp & Elegant Kitchen

modular kitchen home interior design Mangalore (4)

The clients wanted a functional modular kitchen for their home interior design in Mangalore. Considering their heavy-duty use, we have made a parallel kitchen design. The parallel kitchen design has a combination of grey, white and wooden theme. In the kitchen, the cabinetry is played and accented with LED lighting on the bottom.

Track Lighting for Modern Homes

May 24, 2022

Track lighting plays an important role in modern home interiors. It is very easy to install and is the perfect option of illumination for your favorite galleries, studios and unique architecture. Moreover, along with its contemporary sophisticated outlook, it offers great design and functional benefits. Here’s everything you need to know about track lighting and why you need to have them in your home.

Why You Need Track Lighting track lighting for modern homes

There’s an endless number of ways you can use track lighting in your home. From your decorative shelf, home library and to your garage, track lighting can be placed anywhere to compliment your lifestyle. The convenience it offers, and the ability to adjust the angles and point it to the spots where you need more light make it perfect for a well-executed space. They are also the perfect form of lighting if you want to illuminate artwork, decor elements or photos on the walls. You can also position track lights to illuminate the dark spaces of a room. It brings a museum-like atmosphere to your home without making too much effort.

Track lighting is also an energy saver. Since they can be wired independently, a track when not in use can be left off or dimmed. Moreover, since these tracks are not heavy, they can be easily mounted on a hollow surface. Like all the light fixtures and design elements, track lighting has its ups and downs. The one bad thing about track lighting is that since they are hung low from the ceiling, they often tend to create a visual obstruction in small spaces. Ceilings which are 9 feet below are not suitable for track lamps.

Where to Place Track Light Fixtures

Track lighting can be fixed on the ceilings. Even a simple straight track that highlights the artworks, decor at the walls or even the home furnishings makes a room elegant. Consider installing track lighting 20 to 40 inches away from the walls. Rooms with higher ceilings make the spaces free from any interference of doors, or other room elements.

Types of Track Fixtures

1. Standard Linear Track
The most common type of track lighting we use is this straight linear track which is usually mounted to the ceiling. This follows a linear style and is particularly good for narrow spaces. It is mounted directly on the ceiling and is one of the easiest fixtures to install. It consists of a strip of a track with lights which can be moved along the track as per our lighting requirements. The Linear Track fixture can be easily fitted to the ceiling with screws and other electrical components and is a perfect choice for homes that would like to carry elegance.

2. Monorail Lighting
The monorail lighting setup is a distinct feature that can be angled or shaped for the homeowner’s desired outlook. This track light fixture can be held from the ceiling and is super adaptable and thin, offering a neat contemporary style look. They are ideal for homes looking for the ability of individually repositioning and adjusting each light head as well as the illumination in the rooms depending on the design of the space.

3. Cable Lighting
The cable fixture has a distinct appearance and is often hung from the ceiling with wires and elongated screws. The distinctive appearance it brings makes it a favorite for those looking for a raw lighting upgrade. The fixture works as a single circuit application and is ideal for illumination.


Interior Design Mistakes That Make Your Home Less Comfortable

May 16, 2022

Interior design mistakes to avoid in India

When it comes to arranging furniture in your beautiful home, there are a lot of things that come together to create the perfect space. Things like achieving a balance, ensuring you have the right furniture etc. are some important things to consider. Here’s a heads up of the most common interior design mistakes, read on how you can fix them to have a fabulous home.

Poor Layout Plan

A poor layout plan in a home interior is similar to driving your car to an unknown location. You might just know what you need in the end, but you will never know how many wrong turns you have taken along the way. So, no matter the size of your project, always make sure to follow a design style and pattern for the interior to look cohesive.

Packed Shelves

When it comes to shelving, there’s a right way and a wrong way. You can utilize shelving as much as possible, but make sure you do not make the space look overcrowded. Start experimenting with your space. Of course, you can even incorporate floor to ceiling shelves in your home. But make sure you avoid packing large items which may cause the space to look overcrowded.

Wrong Size Sofa

Everybody wants their home to be unique. If your room is very small, it is one of the very common interior design mistakes we make to push everything against the wall. You should have a few furniture pieces that create interest and that float in the room. To add visual interest, one way you can adopt is to keep a pair of chairs in the middle of the room. For the right spacing, have enough room for traffic to flow freely. But in the living room design, make sure you leave at least 14-18 inches of distance between the sofa and coffee table to ensure you can reach your coffee easily.

Too Many Colors and Patterns

Imagine a room with too many colors and patterns, yes, it does lack character and interest. It doesn’t express your taste or individual style and also may not match your home style. Add a color that fits your home’s entire design plan or your taste rather than trying it to fit into each piece of the furniture piece.

Poor Lighting

Lighting is one of the most important interior design mistakes we make. It is an aspect you should check in your home. When it comes to lighting, you want to avoid it being either too dim or too bright. Getting the wrong lighting can ruin the room instantly. Builders often use low-quality fixtures to provide lighting. This may leave your home with dim lighting or harsh lighting. Before even moving into your new home, make sure your home has comfortable and well-lit lighting that includes task, ambient and accent lighting. Also, a combination of wall lights, table lamps and overhead lights will provide even lighting that allows you to move around and run your daily activities safely.

Crowded Art

Hanging drawings or artwork is a tricky skill to master. With your personal art gallery, you can turn any wall of your home into a cherished space. Whether they are a rare oil painting or your family photo, too much placement of art on the walls should be avoided.

A proper furniture layout and detailed drawing for home interiors by an expert and close discussions on it can avoid such design mistakes. Having a proper plan and just following it with precision can ensure the best results.


Wall Textures: How to Create Interesting Texture on Walls

May 10, 2022

wall texture painting

Wall textures are a great choice for creating a stylish makeover for homes. There are many ways to create the texture you want. Combs, sponges, stencils etc make the best design elements of wall texture painting. If you are creating a texture for an already occupied home, make sure you have clean walls and for that, use a sponge, water and mild detergent. Move the furniture, secure the clothes, and remove fixtures, switches or any woodwork on the wall.

Orange Peel

An orange peel wall texture painting resembles the peel of an orange and looks exactly as it sounds; with soft bumps. There’s something interesting about an orange peel textured wall that will make the room special. It is very easy to do and a popular texture choice for homeowners. It is a subtle splatter which can be done by simply spraying on the drywall. The orange peel texture has a bumpy finish so make sure you get a thin, pancake batter-like consistency. The orange peel texture is also one of the favorite choices for homeowners who need to conceal their wall flaws. It also does soundproofing and is particularly recommended for walls to give a nicer look.

Sand Swirl

Sand swirl is an easy wall texture painting that can be accomplished with a paintbrush. It infuses a fresh character and gives the walls a tactile feel. Dip the brush into perlite and give a wipe. Make sure you hold the paintbrush by the base so you have more control over the handle. When applying, start from the top of the wall. Dip the brush into the pain after every 5-foot section to get the perfect finish. Once you are done, leave and let it dry for 24 hours, and then prime and paint the walls.


Combing is another classic technique favored by homeowners. To create the combing effect, you will need a tool that works similarly to a comb. The comb wall textures create lines of various widths and shapes in the drywall compound and create a particularly stylish appearance. The technique produces lines of various widths for a rainbow-like pattern. To create the combed texture, apply the drywall compound on the wall, then using the trowel, apply lines for the perfect pattern. You can also apply your artistic skills on the wall to get the rainbow circles.


Knockdown is similar to the orange peel technique. Application of texture designs for contemporary home interiors walls make it look authentic. As you’ve probably guessed from the name, this requires a brush and a knockdown knife. After the orange peel technique, use a knockdown knife to flatten the bumps. When doing, the knockdown knife might leave lines on the edges of the knives. In case you see this happening, stop and wait for at least 10 min and then begin again. The end result is a marbled texture which can be painted in any color. The Knockdown wall textures are a perfect solution if you prefer a smooth pattern on the walls.


How to Set Up a Home Gym for the Ultimate Workout

May 02, 2022

home gym

To set up a home gym with the right fitness equipment is a great way to begin your fitness journey. A workout area will give you the independence and the flexibility to train according to your own time and liking. A perfect gym at home can not only help save money and time but also drive you to work out regularly.

Design the Space for a Variety of Workouts’

Space is the major determining factor when you set up a gym at home. It’s important to give you’re the gym a variety of workout equipment. Though the equipment you purchase will depend upon on the space available and the budget, if you plan properly, you can create everything essential. Choose a space that would offer an uninterrupted training session. If you typically stretch or perform yoga, a space enough to accommodate a yoga mat would be sufficient. However, if you are into weight lifting sessions, it would require rooms large enough to have weight equipment, cardiac fitness, strength and muscular endurance, and flexibility. A pull-up bar, dumbbells, skipping rope, resistance bands, and treadmill/ cycle, would make the perfect home gym equipment. But, keep in mind that procuring a high-priced all-in-one gym machine is not worth it if you would like to focus more on mat exercises.

Create the Perfect Atmosphere

Your workout room should be a neat and inviting place. To achieve that, make sure the room has proper windows for ventilation and make sure to find a location where you’d feel at ease sweating. Give it a personal touch with plants, and other home decor accessories. But above all, ensure that you prioritize the safety of the kids and other family members.

Add a Mirror

Mirrors at the gym are for a purpose. It allows you to see your form and make improvements to your movements. Moreover, a mirror makes your home gym setup look larger than it is. Consider installing a mirror behind a training machine, treadmill, or squat rack to enhance the overall look of your gymnasium at home.

Protect Yourself with Suitable Flooring Materials

It’s good to set up a gym but make sure not to damage the flooring. Install rubber flooring to minimize noise, and avoid damage. Even a yoga mat can offer you some cushions from hard flooring.

Add Storage Units to Your Home Gym

When assembling the workout items, consider a few shelves or storage units so that you can easily organize the space. What’s important is that you need to ultimately have an organization system that keeps your gym tools in place. Proper storage solutions such as shelves or containers are easy ways of ensuring you have everything sorted out. Wall shelves will be really useful if you are in a restricted amount of space. It is always better to take the help of professional interior designers to include a small gymnasium in your new house.

5 Best Materials for Kitchen Countertops

April 25, 2022

A smart and ideal kitchen is a necessity when hunger calls. The design and functionality of the kitchen should be in sync with each other to prepare a tasty meal. In response to that, if there is a clean and durable countertop to prepare all your food, it is a blessing. For the starters, a little research into the type of materials for the kitchen countertops is very fruitful. While designing a kitchen area for a residence, there are many popular choices but our job is to select the most suited one for your cooking area.

Let us climb the heaps of rocks and stones and select from the 5 best materials for Kitchen Countertops.

Materials for Kitchen Countertops kerala

1. Granite

Granite is the most popular choice among interior designers and customers. Both love the strength and durability of the material. With some professional help in installing a polished slab of granite, the kitchen looks elegant and oozes luxury. After finishing, the countertop is maintenance-free as granite is one of the hardest substances. Although Granite is an expensive material, installing a granite slab in the kitchen adds to the value of your real estate.

2. Quartz

After discussing one of the most extensively used natural rocks, let us look at a synthetic one that is composed of quartz particles and other minerals. There are many benefits of going for this engineered and customized kitchen countertop material. Quartz resists heat and all types of stains. If money is not an issue, it is a good choice.

3. Marble

The white marble countertop in the wide-open kitchen reflects peace and serenity all over the place. It is a good choice to select marble for homes for its beauty and durability. It is a premier countertop material that is unquestionably the best one, but the marble surface cannot resist light scratches. So, proper sealing with a top-quality sealing product and timely maintenance will keep the countertop alive for years.

4. Laminate

This material is 100 percent plastic laminate material that is constructed on a medium density fiberboard using bonding techniques. It lasts for more than 10 years with mild wear and tears. Laminate is a low-cost material that has innumerate variants in colors and designs for your countertop. It is maintenance-free and cost-efficient as its installation doesn’t even need professional help because of its lightweight.

5. Concrete

It is customary to add a concrete countertop in many homes as it is strong and durable. Its smooth finish is achieved by seamless polishing after removing the cast. Nowadays, even pigments are added to the concrete during mixing to get a bright color. So, if you are looking to redecorate an outdoor kitchen countertop, it is a perfect choice in terms of authenticity and longevity.


Redesigning the kitchen countertop must be initiated with the help of a professional interior designer who may have wonderful ideas for transforming the space. It is to ensure best usage of resources, avoid the potential mistakes and select the most suitable material finishes. Thus, creating premium home interiors need usage of long-lasting materials for kitchen countertop as well as the floor while planning construction around kitchen spaces. It’s a one-time investment as the quality works will last for several years and ensure satisfaction to the users.

Wall Decorating Ideas for Villas and Apartments

April 19, 2022

Our home is designed to fulfill all our aspirations and fill all the voids in our life. The selection of attractive furniture, furnishing fabric and wall décor is responsible for creating a celebrity style for your abode and making us happy. Although many professionals can help you choose the most exclusive furniture and decorative pieces, the creativity deep inside your soul will always find ways to ooze out. And that will certainly help you decorate the walls of your villa or apartment with enthusiasm and true feelings.

Here are unique wall decorating ideas for your home without putting in much effort:

1. Gallery and Photos

bedroom wall decorating ideas

Display of memories in the form of candid photographs is a unique way of wall decoration. It efficiently shows the love and warmth that you behold in your life. Even the family portraits that constitute the traditional values can be used to accentuate the walls. They strengthen bonds in the family relations. Also, displaying artworks by a celebrated oil color artist is a must to give grace to your drawing-room. The aura of each painting will enthrall the visitors and keep them talking about it. The selection of frames like the nude wooden frames or intricate cut pattern metal ones is sure to jive up your home entrance and shift the whole focus to the centerpiece.

2. Try Some Color Combinations

Customized wall art stickers in pastel hues or flower designs are a rage when decorating walls of a special room. Children are in love with bright wallpapers or wall decals. A wall sticker is a low-cost solution to room decoration with various graffiti, cartoons or dense designs covering large areas. Some other texture paint techniques are popular with the youth of today.  Having an accent wall or a customized wall art as part of your bedroom interior design transform the bedroom into a personalized haven. Embossing art on the wall will deliver a priceless effect. Some POP wall work with beautiful patterns and fine detailing is sure to mesmerize the onlooker. So, just go with the flow and try bold wall paneling.

3. Custom-Made Decorative Units/ Floating Shelves

Floating shelves in all shapes and sizes are best for showing all your stuff and is one among the best wall decorating ideas. A decorative unit like this not only highlights your favorite wall but the sufficient storage and modern design are sure to take your wall decorating ideas to the next level. So, display the books by the most influential authors and artifacts you have loved since you were young. Even cute ceramic planters with indoor air purifying plants may find a permanent spot on the single-row shelf.

4. Wall Decor Pieces

There are varieties of wall hangings like figurines, decorative mirrors or terracotta art face masks that instantly dramatize the room. These pieces may be color coordinated with the theme of your room. The plants placed on the floor in the corners of the room shadowing those designer wall hangings are going to add the oomph factor to your home or the office space.
Giving a personal touch to every wall decoration in the apartments is always a blessing. The softness and warm feeling never fade from all the items chosen and exhibited. Hence, take advantage of luxury home interior design and execution in Kerala or any other states in India.


Minor Maintenance and Repair Skills Every Homeowner Should Know

April 11, 2022

Repairing a Door Hinge

Learning to do door hinge repairs should be high on your maintenance and repair list. It is an important maintenance skill to know and this can save you money and time from hiring a professional. We slam doors all the time and their hinges have a high tendency to get weaker as time passes. Fixing hinges is an easy straightforward process but we often end up paying 10 times more than hiring a pro. To fix the hinge, you’ll need a screw, drill and some hardware. Once the materials are ready, open the door wide, to level and hold the door, insert a wedge on the bottom corners. Remove the screws and bore out the stripped holes. Spread carpenters’ glue. Then, bore out and do the same for each screw hole. Now reposition the hinge leaf and bore pilot holes. Finish it by securing the hinge by driving screws.

Fix a Leaky Toilet

Make sure you have the valves or water to the toilet shut off before even encountering this issue. Next, using a wrench, tighten the bolts or whatever is around the toilet. If you have a hole or crack on the pipe, use a bonding putty. If the leak is gone, it is an easy fix but if the leak returns, call a professional for maintenance and repair.

Unclog a Sink or Drain

modular kitchen Maintenance and Repair Skills Homeowner Should Know (1) (1)

Clogging is a major hassle in almost all homes. If you are not ready to hire a plumber, know that clearing drains yourself is entirely possible. Fortunately, in many cases, the issue usually arises when leftover dishes from our plates go into the sink. And to get this fixed, you can use a chemical drain cleaner. If it still does not solve the issue, use a drain cleaning wire as you may probably be facing a blocked P trap. Check the pipe under the sink and try unscrewing it. Make sure you place a bucket underneath so you don’t mess up the floor. After you’ve removed the clog, leave the drain smelling fresh, clean it by putting a cup of baking soda mixed with a cup of boiling water and vinegar. Remember if you clean your modular kitchen and unclog sink or drain properly and prevent any deposition, your kitchen will always look spic and span.

Patch a Hole

Whether it was by accident or you had moved an old wall picture, you are bound to face a patch in the walls. It’s not so difficult to learn to patch a hole and make it look like it was done by a professional. To fix, you will need mesh tape, screws, screwdriver, putty knife and compound. Cover the hole with two or three coats of compound, sand it, prime it and paint it. The wall will be as good as new.

Replace a Light Fixture

Replacing a light fixture can be a vital thing to know as a homeowner. Be it in your living room or bedroom, most hardware finishes go out of style or need to be replaced in a span of three or four years. Replacing a light fixture isn’t something you need to call an electrician for. It is a simple matter of matching connections and securing the fixture to the ceiling. To replace, your first task is to shut off power and remove the canopy to expose the wiring and fixture. Unscrew the wires, remove the old fixture, install a new bracket and connect new fixture wires. Fix the new fixture and then adjust the length.

Water Shutoff Valve

Water is one of the major causes of damage in a home. As soon as you find a leak and if you are able to shut off the water valve quickly, you will be able to save thousands of damages. When you are repairing plumbing and the pipe bursts, you will have to shut off the water supply. It’s always best to know where the main water valve is as soon as you move into your new home. It is as simple as turning off the water supply of your washing machine. If you know, tag it so in case you are not there, others will be able to find it too.

Basic home maintenance and repair skills could help you handle certain situations. As we all know, a house with proper maintenance and in a good condition always increases in value over time. But if it is in a terrible condition, the value is bound to drop. So, it is very important to know basic home maintenance skills. This would save you money and could even save your life. But, if you are still not able to fix the issue, you need a professional service team for your home.


Types of Chairs and Styles for Homes that Will Elevate the Look

April 04, 2022

types of chairs for home

Homes have an individual taste that differentiates them from others. Your home is a temple that has spiritual as well as aesthetic importance for you and your well-being. While decorating with different types of chairs for home, the latest trends and your budget both have to be balanced.

9 modern chair designs that are going to elevate your home quotient

1. Armchair

Claiming the prime location in the room, an armchair is a perfect seat to curl up with your favorite book or watch your k-series on Netflix. So, select from a wide range of light-weight relaxing armchair with armrests and comfy cushions.

2. Winged-back Chair

While it reclaims a spot near a fireplace, the corner of the room, or near a window, the wing-back chair transports you to the 1600 A.D. British era. The comfort is unmatched when you sit on this large piece of furniture.

3. Club Chair

It’s a chair that has an impressive presence in the clubs and homes. It is best suited for coffee conversations or drinking time among buddies. The fabric pattern for the upholstery may include top grain leather or a soft micro feather finish.

4. Lounge Chair and Ottoman

A calm corner of your bedroom is a sanity corner where one wants to read a book on the lounge chair and prop up their feet on the ottoman. The stylish designs are budget-friendly so that you don’t think twice before buying them.

5. Chesterfield

Chesterfield armchair is iconic furniture that was created for the dukes. The original one oozes luxury and extraordinary craftsmanship. It gives immense pleasure to sink in the chair and relax on the rolled armrests. So, one must go for a genuine leather chesterfield that gives an unparalleled experience to the owner.

6. Recliner

What is your first demand after a long tiring day? The right answer is lying on a recliner sofa that is a blend of comfort and elegance. It is an ingenious device created to blow you with ultra comfort due to its mechanized design.

7. Rocking Chair

Investing in a good portable rocking chair with curved bottom legs is never a bad idea. The soothing movement of a rocker has many health benefits according to the doctors. So, if swaying along in an accent rocking chair on a leisure evening is your call, go for it.

8. Wicker Chair

A wicker chair is a blend of traditional touch and modern pick. In this types of chairs for home, thin wooden fibers are twisted to shape the indoor furniture that is lightweight with a boho appeal. Have this chair as part of your home decor with soft lighting and wall colors.

9. Desk Chair

The lockdown has added office desk chairs to the list of home furniture. The preferred choices for Work from Home executives in this category are ergonomic office chairs with wheels and with lumbar support. So, when the office comes to home, although lying on a bed or sofa is easy for doing office work, one must pick up a height-adjustable desk chair for good sitting posture and good work output.

While picking the best furniture style for your room, one must never compromise on the design and functionality. If you are looking for some modern designs and not less than the luxury brands, a one-stop home interior design destination is your best pick.

9 Flooring Ideas for Indian Homes

March 29, 2022

flooring-ideas-for-Indian-Homes (1)

One of the crucial questions that arise when building a house is about the type of flooring to be used to ensure style and durability. From natural options to artificial, there are a plethora of flooring ideas that can be used for Indian homes. Here are some most popular flooring options best suited for you.


Available in a wide range of colors and patterns, marble is the go-to material for many Indians. The luxury and opulence it brings make it look stunning in any setting. The material is easy to maintain and highly porous and can last more than one’s lifetime with on-time maintenance. Due to its natural occurrence and luxury lifestyle aesthetics, setting a marble flooring can be a bit costly. The flooring is available in a variety of colors including grey, white and pink.

Natural Stone

Stones are widely used in India as a flooring option for both indoor and outdoor. Though the color options are limited, they are affordable and can withstand heavy footfall. Natural stone is one of popular flooring ideas in India as it brings down the temperature of the home in hot as well as humid areas. It is the perfect option if you are looking for something to glam up a space. Stone flooring is suitable for any climate making it another favorite go-to flooring option.

Wooden Laminate

Wooden Laminate is the inexpensive counterpart of pure wood flooring. Though it has been present for a very long time, it has been getting popularity in India as it is fairly resistant to stains. It is fairly easy to install and gives a true wood appearance. Wooden laminates offer a variety of options like walnut, pine, pecan etc. The only drawback to laminate flooring is that it can get slippery when wet. This type of flooring material is often used to get the feel of a luxury home interiors.

Vitrified Tile

Vitrified Tile is one of the popular and one of the favorite flooring options in India. This is cheaper than stones and wood and is available in a wide range of colors and finishes. It is made of clay and other minerals like quartz, silica and feldspar which are baked at high temperatures. Vitrified tile is used in both interior and exterior applications and is available in gloss, matte and anti-skid finish. These types of tiles are affordable, easy to install, easy to maintain and durable


Vinyl is a stylish alternative to the expensive flooring options in India. It is durable and is strain as well as water-resistant as it is made from a layer of PVC plastic. This type of flooring holds moisture and heavy traffic and is typically warmer and more comfortable on bare feet than tiles. It is also being used for the wall paneling to beautify the houses.


Granite has been the status symbol for many Indian households. It is widely used throughout India and is one of the most expensive floorings. Granite is a naturally occurring stone that can bring a unique set of sophistication. The stone is easy to maintain and keeps a cool temperature throughout the house. They are well suited for both indoor and outdoor and can withstand heavy weather conditions.


Mosaic flooring is made up of granite and marble chips that are placed in concrete. It is easy to maintain, highly durable and is a great everyday option. The greatest benefit is the design possibilities, they can be found with pre-set patterns of rectangular, square, or hexagonal shapes and just like any flooring installation, mosaic is as durable and waterproof. One of the drawbacks to Mosaic is its installation process. It is always advisable to have an experienced flooring professional do the work for you.


Concrete is among the most durable forms of flooring and if it is properly installed and maintained, it can last for as long as you own the house. With the proper application, Concrete can make some of the most elegant and colorful floors you have ever seen as its design options are remarkably diverse.

Red Oxide

Oxide flooring is a traditional flooring option in India. Introduced in the Southern part of India by Portuguese and Italian traders, this soon spanned to the whole of India. Red oxide floors are most popular flooring ideas for Indian homes as it suitable in warm and tropical climates; and they quickly gained immense popularity mainly due to their durable and cost-efficient features. They are easy to maintain and are much loved by even the new age homeowners for its elegant and timeless look.


A Dreamy Home with Contemporary Style Furnishing in Trivandrum, Kerala

March 22, 2022

Complete Home Interior Works at a Glance

Our client Mr Vinod and family had the desire for an open, unsegregated interior plan with no physical partitions. Our interior designers have created a bold and unique design concept embracing nature along with contemporary elements to make the home suitable for the owner. It include a modular kitchen, living, dining and three bedrooms with most modern décor elements and contemporary style furnishing. Complete customizations as per the requirement of the client make the living comfortable, convenient and thus an echo a restful vibe.

Living and Dining


The living room features diverse antiques, artefacts and trinkets and accommodates a spacious L shaped sofa and armchair. The grey accented rug with gold lines occupies the heart of the living room. A suitable TV unit with laminate finish comes with ample storage space. Just off the living area behind the partition is a stylish dining area. Partition incorporates an open shelf design, artefacts, plants and lighting, making the space seriously calming. Thus, the living, dining and kitchen adopt an open structure to capture light throughout the home. The high ceilings plus the addition of glass windows create a beautiful airy feature in this beautiful home with contemporary style furnishing. A six-seater dining table in grey upholstery makes for convivial meals.


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Each bedroom of this home in Trivandrum has been designed to be a reflection of the individual residing in it. Bedroom design in modern style suitably align with the rest of the home in appearance and other décor finish of contemporary style furnishing. Master bedroom and the guest bedrooms are vibrant and lively incorporating all the requirements. Modern additions such as accent walls and wardrobes in cohesive finish provides the best outcome. A queen-size bed with a wooden headboard while serving its purpose, adds serenity to the room. The kid’s bedroom too has a contemporary appearance and is an extension of the rest of the spaces. Customized wardrobe cum study table in white and wooden tone ensure the bedroom’s design aesthetics.


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The client required an open kitchen considering their style of use. Moreover, they wanted a bright and airy kitchen with ample storage facilities. Contemporary style kitchen interiors is fully visible from the living area; thanks to the open-plan layout. Its color theme provides an organic counterbalance and reflects a modern outlook. Efficiently equipped with the cooking range on a black granite counter, white cabinetry makes the area appear elegant and large. Wooden cabinetry in white color flanked by bar stools on the breakfast counter makes a functional statement. Client is completely satisfied with the effort of the interior designers at Trivandrum for achieving great result.

5 Very Gorgeous and Stylish Dining Table Set Designs for 2022

March 14, 2022

In this fast-paced world, scheduling time and arranging space for dinner with guests is not an easy task. More uninteresting the dining space is, the more reluctance you experience in holding such a desirable get together. Thus, elegant dining table set designs that give enough seating, ample space and comfort is an essential requirement. Here are some of the newest dining area designs and furniture styles for your home. These combinations of dining table and chairs are as sweet as it gets.


Vanessa dining table set can make a lovely addition to a dining room. This brilliantly designed table is made using a combination of high-quality HDF and glass top. This 6 seat table with V shaped heavy-duty legs ensure a comfortable seating. Moreover, the clean glass top makes it look effortlessly stylish and easily manageable. The combination of wood paneling and contemporary decor elements is a refinement in this dining room. Table can be outfitted with an assortment of stylish chairs for the cozy, snug dining experience.


Copper Lattice

Copper lattice offers a splash of unhindered opulence in dining table set design. Accompanied by stylish wooden chairs and a bench on one side, this eye-catching installation offers the perfect space. If you are looking for a dining setup that takes up less room in a space, copper lattice is the right one for you. In addition to ensuring modern style, you might be able to accommodate more people with the bench seating at occasional gatherings. This works well in open layout or rectangular spaces as there’s no ‘head of the table’ and everyone is perfectly on spot facing each other.


Inspired by the modern mid-century designs, this beautiful custom dining with hardwood round leg base in walnut stain finish gets a punch of style with its brown glass top. This is one of the most beautiful custom dining table set designs with a hardwood round leg base in walnut stain finish. Get a punch of style with its brown glass top, by including this to the new dining room. Tangle is really a space saver and makes the small dining space stylish and comfortable. One can add a couple of chairs with soft seats to meet the additional requirement.


medley dining table set designMedley, is one of  the rectangular, contemporary style dining table set designs with a metal tube as a frame and wooden top. This design breathes the freshness of a pleasant day with its vibrant colors and easy access. If your room is square or rectangular in shape, Medley ensures an intimate dining experience. It has a groove space on top to bring a modern environment. Try a chandelier on the top for an ever-luxurious aesthetic. Or even, mix and match unique styles within the space for a more harmonious vibe.


Copper Finish

This sleek dining table features a clear glass top with a copper base and amazingly designed legs fashioned out of HDF. It is ideal for family and friends to perch on comfortably and in the utmost style. A bench on one side makes a great alternative to conventional dining room seating. Combination of chairs with sleek legs and bench makes it easy to interchange seating and add a sense of expanse as per the number of guests and occasion. The table also fits in tight spaces and has no sharp corners to bump into.



These are some of the best choices of dining sets that may become part of elegant interior designers in Hyderabad, Coimbatore, Chennai, Bangalore or Cochin. Choosing the right one as per the space and rest of the rooms design makes it a permanent solution for the modern home owners. In addition to it, the designers can further offer any modification for better suitability.

How to Create a Welcoming Entrance Area to Your home

March 07, 2022

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Entrance to your home is the first spot that establishes the first impression on your guests. Well, not just guests but also you! Coming back to home every day- tired like a sloth bear after a long day, all slow and lazy needs a body recharge. Speaking of which, creating a welcoming entrance area to your home can work as a magical wand, taking off your tiredness while giving you a sense of relaxation and calmness. Hence, your home entrance must be welcoming, joyful, soothing, clutter-free and most importantly, “a statement speaking your personality”!

Since we understand, this job can’t be done without expertise, we decided to provide some valuable tips to our readers so that you can enjoy the welcoming home entrance every time you enter.

Tips to Create Welcoming Entrance Area to Your Home

You have made the right choice if you have decided to create your home entrance welcoming. It’s important that your home entry reflects your persona, makes you and the guests happy, and comfortable as soon as everyone walks through the door. Here are some expert-approved tips to set the tone of your home entrance welcoming:

Update the Door Finish

When you select what door to put on the entrance, it is highly advisable to pay attention to the material and its finishes as well. This means the coating of the door must be resistant to weather changes so that it serves for a long time and looks aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, updating the door finish along with the designs (decorative finish) is highly suggested.

Foreshadow the Home’s Style

Your home entrance must compliment your entire home’s style. Therefore, ensure using the mix of complimenting textures, and colors to your home entrance while giving it the look and feel of the same place. Per say, use rustic textures at the entrance if you have woodwork in the hallway and in your entire space.

Exterior Lighting that Makes a Statement

In this small space like a home entrance, a beautiful sculptured window will allow the exterior and natural light to come in while enhancing the space. To add a unique style to this space, you can put playful colored curtains on the window to make the home entrance glow!

Natural Beautification Elements and Decoration for the Front Door

Adding natural beautifications such as indoor plants and flowers can create a personalized welcome ambience. In fact, you can make it even more personalized by decorating the space with some art, paintings, sculptors, and in-trend wooden boxes.

Save Space for Shoes: Keep the Space Clutter-free

Your home entrance area needs to be clutter-free. Don’t dump shoes, bags, keys and other domestic miscellany at the entrance. Rather, keep the entrance welcoming by keeping things clean clean or even, try incorporating a shoe rack! Hence, remove anything that is lying unnecessary and ensure the floor/corners are clean.

Design and Build a Stylish Foyer

Considering that foyer is the space where you welcome your guests first, it must be designed in an intriguing way! Hence, make sure that you build an open foyer- spacious enough to put a small couch, coat stand, umbrella stand, some decorative art pieces, and plants. However, the catch is to make it an organized place creating a welcoming ambience.


5 Interesting Elements that a Bar Unit at Home Should Definitely Have

February 22, 2022


Going to a restaurant or your favorite cocktail lounge is fun and all, but have you thought of having the same at your home in your favorite pajamas? Honestly, nothing would be more entertaining and relaxing than your own stylish home bar. When it comes to bar unit, the atmosphere and the elements in the space are just as important as the drinks. Here are some simply amazing home bar elements you need to have.

Classic Pendant Lighting and Recessed Lights

If you’re going to make room for a home bar unit, Position It Strategically so you have enough light. Bars don’t usually have to be dark and shady places. Your home bar can also be a chic space with lighting that creates a bright presentation as well. Stylish modern pendant lights create a distinctive shade that maximizes beauty in your space. Wouldn’t you love to shine some lighting on this zone and in style? The lights play well and you’ve got a stunning experience.


Seating is a crucial element for the authentic atmosphere in any home bar. You want your guests to be relaxed, don’t you? A perfect seating elevates your home bar experience by its authentic atmosphere. Moreover, if you have only limited space, bar stools with a soft padded seat and curved backrest can be a great option. Bar stools with minimalist construction or natural wood finish make these stools a nice statement piece for any interior.

Suitable Accessories

One of the best elements you can have in your home bar unit is having sparkling glassware and creating a more authentic experience. If you are the proud owner of an impressive glassware collection, beautiful glassware ensures everything glistens and sparkles in your bar unit. There are a variety of glasses to choose from. However, we recommend starting with wine glasses, beer glasses and shot glasses to make things lively. You can also have mini-fridge and drink dispensers to ensure your drinks stay fresh and are served cool.

Beautiful Storage and Cabinetry

An open shelving can blend perfectly with any bar’s style and give you easy access to your personal favorites. Having a well-stocked bar shelf to display one’s collection is a must. Storage for the bar unit is not just restricted to shelves and cabinets. Classy looking cabinets with glass shutters for fancy wine holders, glassware is a refreshing mix. Also, make sure your bar space has the maximum storage essentials and even additional storage underneath. It amps up the aesthetics and gives enough space to store all your bottles and everything else you may need for a cool bar at home.

Your Favorite Bar or Theme

If you enjoy entertaining often, you might want to entertain the idea of having your favorite bar’s theme in your home. Get the help of an experienced interior designer for some inspirational ideas to add the custom bar unit design and unleash your creative power. Whatever the space works best for your needs, make it meet your frequent entertaining needs and tie into the overall style.


Most Common Types of Engineered Woods for the Home Furniture and Interior Works

February 14, 2022


Engineered wood has somewhat become the most widely used form of wood in the home furniture.  It is also true that people do not know the proper difference between all these types of engineered woods. In the market, though the wood type is still not in the likes of many, due to its name and false notions, there’s nothing to worry about in using engineering woods. If you are also looking to find the best quality and cost-effective wood material, engineered wood is the one to go with. With their versatility and availability in different sizes, thicknesses, grades and low cost, these wood types make the right choice over natural wood.

Here are a few most common types of engineered woods you should know about.

MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard)

MDF are the commonly used type of engineered wood. They are easy to work with and are nearly resistant to termites. MDF is made by combining wood fibres, wax and resin and are put as panels using high pressure and temperature. This can be used for making beds, living room furniture, wardrobes etc combined with a veneer or laminate. One of the negative sides of using MDF is that they cannot be used in areas like bathrooms, kitchens or outdoors as they soak up water over time. In time, this can cause the hinges to come off. Due to its insular properties in sound and heat, MDF is also used as acoustic enclosures for loudspeakers and subwoofers.

HDF (High-Density Fibreboard)

Just like MDF, HDFs are a type of engineered wood produced from pulped wood waste and chips at very high pressure using synthetic resins and binders. It is a stronger, harder product than MDF with a thickness of 3mm-8mm and with a typical density of up to 900kg/m3. These are durable and denser and can be used to make shelving, cabinetry, wall panels, and furniture. Since it is made using products like sawdust and wood fibres which are normally considered waste products, it can be considered to be ‘green’ or environmentally friendly.

Commercial Plywood

Plywood is one of the most times tested, commonly used and durable types of engineered wood. Commercial Ply is the standard plywood or the MR grade plywood. Plywood is manufactured in standard sizes with varying thicknesses and is available in various grades such as MR, BWR, Marine, etc.  Commercial ply is mainly used for most of your interior design works TV units, Cabinets, Wardrobes, Sofas/chairs, etc.

Marine Ply

Marine ply is waterproof plywood used in areas such as kitchen, dining and bathroom where water contact is expected. Known for their strength and durability they have an extraordinary surface finish. The IS grade of marine plywood in India is IS710. Marine plywood, in layman language, Marine ply is generally BWP or boiling waterproof plywood. It is made from high temperature and pressure and subjected to proper chemical treatment with water-soluble fixed type preservatives under vacuum pressure to ensure protection against wood destroying organisms and to make the product insect, termite, borer and fungi-free. BWP is ideal for spaces like bathrooms and kitchens and other places that are frequently exposed to water. Due to this properties, marine ply has become one of the most preferred material for kitchen cabinets.

Gurjan Plywood

Gurjan Plywood is of premium quality, extra strong, and durable plywood made from wood veneers of Gurjan trees. Mostly seen in south-east Asian countries Gurjan Ply is exceptional among different grades of Plywood due to the extraordinary features it exhibits. It is also slightly more expensive when compared to other types. Compared to other premium well-known woods like teak, Gurjan is slightly heavier and stiffer. It has excellent strength, durability and beautiful reddish-brown color making it one of the favorites for interior design companies.


Particleboards are the types of engineered woods made using wood chips, sawdust, shavings and pressed into sheets, just like MDF. Being made of wood wastes, these are more uniform than plywood and are durable enough with sealant. These are very budget-friendly however, are not durable as MDF and cannot be used to hold hefty loads. The economical pricing of particle board makes it one of the most affordable furniture options and readily available in the market. It can be used to make ceiling moldings, door trims etc.


How to Deal with Home with Low Ceilings

February 07, 2022

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The ceiling has the biggest impact in terms of design and what your home looks like. A good interior design helps in making your lives better. For many people who have just moved into a new home, they may not have the same ceiling height that they had in the buildings years ago. So, what do you do for a home with low ceilings? Here are some tips to transform your home the better way into an effective design element.

Ensure Right Lighting

Consider recessed lighting to create a smoother look. These fixtures brighten the interiors and at the same time, makes rooms stylish and spacious. Moreover, for home with low ceilings avoid low hung ceiling fans. You can also consider wall-mounted lighting or scones; the light is focused onto the ceiling will create the illusion of height. Avoid old fashioned chandeliers for home ceilings, as the low hanging ceiling fans will draw visitors’ attention to it and will also make your rooms smaller.

Maintain Low Furniture Height

Big and bulky furniture can make any room feel smaller. Consider choosing custom-made furniture that is in proportion with the ceiling height. Make the dining and sofa long, lean and low profile so that this furniture is proportional to the room size. You can also include full height storage solutions and narrow shelving units that go all the way up to get an interior that feels more spacious. While tall furniture draws attention, low height furniture creates the illusion of more overhead space.

Choose Floor-to-Ceiling Curtains

We normally use curtains for windows primarily to block light but did you ever know that using Floor-to-ceiling Curtains can help a room feel more spacious? To create more verticality which will fool the eye, hang the curtains at a height between the wall and the ceiling. or at least, be sure to hang the curtains 4″-5″ above your window frame. This will make the window seem larger and make the room seem more spacious if you’re going for this look!

Include Walls with Vertical Stripes or High Art

Much like the floor to ceiling curtain tip, another way to make a home with low ceilings look taller is creating vertical stripes or high art on the wall. This can be achieved by tall artworks than using wide and by using wallpapers with vertical stripe patterns. Hanging small frames above accent walls or near windows also trick the eye into thinking the room has higher ceilings. But make sure you don’t hang it too high that your visitors will have to strain to see the wall art.

Similar to wallpapers, for a more personalized touch for your home, try accent walls that can change the size and space of a room. The key is to create accent walls with deep grey or other dark shades to bring a spacious look and cozy vibes. If you’re working with an odd-shaped living room or dining, get help from an interior designer for the right solutions.


Home Décor and Design Trends for 2022: Experts Share What’s Going to Dominate This Year

January 31, 2022

As we have entered a new year, there’s a question on everyone’s mind: What’s next in store? and what will be the home decor and design trends for 2022 ? The trends come and go fast. The previous two years have taught us that anything can change overnight. For proof, look at your own house, there was a time when your home was a place to spend quality time during the weekend and night, but now the same place has become a multi-functional space.

Further, to offer insights on what is coming in the world of home interiors, here are some of the home decor and design trends suggested by the experts that will dominate in 2022.

1) Creating an Ideal Space for Home Office


Many people are interested in creating an ideal office space in their homes. The home office comes in different shapes and sizes. So, whatever look is picked, it must be the one that works for them. And while designing the office space at home, one needs to keep aesthetics, functionality, and practicality in mind. To help understand better, here are a few points to consider:

a. Pick an area in the house that is quiet.

b. Select soothing colors to stay calm and focused.

c. Try keeping the decoration minimum.

2) Making the Space Multi-Functional

A room is no longer used for a single purpose. With the recent progress in architectural advancements, one can expect the interior designs to feature several ideas on multi-functional rooms. Of course, rooms with multifunctional furniture makes the room physically and visually light. It is expected that now one can make most of every nook by using the best and innovative room dividing techniques. If one looks closely, there are multiple options in a room. Like, we often miss out on the vertical spaces. But, by adding a ladder or a platform, one can divide the room.

3) Light it up with the Floor

Those who wish to brighten up their house with natural light can use light color floors that do their best to bounce back the light across the space. This idea feeds on the minimalistic style and is best suited to display a few bright colors. And to amp up the space, one can consider adding soft textures and a curated art piece to spread positive vibes.

4) Eco-Friendly Interior Options


Indeed, sustainability is trending and this is going to be the most looked after home decor and design trends in 2022, but it is a long-term approach to achieve a greener design. However, these are a few options to incorporate in the design style to make it eco-friendly and sustainable:

• One can pick materials that are either reused, recycled, or from a licensed sustainable source. The materials can include jute, recycled metal, bio-glass, and more.

• Try picking a design that is energy efficient and decreases the need for heating, lighting, and appliances.

• And for the green finish, one can select paints that are non-toxic and have low biocide.

5) Minimalism and Contemporary Designs Remain Important

One can achieve minimalist home interior design by enhancing the living space by featuring few comforts. To achieve the look, one can try sticking to one or two furniture materials and limiting the ornamentation. And to boost the contemporary outlook, one can use different textures and contrasting surfaces.


Dining Room Design Ideas for Hosting in Style

January 24, 2022

Dining Room Design Ideas for Hos

Exclusive over the top might have been a thing in the past but when it comes to the new age of dining, these spaces need to be a link between living and kitchen and also command plenty of attention. It’s important to create a space that hosts with ease and extends a warm feeling to the guests. From hanging chandeliers to others, there are plenty of choices to create relevant dining choices. Here are some dining room design ideas for you if you want to host in style.

Think Multifunctional

Rework your dining to incorporate a TV area or try out clever, space-saving furniture that fits, lets you sit down and make use of even the smallest of spaces. Dining room design ideas range from making changes in walls, doors and even the layout of the space. It’s important to know the function it will serve if you are planning to spruce up the dining. Pick simple designs that accommodate your everyday activities and also hosts large get-togethers and celebrations. In small dining, benches can be a perfect space saver as they do not take up your precious floor space and can be tucked under the table after use. Get table options that can be expanded, foldable or separated and put away when needed. By this, you can easily adjust your space and seating as per the number of guests.

Add Statement Art

To get the dining room right, the first aspect to consider is the table and chairs. Color plays a major role in setting the ambience. Go for cozy looking bright or pale statement pieces that completely transform a space. Unique textures, wall arts and décor add more dimension to the space even if you have a minimalistic dining room design scheme. You can achieve the same effect of style with photography or poster prints, too. In addition, you can also go for a gold-framed antique mirror.

Go Bold and Glam with the Design

When choosing the palette for your dining room, think of how your friends or family are like and also think of the feeling that you wish to convey in your room. If you want the relaxed side, get yourself simple minimalistic shades and accessories. If you want it more towards the luxurious or cozy, then an accent wall, rich color schemes, gradient designs that would give a unique touch to your room and that doesn’t overwhelm the senses is always a safe bet. Rather than solely providing light, trendy and attractive lighting fixtures with the right proportion, the dining room appears attractive. So, create a modern dining room design just next to the living room and convert it to an enjoyable space.

A Dining Room that Reflects Your Hospitality

If you like spending time with family and friends and enjoy cooking and dining, your dining room is unquestionably your favorite place. And, if you have a craving for good taste and style, design a dining space that conveys your vibe. Do you feel inspired by these? Schedule a consultation with an interior design expert now for assistance.

5 Essentials for Interior Project Execution

January 18, 2022


When we hear the term interior design, flair and creativity pop into our minds immediately. But one would be surprised to know about the degree of precision and effort put for interior project execution and get the desired look. A professional interior designer can help one to achieve their perfect plan and drawings to go ahead. However, to execute the interior project properly, one needs to keep a few things in mind. So, to help one ensure the timely completion of complete interior works, here are some essential points that one can follow.

1) Do Specific Planning and Preparation

Space planning is one of the vital parts of a flawless interior project execution. The process includes blocking out the interior areas, determining the circulation patterns, creating a layout, and so on. As suggested by the experts, every interior design project comes with the proper assessment of the room’s deficiencies and how the elements are manipulated to be a better fit. And once the designers can understand how the space should function, they can coordinate the same with the client’s requirement and prepare the complete plan for action accordingly.

2) Be Thoughtful and Serious about the Materials

It is very rightly said that quality is the key, as so do the materials in an interior design. This simple element helps determine how the person would experience the finished work. Hence, while choose suitable materials one needs to be thorough enough and avoid spending too much money. Instead, one must evaluate whether the materials they are picking are enduring. As recommended by a few experts, it is not necessary to get everything expensive as one can even find budget-friendly options as well.

3) Always Go for a Reliable and Well-Known Contractor

Choosing a reliable company with years of experience can be helpful for the successful interior project execution to your satisfaction. A contractor with years of experience or designer knows how to add and remove the elements to achieve the goal. Hence, it becomes essential that one performs research and picks a suitable contractor with great customer reviews. Everyone would agree that the expertise comes by experience, passion and dedication. So, it is highly important to hire the most reliable one in the area to ensure successful implementation.

4) Set and Adhere to a Time Frame

While working with an interior contractor, one needs to be clear about the time frame to complete the project execution. Most people plan to do their interiors only after building their new home. This causes delays and there is a substantial cost involved in this process. With most contractors promising to deliver their work on time, it is important to communicate well in advance regarding the project timeline. Make sure your designer commit to a timeline and stick with it religiously.

5) Make Sure to Strike a Proper Balance

Many interior designing experts suggest that one must evaluate the overall composition of their room to find the perfect balance. The art of finding the balance starts with the rooms’ features like the doors and windows and filling in the pieces until one strike that perfect balance. Keep this focus in mind while you try to decide overall aesthetic and theme of furnishings, artwork, fixtures, and other decor. In such situations, seeking help from an experienced interior designer can prove to be helpful. A perfect alignment of design, products and execution by knowledgeable people can only give the best results.

With interior project execution being a daunting task, seeking help from professionals is suggestible. However, to ensure the project’s timely completion, one must keep the discussed essentials in mind and create their dream space.

Soft Furnishing as Part of Home Interiors

January 10, 2022


Understanding Soft Furnishing

Soft furnishings relate to those things that finish off a room. Textiles, upholstery fabrics, curtains, pillowcases, Carpets and rugs, mattresses, blankets, comforters are all soft furnishings.  Soft furnishings are a great option to bring together one’s dream home with its lively, comfortable and vibrant features. They bring coziness, comfort and altogether, they make the rooms more liveable.

Importance of Soft Furnishing Works

Soft furnishings are essentials, and the importance of soft furnishings as part of home interiors is undeniable.  It can incorporate all the home furniture irrespective of where it is used. Be it the corridor spaces, under the coffee table or at the bedrooms, they create transitions that brighten any space. The right usage and combination of soft furnishing as part of home interiors create a serene ambience and increase quality to the region.

The Easy Makeover of Home

How can we achieve a complete makeover of a house? It is only by bringing in the stylish soft furnishing that we can transform the space. Free-flowing curtains or draperies add to the attractive appearance as well as utility. They come in numerous colors and designs with altering trends that it is sure to meet the decor of the room. Even the rugs that we simply ignore in our homes can add a statement if needed. Just by placing them in the middle of the room or under an ottoman footstool, they can bring large hallways to life. Unlike the storage units and cabinets, these types of furnishing emit a unique aura and help sensationally upgrade the space. If you are looking to decorate the room furniture, cushions are an inexpensive way to pull the look together. Thus, add a cozy feel and easily change the style and feel of the living, dining and bedroom.

Maintenance and Practicality

Many homeowners believe that soft furnishing like curtains and sofas are difficult to maintain. It is true that regular cleaning and proper care is always essential for such items. However, with good quality materials, it is not a tedious job, if there is proper attention on regular intervals. To clean, you can simply vacuum; most soft furnishing can be washed in warm water or in a washing machine. But be sure to wash them separately or else, dry clean your curtains, blinds etc. Ensure you rearrange furniture occasionally and reverse the cushions each week after doing vacuum. Moreover, avoid over-exposure to strong sunlight as UV rays can make fabrics bleach at an alarming rate.

Add Value

Soft furnishings are generally considered by the end of a project. It’s something we consider that doesn’t get enough attention. However, a thoughtfully decorated home with beautiful curtains, sofa, rugs, curtains, or even a rich cushion cover is sure to impress your guests or family members. As interior decor experts, we advise the clients to take chances when it comes to innovative and modern soft furnishings options. They are the perfect choice to add elegance to your space and can effectively change the appearance of your room.


Detailed Drawings for Home Interiors

December 29, 2021


Proper planning helps to understand the goals and allow the related parties to arrange the things accordingly. This is very essential in case of home interiors also. Thus, preparing detailed drawings for home interior work is absolutely a necessity. It is the basic step for the interior designer to start a project. And any home owner is equally interested to view the details before proceeding.

Importance of Detailed Drawings and Plan

A detailed drawing as per the exact measurements of the rooms transforms the ideas into a visual story. It can carry a dense amount of information including furniture, lighting fixtures, texture, style and all things that come with it aesthetically. Placement of each unit, sizes, structure, color distribution etc. gets clarity through this drawing.  Using this, clients can develop an initial idea and don’t have to worry about how the interior work will turnout to be.

Start with the Layout and then Go in Detail

Perhaps the most important and the very foundation of the interior design process is creating the furniture layout. It is the only medium through which one can reach the client’s or designer’s mind. Creating a detailed layout helps to find the appropriate placement of rooms and proper arrangement of furniture. In simple terms, it helps both the client and the designer get a visual screen on the design concepts and prepare for the upcoming works. After the layout approval by the client, the designer can proceed with the detailed drawings for home interiors.

Specific Planning for Each Room Brings Clarity

Planning with the help of detailed drawings for home interiors helps on how the client wants to manifest their requirements. This time consuming process also helps to think and discover potential benefits and flaws. It also helps the designer forget or sort out one design idea from another. Client and the interior contractor will save money on materials by searching for glitches in the process. Size of each furniture, their suitability to the room and the facilities become clear to the client and the manufacturer. Each part and components are put down as per the detailed drawings.

Visualize the Design to Take Decision

Visualizing can help your home interior designer get into every single detail of the project. Developing a detailed drawing and 3D views for each room helps to know the complexity throughout the project and analyze where appliances or built-ins should be positioned. You can visualize fixtures, furniture, and other decorations in the final design and form a coherent and comprehensive picture of the project. When the client need different colors or styles of furniture, the drawing will allow to incorporate all that. It will also help to take the decision for going ahead with the project with necessary changes as per the budget.

Make it as per the Measurements in Drawings

After determining and preparing detailed drawings for home interiors, it is time to proceed with production and assembling. Designing is very essential for customizing home furniture as per measurements. However, the end results depends upon on the client-designer cooperation and understanding. If the client and the designer work together, they can come out with good ideas and introduce interesting elements.

This 3BHK Home Interiors in Kannur, Kerala for Comfort and Refinement

December 17, 2021

The brief on their need for contemporary home interiors in Kannur with ample open spaces was underscored by Mr Prasun and Mrs Nithya. Desiring their home to be minimalistic, unique and simple, they were willing to accept the ideas from the designer. All the furniture and storage facilities in the house are custom-made by design as per the requirements of the owners.

Welcoming Living and Dining Area

home-interiors-in-Kannur-3 (1) (1)

The main door opens to a foyer and extends to a living cum dining room on either side. On the left is the living room and, on the right, stays the dining. We can say that the front entry provides some division between the living and dining. However, the home features an open plan layout where the living, dining and kitchen areas flow into each other. Living space of this home interiors in Kannur exudes warmth and elegance. Room gets natural sunlight, filtered through the thin curtains. The patterned rug in neutral shade complements the heavy plush drapes and the soft-hued sofa. The Sofa offers a mix of seating styles while the coffee table and the planter near to it add to the aesthetics. This entire area can accommodate an intimate gathering with ease.

The dining area, though the home features an open plan layout, is separated from the living. Six-seater dining flanks a contemporary style to restate the narrative and elevate the welcome contrast. Our interior designers have used the wood finish as a subdued palette to create a monochrome look. We have made the dining room to be an organic extension of the living space with elegant and minimal furnishing which is comforting and stylish.

Quiet and Bright Bedrooms


All the bedrooms of this 3bhk home in Kannur, Kerala has a minimal, sophisticated and elegant way. They are quite straightforward and are well arranged to be as efficient as possible. Bedrooms are airy and bright and are in a contemporary style furnishing and décor which complement the whole bedroom design aesthetics. Master bedroom of this house include a mix of frosty white and wooden themed wardrobes. Guest bedroom is ergonomically designed and has a sense of expanse. While the kid’s bedroom design meet the growing child’s needs. There is ample space in girl’s bedroom to play and store her toys, books and treasures. There is also study unit cum wardrobe in this room.

Clever Kitchen Space


Kitchen situated just near to the dining, is an inviting corner for a comfortable working. Mr Prasun and Mrs Nithya wanted the kitchen to be light and perfectly functional in their home interiors in Kannur. Brief given to our designers by the client was to create an uncluttered kitchen. In addition to this, our talented designers have turned the kitchen into a cozy and light-filled space with top and bottom storage cabinets in wood finish.

Mr Prasun and Mrs Nithya Home Interiors: Interior Walk-through

The Upholstery Guide – Things You Need To Know

December 10, 2021

No matter what home design project or style you’re undertaking, knowing the various upholstery options no matter how big or small, can do wonders in lifting the aura of the interior. Every project has its own unique requirements. Thus, using the right fabric at the right amount makes sure you’re making the most of your space! We put together an upholstery guide to some of our favorite upholstery fabrics to help you decide what is best for you!

Expected Usage

Selecting the best upholstery fabric is both an art and a science. It is also something you need to get right. The first step in finding the best upholstery fabric is to have a clear idea about the expected usage of upholstery. Will it be something that will be used a lot or used as a statement piece? For statement pieces that should be truly special, go for a more decorative fabric and On the other hand, everyday sofa for living room should have a high Martindale result.

Choosing a Fabric

Not all fabric is made equal but don’t make the mistake of choosing cost over quality. Some are generally more durable with longevity and level of use. Some fabrics are extremely durable and withstand varying levels of pressure. Some of basic fabrics and a few that tops the list of our furniture upholstery guide are linen, cotton, silk, wool and leather. Synthetic upholstery fabrics are also available in the market with superior durability. Linen and cotton are the strongest and durable natural upholstery options available. It is a perfect choice for the soft furnishing in formal living areas.

Leather on the other hand lasts longer than most upholstery options and is very easy to clean and maintain. Genuine natural leather is considered one of the most durable in terms of overall quality to cover couches and chairs. It’s easy to wipe clean and can withstand wear from children and pets. Yes, it is an expensive option but it is quite tough and is guaranteed to last the touch of time. We love using leather. It is classic, strong, and blends well in almost any space. It’s still pretty even when it has natural scratches. No matter how much wears down, it just gets better over time. Another fabric option to consider is the upholstery guide is wool. Blended wool is durable, sturdy and has stain resistance properties. Known for its luxurious beauty, silk is elegant, lightweight and natural. The only drawback, it requires professional cleaning and stains easily.

Patterns for Design

There are a lot of fabric patterns available on the market. Upholstery fabrics with patterns or digital print are an excellent choice when you want to refresh the home decor. Prints and colors always impact the energy and look of any space. The display comfort and warmth it brings combined with a distinct appearance makes it a good choice for formal living rooms. Designs are available in a variety of textures and colors to suit every mood.

Have fun and Live Well

Upholstering a piece of furniture is not something most of us can do. It is an investment to keep you happy and comfortable for years to come. If you’re stuck when it comes to choosing your furniture, get the help of an interior design company to help you out! And don’t stop by just picking the upholstery, a little maintenance then and there, and your sofa lasts for years.


Preparing for a Kitchen Remodeling Work

December 01, 2021

kitchen remodeling project

Imagining a new, beautiful kitchen is what drives everyone to renovate his or her existing space. However, unless you’re prepared, a kitchen remodel can drive you crazy. A kitchen remodeling can be a long process that needs a good deal of preparation. Here are some steps on how to get started with your kitchen interiors revamping works.

Prioritizing your Kitchen Remodeling Project

Before your kitchen remodeling, evaluate your wants vs. needs. Figure out what must go in your kitchen. Keep in mind that a kitchen remodel not only enhance the look but also elevates your house’s equity in terms of resale value! So while deciding what to throw in and what to throw out, also evaluate if it’s worth investing. This will also help you decide the budget as well as the layout of the project. Once you set the budget and layout and decide who will work on your kitchen remodel (either you do it yourself, go for a general contractor or hire a professional interior design firm), brace yourself for the knock down.

Finalize the Drawings and Design to Your Satisfaction

Once you have finalized on the budget and whom to assign your remodel project, you will need to choose the new interior design, finishes and appliances. While you want your kitchen to look visually the best to boost your cooking experience, don’t forget the working triangle. It should ensure the functionality and efficiency of the new age food preparation and cooking. A kitchen remodeling always sounds challenging but always make sure it is up to your satisfaction, by taking professional help.

Clear the Kitchen Cabinet Clutter

Once you have an idea of what your dream kitchen remodeling would look like, determine how to clear the space. The first step is clearing utensils and electronics items in kitchen cabinets and countertops. A lot of dust and dirt may accumulate in your kitchen so it’s best to remove the items and keep them out of harm’s way. Your kitchen interior contractor can remove the debris and make it clear for the new installation.

Prepare to Live Out of the Box

Remodeling a kitchen is not as same as construction. When remodeling, you will encounter more problems than you can foresee. When your kitchen is being renovated, food preparation is the most difficult part. Since you may not have access to your stovetop, set up a temporary kitchen with your essentials as well as pantry items that you may wish to use. Non-gas-powered cooking items will be useful while you don’t have access to your main kitchen. Set up your fridge and freezer in another room, Seal up other areas and pack away items into boxes. Make sure to include provision for the appliances in kitchen and work area.

Think Ahead to Solve the Current Problems

No matter if your kitchen remodel is large or small, preparing yourself and your home accordingly is vital to creating a stress-free experience. Creating a dream kitchen in the house with enough storage and organization is the best thing you can have. You can go online and browse through all different kitchen designs, products, and more to create the perfect kitchen space. Thinking toward the future and looking at what your lifestyle is likely to be in the coming years and beyond can help in the curation process. If you cannot, visit an experienced interior designer, and ask them to help you out.


How to Prepare Your Home for Christmas

November 24, 2021

home for christmas decoration

Christmas is approaching fast and without a little preparation, and guests coming over to celebrate, it can become rather stressful if you do not have things organized just yet. We’ve put together a few helpful tips that will help you have a wonderful stress-free home for Christmas as much as possible.

Storage: Location

Preparing your wardrobe and storage is the most Christmassy activity. Before kids get new toys and clothes, revamp and clear out the wardrobes. You don’t want your storage spaces to be feeling cramped. Decluttering rooms, shelves, and surfaces by arranging things, helps to create more spaces for Christmas decoration plans.

Trimming the Tree: Keep it Easy!

We all know that each year Christmas is going to be different but decorating Christmas trees is always on the to-do list. No home is complete without a Christmas tree and no matter how carefully you packed your Christmas tree last Christmas, there will always be some bells, decorations, and lighting that will go missing. Get down to business even before the Christmas evening to make things easier. Whether it’s the living room or bedroom, choose a designated space for a holiday backdrop. Consider setting up a fireplace screen for an extra touch of style.

Wreaths and Decorations

Many people focus only on preparing their interiors of home for Christmas guests, but what they miss out is preparing the outside. When it comes to decorating your home, don’t wait until the last minute. You’re going to be way too busy with other things, so get started early. Put up seasonal touches and decor around the home. Place holiday-scented candles, throw Christmas-themed pillows and above all, spruce up the entryway. With Christmas wreaths and decorations, make your entryways more festive. Lights will brighten your outdoor space and make your home for the perfect Christmas.

If you have guests coming in during the holiday season, stock up on essentials.

Feel Free to Part with it

A home ready for the perfect Christmas is a decluttered and clean home. While bringing up the decorations along with the Christmas tree, declutter the bedrooms, kitchen and living rooms. Clean out and put away all unwanted items. When you prepare your home for Christmas, declutter all kitchen cabinets, countertops, refrigerators and the guest rooms too. Once done, Clean and Arrange items you are keeping, donate, and throw out the others.

What Does “Worth it” Look Like?

Christmas is a season for everyone to take a break. Do justice to the season and set the mood of your Christmas home interiors for a relaxing, enjoying and bonding time- all in one. Particularly if you are planning on welcoming guests, Your decorations should look festive and you may want to give a warm welcome to guests before they even set foot in your home.


Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep

November 17, 2021

tips for a good night sleep

A good night’s sleep is as important as having a healthy diet and exercise. For some, having a good night’s sleep may seem like an impossible goal. But what one must realize is you have much more control over the quality of your sleep than what we actually think we have. Believe it or not, there is a lot more than simply turning off all your lights that go into getting a night of good sleep. Follow the tips below to have a good night’s sleep.

Preparing for Bedtime

Many of us often struggle to get a good sleep and when it comes to sleep, comfort is key. Only a person with a healthy mind and body can enjoy a good night’s sleep. Practice breathing and fitness exercises for a good amount of sleep in the night. A calming breathing technique can help reduce stress and anxiety. If you do it regularly, as part of your daily routine your body will get the most benefit from it. It also helps settle you at the moment and stop unhelpful thoughts.

In addition to this, checking Facebook and WhatsApp in bed on your mobile won’t help your brain and body wind down. If you can, go to bed a bit later as this may help trigger sleep. Avoid doing things before bedtime that are likely to overstretch or overstimulate your nervous system. Also, as you design your bedroom, make every inch of space frustration-free. Organize every space so it is easier for you to go to sleep and get ready in the morning. A stress-free bedroom helps give a sense of relaxation and comfort.

The Timing of Sleep

For many of us, our busy work and home lives can make us feel like there’s just not enough hours in the day. To regulate a perfect sleep, sleep and wake up at the same time each day. A proper sleep routine can be helpful. Avoid napping late in the afternoon. Stick to specific timing and make sure your bedtime is early enough to ensure you get a full night’s rest.

Moderate Noise and Light

Think of your bed­room as a sanc­tu­ary you retreat to after a tiring day for rest. So for having a peaceful sleep it is important to create a relaxing environment. Switch off electronic devices, such as TVs, mobile phones and computers that emit high levels of blue light. Exposure from blue light can trick your brain into thinking it’s still daytime and reduce the quality of your sleep. Get your bed free from electronic gadgets, bright lights and noise and make sure your bed setting is dark, quiet, and tidy. If noise or light is a problem, consider investing in some earplugs and thick curtains that block out light.

Blankets & Comforters

Make sure your mattress, blankets & comforters are comfortable and your sheets are made from a high thread count. Bad quality blankets & comforters and a poor quality bed also cause problems like body aches or neck sprains. Make sure your bedroom has a comfortable ambience and you have comfortable bed accessories for a more peaceful slumber. If you are confused as to how to set a proper bedroom setting, consult with an expert interior designer who will be able to help you.


How to Organize a Small Bathroom and Make it, as you want it

November 12, 2021

A small bathroom can seem like a challenge. The bathroom is a space where self-care is practiced and you may feel like you don’t have enough room for your products and there isn’t much space to relax when you have a small bathroom. But with proper storage, organizing, and accessible solutions even a small bathroom can be a better space.

Avoid the Bathtub in Small Bathroom

small bathroom design ideas

Bathtubs are great but they take up a large amount of floor space. Most modern bathrooms have a bathtub or separate shower space that takes up space. Even a bathtub of standard dimension takes twice the amount of floor space than showers. So, in order to organize the space, incorporate the shower with the rest of the bathroom with a glass partition. This way, the bathroom looks to its true and full tone and gives a lot of space. Planning for a simple glass partition by avoiding the door can serve the purpose. Also, make use of organizational tools such as shower caddies, shelves and racks to keep things on track.

Consider the Essentials

Mirror is one of the most important features in a bathroom. Mirrors have the ability to add character and functionality to a small room and make it appear bigger and brighter overall. Choose a unique and aesthetically pleasing mirror and make sure you consider the measurements before buying one. In addition to this, as part of lighting, opt for sconces beside or above your vanity mirror. We strongly recommend installing the right lighting to brighten the bathroom. Make it small but bright enough to overpower the space.

Go for Sliding Door

Sliding doors have become very popular in recent years for many purposes. The main idea of sliding doors is to conserve space compared to swinging doors. Since sliding doors operate without a hinge – instead of swinging open, they simply glide along a rail. They are easy access and one needs to gently push them and they will glide open. Consult with your building contractor or an expert interior designer to have the bathroom done your way.

Put the Storage Units on the Walls

Wall-mounted sinks and storage units are an excellent way to save floor space. Shelves will hold several products, beauty accessories, toilet paper rolls, or towels. It makes the small bathroom appear more open. If you opt for wall mount storage just under the sink, you’ll get more things assorted in less space. Also, add shelving above the entry door or vanity mirror and make sure to opt for narrow shelves to keep the look light.

Think for Future

With small bathrooms, you need to be careful with colors. Bright colored walls make the bathroom feel larger. Look for wall tiles that match your shower tiles. This way, it produces an illusion of a continuous floor and matches the color and tone.

How to Hide Wires from Walls?

November 03, 2021

tangled wires in home

We find a tangled mass of wires and cables all over our home. Let’s admit it, the mass of wires behind our TV or gaming console looks ugly and we always wanted to do something about it. But hiding wires is uncomplicated and can be done in a short time. Here’s a simple guide to hide wires from walls.

Attach cords to the back of the furniture

You’ll find a tangled mass of wires from the cable box, DVD player and gaming system. To hide the cords, you can be creative, place a decorative basket next to a table or a small piece of furniture like shelves, dressers or even a floor lamp, and hide them out of sight. Arrange them systematically so that the wires cannot peek through.
To hide cords from the TV, place a dresser or picture frames and align them with the TV cables. Hiding these, wires will make room nicer and will avert tripping accidents.

Route Wires through TV stand

A wooden back panel is the easiest way to help conceal the cords. Panel on the wall can neatly hide all the wires, and even mount the TV. A TV unit with a panel is a creative way to hide TV cords without cutting the wall. It’s not the cheapest but certainly a stylish way to hide wires from walls. You have many options of TV stands available in the market. But, getting it as part of customized home furnishing is a great way to deal with it.

Use Cable Sleeves

If you can’t simply hide wires, consider getting creative with them. Use Cable Sleeves to cover wires along your walls and make them blend in with your interiors. You can even try getting creative with them by trying using sleeves of different colors for vibrancy or making the wires serve as a decorative element. Cable Sleeves are an invisible wire solution to easily hide wires along walls, floors and under carpets. It is low cost and is the best alternative to cutting holes in the wall.

Use Zip Ties

hide wires from walls

Clip or tie the wires together into a cohesive bunch with Binder clips or zip ties, and beautifully hide the wires from walls by hiding them behind a potted plant. White zip ties will blend pretty well if you have white walls.

Use Cable Management Box

Be it any home, it is very likely that there are large coils of wires that we are looking to hide in our living room and bedrooms. To organize this, we can try folding or shortening their length. A Cable Management Box like a basket with handle holes is perfect for cord organization. It is a great option for hiding entire systems like surge protectors, players, mobile chargers and routers. These baskets are perfect for hiding electronics because they have holes on the sides and the top to run cords through.


How is Home Insurance beneficial for you?

October 20, 2021

home insurance

Home is your most valuable asset. It is one of the largest investments people make in their lives. This means it is important to take a home insurance policy to protect your house if certain unforeseen acts occur. A home insurance policy protects you from potential financial devastation and can give you peace of mind. It secures your house and its contents from damages, loss and destruction to your building. Hence, buying home insurance is of utmost importance and here we tell you everything about what it is and how an insurance policy works.

Protection from Natural Disasters

In India, where natural catastrophes are so frequent and cause massive losses of life and property, the fact that you can even secure and protect your home with insurance is unknown to most people. Home insurance for Indian households shields your home against damages caused due to natural disasters. An insurance policy covers damages caused by earthquakes, lightning, cyclones, floods, fire, or any such similar disaster and against man-made hazards like thefts, vandalism, riots, etc. The Insurance protects even your additional structure along with your home like your garage, backyard, and fences.

Not Much Expensive

Buying a home is a big affair since you invest a lot of money in it. Additionally, you spent money on buying home appliances and furnishing. An important point to remember is an insurance policy provides coverage for items inside the house. Home insurance in India comes in the following variants – structure insurance, contents insurance, comprehensive insurance, and public liability insurance. As you can see, before buying an insurance, you can choose the best policy based on coverage features and premium rates. Insurance companies nowadays offer maximum discounts at the lowest premiums as much as possible. You should also check whether your policy covers alternative accommodation costs if your home is affected by any disaster and you can no longer live in your home. A policy saves you lakhs of rupees at very low premiums. So, investing in home insurance is highly recommended.

Provides a Peace of Mind

Losing a home that you worked so hard for can be very painful. Insurance policies are way of creating a peace of mind. Ask any homeowner, they will always say it’s a good idea to get home insurance as soon as you sign a contract to buy a house or apartment. If a damage occurs and you don’t have an insurance, you may have to pay out of pocket for repairs. As a worst-case scenario, you could end up losing your entire investment in the property including the elegantly customized home interiors. Keeping an insurance policy is a good way to ensure all your damages are covered in case any occurs.


Tips from an Interior Designer to Increase the Value of Your House

October 13, 2021

Are you planning to resell your house/apartment or renovate it on a large scale? It’s a million-dollar question, how one can increase a home’s value. It’s something every homeowner has asked themselves at one point or the other. Here are some tips from an interior designer to help you increase the value of your house.

Make the Room Feel Bigger

tips from an interior designer

Rooms carry a lot of weight especially when they have old furniture in them. Reinvent your rooms with minor tweaks in the furniture and improve your home value. Proper sizing of furniture can have a huge impact on how your home appears. Use comfortable furniture and try to carry the same design concept for every location. Add a fresh coat of paint to the rooms and adding new furniture and décor can transform the space completely. It will give a whole new character at a low expense.

Add Custom Wardrobes in the Bedrooms

Storage space is very critical for future buyers. Custom wardrobes can make bedrooms more functional. Creating more storage within your current closet systems is a positive feature and will definitely add value without spending a fortune. Therefore, take a few tips from an interior designer in your city, on the types of wardrobes, size and functional elements.

Kitchen Gives the Big Return

If you want to maximize your return on investment, the kitchen interiors should always be your priority. Timely kitchen updates are the key to maximizing the appearance and thus value. If you have a budget, have a new customized modular kitchen installed, you can still get through the cost-effective way by simply replacing worn-out cupboards and cabinets. Kitchen with appealing countertops, good quality fixtures and appliances always succeed in increasing the value of your house and getting buyer’s attention.

More the Storage, the Better

Be it under the stairs or a random pullout; provide ample storage in your home for multiple purposes. A professional interior designer can help you create a manageable and well-organized home. Creating storages will help to organize everything and thus ensure a beautiful appearance.

Being Green and Energy-Efficient

Adding eco-friendly features like solar panels add more value to your home. Investment in new energy-efficient technologies that will make your home not only look better but will also save money on your electric bill. Replace regular electrical appliances and lighting with LED fixtures that would bring down your electricity bill. Solar panels would also add more value to your home.

Add Gizmos and Gadgets

If you want to make your home more valuable, invest in some smart technology. The new day gizmos and gadgets are something most homebuyers are looking for, and they increase the value of your house.

A well-kept Lawn with Decorative plants

This is one of the easiest and low cost to do tips from an interior designer. Few plants here and there and a well-mowed lawn always increase the appeal of the property. If you can’t invest much of your time, buy plants that need low maintenance. With a landscaping improvement, a green filled front yard looks lovely and definitely increases the value of your house. Experts in home decor help to transform the house with proper planning and execution. And it is really worth!

How to Choose the Best Wall Art and Decor for a New House?

October 06, 2021

wall art and decor for home

Moving into a new house is one of the most exciting and wonderful feelings ever, isn’t it? But it’s also a time filled with a lot of uncertainties. Shifting to a new house means adjusting to a new life. You want your new life to be as comfortable and as convenient as possible. You also want your home to reflect your sense of style and your unique preferences. Among the many available wall art options include: hanging a large-scale art on a monochromatic wall, curating a wall gallery with compact cute-looking frames, incorporating an accent wall, showcasing a fabric, hanging up mirrors, installing shelves, painting a mural, hanging plates, and shiplap wall paneling among others.

You may have your doubts and think, “maybe I should get professional help?”, but if you follow our step-by-step guide and work with a systematic approach you can be just as effective and efficient as an interior designer and save a lot of money. Here’s how you should go about decorating your personal space:

Select and Follow a Theme for the Home Interiors

The first thing to keep in mind as you begin with the wall decoration or artwork at your home is the theme. Choosing a specific theme for home interiors and following it throughout the process of decorating your space is important. This is mainly because no one would end up looking like a collection of patterns, colors, and designs that don’t go together. Some of the most popular and in-trend themes of today include artistic, bohemian, Hollywood-inspired, classical, country, contemporary, Scandinavian, and retro among others.

Selecting the Colors

Selecting the suitable colors matching to the walls and other furnishing is very important. Different colors give off different vibes. For instance, red, orange, and yellow are considered warm colors. They evoke the feelings of comfort, happiness, and optimism of the inhabitants. These colors also catch attention almost immediately. Green, blue, and purple, on the other hand, are believed to be cool, calming, and soothing colors. There are also energizing and happy colors like pink, bright red, and green. Interior designers always suggest decorative pieces as per the overall color combinations in each room.

Invest in Wall Art Pieces You Love

To personalize and customize your space, to make your house feel more like your home you can add your personal touch to your surroundings. A great way to do so is by investing in an oversized wall art piece of your choice. Representing your taste, it will also command attention and set the tone. Thus, the decoration of the walls can be a focal point and a perfect backdrop. Highly detailed décor looks great along with contemporary interior design styles.

Fix a Budget for Decoration

The fun part of decorating your home is that you can not only customize it to suit your taste but also tailor it to match your budget. Although you can go for as expensive of options as you’d like, there’s no lack of more budget-friendly options as well. Well, not all of us can afford a Vincent van Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci or a Raja Ravi Varma painting. However, you can always get decent versions of famous paintings that is inspired from the original. You will also get some interesting pieces from the lesser-known local artists. So, fixing a budget before you start the home decor works, is a wise idea.

A 3BHK Apartment Interior Design at Asset Anchorage by DLIFE Trichur

September 22, 2021

The owners brief for their 3BHK apartment interior design at Asset Anchorage, Thrissur was simple. They wanted a light, combination of clean and elegant interiors. Every nook and corner of the home was measured down and digitized with detailed planning. The front door opens to a realm of space with custom built-ins and luxury design elements. 

The Living and Dining Space that Opens Into an Outdoor Garden


apartment living room interior design

The front door of this 3BHK apartment interior opens into a living room with richness and texture. Our design philosophy is to create an apartment brimming with comfort, fine touch and freshness. With a bare minimum of colors and accents on the walls, the living space of this apartment welcomes its guests with a sleek all-black television console that refines and squares off the setting. Additionally an L-shaped sofa and entertainment unit placed in the living creates a cozy and comfortable retreat. In similar fashion, the right side of the living space has a cozy space that works as an outdoor garden. The dining room, like the living space, gives continuity to the design narrative with its grey six-seat grey dining chairs and decorative lighting. 

The Three Cozy and Eye-catching Bedrooms

apartment living room interior design

All the bedrooms of this 3BHK Apartment Interior design at Asset Anchorage is layered with artworks, contemporary decor and furnishings. A unique feature of the home’s bedroom design is that it highlights the wall palettes through its decor. The master bedroom has hues of grey, wood, and white. The design is minimal, but it creates a relaxing ambience. All other bedrooms too resonate with a minimalist material palette.

Drenched in quirky green, the second bedroom has a dual-tone wardrobe and wall-to-wall glass windows on the other side offering an expansive view. Consequently, it successfully creates a soothing and non-cluttering as per the initial plan. 

Contemporary Kitchen

The dining room and kitchen lie adjacent to the living room. Kitchen is minimal and chic, and incorporates all contemporary needs.  Space inside the kitchen of this 3BHK Apartment Interior design appears bigger and brighter by cleverly reworking the layout. Likewise the designer opted to do something different and quite clean. Thus, they included a breakfast station that worked really well with the aesthetics of the apartment and color of the kitchen cabinets

Watch the full video of this apartment interiors,
Link: 3-BHK apartment at Asset Anchorage, Thrissur

Wall Paneling Materials for Better Style and Durability

September 18, 2021

dining room wall paneling materials

Decorating your house can be a little tricky and a troublesome task. You want your home to look pretty, but you also want it to stay protected from the usual wear and tear. For walls, most people go with either wallpaper or paint, but most people aren’t aware of the many benefits that come with wall paneling. Wall panels are incredibly visually appealing and can be tailored to meet any protective or/and aesthetic requirements.

Whether you choose fabric or faux stone, wood paneling, veneer and laminate finish, upholstered wall panels, MDF panels, mirror-finish wall panels, or PVC panels, you can rest assured with a wall design that is extremely pleasant to look at. Wall panels enhance the aesthetic appeal in more ways than one. On one hand, whereas they can be used to hide flaws in a wall such as dents or scratches, on the other, they are useful to hide electrical wires.

Additionally, wall panels provide thermal and acoustic insulation that makes your room sound-proof and more comfortable. Another impressive and notable advantage of wood panels is their durability and cost-effectiveness. Once installed, they can go on for years without needing to be replaced. Moreover, compared to painted walls, they are incredibly easy to clean and maintain as well. Let’s take a look at the 5 most popular wall paneling materials that provide both style and durability.

Veneer and laminate finish:

Wood veneer and laminate sheets are diverse wall paneling options. Wood veneers or laminate sheets are thin sheets used to provide furniture such as cupboards, sofas, beds, or wall panels with a classy and sophisticated look. They are available in a broad range of designs and patterns. Wood veneers and laminate sheets are non-toxic, affordable, eco-friendly, and provide your panels with a luxurious appeal.

Upholstered Wall Panel:

Padded or upholstered wall panels are panels with textile covering fixed upon them. Upholstered wall panels is one of the wall paneling materials that makes a bold style statement and comes with many benefits. The look that it gives is lavish and glamorous. The otherwise hard walls become soft-looking and comforting to look at. The acoustic insulation benefit of wall panels is further enhanced and sound-proofing is improved. Upholstered wall panels give an expensive look, are efficient and fast to install, and are easy to maintain.

MDF Panels:

Medium-density fiberboards or MDF panels are engineered wood products used as decorative pieces mounted on walls to give the desired pattern, texture, or architectural look. MDF is a durable material resistant to moisture and hard to crack or flex. They are also cost-effective and can be customized to suit personal preferences. MDF boards have a smooth-looking surface without any kinks or knots. MDF boards can either be painted or laminate/veneer sheets can be applied to them and are ideal to spruce up any commercial or residential space.

PVC Panels:

PVC wall paneling materials are incredibly user-friendly. They are lightweight yet durable. They can be easily cut and installed and can be a fun DIY project. PVC panels are a popular choice for washrooms and kitchens because of their mildew-resistant and water-repellent properties. Compared to traditional tiles, PVC panels are not only time-saving but also money-saving. Because of the diversity and versatility of their designs, colors, and patterns, PVC Panels are a popular wall and ceilings cladding option.

Mirror-Finish Panels:

Mirror-finish panels are a modern, classy, and an attractive option for wall paneling. The mirror is fixed upon a plywood base and gives the room an enhanced, spacious, refined appeal. These are cut and beveled into various shapes or sizes to match the aesthetic requirements. Work with an interior designer to have the best designs that meet your taste and make sure you achieve your home interior goals on time.


Entertainment Room Set-up: How should it Be, Ideally?

September 09, 2021

entertainment room

Bigger, Lighter, Smarter TVs

Creating the perfect entertainment room at home should include a large television with state-of-the-art large-screen LEDs or projectors to facilitate the best viewing experience. When you choose your TV set, make sure that you also consider the room size. It wouldn’t be good if you are too far from the television when the screen is small and it would also not be nice if you are too near it when the screen is so big. The viewing distance from the television should be 1.5 to 2.5 times the diagonal screen size. If you have a 32-inch TV, there need to be 4 to 6 feet of viewing distance. If you are opting for ultra-short throw projectors, make sure it is 1 ft. away from the screen and that it produces an image size of 6 ft., diagonal.

Get the perfect Speakers for the Room and optimize it

Over the years speaker technology for entertainment room set-up has wonderfully advanced, which means, people get to choose from a wide variety of systems among top speaker manufacturers, which are of very high quality. For a true media room experience, you need a 5.1 or 7.1 surround system. To achieve the right decibel levels with proper acoustics, a specialized acoustic engineer should be consulted. Speakers should be mounted on the walls or in-ceiling which are great alternatives to the most seen freestanding speakers. Also, make space for thick curtains, carpets and acoustic panels. This helps you get good sound quality within the room.

Get Stylish Home Assistants and Smart Devices

Entertainment is literally overflowing with tech. You will literally get overwhelmed by the thousands of home entertainment devices available in the market. When you’re looking to invest, look for Smart Speakers, Smart Displays, Streaming Devices, Hub and Remote Control and Wi-Fi Systems. If you have a robust connected home already, with google assistants or Alexa set-up, you can easily take charge of your entertainment devices. They are crisp, responsive and can get all your smart tech singing in harmony.

Ensure the Right Ambiance

Quality seating is important especially since you will be seated for a long time in the entertainment room. Make sure that you and your guests feel relaxed in your entertainment room set-up and do not cramp the room with heavy furniture. You can opt for a comfortable sofa set or comfortable chairs, recliners and beanbags or a complementary ottoman, with cup holders and armrests, to keep your popcorn, magazines, remote controls and cold drinks. This is something everyone will enjoy, be it children or old people.  It needs expertise and experience to make use of the available space to set up such a facility. A home interior design company can help you plan, design and implement the most suitable entertainment room.

Additional features to consider

The entertainment room is mostly given warm and dark colors with recessed or mood lighting for an immersive experience. Many people also prefer wooden accents like wooden flooring, wooden panel, for a luxurious touch to the entertainment room. Lights that mimic synchronized lighting add a relaxed ambience. LEDs, pendants and recessed lighting are good options for sources of ambient light. Also, look for plenty of spots for equipment, plus wire management and proper ventilation.


If you are low on budget and is setting up the space in your living room, it is important that you keep all the wires properly. Faulty wirings and improper placement of wires may cause harm to anyone. Last, having a solid wireless network is important to stream and download movies from and binge-watch your favorites on Netflix, Amazon Prime and Hot Star. And finally, let everything in the room be there to ensure comfort and convenience.

Challenges in Renovating Old House

August 30, 2021

renovating old house India

Buying a home is an exciting process. It is even more exciting when you are renovating old house. However, there are also some concerns you will need to deal with when making old home improvements. Some of these are about health and safety as well. Read on to find out how a restoration will appear to be.

Outdated plumbing and Electrical Works

Plumbing pipes in old buildings corrode over a period of time. These elderly galvanized pipes are prone to clogging and leaking and should be replaced with new PVC or CPVC pipes. It’s flexible, faster to install, less expensive and much more reliable. However, the old plumbing materials require special handling and disposal. Even the old electrical wiring is an inconvenience. These electrical systems pose a dangerous risk, as they may not be able to handle the demands of modern appliances, making this an essential part of a remodeling job. Your wiring needs to be replaced with expert advice to help prevent house fires and bring it up to present standards.

Damage Due to Water Seepage

When it comes to your old house renovation, you should know that it is influenced by geographical factors. Why do we say this? Moisture is present almost everywhere in a house. Water damaged houses are expensive to restore and due to the extensive moisture build-up caused by faulty plumbing, a broken or leaky pipe, termites and mold work their way through the brick wall and ceiling. If you see water spots on the walls it can be a sign of flashing issues that may be caused by cracked shingles, missing tiles or poor waterproofing. This can potentially be a major issue, as waterproofing and pest control is not economically feasible in an old structure.

Foundation Cracks and Other Structural Issues

cracks in homes

Old foundations never usually stood the test of time. Once a home age, either there will be a notable slope in the floor or there will be cracks in walls that become increasingly worse. Another significant issue for homes, which is more than 60 years old, especially ancestral property, is that it forms cracks in the roof, making every rainfall a potential nightmare.

Small kitchens, tiny bedrooms, narrow living spaces, hallways, and ladder-like stairways are all examples of old-world beauty but there is a reason why we left it all behind and converted it to modern living and modular kitchen cabinets. Though these old green homes with natural light and minimal living room design are wonderful, they are costly to maintain. And when doing old or historic home renovations, contractors will also have to drive steep pipe pilings and then use hydraulic jacks to raise the foundation. In the most extreme cases, it may require an entirely new structural foundation.

Outdated and Unsafe Building Materials

Ancestral homes or older homes were constructed with completely different materials than today. With outdated layouts, finding room to modernize your home or rearrange the layout can be a tricky and unpleasant process. If you are planning to maintain your home’s old character, it can be extremely tricky especially since they may have completely different materials. The wood and other structural materials that might have been used in the property might be extremely costly and not so readily available in the present case scenarios. You will need to consult an experienced architect or engineer, to figure out improvements when renovating an old house. A good contractor can estimate and renovate it to a smart home so dramatically. But, make sure you still keep value to the original design of the house by meeting all the old model aesthetics and taste.

Architects offer the service of renovating old house and thus it is always better to contact one of them. Most of the interior designers mainly take care of the furnishing works and therefore, renovation may not come under their scope of work. Renovation may include external, structural, plastering, tiling and painting and interior works. So, first clearly know what all needs to be done and then plan accordingly.


Options to Attain the Best Finish for the Kitchen Cabinets

August 13, 2021

Modular furniture is a popular choice for many homeowners due to its versatility, durability, and convenience. With customization, modular furniture can easily fit into any space and can be adapted to suit your changing needs over time. But what really sets modular furniture apart is the variety of finishes available. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the different types of finishes for modular furniture and kitchen cabinets, so you can choose the one that’s right for you.

Mica Laminates

If you’re considering a contemporary kitchen design, one of the key features to consider is the finish of your cabinets. A popular choice for contemporary kitchens is a mica laminate finish, which offers a sleek and modern look while also being durable and easy to maintain.


Laminate is a synthetic material made from layers of paper or fabric that are mixed with resin and then compressed under high heat and pressure. The finished product is then adhered to a support, such as particleboard or MDF, to produce a stable and long-lasting surface. Their manufacturing design, material, and technologies make them highly hardwearing and durable. The laminates are available in either glossy, matte, or ultra gloss finishes. Besides colors, you also get them in different textures like wood, as per your preference.


a) Durable and Resistant

It’s very durable and resistant to scratches, stains, and other types of damage. This makes it ideal for a high-traffic area like a kitchen, where spills and accidents are bound to happen.

b) Easy to clean and Maintain

It’s very easy to clean and maintain. Laminate doesn’t need any additional finishing or treatments. All you need is a damp cloth or sponge and some mild detergent to wipe away any dirt or grime.

c) Wide range of colors and patterns

From solid colors to wood grain patterns and even metallic finishes, there’s a laminate option to suit just about any design style or preference. When it comes to contemporary kitchen design, some popular options for laminate finishes include glossy white or black, brushed metal, or wood grain patterns in a variety of colors. .

d) Eco-friendly

Laminate is  an eco-friendly choice for kitchen cabinets. Because it’s made from recycled materials and can be recycled itself, it’s a sustainable option that can help reduce your carbon footprint.

Wood Veneers

kitchen interiors

Wood veneer is a popular finish option for contemporary kitchen designs because it offers a warm and natural look while also being versatile and durable.  they are a highly cost-effective option for you if you are looking to reface or refinish your kitchen cabinets. Among many of the benefits that it has to offer are its sturdiness, durability, maintenance, resistance to water, ease of installation, affordability, and aesthetic appeal.


Veneer is a thin slice of wood that is glued onto a substrate, such as particleboard or MDF, to create a solid and stable surface.


a) Natural & Unique

One of the main advantages of wood veneer is its natural beauty. Each piece of wood has its own unique grain and texture, which adds depth and character to your kitchen design. When it comes to contemporary kitchen design, some popular options for wood veneer finishes include light, natural tones like birch or ash, or darker, more dramatic options like cherry or mahogany.

b) Versatility

Another advantage of wood veneer is its versatility. It can be used on a range of surfaces, from cabinets and drawers to countertop and islands, to create a cohesive and visually appealing design.

c) Durability

In terms of durability, wood veneer is a great choice for a high-traffic area like a kitchen. It’s resistant to scratches and wear, and can be easily repaired if it does become damaged.

Lacquered Glass Laminate

Lacquered glass laminate is vibrant and is made of a fiberboard panel that has been painted with polyester and polyurethane paints. With its exceptional ability to resist moisture and heat and with its low maintenance ability, lacquered glass laminate is good for long term investment. Make sure to check out these various applications and benefits of using lacquered glass in interiors.  

UV Painting

This finishing technique involves painting the wood boards and then covering them with UV protection. This along with giving the cabinet a shiny, glossy finish also increases its durability and reduces the odds of discoloration. In terms of contemporary kitchen design, some popular options for UV painting finishes include high-gloss white or black, metallic finishes in silver or gold, and bold, bright colors like red or blue.


UV painting is a process where a clear, protective coating is applied to a surface and then cured with ultraviolet light. This creates a hard, scratch-resistant finish that is both durable and easy to clean.


If you’re looking for a contemporary finish for your kitchen cabinets, you might want to consider UV painting. This type of finish offers a number of benefits as below,

a) Versatility

UV painting’s versatility is one of its key advantages. The method works well with a number of kitchen types and designs since it can be applied to a variety of surfaces, including glass, plastic, and metal.

b) Ease of maintenance

The finish is resistant to scratches, stains, and other types of damage, making it easy to clean and maintain. All you need is a soft cloth or sponge and some mild detergent to wipe away any dirt or grime.

Crystal Glass Laminate

lacquered glass kitchen cabinets

Crystal glass is a unique and elegant finish option for contemporary kitchen designs. It offers a sleek and modern look, while also being durable and easy to clean. When it comes to using crystal glass in a contemporary kitchen design, some popular options include using it as a back splash or as cabinet doors. Learn all about the advantages of using crystal glass laminate for modular furniture.

Acrylic Finish

Acrylic finishes are becoming increasingly popular in contemporary kitchen designs due to their sleek, modern look and durability. It is a type of plastic that is known for its clarity, transparency, and ability to mimic glass.


Acrylic laminates are  made under high pressure using automated machinery by pressing together thin layers of flat paper and plastic resins.


Here are some of the benefits of using acrylic for your kitchen cabinets and counter tops:

a) Contemporary Look

Acrylic provides a glossy and modern look to your kitchen. It has a high-end appearance that is perfect for contemporary kitchen designs.

b) Durability

Acrylic is a highly durable material that is resistant to scratches, stains, and UV light. This makes it ideal for use in a high-traffic area like a kitchen.

c) Easy to Clean

Acrylic is very easy to clean, requiring only a soft cloth and some mild detergent to wipe away any dirt or grime.

d) Customization

Acrylic finishes come in a variety of colors and can be customized to your desired color or pattern. This makes it a versatile choice for your kitchen design. When it comes to using acrylic in a contemporary kitchen design, some popular options include using it as cabinet doors, counter tops, or back splashes. It can also be used for kitchen islands or accent pieces to add a pop of color or visual interest to your space.

e) Cost-Effective

Acrylic finishes are more affordable than some other high-end finishes

Membrane Finish

One important aspect of kitchen design that is often overlooked is the membrane finish used for cabinets and other surfaces.


Membrane finish is a type of surface finish that is created by wrapping a layer of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) or PET (polyethylene terephthalate) film around a substrate, such as MDF (medium-density fiberboard) or particleboard. The film is applied using a vacuum press, which ensures a smooth and even application. Membrane finish is available in a variety of colors, textures, and patterns, making it a versatile option for kitchen design.


a) Highly durable and resistant to wear and tear

It is highly durable and resistant to wear and tear. Unlike painted or laminated surfaces, membrane finish does not crack, peel, or warp over time. It is also resistant to moisture, heat, and chemicals, making it easy to clean and maintain

b) Seamless appearance

Another benefit of membrane finish is its seamless appearance. Because the film is wrapped around the substrate, there are no visible seams or edges, giving the cabinets and other surfaces a sleek and modern look.

c) Highly customizable

It is available in a range of colors, textures, and patterns, including wood grains, solid colors, metallic, and even custom designs.

PU Finish

If you are looking for a versatile and durable finish for your contemporary kitchen, then PU finish might be the perfect choice for you. PU or polyurethane is a type of coating that is known for its excellent adhesion, abrasion resistance, and chemical resistance.


PU laminates are compound fabric which are made by laminating a cloth fabric to one or both sides of a thin film of polyurethane.


a) Durability and resistance to wear and tear

PU finish is a popular choice for kitchen cabinets, counter-tops, and other surfaces because of its durability and resistance to wear and tear. It is highly resistant to scratches & stains

b) Water resistant

PU finish is water-resistant, which means it can withstand splashes and spills without compromising its appearance or integrity.

c) Versatility

Another benefit of PU finish is its versatility. It is available in a range of colors and finishes, including glossy, matte, and satin. This makes it easy to create a customized look for your kitchen that complements your personal style and the overall design of your home.


One important factor to consider when choosing a PU finish is the level of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) it contains. VOCs are chemicals that can be harmful to human health and the environment. Low VOC PU finishes are available and are a great option for those looking for an eco-friendly and safe solution.


Home Decor Ideas for Indian Households

August 06, 2021

If your home is due for an interior design update and you have a limited time and budget, here are some interesting home decor ideas for Indian households. You can feel fresh with each of these decorating ideas and the results will look timeless, and refined.

Rearranging the Furniture

living room home decor ideas

If your home does have enough space, rearrange the formal living room furniture to be a cozy lounge area. The size of the room decides how far you can pull your furniture and rearrange them. If you have a larger space, create multiple conversation areas.

Creative Use of Lights and Colors

Draw attention to your home with glamorous Art Deco lamps to neon signs and white walls to ravishing red. Combine the refreshing quality of paint with the lovely glow of lights to living and dining areas. Each color and lighting you choose soften the look of your room and stir up excitement. For living spaces that receive less daylight, a lighter grey shade works well. Use a chandelier and complement it with recessed panels on the ceiling to make your room look cozy, warm and welcoming. Also, consider hanging a mirror to brighten up a dark space. If your room seems darker, choose translucent sheer curtains, glass accessories, soft-toned accent pieces, and light furnishings.

Curtains and Blinds

For many years, the only option for window treatment was fabric curtains. Now you can pick from a variety of blinds, roman or roller shades. Both blinds and curtains are well suited to contemporary, minimalistic interiors. You can use curtains and blinds to also accentuate the height of a room and make the space feel bigger. Fabrics, which are a couple of shades darker than the paint, will result in a sumptuous look. From sheer lace to pure cotton, medium weight brocades to heavy velvet, your options are aplenty while picking your fabric. Curtains that fall exactly to the floor level are the new trend in interior decoration. Accessories for curtains range from pullbacks to ornamental curtain tracks on the wall. Simple pullbacks and absence of decorative trims will make fabrics like satin or velvet look chic and sleek.

If you are not too keen on style, blinds will do the job. Blinds are the perfect for rooms where there’s no space and need recessed windows. Nevertheless, the choice between curtains and blinds is finally based on personal taste.

Wall Arts and Artefacts

living room home decor kerala

An oversized painting or a simple photograph on the wall will command attention to your space. Try a vibrant abstract piece or a black-and-white photo to mix things up! In addition, try out an accent wall to make an even bigger impact in a small space. In addition to this, one of the smartest home decor ideas for Indian households is to make a small space feel bigger is by trying hanging a stunning piece of oversized mirror for a standout element.

Wooden Floor and Wall Panels

Wooden floor and wall paneling is one of the best home decor ideas for Indian households. It is an ideal way to hide imperfections, add impactful aesthetic appeal, and texture to a room. Wall paneling prevents wall damage and also hides away your unwanted cables. The wooden floor and wall panel acts as a highlight and is an excellent choice if you like the classic dark wood style that gives the room a clean, nautical vibe. You can even get in touch with an expert interior designer and ask their suggestions for the best of both worlds.

Beds and Sofa Upgradation

When it comes to the bedroom furnishing and seating arrangements in living room, it takes the most of upgradations. Create a quirky room that reflects your style by replacing your old sofa with a new one or changing the upholstery. Some minor changes like just placing a comfortable armchair or a wall-mounted shelf to display your favorites in one corner can do the trick. Similarly, it is possible to improve the appearance of bedroom by bringing in a new mattress, quilt, pillows and bedsheet.

Indoor Plants and Decoration

indoor plants decor ideas

Greenery is essential whether or not your home is blessed with tons of square footage or you lack gardening experience. Indoor Plants eliminate toxins from the air, improving our home air quality encouraging a deeper sleep and is also a great home decor idea. With plants, the possibilities are endless. You can create an indoor garden or add a large indoor cacti and succulents, which are low maintenance. Choose beautiful pots to decorate your home, create your pots yourself or customize existing pots by painting them. You can even dress up your walls with plants or wall hangers, which is a great inexpensive and easy option.

Questions to the Client before Starting a Home Interior Project

July 27, 2021

What is Your Goal for this Home Interior Project?

Interior design is a long process and this is to understand how the client will use his space and the extent of the design he has in mind. As the professionals you need an interior designer to be, here the designers are considering what level of adventure and adrenaline rush will serve you.

What are the Main Requirements in Interiors?

You need to have a checklist of what all things you need in your house. Apart from the materials know-how, the homeowner needs to have an understanding about his storage requirements and structural visions. It also provides designers with additional insights or the specifics; how many rooms are to be furnished, how many people would like to be seated in the dining room, or the color and size of kitchen interiors. This helps to state the functionality beyond the imagination of the homeowner.

What is Your Favorite Interior Design Style?
home interior project in chennai by DLIFE

Believe it or not, a client can exactly find what they want for their home interior before starting a project. When the majority of the clients go for contemporary design styles these days, there is still demand for traditional designs also. Some may want similar design or color schemes to their ancestral homes or some would be inspired from magazines. Save all your favorite styles, finishes and layout. This will help the designer in putting together the right look. Nevertheless, the client always has the final say about how the design looks. Also, avoid costly mistakes and purchases by utilizing a designer’s professional services in a home interior project.

Do You Have a Budget in Mind?

This is the very important question that’s asked. The main goal of this is to understand whether you are a good fit. Some interior designers or clients are afraid to talk about the budget early on. There is no right or wrong answer to this but it is always best to discuss the budget. Discuss the budget along with the guidelines early on in the design process, so that you can design and determine the type of materials you can use.

How Soon You Want to Start and End the Home Interior Project.

This is a little bit of a test to get an idea on how soon you want your project completed. Some of the top interior designers believe that many of the clients are always in a hurry to finish the project. The homeowners often think that there is too much work to do in their home interior project and not enough time to do it. However, at the end of the day, this happens because of lack of proper understanding about the process. A professional interior design firm can create efficient workflows and processes that can help a homeowner save time.

Clients wish to hire the best interior contractors in Chennai, Bangalore and Kochi, as they need a unique design and perfect finish. The gorgeousness and grace that they can bring into a home, is something, which can be called a pure transformation.

How to Detoxify Home and Maintain a Healthy Living

July 15, 2021

How to Detoxify Home Kitchen?

A kitchen full of toxins generated in different ways can damage the health of the occupants. Make a few changes in the kitchen and get rid of these common culprits, so you will have peace of mind and good health.

detoxify kitchen _ DLIFE Interior designers Ernakulam

Practice pest control
It shouldn’t be surprising that the products we use for pest control are also not healthy for us either. So instead of getting your hands into harmful pest control chemicals, try natural alternatives. Use essential oils, keep the window screens closed and try flies repellents to reduce pests in the home.

Filter Your Water
The water we usually get contains chlorine and other chemicals, which are used to treat and prevent waterborne diseases. If you want to have clean water, use carbon filters or a heavy-duty water filter for home and thus filter out the chemicals.

Avoid plastic containers
Plastics contain harmful chemicals, which emit toxic substances when heated or put under pressure. Though Eliminating plastic is almost impossible, you can try out some natural alternatives like using bamboo as glasses, paper straws or recycled glass jars.

Ditch Toxic Cleaning Products
We are exposed to dozens of different chemicals every day. Most cleaning products are chemicals-based. They contain harmful compounds that might be harmful to you that also may be hazardous to the interior environment and the solution to this is obvious. Use organic and natural products to detoxify home.

Detoxifying the Living Area

With the presence of harmful chemicals in the environment, it is important that we remove toxins from our Living room. Living space is one place that could possibly bring-in the most toxins and chemicals. Consider this as your complete guide to detoxing your living space.

detoxify home_ home interiors Ernakulam

Don’t let the dust settle
Dust can amount to a toxic soup in a home. The shoes, carpets, and closed windows keep dirt and dust at bay floating in your space. Invest in a portable air purifier to detoxify home that helps capture dust particles and any infected respiratory droplets and ensure you clean its filters regularly. Also, make sure to give your house a regular vacuum.

Improve Air Quality & Green Your Home
Ensuring good quality air indoors is extremely important, as poor air quality can be irritating. Air quality in our homes is actually quite terrible than we think it is. Do a little research, and lurk in some plants. Plants have a natural ability to clean air. They improve the air quality by absorbing pollutants, carbon monoxide and other toxins in the air. Plants like Peace Lily, Spider plants, ferns, Chinese evergreen are some examples of plants that purify the air.

Know your furniture
Furniture made of some of the cheap construction materials can be toxic and may not last long as they demand to be. Consult with an experienced interior designer to invest in quality furniture. Even better, to make things more affordable, you can also invest in a piece of quality second-hand furniture that is made from real wood.

Bedroom Detoxification

Most of us would think that our bedroom is always safe. But, the bedroom is where we spend much of our time and can have health-damaging toxins. While most toxins are invisible, it can cause various issues such as skin irritations and rashes, nagging fatigue, and other respiratory conditions. The goal is to have a clean and healthy bedroom atmosphere.

detoxify home interiors

Keep a check on Laundry
When it comes to laundry detergents, it can irritate a sensitive individuals’ skin. Most of us think that since most of us have air-conditioning in homes, dust isn’t an issue in a home anymore. But think again. All your unwashed clothes, mattresses, curtains etc. can have various dust particles and germs inside them. They even lead to allergic reactions.

Replace older mattresses
When your kids are coughing, wheezing, or are having allergic reactions, it’s likely due to the age-old mattresses and other fabrics used in the bedroom. Man-made fabrics, like polyester and nylon, are treated with harmful toxic chemicals during their production. So stick to shopping for fabrics that are volatile organic compounds such as bamboo, wool and wrinkle-resistant apparels and wash these at least once a week to detoxify home.

Pros and Cons of Kitchen Interiors by Carpenter

July 02, 2021

kitchen by carpenterWhen it comes to making kitchen interiors 90% of the homeowners go through a dilemma of how to get it done the best way. Can a local carpenter do it properly, considering the fact that he may have experience but not much design support? Similarly, there is often no idea as to how much it may cost finally. What materials he uses and how the finish would be are other matters of concern. Well, if you are not able to take the final call, here are some points to help you get more information and thus decide better.

Advantages of Kitchen Interiors by Carpenter

  1. Not Much Time and Effort on Design Process

The most practical advantage of a carpenter-made kitchen is that they save your mind from tons of decision-making processes. Kitchen interiors by carpenters will be simple and as per one’s perception. He just uses his previous experience and knowledge to provide the best possible for him. Some of them may make a design for the purpose of making the framework and the cabinets.

  1. Traditional Woodworks and Cabinets

When a local carpenter furnishes the kitchen, the client will have a relatively limited pool of options. They largely provide the traditional style, using the original wood or plywood.  If lucky, you could get beautiful results in carpenter-made furniture as well. If you are interested in traditional woodwork designs, a local carpenter may do the needful.

  1. Durability and Budget Friendly

Original wood is long lasting. Periodical polishing and good care ensure durability of local carpenter-made kitchen cabinets. He can surely adjust the size and number of cabinets as per the budget of the homeowner. They may take many days or months to complete it but it may cost less due to the less manpower utilization. Similarly, there is not much administrative procedure and thus it is possible to get better prices than a professional company.

Disadvantages of Kitchen Interiors by Carpenter

  1. Quality of the Materials Depends Upon the Provider

When it comes to home furniture, you need to be involved at every stage. You need to be involved in anything and everything that is happening in the kitchen design. This is because, at times, the quality of materials used can be cheap and it may not offer durability to last a lifetime, and if you are new to the whole furniture and home interior design process, everything may seem confusing and lost.

  1. Time Lags and Hassles

With local carpenters, work may not progress as per plan. This is mainly due to their commitments with many customers and less manpower.  Thus, work completion may take more time than required and often leads to disputes between the owner and the contractor.

  1. Lack of Accessories and Facilities

In carpenter-made kitchen interiors, they may not provide the accessories like cutlery tray, plate trays etc. They provide the empty cabinets and thus there may not be much facility to make everything better organized.

  1. Cannot Expect the Modern Design and Finish

In case of design and aesthetics, kitchen interiors by a carpenter will not be on the same level as the designer’s contemporary modular kitchen. When you are getting a carpenter made kitchen, you certainly know you are getting something that is too easy for the eye. Because at the end of the day, you would find it extremely outdated and immensely boring.

  1. It May not Perfectly Fit to Space

There would always be differences between the completely manual and factory made furniture and cabinets. As there is not much pre-planning or design in a carpenter made kitchen, it may not perfectly occupy the available space. They just measure the space and make the furniture accordingly. You will eventually have to learn to adjust with the end product.

  1. Costs May Go Haywire

It is mainly due to the delays and frequent changes or additions of works that the cost increases beyond expectation. There can be surprising escalations from the amount estimated by the carpenter during the initial quote.

  1. Limited Scope for Customization

The success of kitchen interiors by carpenter is directly proportional to his knowledge. Unlike modular Kitchens, carpenter made kitchens come with tedious carpentry work. The finishes will not be perfect and precise if they aren’t done by a skilled carpenter. They additionally create unavoidable noise and dust. Moreover, Carpenter-made kitchens shouldn’t be subjected to rough use. This may strain the hinges, loosen the cabinet doors and drawers, and result in operational mechanisms.

Different Types of Lighting Fixtures for Your Home

May 20, 2021

Searching for the perfect lighting fixture for your home can often be a daunting task. There are hundreds of options of light fixtures for your home. Some with different quality, style and budget, that you would spend hours just looking at when you walk into a store. From statement-making light pieces to simple fixtures, it’s one of the major decisions to make when it comes to your home interiors. But in the end, it’s always worth it when you find the light fixture that is the right style for your home.

Recessed Lights

recessed lighting for home

Recessed lights are concealed lights installed on a false ceiling. Usually in the form of downlight, recessed lighting can be used effectively in any room of the home. Used for both general lighting and as accent lights, over task areas, or as décor, recessed lighting adds style, color and an architectural glow to the rooms with its increased and more spread out illumination. With its clean, streamlined star like characteristics, you can also use recessed lighting as part of your living room decoration. This kind of lighting comes with different styles like eyeball, splay, reflector, baffles, open, and decorative.

Under cabinet Lights

This is popular as task lighting in a kitchen and is mostly used as a mood enhancer. Under the cabinet is more of a concentrated light. It is meant to help you with a finer light for cooking, writing and reading. It is designed to help you see more details with less glare or shadow-effect when you work. Great for adding a certain style element, under cabinet lighting as kitchen light fixtures can also provide both functional and attractive elements to a kitchen. The contemporary, clean feel of the lighting makes it versatile for contemporary home interior styles and a good light source. LED light strips are a great option for under cabinet lighting.


Pendants often serve many purposes. Much like a chandelier, pendant lights are mostly used to add an additional set of lighting for a particular area. The pendant light can also be suspended from the ceiling. They hang low, usually over a kitchen island, or a table to provide ambient, task light. The pendant makes for a very attractive task of décor for a room. It is perfect as it allows you to produce the desired pattern light without adding sconces or changing bulbs.

Wall sconces

wall scones lighting fixtures for home

Wall sconces lighting is surface-mounted to the wall. They are typically put up with covers or shades to direct light downwards or upwards. With its flexibility and common ease of use, wall sconces makes proper use of lighting and is one of the best lighting fixtures for your home. Majorly known for its versatility, task lighting, and ambient lighting nature, wall sconces definitely add a design appeal to rooms.

 Floor & Table Lamps

Unlike the other lightings, floor and table lamp lighting fixtures for your home come in a wide range of design schemes and styles. They would also fit any of the corners in your house. Mostly used for reading nooks, fireplaces or built-ins, they provide direct light as task lighting and are perfect for open space areas to bring a pleasant impression.


Suspended from the ceiling, chandeliers are set to add a decorative style to rooms. Typically set in the foyer or the living room, chandeliers provide ambient lighting. Usually if requested, interior designers or contractors can help homeowners find the best-suited style of chandeliers for a house depending on the style and budget.


How to Find the Best Home Interior Design Company in Chennai

May 13, 2021

interior design company in chennai (1)

Are you planning to create interiors for a new apartment or renovate your house in Chennai? Locating and hiring a reliable interior designer is often not an easy task. Moreover, entrusting your home interior project involves several decisions and actions. Everyone may have concerns on the beauty, durability and fault free execution of interiors. It is a dream project and once in a lifetime work for many. But, an establishment with teams having experience and skills can surely bring a suitable solution. Here’s how you can successfully find the best home interior design company in Chennai.

1) Get Reference

The best way to get to know about a local interior design company is through reference. Who else other than someone with a previous experience of getting the work can help better? Thus, someone in the same building of the project, a neighbor or relative can give refer companies in the field. So, always ask your friends and acquaintances for opinions and references. Their experience can help to avoid a lot of problems and thus save money and time. If you happen to see or hear about someone recently completing a house interior project, surely ask them for details. They may provide the name of the interior design company in Chennai along with their suggestions and opinions.

2) Search Online

Having the blessings of technology at home, you don’t have to go from store to store to find a company providing interior furnishing services. Just search online exactly with relevant keywords like interior design company in Chennai, top interior design company in Chennai, interior designers in Chennai and find many options. Once you have a shallow idea of what you are looking for, shortlist a few interior design companies in Chennai and start digging further into each one of them. Make sure you thoroughly go through their website as well as their social media profiles mostly Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and even YouTube if they have a page. And the most important thing is to go through the reviews available online about such companies and thus further short list a few. Next step is to call, discuss or try to meet them.

3) Look for a Company with an Office or Showroom

In order to make the work and interactions easier, ensure focus on interior design companies based in Chennai. Though the advancement in technologies and video conferencing has made things easier, there is nothing like a super straight eye-to-eye discussion. It is important to visit their showroom and have a feel of how they do it, before finalizing the contract. Moreover, this makes things easier for you to keep in touch with the team and ensure smooth implementation of home interiors.

4) Make Sure that They Do Completely Customized Interiors

There are several varieties of interior designers in Chennai city. From designers revamping traditional homes to design teams who create a fusion of styles, Chennai is a place for all types of them. However, the important question to ask is whether they do complete interiors or just modular kitchen modules. Make sure you’re working with interior designers specialized in complete home interior work. This could include space planning, designing custom furnishing, suggesting fine art advisory and color selections. In short, focus on finding an interior design company that can take up your home interior project from the initial conceptual stage to complete implementation.

5) Count on the Experience and Resources

Giving priority to space management, innovative designs and functional style, the modern practical users tend to go after the highest expertise. However, if you know the least about your interior designer, get to know about their experiences and the type of interior design style they deal with. It is always better to understand their vision and understand how passionate they are about interior work. Their years of experience in this service and manpower resources makes a lot of difference in the outcome. Hiring a professional interior design company in Chennai, with the right experience, knowledge and skills can ensure the best what you expect. They would offer services for any potential problems and rectify them promptly, providing you with long-lasting, high-quality products.


Applications & Benefits of Using Lacquered Glass in Interiors

April 20, 2021

What is Lacquered Glass?

Lacquered Glass is a unique kind of glass primarily used in interior works. What makes it special is its opaque appearance and brilliant color. It is created through the special manufacturing process of coating lacquer on one side of a regular glass sheet and baking it over a furnace at a consistent temperature. Lacquer is a tinted liquid that is usually used to paint on wood or metal. Lacquered glasses combine the best of both these materials. In addition to the outstanding visual appeal, this glass has an exceptional ability to resist moisture and heat. This durability makes lacquered glass a long-term investment for your house design.

To ensure durability, lacquer is often applied to the back of the glass. With its shiny and colored surface, combined with glass, it’s very easy to maintain and makes it perfect for almost all interior requirements. It is low-maintenance, durable and long lasting, UV, heat, and humidity-resistant, and is a treat to the eyes. Lacquer is a combination of film forming materials, which are either synthetic or natural for creating ornamental or protective coating. Lacquered Glass adds a new color and ambiance to the interior decor be it for homes, offices, and hotels making it suitable for the most demanding locations and Inspiring modern-day designs.  Lacquered glass interiors have become the latest trend of the times, with more people renovating their houses and furniture with this exclusive material. In this article, we provide you three ideas to implement the beauty and benefits of lacquered glasses to the interiors of your habitat.

Applications of Lacquered Glass in Interior Works

  1. Give Premium Finish to Kitchen Cabinet Shutters

Much like colored glass, the lacquered ones are available in a variety of brilliant hues. This can bring superior quality to the Cabinet shutters in your kitchen. Unlike the old style kitchen cabinets, these glasses do not let light pass through them. This will make sure that the contents of the kitchen cabinets remain out of the sight of your visitors. You don’t have to hurriedly rearrange the kitchen every time an unannounced guest arrives. This will provide a minimalistic and elegant appeal to your kitchen cabinets. Due to its high resistance to heat and moisture, you have fewer things to keep your mind worried about. Lacquered glass, without difficulty, can retain the original shade of its color for years without undergoing any fading. And additionally, it is easy to clean and maintain.


Lacquered glass interiors are becoming very popular in homes today. Since lacquered glass is durable and low-maintenance, use of lacquered glass is a good choice for modular kitchen interiors. Moreover, its ease in cleaning makes it the most demanding by the modern day house owners. Lacquered Glass can be used for Kitchen cabinets, kitchen counter, and kitchen backsplash without losing its natural charm and integrity.

  1. Create Exquisite Furniture Pieces

Pieces of furniture can easily undergo fashion changes. But you don’t have to purchase the newest models to keep up with the ever-changing trends. With lacquered glasses, revamping the adornments of your furniture has become an easier task than ever. You can bring a modern and sleek appeal to your chairs, cabinets, or tabletops. The new looks will be accompanied by extra merits like scratch resistance. This saves you from the trouble of treating furniture like a delicate object. This makes lacquered glass interiors suitable even for households with children as well. Owing to its unique manufacturing, It is clean and environment-friendly.

If you are looking for a modern furniture layout for your rooms, an elegant furniture piece with lacquered glass finish is the right one for you. With its highly delicate properties, lacquered glass infuses a lively look. Tabletops using lacquered glass gives out a superb finish and modern look and even more, with the right color combinations, it gives a complete makeover to the interiors.

  1. Elevate the Style of Some Wall Areas

Want to add a splash of color into your boring monotonous interior? Simply add lacquered glass. Whether it is a living room wall, bedroom wardrobe panels or kitchen backsplash, lacquered glass is colorful and lustrous and takes any space to a whole new level. Due to its shiny and reflective surface that creates brighter space, Lacquered glass creates smooth, homogeneous surfaces as wall paneling.

Wall panels made of lacquered glass will bring a luxurious dash to your walls. It will also save you a lot of money and effort in the long run. Apart from this, lacquered glasses give you ample flexibility to experiment with different styles because they can be easily cut, drilled, and remodeled to diverse requirements. The vibrant shades of the lacquered glass and the light effects it brings about will uplift the style of your inner walls. The hue and the light together will bring the other elements of design to life as well. Their durability makes lacquered glass suitable for all locations- be it the kitchen or bathroom.

Lacquered glass interiors are more than just its good looks and flawless finish. They are extremely low-maintenance, are available in a wide variety of colors, are highly resistant to scratches, and do not fade. With its unique properties to be cut, and edge-finished, lacquered glass gives the interior designs a lot of options to experiment with. Along with this, as it is a smooth solid surface, unlike other particles or finishes, it ensures your kitchen is clean and hygienic all the time.

Mr. Shebin Backer’s Home in Kochi Adorns Interesting Decor & Finishes

January 18, 2021

For the Malayalam film producer Shebin Backer, he always likes to pack exclusivity and minimalism, something that would endure over time and be a trend. Shebin has worked in popular Malayalam movies like Thanneer Mathan Dinangal, Charlie, and Pullipulikalum Aattinkuttiyum. His choice of getting a home in Kochi was really quite appealing. Shebin Backer’s apartment is strategically located at MG Road, Marine drive Kochi, Kerala and that offers a breathtaking view of the backwaters.

As someone who is very particular about all the details, our client, Mr. Shebin Backer wanted this 3bhk property in Kochi to be “open, contemporary yet warm with some punches of colors”. He wanted his precious abode to be a timeless space featuring spacious layouts and thoughtfully harmonized decor. Having consulted with us early on, we had the flexibility to guide through the layouts and create a space that evolved organically.

Living and Dining of Mr. Shebin Backer’s Home in Kochi 


The moment you enter the apartment, what you see is an inviting space that adorns interesting decor finishes and pure ravishing glamour. The breathtaking view to the marine drive and backwaters of Kochi from the large balcony makes up the entire view of the living area. The highlight of the living room is the television unit. The black themed unit spans the entire wall. Fringing the unit is a tripod floor lamp, which blends into the home’s design in a seamless manner.indian-producer-shebin-backar-house-in-kerala-1024x683

The dining area abuts the living space. With a window that is expansive like the length of the wall, the space gains plenty of natural light. The idea behind is to create a transition to tie in the colors and patterns of the living space. All furniture in this apartment at the heart of Kochi is custom made as per the requirements. The chairs upholstered in pale teal go well to even the far end of the dining room. Next to the dining room is a mirrored wall with a moody yet artistic design scheme. The reflective surface lets in an expansive-atmosphere and a sense of luxe.



The bedrooms of this marvelous home in Kochi lie at the end of the passage. Our client wanted a spacious and uncluttered look on the bedrooms. Thus, we have achieved it with a mix of pastel tones and some interesting color palette. As for Mr. Shebin, “the interior is a pure collaboration of contemporary décor and trendy finish”. The wardrobe gives an expansive feel, visually and doubles the size of the room along with functionality. The trademark sheer style, tall headboards … all make for an expansive-atmosphere yet cozy space. The blue Color introduced through cushions and accessories can be seen to perk up the overall palate. The luxurious master bedroom  also consists of a blue armchair to provide a perch for reading and repose and has direct access to the balcony offering a view of the lakes beyond.

The homeowner wanted to give the same contemporary update to all the bedrooms. Therefore, the second bedroom keeps up the similar richly layered and textured ethos, which runs through the living dining with custom furniture and details. Grey walls and splashes of monochrome distinguish it. The bed also features a custom-made floor lamp and a wardrobe

This beautiful home in Kochi also features an office inside. Here, we wanted to create a professional space for the filmmaker . And for that we went with grey tones with a feature wall and film posters to set the right mood for the space.



 The kitchen of Mr. Shebin Backer’s home in Kochi is a place that brings a fresh vibe. The backsplash and the ceiling in white break the monotony and give the area a larger look. We converted the kitchen into a semi-open space to improve the natural light flow. He wanted the kitchen to be unique and interesting, so the kitchen interiors features dual shades of grey and wooden. It is beyond doubt, perfect enough to match their own unique personality.  


Interesting Ideas for Creating Girls’ Bedroom Interiors

January 11, 2021

The interiors of your bedroom can be a place to express your intimate self without being limited by any restrictions. While selecting the best themes and styles for your daughter’s bedroom let them have the freedom to go wild on creativity. These little sanctuaries are where they weave their dreams. Here are some creative bedroom decor ideas to inspire you to bring the best interior design for your daughter.

Mix and Match Textures and Colorful Craft Styles


 An artistically embellished bedroom can become a source for creative inspiration as well. From glowing stars and rainbows, designing a girl’s bedroom offers great liberty when experimenting with crafts. With the right budget for interior furnishing, you can have the originality overflow into the design of the tables, beds, and other pieces of furniture as well. If your kid has a creative spark, let her be the one who handcrafts the garments for her room.  

Go Glam with the Color Palette

Who said bedrooms for girls should always be in pink? When decorating your little girl’s bedroom, don’t be afraid of experimenting with colors and texture. The most important thing is that she feels comfortable and at home within the wall of her room. Although a colorful room is perfectly fine, extremely lurid hues can be distracting to the kid. Consult a color specialist if you are unsure of the effects of any extreme color choices that she makes.

Get a Stand-Out Desk for an Inspiring Study Corner

Children are easily distracted and it is always a struggle to get them to study. This is why every kid needs a study space that inspires them to stay and learn. Corners are ideal as they shut off almost every other distraction that your daughter may encounter. Here it might be ideal to select paints with soothing shades. Also ensure proper ergonomic designs for the kid’s room, so that she can study seated in a comfortable posture.

A Vanity for Makeup and Jewellery is a Must in Girl’s Bedroom

You should definitely consider buying a vanity table for your daughter to adorn herself. A small setup can be installed in conjunction with the wardrobe. It should contain enough storage space for organizing and arranging her makeup tools and pieces of jewellery. A perfect set up consists of a table with a mirror in front of it and a comfortable chair. Adequate lighting ensures that the colors and the works form the highlight. The table should have different drawers for different items.

Make Space for Mementos and Pictures

Bedrooms are personal spaces. One of the best ways to make them more personal is by adding objects that hold warm memories. These can be photos or gifts from loved ones. Kids have a lot of goods that they keep as mementos of their most cherished moments. Keeping alive the good memories is crucial for the emotional growth of kids. A hanging shelf or similar installation can be an ideal place for your daughter to keep her beloved things intact. A small bedside stand makes space for a family photo.

Put Up Some Stylish Dressing Units for Her


Your little princess needs to dress herself up in the best way possible. A proper customized wardrobe that can accommodate many dresses properly is a must for every girl’s bedroom. It should have a full size mirror so that she can see herself. If you are short of space, combine the wardrobe along with the vanity space. There should be tall shelves to hang dresses and regular ones for smaller and foldable garments. You can also place a small light source inside the wardrobe.


How to Choose the Best Color Combination for Interiors

January 04, 2021

For the best designs to come to life, they must have the best colors. Thus, colors have the power to alter the visual appeal of your habitat. Therefore, it is important to give enough time and thought before selecting the color of interiors for your house. There is a lot of color theory and things like color wheels that will help you methodically figure out the perfect ones. But it doesn’t have to be that hard. Here are a few guidelines that can help you get started.

· Find Inspiration or Pick the Color Combination for Interiors You Like the Most


One of the easiest ways to pick the right colors that suits your home is to look at the examples of other color palates and select the one that appeals the most to you. You can find extensive catalogues, design magazines and the websites of professionals. Narrow down your preferences to a few favourite shades before you go to the paint store. You can choose the color you like most as the base and build a suitable scheme. Thus, one needs to plan the shutter of the kitchen cabinets,wardrobes and other storage units in a perfect combination.

· Derive your Color Scheme as Per Overall Theme

The theme and color combination for interiors should complement that of your overall theme. This is why it is best to establish a base color right from the start. The decision can be made on the basis of the other objects that populate your interiors. The doors and window frames, the wood works and furniture, and so on should harmonize with the shades of your paint. White matches perfectly with most of the wood shades and dark glossy finishes. Other things that you should take into consideration are having charming décor pieces and indoor plants. If you plan to use any specific species, find a matching color that gives it the best attention.

· Check in With Trends to Make Small Spaces Pop

It is difficult to bring elegant decorations to rooms with small spaces. But you can bring more attention to these spaces with great colors. Right choice of it can make a huge impact in confined spaces. If you cannot come up with a good color solution, check out the latest trends. Generally, vibrant colors make up for the lack of space in the area. Lighter hues can give the illusion that the room is more spacious and airy.

· Want a Vibrant Look? Contrast Warm and Cool


Warm colors will evoke emotions of passion and happiness. As they stimulate the mind they are more suitable for the living room designs. Whereas cool colors like blue and green give a more soothing appeal and are ideal for bedrooms. The reason is that the warm colors are reminiscent of the sun and the daytime. Similarly, the ideas of cool color combinations for interiors are derived from the sea and plants. Perfect balancing of these contrasting colors will give your interiors a more vibrant look.

· Get Creative and Showcase Your Personal Style 

Your interiors should be a place to express your individual taste in art. The color combination for interiors must be in line with your personal style. Don’t overly rely on color theory and charts; instead search for some creative ideas to design your apartment. Because in the end, it is you who are going to live in the house and the hues you select must be in tune with your attitude right from the start. Home interiors are an extension of your own personality and thus it should reflect the same through the appearance.

Professional interior designers can help to choose the right colors for modular kitchen and other room’s furniture. Don’t rush into anything. Visit the design team, talk to the professionals, create as many color palettes and designs as you desire. An experienced interior designer can guide in finding your perfect taste. Latest trend is to go with a uniform color theme for the whole apartment. However, each unit may have the combinations of 2 or more colors in perfect blend. Therefore, trust your instincts and remember that choosing color for your home interior should be an enjoyable task.


Advantages of Maximizing the Size of Storage Units

December 30, 2020

It is easy to run out of space to store your things. If this is true for you, it might be a good time to consider maximizing the size of your storage units. You can seek professional help to increase the utilizable space in your house or office. At times a small investment into revamping your storage units can go a long way into making your life easy. Here are some of the key advantages that come with extra space which will convince you why you should get the most out of your storing space.

Reduce Clutter & Organize Better

modern kitchen design kochi

Less space increases chances of clutter. Objects will be heaped on top of one another and poorly organized. Mostly, things will get misplaced and lost very often. With more space, you can easily compartmentalize your storage and bring order to how different things are arranged. The extra space can be separated to store different types of objects that are used together. This will save a considerable amount of effort in deciding where to place things and retrieve them later.

Improved Efficiency

Maximizing the space of your storage units, not only brings in more space but also makes your home furniture more efficient. But storing less stuff is not a practical option for most people. There are some things that you seldom use, but cannot discard because of emotional attachment. Storing away the less used things will provide more space for the frequently utilized ones. In offices and workplaces, a crammed up space can prove counterproductive and inefficient. Putting away your less used documents and machines can make it a highly productive place of work.

Ensure Safety & Care for Children

In a household with children, it could be dangerous to have all sorts of things lying in the open. There are a lot of products which are advised to be kept away from children. Kids are curious by nature and this makes them vulnerable to perilous articles. Be it their own room, a well crafted storage unit in childrens room is good enough to store all the unwanted toys and accessories and in avoiding the place getting cramped. With enough storage units, you can keep such things out of the reach of children. The aspect of safety is not limited to kids. Tools and other objects saved without proper safety measures can cause serious damages to adults as well.

Better Accessibility for All

There is nothing more tedious than not being able to get the right thing you want. And at times, you will have to unpack a lot of things to find the required item. You can solve this problem by increasing the potential capacity of your kitchen storage solutions. When you don’t have to bundle assorted things together, it is easy to access individual items with greater ease. This improved ease of access can make your living space or workspace more effective.

Comfort and Ergonomics

Too many belongings placed around can make your place look hideous and fail to impress your visitors. It also makes moving around difficult. Additional storage space brings you the comforts of a minimalistic lifestyle without actually getting rid of your beloved things. This also will drastically elevate the visual appeal of your interiors. The extra space you have gained can be used for placing objects of embellishment. More space will also bring more efficiency to your environment, which will make your work more productive. Thus, it is always advisable to design and build modular kitchen and other furniture units to ensure the best and maximum utilization of the space.

Inspiring Ideas for Making Boy’s Bedroom

December 18, 2020

boys bedroom ideas

Boys need dedicated spaces at their home where they can spend some quality time, study, and work on some creative projects and crafts. It is important that you make your boy’s bedroom inspirational unless you want the next few years arguing with your son. Here are some brilliant and creative ways on how you can spruce up the space, which is both calming and cheerful.

Add a Personal Touch

When designing your kid’s bedroom, encourage his sense of style over his room. Finding innovative and affordable ideas is not always easy. However, try to include posters of his favorite sports icon, paintings, and the trophies or certificates to cherish. If he is into science, display telescopes or microscopes and keep them in a more accessible place to bring in a cool decor theme at the same time, bring out his interest without making it overly literal or clichéd.

Create Innovative Wardrobe and Storage Spaces

Boys do not necessarily need much storage space. However, making enough space to store his toys, gadgets and accessories is always good. You can have ample storage units even in a small space with the proper planning. Clever combinations of colorful floating shelves are great for displaying trophies, keeping books and other items. If the room size is small, think of multifunctional furniture to maximize the space.

Use Mix Patterns & Color the Walls

interesting-boys-bedroom-design-ideasDoes your son have a favorite color? Well then do not banish his idea, have the same on the walls. And do not get surprised even if he chooses the weirdest color; try to blend it with other neutral color palettes such as beige, white, or blue to compensate for the look. The idea is to create a belonging into the space. You can also choose fun accent pieces or versatile tones for boy’s bedrooms. However, make sure his bedroom theme reflects his level of maturity. You can also purchase wallpaper or do texture paint without spending much money for making the room pop up for his taste.

Choose the Most Suitable Bed

Investing in the right kind of bedding is essential. Opt for a simple, comfortable bed for the boy’s bedroom. Make sure it is of sufficient space and is large enough to accommodate him once he grows older. If the bedroom is to be shared, you can opt for a bunk bed to save up space.  

Look Beyond the Conventional Decor & Accessories

With so many creative decor items and furniture pieces, you can have all sorts of interesting items in your boy’s bedroom. Accessories and decor like a big globe, world map may make his room interesting. Or even, create an adventure spirit into the room with rock climbing. All you have to do is Install the rocks on the wall and paint them a fun color. Use wooden floors or put up a safety mat. An expert interior designer may give a chance to explore various latest options.

Make Provision for Hang out Area

It is important to create a space within your son’s bedroom decor – a space that is a sprawling setup, which will create fun and envy the aesthetics. Be it just a curtain setup or a temporary partition, a cozy reading nook or a toy area evokes a perfect setting for an alone time.

Make Room for Study as well as Fun

A well-organized study room area is ideal for homework. Just because they are young, it does not mean they have to sacrifice on style and comfort. Opt for a workspace, which is quiet for focus as well as colorful enough to be inspirational; ensure there is plenty of storage for books and crafts regardless of the size or space of the room.

Tips on Customizing Home Furniture

December 12, 2020

LIVING-AREA interior designers bengaluru

We all love having exquisite furnishings, and well-adorned walls. Buying new readymade furniture is not always the best solution, if the budget and time allows. Customizing home furniture, the way it suits the house, as per the desire of the owner makes sense. Thus, the concept of design, make and install all the furniture is getting really popular across India. There are many advantages of going for this method instead of buying furniture for each room from a readymade supplier.

Understand the Objectives of Customizing Home Furniture

The main objective of customizing home furniture is to break the monotony within the interiors of your home. How many times would you have walked into a shop and thought, how many people have that same sofa? The mere realization of spending a lot of money on readymade furniture that is identical to that of your friend or neighbour can be frustrating. Custom furniture eliminates this concern and offers you the best of comfort and functionality for your space. Moreover, when it is made specifically for the client, they get the best quality products and finishes at the same time.

Know Your Space Dimensions & Requirements

Before giving a facelift to your home by rearranging the furniture, anyone needs to analyse certain things. Give a thorough consideration to the availability of space and the sizes of furniture that you are going to move about. Not only furniture; you have to give a deep thought about other details within a room; such as walls, colours on the walls, doors and windows, curtains, carpets, etc. Considering different aspects of each room will help you to come up with a sorted plan for designing the interiors.

Choose a Specific Style

Start by selecting a specific style for each room; one at a time. Consider both moveable and immoveable things while planning. Whether it is traditional or contemporary style, ensure that your new design style and interior works match the existing furniture theme.

Decide on Materials, Color and Fabric 

Give a thorough check to your furniture and try to pick one particular detail. For example; if your sofa set has more maroon colors, then try to design the living room in tune with this shade or in complementing colour. There is so much you can do with multiple materials, colors and textures. You can transform your sofas and cushions by draping new covers; or, give your coffee table a fresh look by putting a vibrant carpet beneath it; or replace the window curtains with bamboo blinds. The choices are vast, which gives you ample scope for experimenting.

Give Importance to Storage & Style

While you would be fully focused on redesigning your interiors and arranging the existing furniture in a creative way, it is important not to go astray on the utility factor. In the process of changing the outlook of a room, ensure that you arrange the furniture in an appealing manner as well as serve its purpose well with efficient storage solutions. For example, you might have moved a cabinet from the kitchen to the dining room. But see that it doesn’t lead to making extra storage space in the kitchen.

Consider Several Available Options

Assess the room size and space before you arrange the furniture. Consider several style options depending on your requirements and needs. Similarly, even the length of curtains and adding lighting will also make a great difference. By providing the perfect furniture, it will help make the room seem bigger and more airy. It requires some patience as well as time to look in to various modular kitchen designs and options for other furniture. So, start working on it and also consult an interior designer for their suggestions.

Options for Wardrobes in Different Sizes

December 04, 2020

Which type of wardrobe do you prefer for the bedrooms? Is it a single door, sliding door, or custom made options for wardrobes with storage? Are you not sure about the right type of wardrobe that you need for your bedroom? Here is the complete guide to different wardrobe options and its ideal measurements.

Sliding Door Wardrobes

Sliding wardrobes is a good choice for smaller spaces as it enables more free space. Since the doors glide smoothly on a track, it doesn’t hinder the traffic flow giving a more seamless and contemporary appearance. In the sliding door wardrobe, to allow free movement of the sliding panel the depth should be 26 inches, which includes a running track of about 2 inches to prevent clothes from being stuck. Minimum length should be at least 7 feet and each panel should be of 3.5 feet each to allow easy access. For homes with a ceiling height of 250 to 270 cm, usually the ideal height of the bedroom wardrobe may be of 200 to 250 cm. However, you can also get custom-built wardrobes that practically touch the ceilings with a height of 270cm.

Hinged Wardrobes

hinged wardrobe by dlife interiors kerala

The conventional options for wardrobes – the hinged wardrobe is simple in design and opens with a hinged door. One of the major drawbacks of hinged wardrobe is that it can become a constraint in smaller spaces as they take up space while opening outwards. Standard depth of a hinged wardrobe is 24 inches. However, to hang clothes, the height of the wardrobe cabinets should at least be 84 inches. Or you can create a full length wardrobe from floor to ceiling by using maximum space.

Open Concept Wardrobes

open wardrobe

Open wardrobes may not fit the concept of the perfect wardrobe but it helps you put the clothes you love on show with its open storage setup. They are particularly good for people with limited foot space, making it easily accessible with open shelves and clothing rails.

Free-Standing Wardrobes

Free-standing wardrobes are of a unique style and practicality. Known for its wide versatility, free-standing wardrobes are first choices for any homeowner. These are the perfect solution for bedrooms with no existing storage or homes, which cannot undergo a renovation. These wardrobes come in different sizes, can be completely customized as per requirements, and can be easily moved around. Free-standing wardrobes come primarily in wood finish. However, it is also available in glass, and metal options.

Walk-in Closet

With its versatile shelving options, walk-in wardrobes help to make any bedroom interiors the epitome of luxury. Standard walk-in-wardrobe consists of both hanging storage space and drawers making it an ideal for rooms with a decent amount of spare space. If you have wardrobes on both (opposite) sides, maintain a clearance of 54-60 inches so that even if the wardrobe door on one side is open, there is still enough space for you to pass by. If you have a wardrobe only on one side, make a clearance of at least 3 feet for you to comfortably use it.

Customized Wardrobes

  >Men’s wardrobe

The minimum height for a men’s wardrobe cabinet is 40 inches. Since men like to hang their shirts and suits, make a minimum 3 inches space between the hanging rail and the top of the wardrobe. On the other hand, if you need a dedicated space for suits/ coats, the wardrobe section will need depth of at least 30-40 inches. This is because suits/ coats are wider than normal shirts. The shelf width in men’s options for wardrobes can be from 40cm to 1m but cannot be longer as it will bend under the weight of the clothes.

  >Women’s wardrobe

For women’s wardrobe, the clearance height should be 66-72 inches. The women’s wardrobe can also be divided into many spaces. A part of the wardrobe can be deep enough to conveniently arrange all the clothing, other sections can hold the shoes and accessories.

  >Children’s wardrobe

Children’s wardrobe is one of the most confounding options for wardrobes. For children, the ideal option is a three-door setup with about 28 inches each. The wardrobe also needs to have drawers to accommodate their accessories, books and toys. If you contact an interior designer to create your home furniture, they can provide beautiful functional wardrobes to efficiently manage the space of your room.

How Do You Make Use of Kitchen Corners?

November 27, 2020

Corners are one of the most underestimated areas of a house. A very less known fact is that they can turn out to be quite resourceful, if given a good thought process. For maximum utilization of available kitchen space, one must have proper and smart planning in place first. Our article here will help you to make an effective and the best use of the kitchen corners.

Install Corner Cabinets for Excess Storage

There is a wide range of corner cabinets available in the market, in different sizes, styles, textures and colors. Corner cabinets or shelves can be beneficial in storing small boxes of essential spices, pulses, sugar, salt, etc. which are used frequently. Likewise, you can use covered cabinets to store (or hide) things that are not useful such as old newspapers or magazines or occasionally used items like detergents, clothes or utensils, washing soaps, phenol, etc. Alternatively, you can use open corner cabinets to add a touch of beauty to your kitchen by placing indoor plants or art pieces.  

Fix a Swinging Pull-Out Accessory

It is perhaps the most functional and trending option in recent times. A swinging pull-out kitchen shelf or cabinet makes the optimal use of a limited space. The idea behind such a unit is to have a multi-purpose cabinet that can accommodate different types of pull-out racks inside and create maximum storage for kitchen utilities. It is elegant and allows neat arrangement of grocery boxes, which are avoided from being seen by direct eyes.

Implement Corner Pantry Drawers

This is yet another interesting option for a corner pantry unit. You can fix this below the cooking counter where the corners meet. Corner drawers are easy to use as well as look pleasing. One can also modify them further by including smaller pull-out shelves inside, to accommodate more items.

Discover an Extra Sitting Space for Quick Dining

One of the common and easy options to utilise kitchen corners is by making a small sitting space within the area. It is often helpful for having breakfast in the kitchen or to make short written notes or for cutting veggies and fruits. Thus, although there is a separate dining room available, this corner is surely useful to serve a quick meal to the children.

Fix Upper-Cabinets and Floating Shelves

Upper cabinets and floating shelves bring an appealing and compact feel to the kitchen. It is best for utilising the kitchen walls in an effective manner. It helps to keep everything organised, neat and beautiful. For upper cabinets, you have the option to have closed or without doors cabinets, cabinets with sliding glass doors, wooden door shelves and so on. Floating shelves are useful for keeping items that you can reach out quickly and frequently or for placing photo frames, plants or antique pieces.

Lastly, before you do kitchen interiors, it is advisable to seek help or suggestions from the experts. Professional interior designers help the clients to select the right types of kitchen cabinets and accessories suitable for the room and space. They can help to make use of kitchen corners and discarded spaces efficiently and elegantly.

How to Build Provision for Appliances in Kitchen

November 21, 2020

How-to-Build-Provision-for-Appliances-in-Kitchen-Planning kitchen interiors for the house or apartment is both exciting as well as challenging. Whether you are having a makeover or entering a new living space, there are so many factors to consider before you actually set up different items in the cooking area. Let’s help you cross the initial hurdles with our simple guidelines on arranging the kitchen appliances. Building up provision for the appliances as part of the modular kitchen is the best way to handle it.

Plan the Appliances and Suitable Spaces

First and foremost, plan, utilize and organize the space in the kitchen. Have a thorough assessment of the kitchen, its length and breadth, entrance and windows and so on. By doing this beforehand, you will have a fair idea as to how much things can you accommodate in the available space. Check the electrical sockets, their placement – whether they are easily accessible or at proper height. Some appliances like water purifiers and dish washers would require plugged in sockets that are near the sink, whereas refrigerators ideally need socket points near ground level. Likewise, see if all your essential appliances will fit into the kitchen or have to be spread out into the dining area. For instance, toaster, sandwich-maker and coffeemaker are some of the items that you can place in the dining area to avoid congestion in the kitchen.

Include the Provisions in Kitchen Interior Design

An interior designer can plan and include the provision for a refrigerator, oven, or even a washing machine as part of the modular kitchen. Similarly, TV and other entertainment and electronics items can have special units and facilities. It is advisable to do any kind of changes, like adding more electrical points etc., before starting the process of kitchen interior works. Because, once you complete the design, it will be difficult to make modifications, if any, which might lead to wastage of money and time.

Make Use of Kitchen and Work Area

Plan well to utilize the kitchen space in the best and productive manner. Fix compact cabinets above the cooking area and counter. These days, there are kitchen cabinets that come with sliding shelves/racks that are easy to store a large number of utilities and groceries. Thus, segregate and arrange your kitchen appliances wisely to achieve maximum space and convenience. If space permits, make provision for the dishwasher and washing machine in the work area. It will give you more moving area and storage space inside the modular kitchen.

Make the Most of Your Laundry Room

If there is a separate laundry room, make effective use of it to stock items that are not used frequently. All the items such as washing machine, dryer, iron box, detergents, etc. are best to be kept in the laundry room.

Understand the Functionality & Act


As said above, it is better to understand and plan what appliances will go where and how. Group them according to their utility and frequency of usage. Put the microwave and OTG close to each other. Mixer, grinder, juicer, etc. should be ideally placed on the kitchen counter, where most of the cooking happens. All these works comes under the scope of customizing home furniture and thus surely need a professional help. 

Likewise, it is most important to see that there is proper ventilation and lighting in your kitchen. Ensure that the appliances don’t block windows or entrance areas. Safety measures are crucial when it comes to placing kitchen appliances properly.

9 Best Sofa Options for Your Living Room

November 13, 2020

Sofa is one of the most important purchases in your living room. And undoubtedly, finding the right one can be difficult because there are so many diverse types; of size, style and for every requirement to choose from. Here are some common kinds of sofas that will give you an idea while choosing one for your living room:

1. The Sectional / Modular Sofa

Low-Seated Sofa

A contemporary style modular sofa set is quite popular in urban homes because of its flexibility, comfort and visual appeal. It can be smartly assembled to make a lengthy seating. It has highly practical use since this type of sofa can be easily arranged according to one’s requirement and size.

2. Foldable Sofa Cum Bed

This dual-purpose sofa is quite beneficial for single BHK flats or rooms with limited space. The main attraction of this sofa is that it can be easily modified into a bed when required and a sofa at other times; thus, proving to be a space-saving furniture. If you have an unexpected guest for a sleepover, then this sofa-cum-bed will serve the purpose completely.

3. The Armchair

The humble-looking armchair has received a huge boost in recent times. With plush cushion and attractive cover prints, the single-seater luxury sofa comes in all shapes and sizes. It is perfect to brighten up a cozy corner for reading or to be placed on the balcony for relaxing.

4. Divan Sofa Set

A backless sofa, this one gives a traditional outlook to a modern living room. A divan sofa set looks classy and is versatile, although not a practical option in most cases. Having more of a comfortable aspect, this type of sofa is meant for relaxing alone and doing more than just sitting; like stretching out your legs to take a nap or read.

5. The Ottoman

The name is derived from the Ottoman Empire and in earlier times, the ottoman formed as the centerpiece seating. In modern times, it is being considered as a value adding furniture for the living room. 

6. The Recliner 

Reclining sofas have always been a phenomenon. In urban homes, the recliner turns out to be the most favorite spot since it brings sheer comfort and relaxation to its user. Ideal for reading and watching TV, the recliner is a refined seating furniture on which one can simply let down their hair and relax. 

7. Low-Seated Sofa

True to its name, the low-seated sofa falls within the height of 16″-17″. Having a multiple purpose advantage, this sofa comes in different styles to suit all kinds of rooms; although it has a bit of a downside in comfortability.

8. Bridgewater Sofa

Bridgewater sofas are classy and comfortable. It stands low, with slightly rolled arms and back and comfortably cushioned. The Bridgewater sofa can uplift the overall look of the living room since they have great visual appeal. 

9. Settee Sofa

Ideal for two to three people, a settee is treated as humble seating furniture. It has wide, upholstered seating with arms. More than comfort, it serves relatively for practical usage. The settee sofa is ideal to entertain guests in the living room or those who drop in for a short visit.

There are two options to buy the right sofa set for your home. One of them is to select from a readymade sofa or furniture shop. The other option is to get a sofa customized in specific size, color and material choice. If you need a sofa as part of new home furnishing, an interior design company can help to get the best suitable one.


Importance of an Impressive Foyer Area for Home

November 06, 2020

The foyer area is referred to the entrance space once you enter a house – the area that connects from the main door of the house to the living room. In some houses, there is a passage that leads from the main door of the house to the living room. These days, in order to utilize the extra available space, the passage is given a miss and the front door is located right in the living room. A foyer, although is the most ignored area, is also an important portion of a house, since it welcomes people inside (and for the residents to go outside). It thus becomes essential not to overlook the entryway of one’s home and consider designing this area in a thoughtful and aesthetic manner. Let’s share you a few tips as to how you can utilize the foyer area for home in the best possible way:

First Impression is the Best

Foyer area for home interiors bengaluru

The foyer is like an introduction to one’s house. It is the first area that anyone will see before they actually enter your house. Looking at the foyer an outsider has the chance to assess your personality or character. So, aim to create a good impression here. To begin with, always keep it clean and tidy.

Organize Things Better

Not only neat, the foyer area for home must have a pleasing and organized setting. Most people use the entrance area to keep a shoe rack, key holder, coat/umbrella stand, small table or chair, indoor plant, etc. So, with proper planning ensure that everything has a space. As it’s an entryway to the living room, don’t overcrowd this area with big furnishing that does not match the space lest it gets in the way or attracts untoward attention from an outsider respectively.

Effective Utilization of the Space at Entrance

Spare some time to assess the avail space at your house’s entrance. See how you can use it effectively and productively. It is advisable to use closed cabinets so that whatever you store inside won’t be visible outside – like, shoes, shoe polish, shoe brush, etc. If possible, try to have a full-length cabinet, so that it will be helpful to store items that are not regularly used such as umbrellas, raincoats, old newspapers, magazines, etc. An interior design company in cities like Bangalore, Chennai or Kochi can surely help to plan and execute it better.

Wall & Decorative Elements at Foyer

 Give your house’s foyer a cheerful, creative and positive touch. A simple wall hanging or clock will make a huge difference. You can decorate the entrance area with multiple small paintings arranged in a pattern on the wall. Tribal couple masks, long brass lamp, wall lamp, decorative mirror, show plants, artefacts – there are innumerable choices of items that can brighten up the foyer area. You can even try a DIY construction or a sculpture and make yourself proud of yourself.

Welcome to the Living Area


As mentioned earlier, a foyer leads the way from the front door to the living room. All the above are meant to get you motivated and create an interesting entryway. There are two ways to design this area – either to follow a uniform design pattern in both foyer and living room or have a contrasting appearance altogether. A foyer is undoubtedly a great space, which is often underestimated. If you want to make a good first impression for your guests when they step into your living room, this is the space to focus on. In any ways, ensure that the foyer gives out a welcoming and warm feel. Keep it bright and beautiful.

How to Find the Best Interior Designers in Yelahanka Bangalore?

October 30, 2020

interior-designers-near-YelahankaFinding the right interior designers in Yelahanka at Bangalore may be a challenging task. One has to consider various factors before hiring any home interior designing company. Reputation, reliability, experience and value for money are among the few factors to consider. If you have recently bought an apartment in this area and looking for interior solutions, spend some time on this research. Here are a few tips on how to choose the best interior designers for your home

Look for a Reliable Company

Deciding on which residential interior designers to work with requires a bit of research. It is always best to hire and consult designing experts working in an established company for your interior spaces. Word-of-mouth reviews are fine but taking your search online will give you wider choices. Searching for the best interior designers in Yelahanka Bangalore or residential interior design firms, you will get a huge list of options. Browse through their online portfolio and see if they match your style, designing styles and types of property and requirements. Go into the details of the firm, their experience, area of operations, and customer feedback before taking a decision. Look for a company that takes care of the whole process including design, production and execution.

Convenience of Location Matters

When it comes to how to choose an interior designer, convenience of location matters a lot. It is advisable to depend on a professional interior designing company that has its office within the radius of your home (or office). Choosing an organization that is closer to the project gives you the advantage of easy meetings and discussions. Similarly, the designers also will have convenience to make visits to the project for measurement and cross checking. Thus, keep a constant tab on the changes and developments till completion of works.

Visit the Experience Centre

Visiting the experience centre of the interior design company will help you to get the real impression about the organization as well as their products. You can personally meet the professionals working there. Thus, get to see their on-site portfolio and discuss your requirements face-to-face. Though it is possible for you to conduct meetings online or have a virtual website tour, it is better to visit their showroom for the actual feel of the materials and understand the potential outcome.

Compare Your Requirements with their Offer

Though it might sound strange, comparing your requirements with what the designer has to offer can be really helpful for first-time home owners as it will reduce all the unwanted spending and prevent from making costly mistakes. You can have direct discussion with one of the best interior designers in Yelahanka at your home or their office. It gives you the chance to put forth your ideas and needs in detail. It is best to have a thorough discussion with the designing experts, evaluate your requirements and see whether the services offered fall in line within your budget. Be it your living room, bedroom interior design, or modular kitchen design, make sure you have the designs and materials used sorted before finalizing on the project. Additionally, try to avoid falling in smart marketing gimmicks, lest the designing work go beyond your expected price.

Benefits of Choosing Local Interior Designers in Yelahanka

A dream home is an ultimate aspiration for many and choosing the right interior design companies in Bangalore to build the home is arduous. If you hire nearby experienced interior designers and decorators in Yelahanka, the benefit is, you have a stress free experience. You have the designer within your reach to see your vision come to life before you. If you want the whole package, D’LIFE Home interior designers in Bangalore are what you will be looking for.

How to Create and Maintain a Laundry Room at Home

October 23, 2020

A laundry room is one of the smallest but busiest areas in a home. It is where all the action related to cleaning, drying and ironing of clothes happens. Creating a separate laundry room in a small house could be difficult. But if there is an extra space available or a provision to include one, then there are certain factors to consider. Here we are sharing a few tips on how to create and maintain a laundry room in your home:

Get and Set the Right Location for Laundry

Try to choose a room that gets maximum natural light. It will not only brighten up the area but it will be convenient to dry and air clothes. Whether you set it beside kitchen or in an informal work area, ensure that there is at least one window for easy light and air circulation, besides the entrance. Check whether the room has access to a water tank and provisions can be made for the water outlet and inlet. See if there is enough space to hang-dry clothes.

Plan the Space and Storage Facilities

Laundry room at home

Before you fill the room with laundry equipment and other utility items, assess the size of the room and plan how you are going to place and organize the things. See where you can plug-in the washing machine. Similarly, if you have a separate tumble dryer, check if it can be put anywhere closer to the former machine. Have cabinets or shelves built to store detergents, soaps, scrubber and other clothes cleaning products. Consider selecting a spot for ironing clothes, if space is available.

Consider Space Saving Solutions

 If it is a small room, try to utilize all the available spaces in the maximum way. Allot one side of the room only for cabinets, leaving the rest of the area for the washing machine and ironing board. Or, build overhead or fix wall-hanging shelves, above the machine; which will actually give you some moving space.  A foldable, clothes drying stand or a dry rod fixed on the wall will be helpful similarly. One can even utilize the back of the door or window grills to fix clothes pegs or hangers.

Invest in Energy Star Certified Appliances

Don’t compromise on the quality and always choose branded appliances. It is advisable to buy energy star certified products; even if it means paying extra. Such appliances are safer, energy-saver, reliable and have high performance with a very low chance of risk. It will be truly a good investment and bring value to your money.

Keep up with Maintenance & Cleanliness

Laundry room is for cleanliness and hygiene of one’s clothes. So, it is extremely essential to take regular care and maintenance of the room and the appliances within. Dusting and mopping of the room will keep dust and germs at bay. Ensure to clean and service the washing machine and dryer once in a while. It will help to maintain its smooth running condition and durability. Don’t ignore the windows and door of the room and make sure to clean them on a regular basis as well.

Few Tips to Enjoy Staying Home Every Day

October 16, 2020

Stepping out of your homes when the tolls of the pandemic are still ringing in the distance is now a far-reaching reality. It is high time that we adjust ourselves to the new normalcy and imbue the positivity that lurks in the corners of your home. As we continue to stay indoors for an unwarranted period of time, it is natural that we tend to lose our grip and fall into the tangling grips of loneliness and boredom. So, here are some great tips to bring back your sanity at home while you stay away from interactions.

Do the Works that You Love and Use the Time Productively

 Few Tips to Enjoy Staying Home Every Day

Find out something that you always love to do and try to generate an income out of it. Taking up a writing assignment or working on a small online business can really be productive. Similarly, if you are planning for a new house or do interior work for an apartment, this is the right time to research and plan. There would also be heaps of tasks on your to-do list like reading a book, gardening, making dinner, cleaning your home etc. Just procrastinating it would not let you achieve inner peace. Try to create a list for the next day so that you would feel that you have something to do despite sitting idle at home.

Extend Warm Greetings to Friends and Family

It is true that you may not be able to personally make a visit to your intimate friends and relatives. But, who would stop you from renewing your contacts and making a random call to them? Firstly, create a list of people whom you have lost contact with. Then, send a text or ring them to know about their whereabouts. Thus, each day you gain a new friend and see for yourself the joy it imparts.

Engage in the Art of Home Modification

As you are cooped in your homes, it would be entertaining to revamp the area so that it would alleviate your boredom. Seeing the same old painting or relaxing in the age-old position would only add to your woes. So, try rearranging your furniture and sofas and be your creative best in decorating your walls with amazing paintings and crafts. Also, it is that time of the year when you could give attention to the cleanliness aspect of your home.

Forge a Healthy Routine

With the concept of binge-watching gaining prominence in this pandemic period, there arises the problem of binge-eating. It is advised to stay away from such unhealthy practices and be tolerant of medical conditions. Even though all the gyms are closed now, you can rely on exercise videos and personal training to keep the bad effects of eating under control. There are tons of activities to keep you and your children entertained at home. Get your hands on good and healthy food and remain fit by doing exercises and practicing yoga.

Discover Novel Things

While you introspect on infinite possibilities, the time at your disposal is apt for nurturing innovations and ideas. If your long-cherished dream of starting a business is nagging in your mind, give it some thought and relentlessly work towards achieving it. Instead, you could prepare yourself by learning something new like a language or art. Give wings to your potential and make efforts to improve on it from the comforts of your home.

We can all make each day fruitful and it doesn’t require gigantic steps to accomplish them. It is upon you to decide how each day unfolds before you and nobody else has a say in it. Therefore, keep track of the changes and turn your home into a beautiful shelter of productive tasks

Multifunctional Furniture to Help Maximize the Space

October 09, 2020

Finding space-efficient furniture that does not take up much space, physically and visually is not that difficult these days. There are two ways to get this done; to enable you to do more than one thing with the same unit. You may either buy it from the furniture shop or seek the help of an interior design company to make it as per requirement. They not only help to utilize the space but also enable them to save money. Here are some ingenious ideas of multifunctional furniture that may be suitable for the limited space.

Multitasking Coffee Table

Among all the pieces of furniture, you choose, having multifunctional transforming Coffee tables are vital for a variety of reasons. Tables that can lift up, become larger, or provide innovative storage solutions with ample storage space beneath come in very handy. Modern coffee tables even have secret sections that pop up to reveal ample storage space beneath. There are also expandable coffee tables that allow extra space in need. Another interesting version of multitasking coffee tables is one with an extension that can be lifted up and offered as writing space. 

Expandable Sofa-cum-Bed

For those who have a small one-bedroom apartment or a studio flat, sofa-cum-bed is always a good choice to ensure maximum utility. It provides comfortable seating as well allows converting to a bed for extra people or visitors. There are several designs, sizes and styles of the sofa- cum-beds available to buy. As per the size, it may be possible to unfold or expand as a single or double bed. However, care should be taken to get the best quality and thus avoid functional issues due to frequent use.

Multipurpose Bookshelves

Whether it is a wall niche or a space in an out-of-the-way corner, every tiny apartment comes with some unusable space. If you’re the type who loves reading, you will probably have a large collection of books. A shelving system bookcase with built-in seating is one of the best multifunctional furniture for making a home library. The coolest thing is the unit puts together a set of shelves and seating attached to a frame and lets you flush into the world of reading.

Space Saving Smart Stools

Smart multipurpose stools are always great to have around. In case you have unexpected guests or have to do certain activities, smart stools is a whole different story. A stool that can be folded when they are not needed is excellent space-saving furniture. Similarly, chairs, which convert into a bench by stacking them, is now the most common way of saving space. This can be very practical when you would need very little space. These benches allow one to seven people to sit and when removed, it looks more like a formal ottoman.

Versatile Side Tables

One easy way to save space in your bedroom interiors is by keeping all storage needs into one piece of furniture. Having side tables with storage near your bed or sofa that function as both a nightstand and workspace saves as much space as possible. It can also work as extra seating when your friends visit. This ingenious piece of furniture also combines all your needs of putting your beverage on, and having books within reach.

Custom-Made Window Seat

window seat

You don’t have to always have cozy chairs to have a perfectly complementing relaxed space. Even a little custom-made window seat in your living area or bedroom is going to be your absolute favorite spot. Squeezing into any tiny space is what sets these nooks apart. Since it seamlessly blends into the perfectly proportioned window, they add an instant style to the limited space.

6 Tips on Choosing Curtains and Blinds for your Home

October 05, 2020

Curtains and blinds are some of the essential things that complete a home. While its main purpose is to maintain privacy, they serve as a shield from outside dust, cut down excessive light and wind and add colors and visual elements to the interiors. In fact, curtains and blinds play an important role in setting up the ambience within your rooms and have the power to either make or mar the entire look of any particular room. Let us help you on how to select the right kind of curtains and blinds to suit your home

1. Color and Design Matters


The adage ‘Opposites attract’ goes well here. Colors and design patterns bring in a visual appeal if used in the right manner. For living room, choose long, flowing curtains to bring out the very best in unique or custom furnishings. Choose curtains/blinds’ colors that complement the walls. They should either be contrasting or matching to each other. If the interiors of the room are done in light/soft colors, then go for bright/dark and vibrant prints. If there are already too many colors in the room, then choose dull or subtle shades of curtains and blinds.

2. How Do They Manage and Control Light?

It depends on how much light you want to welcome inside the room. While curtains are great at getting light in, they cannot control the amount of light filtering through the windows. On the other hand, blinds provide more of a control. One can adjust the slats to get the desired amount of light inside.

3. Material Quality and Durability

Velvet, linen and silk are some of the common material types used to make curtains and blinds. The fabrics chosen for curtains or blinds must be breathable so as to allow free flowing breeze from outside as well as let the inside air go out. It is advisable to choose light coloured fabrics if the room gets too much sunlight. Bright curtains or blinds will fade in no time. It is fine to go for bright colours if you keep changing the curtains often.

4. Functioning

Both blinds and curtains can increase the overall insulation and help in maintaining heat. The thicker the curtains and blinds are, the more insulting they are. However, in warm weathers, blinds can be a more energy efficient solution as they leak more heat from a room and decrease indoor heat and moisture gain. Both curtains and blinds help in sound absorption. But in certain cases, curtains, especially the ones made with thick fabrics perform better than blinds as they lack the slats through which sound enters. It is always better to seek the help of a professional interior designer to understand the type of curtain suits your living room or bedroom.

5. Size and Fittings

Among the many varieties of blinds, the most popular ones are vertical, roan, roller and venetian blinds. The size of blinds will depend on the type of the room you are looking to install in. The length of curtains depends upon how you want the room to look like. Long curtains (that start well above the windows) make a room look larger and dramatic when hung from ceiling to floor. For small windows of bedrooms it is ideal to have curtains down just below the sill. Always leave two and half inches extra on the widths, so that when the curtains are pulled back, they allow light and air freely inside.

6. Maintenance

For all of us maintaining home interiors on a regular basis is a tedious task. Therefore, when it comes to curtains and blinds it is best to choose fabrics for curtains and blinds that are low in maintenance; those, which can be easily washed. However, they are not ideal when you don’t have enough time for cleaning. Using a vacuum cleaner to clean your curtains and blinds is a good idea. It won’t let out much dust, and you can clean often as the cleaning process is relatively less tedious than dusting or hand-washing.

Bedside Tables: Small in Sizes, Big in Utility

September 25, 2020

The moment you think of the bedroom, you would definitely visualize your cozy bed and associate it with comfort, relaxation and sleep. But one item that most of the people would have likely given the least thought is the bed’s associates – the bedside tables. They are confined to being the small, humble, and mere accessories to the bed. Yes, they mostly do come in small sizes; however, the bed side tables have far bigger roles to play than one would have expected. Here we have covered few aspects about the benefits of having bedside tables:

Table at Either Side of the Bed

Bedroom interiors Kerala with king size bed and bedside tables

The basic duty of a bedside table is to keep unnecessary objects away from bed and to allow a person to sleep freely and comfortably. Besides the common bedding items (pillows, bedsheet, blankets, etc.), the bed should not have any other things on it. Let the bedside table do all the ‘supporting’ work while you sleep! Table may be at one side or both the sides of the bed as per the position.

Functional Companion

Coming to the next important facet of the bedside table… It will hold everything essential that you probably require when in bed. Such as mobile phones, table clocks, water bottles, medicines, torches, books, magazines and so on. Or if you are working, then laptop, tablet, files, power bank or laptop charger. For the ladies especially, the bedside table also serves as a place to store night creams like moisturizer, skincare lotions or even jewellery pieces, scented candles, etc. As for the kids; they can put their favorite toys or story books on the bedside table.

Source of Lighting

One can place a night lamp or table lamp on top of the bedside table. It will be helpful to read at night when the main bedroom light is switched off or any other late-night purpose if you want to avoid disturbing the person sleeping next to you. In fact, by having two table lamps on both the sides, it will uplift the ambience of the room by filling the room with the right amount of light at night to maintain the relaxing and sleeping mode.

Balance Effect

This probably will be the least functional aspect of a bedside table, but one that cannot be ignored.  A bedside table completes the overall look of a bedroom. Two bedside tables on either side of a bed will bring a visual balance to the entire space. It won’t look like the bed is left alone while the two small bedside tables will fill the void on its sides in an appealing manner. Though the size is small, they occupy an important place in a contemporary style design theme of the bedroom.

Bedside tables with small drawers will be more beneficial and could help to store away more and important items than its top surface can hold. If there is not enough space in your room, try to create a space for placing one tiny table. Alternatively, you can build an overhead shelf or a dismantling table at the side of your bed that will serve as a bedside table when required. Last but not the least, always go for a high quality and durable piece to last longer and for multipurpose use. Include it in customized bedroom interiors and ensure better style and utility.

Bathroom Storage & Shower Partition Ideas

September 18, 2020

Doing bathroom storage areas can be challenging for many reasons. With limited space and lighting options, there is little room for experiments. However, with the right doses of creativity and planning, one can change the entire outlook and ambiance of these intimate, private spaces. Here are some interesting ways that can help you to utilize your bathrooms in more effective manner:

Using Glass Shower Partition


You can make your bathroom look relatively bigger by fixing the glass partition around the shower area. It will not only prevent water spreading all over the bathroom but also help in reflecting more light inside. Take care to choose a good quality, durable and safe glass for the partition.

Nook It Up with Shower Curtain

A shower curtain or screen will be a good idea if you are looking for a low investment option. Choose non-toxic plastic curtains and a stainless-steel shower rod to hang it. There are varied choices of curtains to choose from – plain colours, printed designs or transparent. The advantage of this option is that you can keep changing the curtains whenever you feel like, unlike a solid partition that you cannot change.  

Add Artistic Touch with Fretwork Screen

Blend in a creative design element to your bathroom by opting for a fretwork screen. It is mostly a see-through partition; giving privacy for the shower area and at the same time it won’t hamper the natural light.

Putting Storage Space to the Best Use:

Using the areas around the wash counter as bathroom storage will prove to be the best idea. You can make a simple cabinet that doesn’t take much space under and above the counter. Cabinets with mirrors on the door will be useful to store toiletries and some other knick-knack.

Side Rack to the Rescue

As there is limited space in the bathroom, one should be careful while choosing the utility furniture. Side racks or small adjustable shelves could be fixed in the corners near the wash counter. The strategically placed, side racks can feature extra shelves and storage to accommodate hand towels and accessories. Thus, it is always better to include the essential storage facilities works of toilets also while customizing home furniture.

Vertical or Corner Storage Units

Vertical or corner storage units are a great way to make the most of space. They will be helpful to store things other than toiletries like extra towels, magazines or cleaning equipment. However, ensure that the units match the color tones of the bathroom tiles and walls. This way you can keep things organized and away from direct visibility.

Multifunctional Furniture

One can trick the eyes, by going for small-size furniture that can be used in multiple ways. On online stores, one would find wide range options for multifunctional cabinets that can be dismantled and side-tables with adjustable shelves. Just like any other furniture, it is always the best to take the help of professional interior designers in planning bathroom storages.

Utilizing Windowsill

Put the windowsill to a good use by fixing small shelves that can hold brushes, soaps or shampoos. Or place a potted plant or fancy showpiece to make the bathroom more appealing. 

Other Bathroom Storage Options: When planning to do bathroom interiors, one must focus on utilizing the available space in the maximum way. If you need spacious storage facility in the bathroom, install a single ceiling-to-floor cabinet on one side of the bathroom. It can avoid extra furniture and help to store everything in one place. Similarly, you can utilize the space around windows by fixing vertical units.   

Home Library Design Ideas for Inspiration

September 11, 2020

 A library area is one of the peaceful and enlightening spaces at a home. Thus, it makes sense to plan and decorate this book zone in an aesthetic manner so that the very purpose of the room isn’t lost. There are various elements that influence the ambiance and visual setting of a home library to promote a healthy reading atmosphere and mood. It is ideal either to dedicate one whole room for the library or find an ideal space. Both of these cases, depending upon the space availability one can create book shelves of suitable size. Here are some factors that one needs to consider while designing their home library.

Shelving and Display Aspect

home library

Since books are the main residents of a home library, one has to give enough thought to their accommodation. Fixing ceiling-to-floor open shelves or glass-door cupboards all around the walls is one common practice. This will not only help to store a large collection of books but also display them in an orderly manner. You can bring in a relief by allocating an area for comfortable seating to read and relax. If there is a full bedroom available, it is possible to create a lavish library inside the house.

Space it up

If bookshelves are taking enough room, then one can incorporate smart techniques to utilize the availabyoule space. Sliding cabinets are the best examples for it. There are customized shelves that come with movable compartments which can slide from one side to another. You can store a good number of books, all in one part of the home library. You can mount an adjustable table on one of the shelves that can be pulled out or folded back to save space. Similarly, as a smattering perfect contemporary design hack, having a built-in seating furniture in the shelf will be a good idea.

Light and Bright

Interior lighting plays an important role in a home library. Make sure that the room has enough and proper light. One should be able to read comfortably, without straining their eyes in both natural light (during day) and artificial lights (at night). Fixing extra wall lamps will do the trick. Hanging a vintage chandelier or bamboo lamp shades will brighten up the room as well as make it more appealing. If the view from the room’s window is beautiful, then one should work around it by fixing French windows and see-through curtains. It will bring in more natural light and fresh air.

Wooden Touch

Wooden elements and texture could bring in an old-world charm. Wooden panel wall, book shelves, reading table, coffee table, tufted or bamboo chairs or sofa – together will give a calming aura to read in peace. If you live in a two-storey house, you can plan a library in one part of the house in such a way that it covers ground and top floors. This way you can connect both the floors by constructing a wooden staircase and ceiling.

Artistic Palette

One can break away the monotony of a dull library by adding in some interesting decor elements to the room. Such as indoor plants, rugs, antique pieces, colourful artworks, show decals or wall hangings. Choose sofa or chairs that have covers and cushions with vibrant prints. Take care to stick to any one type of style. For example, if you want to go for a vintage look for your home library, choose the elements and decorations accordingly. If you like it modern, go for colours and furniture that suits the best.

Planning and creating a library room inside a house or book shelves in an apartment need creative interest. Also it needs to match with the other rooms and the overall theme. A professional interior designer can include this task in his work contract assignment and give the best result.

How to Ensure the Right Air Quality Indoor

August 28, 2020

Nobody is ignorant of the harmful effects one invites while inhaling the polluted air from outside. But what escape from your notice are the tiny granules of allergens and other pollutants that make the air inside your home unsafe. Yes, you heard it right. Even the air inside your cosy little homes could have unforeseen aftermaths on your health. If you tend to coop in your modern homes, attend to these small measures to improve the air quality and lead an easy-breezy life.

Maintain Clean Spaces in Your Home

Kitchen (6)

Oblivious to you, there would be zillions of accumulated dust all-around your home and the only way to control them is through thorough cleaning. Make use of a vacuum cleaner to suck up the dust, and to an extent, the concentration of lead from the dust could be seized. Prepare a routine and ensure that the filter is also kept clean after each use. Further, it is wise to mop the floors with plain water to gather the dust that is left behind from vacuuming. And most importantly, place large floor mats at every door as they would help in trapping a large number of pollutants. Also, wash them regularly. Similarly, it is essential to change position of the movable home furniture and clean the spaces often.

Keep in Check the Level of Humidity

All surfaces, moist and damp are tempting feast for moulds and mildews, which would, in turn, cause respiratory issues in people. Utilize a dehumidifier or an air conditioner as and when the situation demands to reduce the moisture content in your homes. Give access to proper ventilation and thus avoid the moisture to amass.

Maintain Rugs and Carpets Clean

When it comes to indoor air quality, rugs are a good thing to have. But, you will be surprised to learn how fast dirt goes into rugs and carpets. Once dirt goes into them, it does not easily come out. Regular vacuuming and cleaning is a good thing to have. If need be, entrust professional cleaners to work at least once a year to maintain the carpets.

Grow Some Indoor Plants

There is no better remedy than placing green plants inside your homes to ward off the dust and allergens from entering your home. Plants are the nature’s natural air filters, and just as you take efforts to nurture them, they would repay you by improving the indoor air quality. Moreover, an indoor garden would act as home décor that would greatly add to your interior enhancements.  If you want to take air purification up a notch, try incorporating air lily into your space. 

Utilize Natural Fresheners

As said, cleaning is the most effective way to collect the dust, but again, you must ensure that the cleaning agents are fragrant-free or naturally-scented. For, the synthetic fragrances would release many chemicals into the air that would make the indoor air impure to breathe. If at all possible, resort to natural remedies for cleaning and bring in fresh air by opening up your doors and windows.

Ensure Proper Functioning of Air Condition System

An air conditioning system not maintained properly can create problems in people with asthma and allergies. Neglecting necessary maintenance ensures a steady decline in air quality. It often blocks the air circulating inside the building rather than dust and pollen moving out. Thus, there is a need for changing the filters and cleaning them occasionally.

Clean and Maintain Cooking Vents and Air Ducts

Cooking vents and air ducts are the lungs of a home. When functioning properly, these systems protect the inhabitants from indoor air pollution. However, once dirty they can bring serous health issues as well. Impure air and gas that should go out through these vents may circulate inside the house and thus cause harmful effects. Similarly, make sure to clean the hob of modular kitchen and remove the grease to avoid blockage.

When it comes to indoor air quality, there are varieties of approaches to make improvement. And we are sure you will make these changes for your family and friends. Cleaning, maintenance and regular checking can surely ensure healthy environment inside the house.

Tips to Achieve Great False Ceiling for Home

August 21, 2020

Looking for trending designs or forming new ones is part and parcel of human creativity. Even in the interior spaces, there is always an urge to invent something novel that touches upon every corner of your home. Often neglected, yet that hides a great potential for an aesthetic transformation, your ceiling should speak of its own when you look up for an answer. So, give a rest to the painted ceilings for it might dull your interiors and stand up to the deserving end with renewed patterns or designs. The sight itself would be lifting your spirits, but are you wondering how to achieve a classy and appealing false ceiling in your homes?

Assess Your Interior Style and Layout of the Room

home interiors in kochi with false ceiling

In the wake of giving a new look to your interiors; you don’t want your false ceiling in your home to end up strikingly different from the layout, right? Decide on the area that you wish to create a false ceiling and keep in mind the geometry of the room so that a holistic appearance is achieved with the desired colors and materials.

Pick the Apt Colors and Themes

The idea behind a false ceiling is to steer away from the conventional colours of white and pale shades. So, be bold in aligning the colours with the exact theme of your room so that there is an uninterrupted blending of decor.

Consider the Height Factor

While planning a false ceiling, you must give attention to the height of the room. If it is at a great height, confining the false ceiling to a particular geometric design or pattern would steal away the complete look of your room. Instead, try to incorporate drop ceilings that would accentuate the classy look with the right fixtures and materials.

Understand the Lighting Requirements

Not only enhancing the visual appeal, but false ceilings are also perfect for casting direct and indirect sources of light that would brighten up your room. Prioritize on your requirements and based on the ceiling coverage, you can ideate the ideal beam of light that would suit the space and ceiling. If you think that the lighting does not suit the aesthetics of your room, then you can even choose false ceiling lights.

Plan for the Long Term

Remember that the false ceiling designs cannot be altered or modified as the trends change. Hence, look for timeless designs and themes that can be best suited for any layout. Also, maintain and clean the ceiling as and when required, and see to it that your false ceiling doesn’t come in the way of service lines or connections.

Top Must-have Features in a Modern Home

August 14, 2020

Your world revolves around the spaces in the modern home that you design. And it is those tiny details that you impart to it that would add a distinctive character and flair to your home. Any idea that sprouts from your mind is itself a mark of uniqueness. So, blend in your personal touch or get inspired from top interior designers to get your dream home a stylish revamp. Here are the must-have features in a modern home; Overall objective is to improve the quality of life and ensure safety.

Infuse Practicality and Nature-Friendliness

home interiors in Kerala by dlife

There is a never-fading aura for custom homes with simple designs combined with minimalist colours and lit rooms. With natural flow of air and light continuing to grow in living spaces, your home would exude a sophisticated flair. Without limiting the visual appeal and energy efficiency of your home, expert home designers integrate comfortable and practical living. On the other hand, take adequate measures to haul in nature into your interiors by utilizing natural and organic materials for furnishing and other decorative elements. Try to avoid narrow door-ways and congestions while planning a house or designing interiors. When doing interior work and decoration, think of the house as a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment.

Form Flexible Spaces and Storage Facilities

While we adjust to the new norm of working from home, there is a surge in the demand for apartments or houses with multifarious uses. To create a designated workspace and a home gym or to alter the outlook of your space that meets the needs of the day wouldn’t be a hard task. As you allot spaces for your work, servants and other such needs, you can also free up space by incorporating creative storage units. Thus a fold-up desk or simple folding bed with smart storage options can save space. Yes, smart storage solutions are a must have feature in a modern home. Similarly, ensure ample storage facilities with customized furnishing and accessories in a modular kitchen to the user’s convenience. Think of folding bed systems, or inbuilt storage for beds in apartment interiors with less space. A movable library is not a luxury but a necessity in modern homes.

Implement Smart Home-Tech Solutions

Smart home-tech solutions are a must have feature in a modern home. It is said that we must stride with the innovative developments and home features that enable us to make our life smoother. As such, with the aid of smart home-tech solutions, your home would reflect a modern striking feature. Get hold of the technology and utilize smart home systems to connect to lights, automatic blinds, heating and cooling systems, smart locks and burglar alarms. These hidden details would certainly add a tinge of luxury to your contemporary homes. Similarly, incorporate surveillance and home security systems and other measures to ensure safety.

Create Space for Outdoor Activities

space for outdoor activity

Just as contemporary interiors elevate your feelings and comfort, it is the outdoor design that sets up the entire ambiance of your home. The outdoor space should impart an inviting appeal so that you can immerse in many activities and strengthen your bond with the family. Framing a shady cover in your garden could accentuate your children’s creativity in forming new plays and games. Besides, setting a BBQ zone, creating an outdoor space for board games or designing a swimming pool could enliven you to be productive and happy. Whether you have an expansive garden or a tiny patio, set up an outdoor living space to take full advantage of fresh air and fresh style ahead. Similarly, there are several ideas for complete makeover of the balcony and thus take full advantage of it with the help of the interior contractor.

Activities to Keep your Children Entertained at Home

August 06, 2020

children cooking at home

Last few months of the pandemic situation compelled us to spend quality time with our families. Working from home, attending to your children, helping in the daily chores etc. seemed so easy and gleeful. But as days and months pass, we start witnessing the unseen effects, especially on working parents. As staying at home has become the new normal, they might be struggling to keep their kids engaged. Going to schools or nurseries is a dream beyond the apparent. Do not panic if they start pulling your heads and keep your sanity intact with these fun indoor activities for children.

Nurture the Creativity in Children

Small children are blessed with an abundance of creativity and they would come up with innovative ideas which you might have never heard of. Do not let the spaces confine their imagination for you could build on it by giving them crafts, colours, clay doughs and puzzles. Create an obstacle in a secluded space and leave it to them to untangle it. And see if the way they do it doesn’t surprise you.

Foster Relationships with Family

The ways the little ones can spread a smile are uncountable. As part of activities for children, encourage them to write letters to their relatives and friends. With a simple painting or a few words, you would be aiding your children to develop a nice companionship with your family through this activity. Consider yourself lucky if you get one in the end.

Get their Dance Moves Right

There is hardly any child who wouldn’t tap their feet or rock their hips when they hear some compelling music. Utilize the modern applications such as YouTube, where they can see and practice their moves without any hindrances. First, let them put in their steps and slowly, they would try to imitate the ones shown on the screen and who knows, they might become the rockstars of tomorrow.

Prep them for Culinary Delights

Get your little chefs involved in the kitchen with simple recipes. Their tummies would always be craving for good food, so why not let them be a part of making it? They know their tastes – be it sweet, spicy or sour. Ask them to recreate a recipe by chipping in their special ingredients. And see the mixed reactions on their faces.

Enter a Movie Marathon

At this time, the streaming platforms are there for your rescue to deviate the child’s attention for a while. Pick out their favorite characters and allow them to binge for some time while you carry out your other tasks. Alternatively, you can add fun to this activity by asking your kids to narrate a different version of the story or enact their favorite moment.

When the children study or engage themselves in games or fun activities, let them learn to keep kid’s room interiors neat and tidy. Each of them makes their bed as the first activity after getting up in the morning. Do not allow them to stay locked in their room for a long time. Appreciate and encourage children for their good works and small innovative efforts.

Tips to Keep Your Home Pest Free

July 31, 2020

Keep Your Home Pest Free

Every individual feeds on the dream of building a cozy, compact or a huge house but little do they realize that they are inadvertently nourishing the pesky menaces of rodents, ants and other pests. Even if you clean your home daily, there would be some spaces that would escape your notice and your moment of excitement in driving away these pests would soon turn into desperation as you see them crawling back to your nest. We know that you don’t like uninvited guests in your home, so we have piled up some preventive measures to ward them off and have a pest free home.

Practice Occasional Cleaning

Despite the seasons and times, it is suggested to inspect your corners and spaces for potential damage that may incur due to the pests. Seal the gaps and fill in the holes of your walls or windows so that they do not act as a dwelling place for termites. Moreover, this occasional checking would ensure that all the areas are dusted and wiped clean, making a safe and happy place for you to live.

Declutter Your Kitchen

Wherever there is food particles or waster, it would act as a perfect medium for the pests to grow. And thus, which place is more ideal for them than the kitchen? Clean the food waste, discard them in the dustbin and make sure to keep its lid closed at all times. Also, keep in mind to wash the used dishes and try not to leave them overnight. In order to ensure the durability of the modular kitchen cabinets, it is essential to keep it pest free.

Dry Out Your Bathrooms

Damp surfaces are the favorite hang-out area for certain pests and so, daily cleaning and drying of bathrooms would keep those menaces away. Examine the condition of the pipes and taps and see if there is any leakage. Maintain the drainage, seal the gateway of pests and debar their entry into your lives.

Keep Check on Your Laundry

Nobody prefers to walk in foul-smelling, dirty clothes, right? But the distinctive smell from these dirty clothes attracts tiny creatures. Instead of piling up your clothes in your laundry bag, give it a gentle wash and hang them in bright daylight. In doing so, you may escape the sudden shocks of finding some not-so-friendly pests buried underneath.

Focus on Organic Remedies

We find many sprays and powders in the market that are effective in controlling the pests or claim to give a pest free home but there is no guarantee to its usage on furniture or other materials at your home. Alternatively, you can rely on natural home remedies and surprisingly, you can discover almost every raw material at your fingertips. Destructive to the pests but soothing to your living spaces, these remedies would work wonders.

It is essential to maintain home furniture pest free by following regular practice of extreme cleanliness. Thus, ensure the furniture last long and look neat even after so many years. Proper attention and careful occasional intervention can prevent or eradicate pests, spiders and insects.

Create a Functional Workspace at Your Home

July 23, 2020

create-workspace-at-homeWith the global pandemic taking a toll on the life of working people, it has become a necessity to adjust to the new normal of work from home. The situation is here to stay for a long time, and hence, it is wise to invest your time and efforts to modify your homes into functional workspaces. True, there would be initial glitches in setting yourself to this routine, but with the right space and design, you can stay productive and ace your professional profile on the go. So, we have compiled some tips to create a workspace at your home that would inspire you to not lose focus.

Choose the Space that Suits Your Work

Every work demands a different kind of commitment. While working leisurely on your couch or bed could prove beneficial for some, there would be distinctive forms of distraction that would make your mind wander off. A separate room is handy for the ones whose work requires complete attention without any outside disturbances. But for those who could manage a little deviation from their work and attend to other chores, a little corner of your bedroom is ideal to set up your workspace.

Organize the Space with Essentials for Your Work from Home Set Up

A workstation set up starts with a good desk, and sometimes this means it needs to be of highest quality, comfortable and also multi-functional. How tiny or big your space is, a clean and well-kept area would do the magic of instilling the daily dose of motivation to put in your maximum. Gather only the necessary items and declutter your desk from wires and chargers with the help of extension cables and cords. Categorize your files and organize them in a neat pile so that the sight itself would be like a breath of fresh air. A positive atmosphere can keep you pushing to achieve your targets.

Decorate it!

Decorating is not cheap, especially when you consider it is just the workspace you are considering. But your work area too can be a pleasant spot to spend time. So why not add a little personality to your workspace idea and create a calm vibe? Pull in a houseplant, an art piece, or place a music player to play some soft music. These personal touches can change your work quality, help reduce stress, and act as a mood up lifter. Inspiring home decor and beautification also makes one to create an interesting space to work in loneliness.

Ensure Proper Lighting 

There is nothing that beats the natural light flowing into the crevices of your workspace and making your mind a glow with renewed energy and vigor. Pick out an area that opens up a lot of natural vistas and lighting so that it would act as a balm for your strain eyes and stressed mind. These intermittent breaks would surely boost your productivity while you are at work from home.

Design for Comfort and Productivity 

Maintaining accurate posture is always practiced for good, if not now it would be useful in your later life. When you are working from home, there is a high chance that you would slack off and slouch in without ample support to your back. To ward off its dire consequences, consider investing in an ergonomic-friendly chair, for it would help you to focus on your work without getting tired. Pick out a spot where distractions are less and comfortably work without any intrusions. Reaping productive work is contingent upon a functional workspace, and you can create one at your home easily. Therefore, it is essential to find creative ideas to design an apartment as per the requirements.

6 Challenges in Executing Home Interiors in Kochi

July 17, 2020

2bhk-flat-interiors-kochi-1024x682-1Everyone has a dream home; some would imagine living in a small, classy space while others invest in voluminous spaces that are well-furnished and comfortable. The thought of moving into a new house is itself rejuvenating, and it is also the same factor that prompts you to make hasty decisions. With a plethora of designs and choices, we tend to overlook the elements that best suit the facade of your house. Designing your home would impart a new character to your living spaces, but you have to overcome certain challenges in creating perfect home interiors in Kochi.

Choosing the Right Company

Firstly, you must approach a creative interior design company that has a wide presence in Kochi. Consider their reputation and ability to provide top quality interior design solutions and unique styles. That which challenges the traditional would be inspiring and thus contemporary style may be in focus. Moreover, narrowing down on residential interior design companies in Kochi Kerala that have years of expertise would be beneficial. Here you can get hands-on bespoke designs for your home. Quality and talent of a team of professionals makes all the difference and thus surely need to check the attitude and approach of the personnel.

Deciding the Style of Design

By pooling together both modern and contemporary styles, you would have ample choices in changing the outlook of your home. So, picking out the apt design that would enhance the qualities of your villa interior or flat interior design could be your best bet. Look at some images and videos of completed projects to get a spark of ideas to begin with. While insisting on personal preferences, consider the recommendations of the designer to arrive at something that really suits your space.

Determining the Budget

Further, the overall cost of designing home interiors in Kochi, like any other place may be a pressing concern for many. You can accomplish it within the budget by choosing the essential, controlling the cost and taking out the redundant practices. If the budget is not a constraint, there is ample scope for creating luxury interiors.

Entrusting the Work Contract

Dlife Home Interiors Kerala Bengaluru Tamilnadu

Besides, you would have trust issues with the work contractors as to whether you can confide in the work or would they safely and efficiently manage the perfect outcome. There would be a tingling feeling of uneasiness as to how your complete home interiors would look after the work. Here, trusting the reliable is the only way; but ensure regular monitoring. It is important to go through the terms and conditions and time schedule. Clients need to ensure that all his requirements, price factors and payment terms are included in interior works contract.

Timely Completion of the Project

Once you finalize the design and we discuss the budget, the concern of timely execution would spring up. While interior designing is multifaceted, there is no standard time to complete it. And you would be on your toes as to when and how the interiors would be completed before the house warming date. Once the design is approved, the company undertaking the work should be able to commit to a time period for execution.

Monitoring the Work Progress

Especially, when you are not present while the execution takes place, there may be concern on the process as well as outcome. However, implementing the contract and timely delivery of the products can be settled without any glitches. But, some may still be worried about the damage incurred to their properties and neighbors during furnishing and interior design projects. There may also be concern about disturbances and noises of working men to your neighbors. The same men rambling through your property and causing havoc to your walls and flooring would rob you of your sleep. Therefore, it is important to entrust the work to a company that really cares about all these when the work progresses at site.

The entire process of design and execution of interiors in Kochi involves many challenges, but you can handle it well by consulting the right interior design company equipped with qualified professionals. Ever since 2004, D’LIFE Home Interiors have successfully completed over 9000 projects and has been featured in India Study’s list of interior designers in Kochi.  

Plan Well to Create a Dream Kitchen

July 07, 2020

Modular-kitchen-interior-design-in-Kerala-1024x682-1Do you have a vague idea of how long you spend time in the kitchen? Whether to cook meals or to eat them, the kitchen is usually the hub of getting together and grooving to the rhythm of spluttering of mustards, whistles of cookers and clanking of utensils. If you dream of a kitchen interior design in Kerala that conveniently combines the functional and aesthetics to invoke your cooking skills, we have decluttered the redundant notions and have brought novel ways of designing your kitchen. Well, you hold the power to transform your area with your imaginations and we just steer you towards the satisfaction it imparts.

Design Makes All the Difference

We design the kitchens and interiors with its layout in our minds. The shape determines the easiness of acquiring and placing certain things such as plates and cutlery and we achieve this through our kitchen interior design in Kerala. A U-shaped kitchen would allow you to surround yourself with everything in a simple grasp. Or an island kitchen would give you additional spaces to cook as well as enable you to interact with your guests while preparing the food and if you are short on space, a parallel kitchen or a straight kitchen can be helpful. So, the kitchen layout would be the driving factor that would help you to organize things by utilizing the available spaces.

Store Everything in Style

Since we are talking about spaces, it is necessary that you manage the storage options well and therefore, we include cabinets and shelves in our services of kitchen interior design in Kerala. In doing so, you could be saving a lot on unused spaces and keep everything you need in the kitchen within your fingertips. Besides, we take into consideration the needs of each dweller and hence, we arrange the storage spaces based on the convenience of each one. In other words, you need not hunch down if you are tall or struggle to get your cookware from atop if you are short. Through this, we aim to impart the thrills of working in the kitchen for everyone alike. Thus, the most modern modular kitchen design incorporating all essential storage requirements can serve your purpose.

Keep a Long Term Approach

Adding to this, we accomplish the kitchen interior design in Kerala through wide-ranging materials and textures that perfectly match the intended style and layout of the kitchen. By splashing the soft pastel tones, the kitchen would imbue a fresh ambiance that would brighten the area. Moreover, extreme care is given in choosing the flooring of your contemporary design kitchen as we impart most of the damage to this most delicate platform. With low-hanging lights and contemporary back-splashes, we ensure to enhance the functionality of your kitchen.

For comfortable and easy maintenance of various appliances and cookware, you can rely on our design services. Your modular kitchen interiors is to last for several years and survive touch work atmosphere. Therefore, it is essential to keep a long-term approach while designing and planning kitchen interior works. A professional company rather than an individual or small local firm may be helpful to achieve this mission successfully.

Have a look at elements and ideas introduced on 2020′ popular kitchen projects- Modern Kitchen Design Ideas 2020.

Contemporary Designs for Perfect Interiors

June 29, 2020

luxury bedroom interiors kochi bengaluru chennai (2)

We all love to nestle in our homes and there is always a special corner that has our hearts. Whether it be the kitchen that inspires you to create culinary magic, the bedroom that wipes off the day’s lethargy, the living area that embraces you in a family bonding or the tiny little space that swoops you in a world of imaginations, we lean towards our interiors a bit too much. So, why not add a modicum of color with top designs and décor to make it visually appealing? As the most celebrated interior decorators in Kochi, we design those spaces that would lure you into the grasp of aesthetics and functionality.

Contemporary Style for Classic Appearance

If you wish to materialize the dream home of your imaginations or desire to impart a tinge of elegance to your interiors, we are here to guide you to the best-suited style for your interiors. Residential buildings or villa interior space should reflect the true character of its design plan and clients requirements at first glance, it should enliven you and pull you into a jolt of happiness and positivity. With our years of experience as the reputed interior decorators in Kochi, we would be able to define your interiors and mark them with a contemporary style effortlessly with our emphasis on designs of unique form, texture, color, and sophistication. Delving into the intricate details of hues, textures and tones, we create a classic appeal to your interiors that would stand the test of time.

Decorative Elements to Enhance the Beauty

It is not easy, when planning for a makeover of your space or when you think about renovation, but it all starts with some thoughts and inspirations. Our interior decorators in Kochi ensure to stream in natural light so that your home looks relaxed and bright. Furthermore, embellishing your home with warm light would heighten the aura of your interiors, making you instantly elated. By striking a deal with simple flooring and source rugs that accentuates the neutral walls and cozy furniture, we blend in our expertise to form contemporary designs for perfect interiors. Besides, peppering your interiors with decorative accessories such as lamps, décor objects, artworks etc. Give an extra touch of finesse that would enhance the depth of your interiors. And lastly, we induce the freshness of your house through some indoor plants, the presence of which hauls you into a haven of calmness and peace.

Touch of Interior Decorators to Reflect your Interests

There is the tone of simplicity that everyone wishes to imbibe in their homes and this is what the creative interior decorators in Kochi aspire to accomplish. We strive to make your interiors comfortable, functional and aesthetically pleasing by meeting the requirements of our clients. Our painstaking attention to detail right from concept stage to the project completion consistently provides our clients with extraordinary beautiful homes that exceed their expectations. Revamp your interiors in Cochin, design your spaces, and even create some ravishing modular kitchen spaces that truly reflect your tastes and choices. With us, you could embark on an innovative journey of ideas to make your home a favorite place to dwell in.

Furnish with Poise and Expertise

June 22, 2020

modern-kitchen-interior-in-Kottayam-1024x598Exceeding the expectations of an individual, interior designing goes far beyond the apparent. Be it your home, office or apartment, the interiors speak volumes and it is essential that you cater to its distinctive needs. Generally, people have a misconception that keeping the interiors neat and tidy is enough to bring about that unique character of your space. But it is not so. Just decorating it with some exquisite adornments would also not do the magic. Every tiny corner in your home or office has a definite form and the designers revamp your interiors with this regard. And this is why we recommend you to entrust yourself to the best service company for beautiful interiors in Kottayam.

Experts Can Make it Perfect

As said, designing your interiors is not a child’s play and it involves the art of managing the little aspects of your space. Along with giving a renewed touch based on your preferences, the experts take care of things which have never crossed your minds either. For the perfect interiors in Kottayam, you can avail our services and avoid unpredictable mistakes. With our holistic approach in interior designing, we give a whole new meaning to your living spaces. Thus, seek the advice of experts who can make efforts towards the best results in customized home furnishing.

Plan and Utilize the Space

Deciding the style you would want to perceive would be the first hurdle for curating interiors in Kottayam Kerala. Since the tastes of individuals vary, we implement our services by accommodating your demands. So, we transform your home or office with a modern style or retain the elegance of antiquity, as per the requirements. Space planning is yet another yardstick to measure the efficiency of an interior design company. When you form an idea of how your interiors should look , it would give us an advantage to perfectly utilize the spaces with apt furniture, cupboards and accessories.

Ideas to Live Joyfully

It is your home and office that we are talking about. Certainly, you would have your imaginations and dreams on its interior decorations and furnishings and how it should look like. And hence, draw out maximum references you can so that you can convey them as lucidly as possible to the seasoned designing experts and interior decorators in Kottayam. Never be indecisive of imparting your ideas to them, for they can help you with the reasoning of what is acceptable and what is not due to their years of practice.

Above all, you should figure out a rough budget for your interiors in Kottayam. This would enable the service provider to narrow down the most suitable plans and ideas that are within your designated price. After all, the professional interior designers in Kottayam provide the best interior which are aesthetically pleasing, budget friendly, and carries a charm. Whatever your notion of an ideal interior, the expert designers would make the chores effortless and hassle-free. Objective is to live joyfully and thus use imagination to the best.

Creative Ideas to Design your Apartments

June 20, 2020


The uniqueness of a home or flat is that you can move in with no time to spare for planning and construction. And yet, the interiors of your apartment must retain its individuality. While most individuals tend to shift their housing to flats because of convenience, it has become a crucial step to customize it with trendy designs and natural appeal. For, it exudes the essence of people dwelling there. If you are one among those enthusiastic people who wish to have beautiful flat interiors in Kochi, we recommend you some tricks and ideas to design your spaces that would have a great impact on your life.

Incorporate Only the Most Essential Things

There are several ways to design your flat interiors in Kochi and we know that anyone could excel in it. But most of the interior designing firms around enhance the visual appeal without addressing the issue of lack of space. Here, we put forward some effective ways to decorate your interiors in a budget friendly manner, taking into consideration the limited space in flats. Firstly, take away all unwanted things and exhibit only the best ones that remain close to your hearts. If you were having an independent house, there would be room to accommodate diverse objects in each corner. But, in flats, you can risk only a few things to display and this would make your interiors favorable and spacious.

Paint it Right

Secondly, paint your walls in warm light colors for a unique look. Be it just the kids room interior design or the living room design, in doing so, your flat interiors in Kochi would appear capacious and rolling. As the list of light colors extends beyond one’s tastes and preferences, you can pick out that which appeals to you the most. Even though applying the same color throughout is the norm, you can experiment with a mix of light colors for a change. While engaged in choosing the colors, you must give extreme care to the fact that it blends in with the other interior design aspects.

Light Up the Life

Most importantly, your flat interiors in Kochi should ensure a proper and uninterrupted source of lighting. This is mainly achieved through natural lighting but since you don’t get a say in the way sunlight pops in through the windows in your flat, you can always rely on tweaking your ordinary lights through chandeliers or antique covers for lamps. Apart from imparting a feel-good and positive vibe, these installations would make your flat interiors bigger. With these simple and effective ways, you can indulge in the perks of incorporating small design elements in your flat. And needless to say, the ideas would transform your living spaces into a beautiful apartment that would garner the appreciation of the onlookers.

Cabinets and shelves can store neatly as well as hide many things in a proper manner. When you go for complete customization, there are enough opportunities for provisions as per requirement. Though small, there is scope of Pooja space, living dining partition or even a bar counter. It is certainly important to plan and design a modular kitchen that becomes the heart and soul of an apartment. Thus, organize everything better and live a peaceful life planning and implementing flat interiors well.

Watch how you can transform an apartment with amazing color palettes, smart layouts and cozy furnishings here; apartment interior transformation.

Give Your Kitchen the Modular Outlook It Deserves

June 17, 2020

Gone is the time when people thought that only living and bed rooms requires much of the attention in designing. Today, a vast majority of people put a lot of effort and attention to make their kitchen interiors both modern and convenient. And the best and most cost effective way to do that is to have a modular kitchen. It is truly modern in appearance, convenient to work and most important of all – functional to the best. Being the best modular kitchen designers in Calicut, we have a highly efficient team who can deliver state of art modular kitchen designs. In addition to the stylish designs, affordable price and timely execution are specialties of this company.

What Makes Modular Kitchen Calicut the Best Choice Out There?

Modular kitchen design Calicut

Ever since we came into the fore of home interiors, our team has been closely monitoring the modern trends in kitchen interior designs all over the world. Majority of our customers emphasized on the functionality and convenience of the kitchen solutions. At the same time, we began to focus on deriving more creative ideas with a range of modular kitchen and kitchens cabinets. Today, we have the best modular kitchen design in Calicut along with equally amazing modular living rooms, bedrooms and dining room plans. Thanks to the ingenuity of our hardworking and highly motivated designers.

Innovative Modular Kitchens Thrive in the Following Aspects:

Convenience and Storage

People are drawn to modular kitchen ideas due to its added benefits like convenience, storage and beauty. Our designs cater to these requirements in the true sense. Contrary to the ready to use kitchen designs that can’t be modified as one wish, our modular kitchen design in Calicut is subject to customizations. Moreover, we give paramount importance to the storage aspect. We know that kitchen is a place for plethora of things to store safely and efficiently. Therefore, we need to design the drawers, cabinets and shelves in a very convenient fashion so that sorting and storing of things becomes pretty easier to do.

Aesthetic Designs to Give Your Modular Kitchen Calicut an Elegant Look

kitchen interior design calicut

Kitchen is no longer a place where maids alone do their chores. Most families these days find time to cook together on the weekends. Kitchen is the second place where close relatives or friends step into after the living room. Having an elegantly designed dream kitchen with kitchen appliances is therefore a modern day requirement. The expertise of our modular kitchen designers in Calicut gets an elegant manifestation in a number of aesthetic designs they create.

Avail our best kitchen interior design services throughout Kerala. We do it responsibly and cost effectively. If you want to give your kitchen the modern look that it actually deserves, get in touch with our client support team today. Based on your requirement, budget and the size, we will provide design options with premium wood finish for kitchens in kozhikode to choose from. Thus, zero in on one that meets your tastes best and customize it further.

Interior Design Trends for Children’s Room

June 12, 2020

Designing the room interiors of a child is not at all a child’s play. It requires designers to recognize the individual interest of each child, their passion and hobbies which they like to take part in. But that doesn’t mean that putting up a cartoon wall paper will do the job. Interior designers in Kerala for home suggest that the modern kid’s room should be designed with objects that appeal to their interest but also have aesthetic value. So what are the interior design trends for kids in the year 2020? Let’s find out.

Vibrant Accents and Warm Color Palettes

Colors are loved by children of all ages. Popular yet warm shades like canary yellow, deep red, and tangerine orange are more in demand this year. Warmer colors like peachy corals, fuchsia pinks and terracotta brown having a modern twist are expected to be more popular in 2020. If you are looking to have some smaller changes instead of a big one then interior designers in Kerala for home suggests that you start with curtains, cushion covers, table upholstery and small decorative fixtures. If you use bright colored cushions, it can give a new style to kid’s room interiors.

A Touch of Nature

A vital role is played by nature in the interior designing field. During the past few years, the design trends included the use of nature in more ways and 2020 will not have an exception. When you are incorporating nature-themed elements into the decor, it will make your children learn to care about their surroundings. You can try using wooden furniture having natural impactions for adding a rustic touch. You can opt for designs, which feature markings and knots and replicate real trees.


The current Interior design trends are now relying on embracing an eco-friendly lifestyle and it is important for you to teach your children about sustainability. The inclusion of sustainable elements during home interior design process can also help them learn the importance of protecting and nurturing the environment. In 2020, the trendsetters will not be plastic or any other synthetic materials but instead of that, recycled and upcycled items are more likely to be the highlights. The focus will lie on eco-friendly ethically sourced decor items.


DIY decor items will be a huge hit in 2020 according to interior designers in Kerala for home. From lanterns to the wall hanging, DIY will have a much larger place to hold. You can turn your kid’s drawing into framed pictures rather than buying some wall art. You can encourage your little ones to make a craft for their rooms, as that will bring out their creative skills. Chalkboard walls are also in the trends nowadays as it lets kids show their creativity and change them if they want.

Dedicated Green Space

Indoor plants are the most efficient way to make a room lively. No matter what may be the size and style, they can rejig any interior with superiority. You can try infusing plants like lucky bamboo, aloe vera, peace lily, snake plant, red-edges dracaena etc, as they will the right addition to your children’s room. So try these amazing ideas suggested by interior designers in Kerala for home.

7 “S” Influences on Interiors

June 10, 2020

Interior design involves the changing mindsets, outlooks, and preferences and class of people. However, with this, the fusion of art deco designs and furnishings has increased giving birth to more ergonomic and functional interior design trends. But what are the main influencing factors on interiors? How one achieve the desired look and style complying with the design trends are only one piece of a puzzle. Let us look at the 7 influences on interior design and works for home.

1. Site

Condition of the site and status of works are to be taken in to consideration while planning for interiors. For an apartment to be brought to life by the builder, it may take about 2-3 years often from inception. However the floor plan would be readily available. They may also arrange a sample flat in one of the floors when the structure is ready. So, after checking the sample apartment, owner may start with interior design works and discuss modifications required. But, if it is an independent house or group villa, it is better to start interior design and planning when the site is in flooring stage. In case of house, it may be mostly under control of the owner whereas for an apartment, handover depends upon the builder. Whole process of interior designing and execution can be completed within few months if site is ready to occupy.

2. Space

Space planning has an essential impact on interiors as this involves allocation and division of decor and its proper placement. Requirements of house owner and available space determine the action plan for home interiors. A cluttered space causes discomfort to the homeowners and is unappealing. However, with proper furniture placement and customized home furnishings, it can allow enough freedom. With the home sizes shrinking, the need for space and storage has increased. It all starts with what type of flat or house and available space one has. Once the construction is started the only possibility is to take care of interior design.

3. Size 


The size of the rooms and that of furniture planned will have considerable influences on interiors. Getting the right piece of furniture that meets the requirements of the homeowner needs a lot of planning. Buying furniture that you do not foresee using it after a couple of years or find it hard to manage will not be versatile enough. Moreover, settling for something that you just saw in a nearby showroom may turn out to be an expensive mistake. Rather, design and customize and wait a little longer is worth. Consider coordinating with an interior designer for recommendation and type of furniture that you can use effectively as per requirements.

4. Style

Interior design styles characterize how a home will be like. With many different styles, understanding each, help to develop and deliver the home one expects. The whole purpose of having specific interior style is creating a blend of function and form that meets the home furnishing requirements. Choosing a design style such as contemporary design or modern that meet ones taste and interest will help in making home all the more functional and cohesive from room to room.

5. Shape

The principles of interior design widely depend on the shape. A long dining table in a wide room fills-in space with harmony. Likewise, with customized modular kitchen of different shapes and styles, utilization of space for hassle free movement and storage is an easy task. The use of the right furniture’s and textures brings the right sense of balance in the interiors. However, using a wide range of furniture’s and fixtures with contrasting elements can create irregularity and in disjointed interior design. Consider a modular kitchen; equipping a small U-shape kitchen layout with just a straight kitchen design is of no use to the house owner. Not only will it look cramped, but it will also make the culinary activities hectic.

6. Suitability

luxury bedroom interiors kochi bengaluru chennai

Just like space allocation and furniture size, the suitability of furniture is also important. The right furniture design that meet one’s requirements and interiors of the house is important. Suitability focuses on the purpose of the furniture. The flexibility, durability, adaptability and whether it blends with the social and emotional values of the occupants is important. As interiors are where one expresses their true personal styles, decor needs to be functional as much as style driven. Thus, furnishing and interiors of a kid’s room and master bedroom surely need to be different.

7. Simplicity

Complexity is unwanted, difficult to cope up with. Furnishings that are simple with beautiful design all that matter. In the world of interior, the integral part of making a well-balanced interior space lies in the function and presence of furniture. After all, it is the design influences and furniture that finally turns an empty structure into a home. The right furniture and fittings can make any home spacious, harmonious and even impress the guests. Unlike filling the house with complex furnishings and palettes, including a simple yet beautiful sofa, a coffee table, wall hangings, and a TV unit as part of living room furnishings in an apartment can turn harmonious. Moreover, it is easier to clean and allows free movement. The clutter-free nature and beauty of the furniture can even make one calm.

Is Wallpaper or Paint Better for Home Decor?

June 08, 2020

With the world of wall finishes and home decor becoming more and more customizable, the question arises during home decor and interior works as to how one can decorate their blank walls. Both the options of wall paint and wallpaper bring different decorative feel to the interiors, with some pros and cons. Both wallpaper and paint enhance appearances and create stunning backdrops. Nevertheless, before deciding, it is better to look at the aesthetics of the room. Depending on where you are planning to use them, they certainly create breathtaking views and personalize your home. So which is the right choice for your interior; let’s find out.

Wallpaper for Home Decor – Pros and Cons

Custom interior designers in Yelahanka

Wallpapers are available with a variety of patterns and combinations. From classics and wooden designs to the bold contemporary wallpaper patterns, wallpapers create a unique look for any feature wall. People who want to add a flamboyant interior prefer wallpapers with sceneries. Kid’s room looks fancy with wallpapers having designs of cartoon characters or other special interests. Most homeowners take advantage of mix and match and prefer to combine both paints and wallpapers to create a colorful home. The world of wallpaper design is inspired by each client’s needs and dreams. Therefore, it is always better to contact an interior designer or your trusted fashionista for exclusive design and home improvement ideas.

Wallpaper application, unlike painting, is much easier and odor-free. It is easy to maintain, easily cleaned and even adds an interesting appeal to luxurious master bedroom interiors. But, a simple scratch can permanently damage it and get peeled off compelling to remove wallpaper and replace the entire section. Applying wallpaper requires fixing imperfections, re-plastering walls and plugging holes and is not suitable for locations with a humid climate.

Wallpaper application is time-consuming and demands a lot of patience. Therefore, only an expert should take up its implementation. It further enhances the pain when you realize that new wallpaper cannot be applied onto a worn-out one. Though wallpapers are expensive than paint, considering it to be a one-time investment, and lasting longer making it a cost-effective method of creating a rejuvenating space. However, unlike paints, it can be a long-term partner for homes and lasts up to 15 years. The costs and durability however depend on the material quality. There are cheaper options as well, but they may not be as effective as the quality product. As far as the aesthetic value wallpapers bring to the interiors, it can create some amazing effects that are difficult to paint.

Wall Paint for Home Decor- Pros and Cons

bedroom interiors

Painting is the oldest, cheapest and most popular method in decorating walls. One of the major benefits to choosing paint is it covers even the small imperfections in the walls. However, if the walls are damaged extensively, the entire wall needs repairing. Indian homes are so used to Painting walls. However, when we think of a painting job, the image of dust and smell comes to our mind. It is wiser to choose to paint if the home is old as certain areas might be damp.

Wall paint is available in almost all colors. You can even mix and match or even try texture paint until it satisfies your heart’s content. Oil-based paints take a few days to dry and complete and even tend to melt and form patches in a humid climate. With the variety of combinations and finishes such as satin, gloss, semi-gloss, and matte, it creates stunning effects and transforms the look. Paints are less fussy and are one of the easiest options to add a bit of liveliness to the interior walls. They are accommodating and are easier to fix.

Paint being an easily available resource is less costly in terms of skill, product, and effort. Good quality paints, depending on the Indian climate conditions can last up to 5 years. However, with time, they tend to fade or fall off with exposure to sunlight and rain.

Purpose of wallpaper and paints is to make the rooms look neat, new and impressive. Costly method is always good for some areas of the house. However, water leakage or termites attacks may spoil them. Paints, on the other hand, offer a limited spectrum of colors and textures and need to be touched up and reapplied more often. It is always a good idea to do as much research and planning before jumping onto the home decor. After all, it is your home and your taste that has to be reflected. Either way, the refined feel, and luxurious appeal of wallpaper and paint created when decorating the room are sure to transform the looks of any home interiors in Kerala or Bangalore.

Luxury Home Interior Design in Trivandrum Mrs Sindhu

June 07, 2020

It was in the mid of September-last year when we contacted Mrs. Sindhu Vijayakumar to confirm her interest to proceed with home interior design in Trivandrum by D’LIFE. Apparently, the client was expecting our call and expressed her interest to visit our showroom with family for a detailed discussion. A few days later, one evening, this adorable family visited us. The purpose of the visit was clear; they wanted to make their newly built apartment interior more comfortable, convenient, and of course more beautiful. She had plenty of ideas in her mind; mostly fragments of designs she might have seen somewhere in the past. Nevertheless, the designers took a vow to explore their concepts completely, so that they could add it to the home interior design layouts smoothly.


The staff took them through the display models and design gallery to encourage their confidence. After a while, they started to talk about the requirements. Through several discussions with the family, our designers collected all relevant details. They knew it was not easy to match their expectations, but it is really amazing to satisfy someone who has this much idea about interior design in Trivandrum. After the first meeting, the designer created an initial layout in which he had integrated all of their needs and ideas. During the following weeks, the designer made a few more corrections as per the client’s advice. The family was extremely delighted once they saw the complete home interior design plan with detailed drawings and 3D’s.

Then came the difficult part, converting these designs into actual furniture was a real challenge. This is one area where many of the firms for interior design in Trivandrum usually fail. Because to create a quality interior without deviating from original drawings needs modern machinery and great expertise. Lack of expert artistry will result in inferior products and finishes. However, with the help of an expert team and advanced factory machinery, nothing is impossible. Within a few weeks, the family got what they have dreamed of; a completely customized home interior as per their ideas.

Let us have look at this beautiful apartment interior

Premium Bedrooms


Bedroom with premium cot and lighting

The apartment interior is luxurious and has 4 bedrooms, each of them is almost identical in size and shape. The client wanted each room to look different from the other. But I want to maintain a general theme all around. herefore, the designers kept a few identical units in every bedroom. We can easily notice the glimpse of an elegant variant of white in each bedroom along with other radiant shades. Similarly, the wardrobes, dressing tables, and mirrors follow the same pattern in every room, but in different colors. It is not just the bedrooms; the entire home interior design was created maintaining this formula. Altogether, the bedrooms look unique and attractive with great color combinations in every part of the room.

Living & Dining Rooms as Part of Interior Design Trivandrum

The living room follows a contemporary design with sofa set, center table, and decorative units. All designs and shades carry exquisiteness to match with the rest. A portion of the wall engulfs wooden panels and LED strips to improve the brightness. An LCD display unit with storage space is also placed in front of the wall. Dining room furniture retains the wooden theme from the living room and adds white colour flawlessly into the chairs and decorative shelves. This time, our designers used the enchanting white shade to match with the rest of the theme.

Simple and Realistic Kitchen

She said the family needs a functional and convenient kitchen. They needed it to be simple and realistic. An L shaped Modular Kitchen was a perfect choice, considering the requirements and the space left for the kitchen. To make it more useful, the designers have incorporated sufficient storage cabinets in the kitchen along with basic utilities, such as cutlery unit, bottle pull out, thali Basket, waste bin with auto lid etc.  Besides the practicality, the kitchen shines well in the dazzling white and wooden theme.


If you are looking for the best interior design in Trivandrum for flat or house call: +91 956 723 11 11. Or, walk in to your nearest DLIFE branch to discuss requirements with a designer and plan the perfect home interiors.

How to Maintain Home Furniture and Ensure Long Life

June 05, 2020

home interior design bengaluru

Maintain home furniture well, if you care enough to ensure its long life. Furniture reflects our character, likes, and identity. If chosen wisely, it can transform any room into an amazing part of the dwelling. However, maintaining home furniture for longer periods is a continuous and conscious act. Sometimes it may feel like an impossible task to maintain home furniture without abrasion or fatigue. After a period, even top-quality home interiors will lose their glossiness, if the owners don’t maintain it well.

In most cases, those who are living in the house fail to notice these changes. Especially individuals who are busy with professional or personal life. Nevertheless, your guests are definitely going to identify these abnormalities; and when they notice, you may feel embarrassed. You can easily avoid small or serious damage if you put a little effort on a regular basis to maintain home furniture. Nowadays, all the products from customized home interior companies come with a detailed instruction list; all you have to do is follow the guidelines

Maintain Home Furniture Neat and Clean

Cleaning furniture on a daily basis does not seem to be a more difficult task than a routine. However, when we say cleaning, always ensure to use proper cleaning agents to clean them. Improper use of cleaning materials or liquids may eventually cause deterioration and cause damage to furniture. The best practice would be to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines without deviation. Cleaning the dust and moisture with a soft dry cloth is a common practice used to maintain home furniture. Make sure that the lamination is stable enough so that it will not be damaged by the pressure you apply while cleaning.

Each material has its own strengths and weaknesses thus the cleaning method differs. For example, the use of detergents such as macro dilution method or alcohol detergent is unhealthy for furniture without lamination, but these are widely being used for other materials. One of the greatest advantages of furniture with a lamination is that it acts as a shield and protects from the dust and moisture around them. Furniture with laminate does not scratch or stain easily, but still proper cleaning in periodic intervals is necessary to ensure its maximum life.

Ensure Pest Control

Pests are really harmful and can damage your household items without even being noticed. Eliminating them is an important step to maintain home furniture. Once infected, it can easily spread to the entire furniture in your home and eventually cause collateral damage.  Termites, carpenter bees and white ants are the most common insects that cause damage. Most of us may fail to notice it at first, and by the time we get to know their presence, it may have caused some serious damage. However, if you give proper attention to the household items its presence can be easily identified.  Leading home interior design brand D’LIFE says most of their products have strong resistivity to pest attacks. However, it is always a best practice to follow the precautionary measures. Conducting a pest control service twice in a year will help you to maintain home furniture from pest attacks. But, there are still chances left, especially when you are away from your home for longer periods. Because closed rooms sometimes cause high moisture content in the air, these are the perfect conditions for the pests and fungus to infest. Therefore, always make necessary arrangements to keep the windows open at certain intervals, if you are going away from home for more than 2 weeks.

No More Leakage; Water Proof Modular Kitchen

A common enemy of almost all materials used to make furniture is excessive water exposure. Occasional contact with water generally does not trigger any issues if you use quality materials. However, long and standing exposure to water could damage the products severely. Even products made of high-quality hardwood MDF or marine plywood (Which are known for their long durability and strength) also have the same weakness. Each material reacts differently to water, woods and its products may inflate while metals rust and deteriorate. Eliminating the chances of water contact is the only way to maintain home furniture from premature destruction. Leakages in the water purifier and kitchen appliances are the most commonly found causes of Modular Kitchen cabinet damages. Hence, pay more attention to the home interior design process, particularly when you pick up water purifiers and related appliances. Always evaluate the quality of the appliances before installation. Because any malfunction on these appliances will directly trigger water leakage thus the nearby cabinets and furniture are at high risk of excessive water contact. Especially, if you are not present at the time of leakage, it will further increase the chance of damage. Therefore, when you leave home, always take proper measures to ensure that there is no leakage in any of these systems.

Handle Them Properly

Switching or moving furniture from one place to another carelessly may cause damage to the piece. The only way to avoid these kinds of damage is proper planning and execution of movements. Always think through and plan well before picking up or moving furniture. First, decide where you want to move it to; this will help you to plan well thereby preventing bumps against doorways and other appliances. If you don’t see enough merit in moving it, don’t do it, because, sometimes even a single faulty maneuver could weaken the structure permanently. Therefore, when you move furniture, ensure to grab on to the structural elements, which are generally stronger than the other areas. And also, try not to drag the furniture along the floor, this may loosen up the clamps and break the joints.

Damage caused by or improper use of furniture is also not uncommon. Children at home may hang on the handles, and shutters of modular kitchen or wardrobes. Identify the material of furniture and ensure that they do not come in contact with undesirable objects. For example, if you keep hot items such as coffee mugs or steaming tureens on a Sofa set, it could easily ruin the surface smoothness. Therefore, to maintain home furniture, first, you need to understand the purpose and limitations of each item.

Annual Maintenance Contract

Most of the furniture nowadays comes with a manufacturer warranty and a handful of companies offer lifetime service and maintenance for their products. However, if you handle it carefully, furniture made of quality materials like hardwood MDF or marine plywood generally doesn’t need much maintenance. All you may have to do is some polishing and re-upholstering at the most. Nevertheless, let be any service, always try to contact the manufacturers instead of third-party servicing agencies or local carpenters. Because unprofessional maintenance or service could further worsen the damage and you may finally end up losing the piece forever. It is advisable to enter into an annual maintenance contract with the supplier to ensure continuous servicing of furniture at less cost.

What Can a Home Interior Design Company Do for You?

June 03, 2020
Interior designers reinvents home by adopting an out of the box thinking and creativity. While preparing the blueprint for interiors, they guide you in selecting the materials, space distribution, and furnishing arrangements. Finding a reliable independent designer may be a difficult task. Thus, approaching an interior designing firm of good reputation is the best alternative. Companies are now able to be of crucial guidance not only for design but for the entire home furnishing process. Let us explore how an interior design company takes up the responsibility and performs.

Consultation, Planning & Design

Dlife Home Interiors Kerala Bengaluru Tamilnadu

The role of an Interior designer working in a company is to steer and make the best suitable use of available space. They start the home interior design process in consultation and discuss in detail about the budget, and requirements. After the initial discussion, the interior designer presented the space layout for approval. Thereafter, sketches and drawings as a concept will be then presented for discussion and improvement.

Once they finalize the 2D drawings, clients can ask for 3D visuals for better understanding. The use of 3D drawings helps to depict how the interior space would look like. 3D modeling improves drawing efficiency and accuracy. This makes the designers and clients visualize the design and suitability. Thus an expert interior designing company helps to make design and specifications in detail. They develop design concepts as per site-specific requirement and suggest materials for effective implementation.

Production in Factory not at Site

Small-scale fabricators or contractors make furniture at site, which makes it uncomfortable for the homeowners. This not only creates a vast residue of dust particles, it also results in compromising on privacy. Giving the furnishing works to a professional interior design company is the best way to avoid prolonged works at site. An interior design firm does production at their own factory or workshop. With production at factories, there is more room for large-scale production with better precision and finishing.

Sourcing of Other Furnishing Items

A professional interior designing firm can not only create the core furniture items but also source soft furnishings and other decor items. There exist extensive notions that consulting an interior design company is expensive. However, they can actually save money and save time as they become responsible as a one stop shop. One will not only be able to source quality, matching materials and furnishing but also avoid costly mistakes. Established Interior designing companies have the benefit of huge furnishing showrooms. This allows you to find a wide range of products and accessories.

Project Execution by Proper Plan

Expert interior designers use systematic methodology for successful design and execution of projects. This involves constant planning, monitoring, and control. Planning various aspects of the project saves time and money to the client thus delivering the desired project result. Here, after the client confirms the initial 3D drawings, the number of man-hours required and resources are calculated into a more realistic image and executed by the company. The process not only saves you the burden of doing constant follow-ups nevertheless it makes you sit back and relax.

Cleaning & HandoverDining-Room-at-Apartment-Purva-Grandbay-Kochi

Furnishing and construction works always leave dust and debris with very little time to make cleaning tasks. Cleanliness of site is often forgotten, as the prime focus is on the job in hand which is to furnish the home. Role of projects team at an interior design company lasts until the handover of the site. They may have dedicated cleaning teams trained to the highest standards. Interior design firms carry out the cleaning process throughout the project and maintain the cleanliness of the site.

Service after Execution and Warranty

Almost every product needs maintenance and services in its lifespan. Good companies offer after sales services for lifetime and warranty for a few years to ensure customer satisfaction. Customers can avail protection against damage or defects and even ensure repair / replacement for damaged mechanism or electrical components. This allows correction of malfunctions and attaining the maximum durability of the products.

In summary, we can say that an interior design company can be a reliable one-stop shop for all the tasks from giving a clear picture to making it functional. They may give clarity and provide ease by their expertise and experience. But it all depends upon the quality of the company that we select!

Ideas for Creating Wonderful Kid’s Bedroom Interior Design

June 01, 2020

Kid’s Room Interior Design Ideas & Requirements

When there are kids in the house, time flies fast. However, one thing that remains for years is the furnishings and decors. Children love to have their own place that takes them into a magical world. The initial years of a kid are where they develop their imagination. The best way to nurture it in the right way is to provide him with the best environment that widens the imaginative powers and inspires. Achieving a perfect kid’s bedroom interior design is a creative task as their interest and taste change periodically. While decorating your kid’s bedroom interior, space optimization and safety need to be top consideration. You do not want to stumble upon your kid’s toys when you enter the room, do you?

Bold walls and ceiling 

KIDS-BED-ROOM Get inspired with these kid’s bedroom interior ideas; Bedrooms in colorful walls packed with playfulness & personality.

Paint the walls in a bold and interesting color palette that draws kid’s attention. Try various patterns, cartoon characters, and shapes on the wall with wallpapers or paints. Colors on walls, furnishing and decor should be enjoyable. Thus, adding vivid colors like bright yellow, shades of green, blue, or orange can spark creative thinking. Painting the rooms with pink and white walls for your daughter’s bedroom or blue and red for boys can seem both exciting and cool at the same time. In case, if you want to make it neutral but still make an interesting mix for your kid, choose bold colors for just one wall.

Storage Spaces

Kid’s bedroom interior designs will be covered with toys and building blocks. Find ways to add storage with beds and tables with storage options. There are beds available with drawers  underneath that are perfect for storing clothes, toys, and boys. Display shelves provide a space to show off their latest creation and avoid the clutter after play. Opt for dual-purpose furniture to make the best use of space and budget. Keep things at their height to help them stay organized.

Furniture as you like

kids room interior designs Bedroom decorating ideas for kids; Use these beautiful modern bedroom ideas as inspiration for your kid’s bedroom interior.

Kids get bored far more easily than adults do. Choose furnishings that work now and later. Beds, toy organizers, and study tables are the must-have pieces of furniture when designing your children’s bedroom. Create flexible rooms that grow along with your kids. Though a superhero-themed or princess styled decor looks great now, it soon wears off when your kid grows each year. A study table and customized bedroom wardrobe  that is easy to maintain and clean is essential when creating your kid’s bedroom interior design. Buying furniture of fine quality that lasts and can be customized is the best possible option for smart investing. However, when arranging, the furniture should not obstruct the space and movements of ones who enter it.

Hangout areas and play forts

If your kid is an adventure-loving explorer, they will find adventure in a tipi or play forts or even on their bunk bed. Perfect for both girls and boys in a wide range of ages, building forts or hidden hideout areas will surely keep your kids occupied. Studies show that this adds not only a fun element for your kid’s bedroom interior design but also enhances their brain development and improves their problem solving and social skills. Indoor forts can be an ideal space saver to block out from the world and bring a reaping development benefits which is much more fun than watching cartoons! One of the main benefits of this is the ability to see what their hard work, focus, and creativity can accomplish. Consider setting up a teepee tent that can serve as the perfect indoor retreat at home while nurturing their aptitude for creativity. To complete the look, you can even fill up with their favorite superheroes, pirate theme, or jungle animals.  

Artworks to look up

Visual arts and artworks are a great way to punctuate individuality and draw vision. Wall decals are always a big hit with kids. In the case of children, the bigger, the better. Use wall stickers, paintings or even dedicate space to display their painting skills to bring a creative touch and a dash of life to the wall decor. This is not only creative but also adds an element of interest to the room. Removable wallpaper and paintings can be purchased from online sources or ask your interior designer to add it. This gives you the liberty to change according to your kid’s choice and that too without causing a dent in your pocket.

Decor and accessories

Some of the fabulous products that have emerged with the changing design trends are the funky chair sets and toy boxes for children. Storage chests and exciting designs serve a practical purpose and are creatively designed to excite the children every time

Lighting is another important element to keep an eye on in your kid’s bedroom interior design. From the natural paper lanterns to exquisite designs crafted with crystals, this offers a wide range of styles and shades to choose from. A night ceiling  light is an excellent way for bringing a shade of light into your kid’s bedroom interior design ideas. It appeases the kid’s minds and allows them to have a good sound sleep.

Contact one of the best companies for kid’s bedroom interior design Kochi and other places in Kerala. Creative imagination, proper coordination and systems for execution ensure prompt results.

10 Interesting Modular Kitchen Designs

May 28, 2020

The Indian kitchens are so full of quick spicy deliciousness. With the changing lifestyle, people have become more focused on creating hearty kitchens that are both organized and lets one spend enough time with family. Due to the ease of systematic organization, modular kitchens have become a go-to kitchen layout for the Indian consumers as well as the interior designers. Here are some interesting modular kitchen designs to consider when building or renovating your next dream home

This Modern Red & Wood Kitchen is a Chef’s Parade

This modular kitchen packs a punch with its red cabinet designs. The design livens up the entire space making it perfect for family socialization and get together. Kitchen also features a breakfast counter for quick meals and conversations. The simple layout that this modern kitchen design carries helps to reduce foot traffic with ease of access. The mix of Woody and Granite top looks elegant and links seamlessly with the rooms beyond. Breakfast counter, however, holds the perfect contrast in the wood covered theme. In this, both modern and contemporary works are blended together along with an interesting mix of seating to bring in an informal look.

Keep it Neutral with Stylish White & Wood Finish

Modern home interiors in Bangalore

This is one Kitchen that gets a calm aura from its frosty white color scheme. The mix of white and wooden touch adds contrasts without breaking the theme of the entire home. The clean overhead kitchen cabinets in wood grain finish offer plenty of storage minimizing clutter complimenting the flow of the apartment. Ample bottom cabinets make space for storing plates and other kitchen utensils. This L shaped modular kitchen comes equipped with Flip-up soft close mechanism rather than the traditional into the face cabinets thus making more space and view.

Compact and Contemporary Modular Kitchen Designs

A compact, contemporary and a neatly streamlined kitchen is what every homeowner desires. U-shaped Italian modular kitchens are best suited for small kitchen spaces as it helps to separate kitchen utilities as per one’s need. Here, the space for kitchen accessories is integrated into a single wall whereas the other side is used for hood and hob. The compact spaces for storage with vibrant aesthetics are easily accessible and designed to entertain the guests. The design ideas allow plenty of storage and make space for an ideal seating area.

Advance to a New World of Cooking with Grey and Woody Finish

modular kitchen design by dlife interiors chennai

This German modular kitchen segregates the space to improve efficiency and creates a sparkly touch. Space has specific cooking, storage and preparation areas giving maximum utilization of space. This elegant kitchen draws visual attention through its unique color scheme and wooden flooring. Moreover, the monochromatic texture and the cabinets crafted in Gurjan Ply bring in a soft vibe to entire home furniture. The clean-lined, minimalist kitchen with monochromatic walls is full of cozy charm enhancing all its glory. Ceiling lights hang over the food preparation area, behind that is storage for kitchen accessories.

Snowy White Sculptural Kitchen that Carries Elegance

white modular kitchen design by dlife kochi

This modular kitchen with white design shows how one can efficiently maximize storage options without forming a clutter. Storage along the entire wall brings in maximum capacity ensuring the homemaker has a neat and clutter free cooking experience. This L shape kitchen with up and down handle free cabinets makes space look like a double height ceiling. How better to show it off for a striking layout? The kitchen comes equipped with LED lights to create a new dynamism making cooking more efficient. Low base units in this kitchen allow the injection of color from the flooring keeping the look fresh and modern.

Make the Kitchen Do Double Duty

This incredible U-shaped modular kitchen  doubles as a countertop and a dining space. This U-shaped kitchen even sets the kitchen accessories in an organized manner with its ample storage options. The kitchen crafted with white and grey color offers an efficient way to use an awkward, unused area. Here shown is a kitchen design furnished in 100% Gurjan Ply with enough storage space and appeal. The perfectly planned platforms and breakfast counter make it the perfect kitchen & home design for any homemaker. The owners of this elegant kitchen are a keen cook, which is why; there are plenty of storage spaces and ample work surface.

Contrast with Black, Red and White


Open kitchen designs give the kitchen space a roomier aesthetics. The layout incurs careful planning ensuring there is adequate room for a refrigerator, sink, hood and hob, and food prep. The open-plan layout is made cozy with the warm touches in this Cochin home. The walls showcase a grey and black finish accompanied by kitchen cupboards in red and white finish with Hettich lift up systems that complement one another. The design is minimal and fresh giving a welcoming and cozy feel to the entire space.

Storage Spaces Go Full-Size in this Maroon–L Shape Kitchen


L-shaped modular kitchen designs are the most preferred kitchen designs for apartments or homes with a small area. Not only does it give a good look, but it also gives good space for people to walk around. In the case of kitchens, it is not the amount of space that matters but how well you arrange them. Moving away from the outdated styles, this elegant kitchen engulfs larger and in-depth cabinets that are better looking and efficient. One of the main advantages that come with this kitchen design is the creative aesthetics that comes with it.

Natural Wood & White Classic Straight Kitchen


Best Modular Kitchens in Kerala

Both the aesthetics and furniture of this straight kitchen complement one another in this elegant home. The design in this uncluttered kitchen crafted with Gurjan Ply creates an uninterrupted view of the house throughout. The room scheme involves clean lines; handle-less cabinets, and sliding door cupboards for a contemporary practical addition.

This Kitchen with a Broad Breakfast Counter Blends It All Together


Dining space integrated with the kitchen is the new trend today. Creating a functional modular kitchen design like this makes space look more stylish. The kitchen here consists of two parallel countertops. The walkway in-between makes space for a well-organized chef like experience. Modern pendant lights hang about the kitchen island creating a striking and utilitarian feel to space. The ample storage space creates a stylishly utilitarian scheme with an eclectic mix of lighting and granite countertops. Since the family likes quite large areas, the kitchen gets a breakfast counter and a dedicated space for cooking where food can be prepared away from family but still serve them hot.

Go Classic with this L Shaped Wooden Finish Kitchen

L Shaped Wooden Finish Kitchen

Every modular kitchen design has to be efficient and smartly designed. Here is one example of an elegant kitchen layout that offers enough storage. The L-shape engulfs an open plan style making it a contemporarily efficient layout. The adjacent countertops support  a working triangle offering better ease of access without disrupting the efficiency. The owners of this beautiful home decided to have wooden finish cabinets and chic storage cabinets with all Hettich soft close drawer systems. The color scheme adopted is contemporary and unusual.

Budget of Interior Works in Kerala – Scope & Limits

May 21, 2020

Living room design 3bhk flat kochi

Plan a Budget and Act on It

Just like everything else in our life, the ambitions may be sky high, but it is not always easy to fulfill those in the real world. As a result, we may manage our ideas and requirements within the fixed budget of interior works in Kerala. Planning is one the foundation pillars of the interior designing process, that includes budgeting as well. It is true that everybody wants his or her home to be perfect and include all essentials. But, does this mean you can plan for things which you can’t afford? No, definitely not, this would force you to compromise on the quality. Therefore, before creating a wish list, always calculate the amount you wish to spend on this process. Once you have a rough idea of the budget, start looking for the possibilities you can have in that amount.

Consult an Interior Designer

Once the budget of interior works in Kerala is planned, you may consult an interior designer for a better understanding of the process. Visit a few interior design firms to see which one has the better products that suit your needs. There are many small and medium-sized companies offering services at various budgets of Interior works in Kerala. Explain the requirements and let them make an estimate to find if it fits in your budget.

Quality of materials and service would certainly make a difference in prices as well. It may be better to go through some of the past works done by the interior designer and check the cost of the same. This would help to get an idea of what is possible within your budget of interior works in Kerala. As a general thumb rule, always go for  an interior work contractor in work for a decade.

Scope of Interior Works Contract

What all works should be there in an interior works contract, within the specified budget need to be derived with a clear discussion between client and contracting company. The best way to optimize and utilize space properly is discussing your needs with the designer. An expert designer knows how to utilize every area within the rooms, what to include and eliminate to adjust works within the budget. Similarly, if the budget of interior works is low, the focus can be more on the customized home furnishing and space utilization. On the contrary, you can prefer a lavish space consuming design, if you have a large and spacious house. Therefore, talk to your designers about your needs and discuss the possibilities over the course of a couple of meetings.

Work within the Limits as well as Limitations


There are endless possibilities in interior designing and works. But the contractor, in addition to the client’s budget limitations, may have other constraints to fulfill all the wishes. These limitations can be clear during the design stage and discussions. Difference between expectations and reality would be almost clear by 2D and 3D designs. Practical difficulties in achieving certain results also need to be discussed. Something that you see in some images may look good for some time, but will eventually lose its strength and finesse. Ability to produce, implement and ensure durability would be the main considerations of an interior works contractor.

Apart from designs, choosing materials can also be quite confusing, sometimes. For example wile planning a modular kitchen, acrylic materials are the  most beautiful and expensive for interior works in Kerala. However, it may easily get scratches and dents on the surfaces, if proper care is not taken during regular usage. Therefore, someone with a moderate budget for interior works in Kerala, choosing acrylic finish will not be a great idea. Each material has its own strength and weakness, the trick here is to choose the one that offers more value for money as per the needs.

Window Boxes – Perfect Solution for Indoor Garden

May 11, 2020

indoor plants

In the western countries prevalently in Europe, it can be noticed that the buildings around the area no matter what may be the size be big or small, seems to have a charming window box having several flower plants which are basking in the sun. Present Kerala house interior design trends are seeing the rise in window boxes, which can add a dash of charm and color to the interior of your house and to the exteriors. If you are living in a big city where there are too much noise and very little space with no access to a balcony, without a roof or a space for growing indoors to fulfill your garden needs, then window boxes may be the perfect answer for you. Even the interior designers and decorators suggest the use of garden in modern homes. Here’s how you can have one.

A Green Touch

In simpler words, indoor garden window boxes are flower or plant boxes, which are hung just beneath the sill of a window. According to Kerala house interior design if you are not having enough balcony space in your apartment then you can hang them from the railings of your windows. Window boxes not just adds aesthetic value to the front of your house but also boosts the facade character and is also an environmental controller as the garden wall can reduce the temperature of the home interiors.

Perfect Solution for Small Houses

Finding adequate space in the modern days are very much expensive and this makes it extremely important to make the most out of what is readily available without much compromising on the decorating ideas. You can create your own patch of home garden with a little help of sturdy hardware and good workmanship no matter what may be the size of your apartment or its height. Homes in Kerala can practice hydroponic gardening or herb gardening and let plants grow to a mini greenhouse and smart gardens in window boxes.

The required materials

Window boxes are available in a wide range of materials from stone, wood, metal or PVC you can find them in various options. You can decide on a particular material type depending on the factors like sunlight that the window receives, the strength of the material and the budget and keep yourself updated with the current Kerala house interior design trends

Here is a list of several types of window box ideas for Kerala home garden, which you can consider for your requirements –


The most basic and popular material that is used for window boxes is wood which is very versatile and can enhance the exterior aesthetic of any home without hampering the style. You can also utilize it as a DIY indoor garden project and custom made it to suit your windows.


Terracotta was mainly used for making plant pots; it is a natural choice when you are considering a window box. It is a very simple and breathable material, which can last years with proper care. They can become heavy with soil and moisture so it requires to be secured with proper brackets. It is a very favored choice when it comes to Kerala house interior designs.


Among metals, aluminum and copper are the most common and durable materials which are considered for window boxes. This is because Aluminum is light in weight and resistant to rust and copper, and adds nutrients to the soil, which will help your plants to bloom. But in India, you need to place them on a window that does not get too much sun or at least has some shade.

So according to Kerala house interior design trends, Window boxes are very much essential if you want to have indoor gardens in your small apartments. Try them out to give your residential interiors and exteriors modern look.

How to Choose a Good Electric Chimney or Hood for Kitchen

May 08, 2020


The kitchen is an integral part of any home. It is where you cook up a sumptuous meal for the family. Indian style cooking involves the use of plenty of oil, spices, and is not easy to clean. There need to be a suitable solution for smoke and scents released while cooking that generally hang on within your home. An electric chimney or hood helps to control this effectively. So, how does an electric chimney or hood work along with the hob?

An electric kitchen chimney is a kind of kitchen home appliance that includes an electric fan, which makes your kitchen free from odour, fumes, steam and heat. A kitchen chimney is fitted above the stove. Once switched on, it sucks in all oil smoke and fumes and let it out of your kitchen through a duct or is recirculated. Thus acting as an air purifier, it makes the kitchen clean and smoke-free. While choosing a good electric chimney or hood for kitchen, you may consider the below aspects.

Size and Power of the Chimney

The purpose of hood is to capture smoke and heat. So, when looking for a hood, its quality and strength are the core factors to consider. It’s not exactly a requirement that the hood should be of the same size of your stovetop. However, it should take up all the smoke before they drift to other parts of your kitchen. If you do a lot of heavy cooking, you should aim for a more powerful hood to further get it outside. Thus, it is always better to have a minimum of 400 CFM for every linear foot of the range.

Kitchen Layout

The kitchen space determines how much space you need to work with. If you have an island kitchen, the hood is basically over a stove where vent connects to the ceiling and takes out the smoke that way. Thus, it depends mostly on the size of kitchen and the cooking top. If the kitchen is with less space to work with, under-cabinet range of hood makes sense. Here, the hood is fixed under your upper storage cabinets and above your cooking range. The best is to place the hood at least 24 inches apart from the cooktop. However, it is advised to consult the manufacturer or supplier for a recommendation. Each manufacturer may have a different set of configurations and recommendation.

Ducted vs Ductless hood

Ducted Hood

Duct chimney or electric chimney models is usually connected to a duct with pipes to carry smoke particles away from the kitchen to outdoors. Range hood uses a fan to collect the steam and are efficient at keeping air particles out of the kitchen. Carbon filter, Cassette filter, Baffle filter (best for Indian food) are some types filters used in kitchen chimney in India. Most chimney brands manufacture kitchen chimneys with baffle filter where the baffle acts as a suction power flow control panel. The straight line multiple curves in the process panel collects oil and grease particles in it.

Ductless Hood

Ductless hoods can be installed anywhere. The ductless hood operates by a recirculation process by filtering the air and then blowing it back into the room. The filter in ductless hoods contains activated carbon, which works to remove odour. However, Ductless hoods requires cleaning about once or twice a year depending on size of the chimney and chimney filters. If you are investing in ductless chimney for your kitchen, go for the auto clean option as it has more power of suction than the manual version. Centrifugal force in it pulls the oil grease particles to move to collector which allows the filters to perform better.



Hood or electric chimney comes in a large variety and sizes. Some of the basic hood designs won’t add much glam to your kitchen space. Nevertheless, you can still find an island chimney or wall mounted one that add something to space. As many brands provide options that have arresting designs and strike your fancy, work with an interior works contractor to find the best suited and a little extra to the space.

Noise Levels

One of the most common complaints of electric chimneys in India is about the noise that it produces while functioning. Some manufacturers like Faber aim to produce hoods more quiet than usual. Faber is one of popular kitchen chimney brands that use a clean technology and filter types. You can visit a showroom and test the performance to analyze how loud or quiet an electric chimney is.

Solution: Entrust a professional

Unless you know how different kinds of hood or electric chimney installation works and how it synchronizes the best with rest of the kitchen, it would be difficult to make a decision on it. Therefore, an interior design company with expertise in modular kitchen installation can make the whole process easy.

4 Living Room Designs that are Worth Giving Attention

April 03, 2020

Are you looking for new living room designs to choose the best? Take a look at these interesting living rooms that match the aspirations of modern minds. Whether you just need a finishing touch for your home renovation or planning complete home interiors, a few ideas from the leaders in this segment are worth watching.

A Visual Delight



Contrary to the belief that new living room designs should be bright and light, this living space is dominated by grey and dark toned color schemes and blue furnishings. This contemporary living room consists of a TV unit and cabinets that sweeps through the entire length of the wall. It synchronizes beautifully with the wall and serves as a clean backdrop. Seamless finish of the unit makes the room visually larger and packs a visual punch. Moving away from the conventional white walls and furniture pieces this living room décor adopts minimalist designs with a tune. A single blue theme sofa lines the wall along with celebrity style club chairs bringing interest to the moody space.

This modern living space adopts an open layout and provides textural variety, which is fresh to the eyes. Note how the rug floor lamps work as a cozy reading corner. Walls, on the other hand, shine with a grey theme paint scheme. In addition to it, a false ceiling creates some visual stimulation. The room enjoys openness and thanks to this, the home has plenty of space to amplify the interior scheme and reflect daylight.

Invoke Positive Energy

living room trends in 2023

This living space is more than just a place for entertaining. A small splash of colors gives an energetic vibe to this space. Plants, lighting, and the living-dining partition balances the whole statement of this beautiful living space effortlessly and soften the overall palette. The benefits – the house looks more spacious than it is, passes natural light and encourages green living. Furniture’s and accessories are crafted in Hardwood MDF & Marne Ply and boasts a ton of decorating ideas for new homeowners and ones looking for home improvement design ideas. Just like this new living room design, any other small area, too, can be converted into a lively, contemporary space. All you need is a good interior designer in Kerala or Bangalore with artistic ability in creating functional spaces.

Woody and Contemporary 

A great way to make most of the small spaces is to demarcate areas and this stylish living space is one such example. Wooden accents and the use of furnishings explore the surface and at the same time make one focus less on the room size. Designers pack a visual interest and channel attention to the walls and the living room furniture, lending character to the muted space. Not only does the space boast a comfy seating, but the sectional sofa also acts as a room divider from the dining and open kitchen.

The balanced Living

Living room design 3bhk flat kochi

This long room starts with a sitting area that also has a customized TV unit, sofa set with throw pillow and coffee table. Glass doors in this area make a transparent separation from the dining room. Warm lights in this space offer a delicious contrast to the browns of the custom-made furniture. LED ceiling lights bring a certain warmth to this space flanking the L shaped sofa.

The walls of this living room are painted in a yellow color scheme. The living room features top design art deco. Wallpapers, the artistic bust on the coffee table, all lend a gravitas to the living space. One of the favorites in this living room is the pendant lights towards the corner that creates the perfect backdrop to the warm color palette in the foreground.

For more home designs and contemporary living room ideas check out- Living room interior design & new decor ideas. Choose from one of the contemporary living room designs and further customize as per requirement. Expert designers offer a lot of scope for planning, revisions, and visualization before the actual implementation.


How Important are Rugs for Homes

March 26, 2020

Importance of Rugs

Rugs are the most easiest and most luxurious items to improve the home decor. There are rugs for homes of different textures and sizes to meet the demands of different human beings and that is the beauty of them. Sure, rugs are hard to clean. But the wall-to-wall carpeting look or the beauty of area rugs in Home Interior decoration isn’t as outdated as you may have thought and we often forget the importance of rugs in a home. If you are planning to make a home renovation or doing interiors for a new house or apartment, consider simply adding rugs. Rugs for homes are capable of hiding the imperfection and enhancing the beauty of space.

living room design at kochi by dlife

The importance of rugs in interior design is not to ignore. It all goes hand in hand to create the perfect tranquil ambiance to any interior decor. With its smoother, unified appearance, rugs can add character to a space that does not get enough natural light. Whether the room in question is an office space, living room or bed, fine rugs of the right color and size can be life-changing.

Fine tone rugs are definitely a major improvement for monotonous home spaces. According to feng shui, a hall runner or oriental rugs in brown and red color scheme on top of hard surface floor work as enhancements of good chi flow and boost positive energy. A high pile rug creates a visual pathway covering the hard surface and draws the eye to the connecting spaces. But keep in mind that when opting for an interior with the minimal space design or small layout, a rug that is too bulky or threadbare will show up in the design and create flaws.

Why you need rugs for your home

Choosing the right rugs for homes can significantly reduce noise of your space. Not only it is good for sound absorption from the air and reduces echo, but rugs are also more comfortable and softer to touch. Choosing low pile rugs with tightly woven fibers will avoid trapped allergens making it easier for people to clean them easily. The safe non-slip surface rugs are also a great way of reducing the physical strain when walking barefoot- ideal for both infants and the elderly. Rugs and carpets are a lot softer than tile, hardwood floors or wood flooring.

How to Use Rugs at Home


The most obvious reason why we have rugs in our homes is for the looks and feels of it. However, we all often forget about the importance of rugs in our homes. Rugs come in virtually every size, pattern, color, and material. A neutral-color rug serves as the perfect home interior decoration for any room. To create contrast, you may place a light rug on a dark floor and vice versa. They are a sure way of adding warmth and layer to the room. If not better, rugs for home are a great way of holding space together. Placing large carpets or rugs can separate rooms and acts as a defining wall.

When it comes to the bedroom, use area rugs on both sides of the bed instead of a complete single rug where the major portion is concealed under the bed. They serve various other purposes as well. There are times when area rugs are also used as wall art. Rugs with geometric or floral patterns can be used for décor purposes creating a theatrical effect. When it seems to be difficult to find out suitable custom rugs, an expert interior designer may be of great help in selecting them.

Picking the right rug

If you are on the lookout for the ideal safe rug, opt for wool rugs for home. These rugs are fire-resistant, recyclable and biodegradable and serve various other purposes as well. Rugs today are designed with a 3-dimensional quality to provide visual depth and interest. Carpets and Rugs are indeed an instant way for making our home spaces appear pale and dull. They create a luxurious surface and a bold statement.

In case if you run out on seats for your guests, they are much comfortable to sit on! When choosing rugs in your home, opt for something versatile and neutral that works with the furniture or interior design style that your house adopts. There is a wide set of rules when selecting a rug, but basically, make sure your furniture pieces sit on it completely or at least the front legs sit on the rug. Don’t choose the type of rugs that is too small for the space and only sits under the coffee table.

Rugs create a sensation of warmth. Beyond the impression of their beauty and aesthetics, rugs definitely have been an essential part of home interior design and decoration.

And we said, "let there be light"

March 19, 2020

Lighting is one of the most crucial yet the most under-addressed elements by clients when it comes to interior designing. A proper use of interior lighting can be relaxing, convenient and safe. It is, in fact, the most powerful tool a designer uses to make a high impact. Lighting is no longer about just fixing lights into a room. In fact, it has come a long way that it now has the possibility to influence our moods.

Choreographing the Living Experience

The custom-made living room is the heart of the home- A space where we experience the perfect ambiance and moments. Most of the home interior projects we’ve undertaken involved interior lighting with ambient, and accent lighting as per client requirements. A fixture of hanging pendant lights, led lights, or creating an accent lighting to illuminate a certain area or strategically highlighting the sculptural floor and bringing life to the bare walls has always been in the favorites.

From reading to relaxing, and for highlighting family photos and artwork on the walls, the living room is a place that plays with various sources. So it’s important to provide ample light that is bright, focused and versatile. Consider an adjustable floor lamp, or an artistic desk lamp, which is relatively a versatile option. Within the space is accent lighting to provide a perfect layer of visual impact.

Defining the Mood

Similar to stage lighting, mood lighting creates an atmosphere that enhances the space. Interior lighting has the ability to enhance and change the emotion. Natural light sets an ambiance you just can’t replicate and is the best kind of light. However, when designing a space, colour scheme and lighting systems in living and bedrooms need to be addressed just like the space itself. Bedrooms will have a warm light that helps to transition your busy day to a softer mood. A false ceiling with lights, bedside light or a table lamp with light fixtures would be ideal here. A reading light is also a great idea to highlight for functional reasons. A home with no bright lighting can leave a sinister look. Whereas this same home with warm lighting makes it seem like any other house, while a white toned light enthuses calmness.


Here is a recent home remodeling done where the cool white setup was changed to the warm smart lights. The wall lights, hanging light fixtures, task and accent, and wall lamp are just some types of lighting that you can add to your next home improvement list.

Assists Cooking

Install small pendants to bring visual interest and create an open feel to your kitchen. But don’t go light-crazy. While the usual lighting provides enough light to navigate through the kitchen, it can leave shadows on the work surfaces, which are under storage cabinets. A layer of light setup with the under-cabinet task, lighting provides a nice illumination emphasizing the shape of cabinets to easily spot ingredients on the cooktop/ workspace.


Seen here is a kitchen design by our interior experts. The proper interior lighting makes sure modular kitchen offers a healthy balanced meal-prep experience. The Pendants are placed at least 30-36 inches above the island to splash the light evenly. The under-cabinet LEDs, cabinet lights, highlighting pendants, and other lighting options make sure you are on the right track to your cooking.

* Task lighting can also be used to create foot flow paths for a room or even on the stairs as directional lights or as a foot floor path visualizer.

Bring Brightness and thus happiness 

Lighting is an important tool for your home interiors that can truly elevate your space. No matter what size and shape your home is proper, a form of lighting can transform a space into a beautiful ethereal one. Employing a good interior decoration team can define the elegance, sophistication and style of your space. After all, lighting can make a house into a home and make it shine through. When in doubt consult home interior designers in Kochi who can suggest suitable solutions on lighting ideas based on your exact requirement. Ensure brightness and elevate happiness inside a house to the complete satisfaction of the owner. 

Fresh Home Garden Ideas for Indian Homes

March 13, 2020

home garden ideas

If your home-plot does not have enough free space or front yards and backyards, that should not end your desire for growing your own plants and veggies. While some can grow plants in small pots or containers, there are many Indian homes, which do not have even a little spare space to light up your landscaping ideas. Here are some home garden ideas for you to experience all the benefits of having a garden with an indoor garden setup, no matter where you live. Beautifying the house, enjoying spare time with nature in your enchanted garden are the real benefits of this extension of home interiors.

Use your Balcony

If you are creative enough, decorate your apartment balcony space with plants and hangers. This is indeed an amazing decorating idea where one can enjoy the open space and make use of sunlight. Use hanging planters, keep pots, or even, place a container box with your favorite vegetable garden that grows all year round. The best type of vegetable to grow is tomato plants, and root vegetables using raised beds or garden planters, and other fruit trees.

Make more space by fixing planters to the walls, placing pots on shelves of the balcony space, or you can even hang baskets to grow your own vegetables. If the balcony space has harsh sunlight, avoid indoor plants. Bougainvillea, ferns, orchids, and geranium are best for your sunny garden.

Teacup Herb Garden

Everyone loves having herbs and flowers around and it’s nice to grow fresh plants in your own kitchen. A teacup garden is a perfectly clever way for Indian homes. Herbs grow well in the Indian climate and there is nothing that matches the Indian cooking with some fresh little herbs! These indoor home garden ideas can be done by simply using a teacup or a small container planted with herbs. Because these containers don’t have any drainage to let out the water, water should be sprayed every day to keep the herbs alive and fresh. A kitchen window with direct sunlight is a great place to put them and use them in your cooking.

Think Vertical

Vertical gardening has really been well accepted over the past few years. Vertical gardens can be set up just about anywhere and are perfect if you live in an apartment and have a limited space. The idea can be looked up similar to that of high-rise buildings. Vertical gardening takes inspiration from elements of a living wall. Any of the indoor or outdoor spaces can be shed into a decorative living wall with small plant pots and baskets. This is one of the best Indoor gardening hack designs for small spaces and best fits your home.

Go Tropical


Turn an inner courtyard to a wow factor! An Indoor courtyard garden with palms and ferns add super contemporary drama all the while helping retain moisture. Position a modular sofa or furniture with patio slabs and make the setting a super-sociable seating and a contemporary garden look. Go ahead to even creating miniature tropical forests or Zen gardens if you like the green!

Through the window

This is the most creative indoor garden design idea of the year. If you are less in indoor space and if you want to grow a plant, a window-side container garden is the best spot to have some green leaves. Assuming that your window gets enough light, there are many plants to relish the idea of an indoor gardening design. Framing the windows with plants creates a clean and aesthetically pleasing view, which is always colorful. The orientation of windows to get direct sun will let plants grow well along with meeting a plant’s care requirements. Leafy plants provide privacy screening and ensure there is shade.

These indoor home garden ideas are curated to save you time, money, and energy. If you are dedicated and willing, it can definitely spruce up your home interior design game. Remember that consistent small efforts, every day is essential to ensure maintaining a home garden successfully.  Grow some real life and thus boost up the flow of oxygen into the house.

Find World Class Interior Designers in HSR Layout

February 15, 2020

Interior designers in HSR Layout

Your home is a place that reflects your personal style. Elegant and careful home interiors leave you feeling happier and relaxed. Even on a budget, or even independently you can create a home that meets your needs. However, with some strategic planning and design assistance of a designer or a reliable interior design company in Bangalore, it’s possible to entirely elevate the space. As they say, the only way to get stunning home decor and interiors is to approach the best company. Here’s how to find interior designers in HSR Layout to plan and execute a home interior project in a world class style. 

Take Advantage of the Central Location

One of the most common questions by those who recently bought an apartment in Bangalore is “where can we find a reliable interior designer nearby” and “How much will it cost to engage an interior designer?”. Business people and executives need just a one-stop destination to complete all apartment interior works. Moreover, easy to reach from any place and interact over a period of time also really helps. Hiring interior designers in HSR Layout, Bangalore locally comes with many benefits. Resources, connections, and expertise can help first-time homeowners avoid costly mistakes. Hiring the services of a professional interior design team is great as it improves ease of access, comfort, and functionality when building your dream homes. In fact, designers have an extra set of eyes and provide a positive impact on the overall home building process. 

Benefits of Hiring Interior Designers in HSR Layout, Bangalore

There’s a common misconception that only the elite can hire interior designers, but that’s not true. Designers come in many different styles and price ranges for every homeowner. While some of them charge an hourly rate, some charge per square feet or even a percentage of the cost. Some procure furniture locally and others might even import them to ensure top quality, thanks to the changing interior design works. Unlike the freelancers giving limited services and supervision, many interior design companies in Bengaluru are now providing complete home furnishing. They will be able to suggest budget-friendly solutions along with managing and coordinating the entire project. The most significant advantage of hiring interior designers in HSR Layout Bengaluru is that they can help make the space functional, aesthetically pleasing, and safe. They provide customized modular kitchen and furniture for every room, in specific color themes and sizes.

Why You Need to Visit D’LIFE Experience Center in HSR Layout

Visiting the experience center allows you to get a better understanding of what our products and services can do for you. DLIFE experience center at HSR Layout hosts some of our finest designs so that our customers can see and experience our unique design statements and attention to detail in creating individual, functional spaces. This helps our customers to make a more informed decision about the products and services that we offer, giving you peace of mind in knowing that your investment is going to be well spent.

Get Contemporary Interiors Works for Residential Spaces.

Premium house owners, especially in cities, look for contemporary but durable residential interior design styles. Utilizing the space to take maximum advantage through effective storages and facilities is everyone’s aim. Making house interiors look luxurious is not just for guests; it is more for those who own it and reside in. It’s not all about luxury antiques and high-end accessories. Your home means something to you, which defines your personality and style. Similarly, visitors will also be mesmerized by the stories and beauty behind them. So, make sure to get the best and most skillful people representing a reliable interior design company in H.S.R Layout, Bengaluru.

How to Get the Best Out of an Expert Interior Designer?

December 01, 2019

Interior designer is the professional to whom you entrust the planning and design process to furnish a house or apartment. Finding the right one is the first and foremost task. Approach a home interior design company that has a good reputation in residential interiors and asking them to assign the best designs is one solution. However, a question that arises next is how do you get the most out of an expert interior designer? You may have a dream home in mind, which you need to bring into reality. Creating the blueprint of the same considering all practicalities requires caliber, mastery, and dedication.

Open Your Mind

Prior to the designer starting with the works, open up about all data that is already gathered. Communication is the key to making sure that the work is done as you expect. Talk with the designer on what you want from his service. Give feedback and ideas before making the designs and purchases. It is always best to start out the project with the same idea. Having the same desires and decisions can in turn give a happy result. Designers should understand the preferences, choices, and requirements of the client very well.

Give Freedom in Right Direction


Ensure that the interior designer is working in the right direction by a weekly inspection. Check that the work is progressing as per the promise and Let them know that you will keep in touch on a regular basis. Make the designer work creatively and effortlessly to realize the phantasms and achieve your dream home. Let him use the best of creativity and ability in the right directions.

Time Frame & Budget

It is always the best strategy to set a timeframe for presenting 2D drawings after discussions. Specifying the amount of money that you are willing to spend is perhaps the best way to make the designer work within a budget and timeframe. Before finalizing on the design, try to include as many details as you can. Be honest about the feasibility of expectations. Setting realistic expectations avoids issues later on.

What are the items required?

An expert Interior designer should discuss with the house owner about the requirements of custom-made furniture and decor. As the beneficiary, you should inform the designer about the priorities, what you want and do not. If you are on a budget, make the designer work in an economical way rather than invest in expensive artifacts and furnishings. However, buy things that you love- If you fancy it, buy it.

Matching Style & Color

Getting to know your style is an important aspect when selecting an interior design for the home. To turn your dream project into a success, it is necessary that the designer is on the same page as you are. Find out the best color combination for interiors and the specific styles that you would like to adopt. Check for designer inspired homes that blow you away and share the ideas with the designer. Use magazines or even photos from the internet to point out the likes and dislikes. This helps the designer to better understand family’s preferences and arrive at a matching style or theme for your home.

Encourage & Correct

Encourage your designer to communicate and make alterations and improvements in drawing! Go through the designs and correct them throughout the phase until the designs satisfy your senses to get the best results. Encouraging and correcting a designer can give major advantage while making aesthetic decisions. Moreover, getting an expert interior designer with wide industrial expertise and is fun to work with will push you to new directions.

Use 3D Visualization

Make use of 3D visuals to understand how your home interiors will turn out to be. Ask an expert interior designer to provide 3D visuals of the project once the initial drawing is done. Right designers can give the true “wow” factor and add a great deal of aesthetics to home. This eliminates the risk of misunderstanding. 3D visualization depicts ideas in a way that helps portray the interior spaces with ease.

The Final Touch

interior designers in bangalore

The final phase marks the realization of the design. Ask the designer to make adjustments and revisions to develop or enhance the exquisiteness. Make sure he visits the site and reconfirms the measurements of spaces after finalizing the drawings. Ask for help on soft furnishing and decorative pieces to give final finish to the contemporary home interiors. Conduct a follow up with the designer after completion to measure the success of the design solution. Work together towards best results!

Cost of Modular Kitchen in Kerala and Bangalore 

November 09, 2019

Cost of Modular Kitchen in Kerala

When planning for home interiors, cost of a modular kitchen is one of the main concerns for most of the house owners. Being the most important as well as functional area of a house or flat overall cost depends primarily on kitchen interiors. Contemporary modular kitchen designs are smarter in comparison with conventional kitchens by local carpenters. Sophisticated finish and sharp designs make it look even more luxurious than the regular kitchens. In addition, modular kitchens are one of the most important places in Indian homes. Therefore, careful planning allows budgeting inclusion of all essentials. Let’s take a look at the various factors that influence the pricing of modular kitchens.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Modular Kitchen in Kerala and Bangalore 


Cost mainly depends on the number of cabinets, measurement of area, loft, and facilities. A large kitchen can accommodate more modules than a small kitchen. Similarly, the number of cabinets and provisions for a straight kitchen and U-shape kitchen can vary even if the carpet area is almost the same. Hence, larger kitchen spaces and designs require more modules, which further add the cost. Calculating the square feet (sq ft) often gives a vague idea on the price of kitchens. This is done by calculating the width of the unit in feet and multiplying it with the height. Depth is usually taken as standard 22 inches.

One of the best ways to reduce the cost of a modular kitchen and make the most use of interiors is by identifying the usage. A full-time baker would need more than an average number of modules and cabinets. Whereas, a traveler or a person who eats out can opt for bare essentials.


Another most important factor that determines the cost of a modular kitchen is the materials for cabinets and shutters. Material for modular kitchens can vary from very low-quality particleboard or it can be MDF / HDF or plywood. The material chosen also affects the cost of building a kitchen. The most common materials in use are Marine Ply, MDF, and HDF. However, when it comes to the kitchen, do not choose materials solely based on their price.

An MDF or HDF significantly lowers the cost when compared to Ply. However, for Indian kitchens, it is recommended to go for marine ply as it involves a lot of cooking along with heat, water, and moisture. MDF and HDF are not as strong as ply and have a tendency to absorb moisture and are prone to damage in the long run. In addition, the quality of hinges and handles also make a difference in the price of modular kitchens in Kerala and Bangalore.


When it comes to the modular kitchen, there are a plethora of finishes that would affect the cost. Though the material finish is highly inclined to the theme of the kitchen space, it surely has a great significance on the cost of modular kitchen and interior design for home. Laminate Matt Finish, Acrylic Finish, Laminate Gloss Finish, Glass Finish, Stainless Steel Finish, and Veneer Finish are some of the most common external surface finishes in Indian modular kitchens.



Today’s Indian kitchens facilitate easy meal preparation. Kitchens with flawless organizing and latest technologies simplify day to day cooking. It is essential to choose the best suitable accessories for modular kitchens that are highly functional and space-efficient. Some of the trendy and advantageous kitchen accessories that turn up the cost are drawer inserts and organizers, bottle pull-outs, corner unit, pull out pantries, and roll out cabinets. Each accessory has to be purchased separately as they are distinct modules of cabinets.


Kitchen appliances have become more of an art than that meets household chores and interior design for home. Appliances make life easier and are crucial for a functional kitchen. Microwaves, Hobs and hoods, fridge, barbeque grill, and water purifier are some appliances incorporated with modular kitchen designs. Built-in options cut down on hassle and are highly useful and worth the money and space.

In addition to all the above factors, design process, work methodology and time frame for completion also contributes to the cost of modular kitchen implementation. Completely custom-made modular kitchen is surely  more expensive than the ready-made options. Similarly, after sales service, warranty and other support are factors that may add to the cost but ensure peace of mind at same time. Therefore, a professional interior design company may cost little higher than the unorganized. But certainly the benefits are much more…

Home Interiors in Kochi for Client Mr. Jaishankar

November 08, 2019

When Mr. Jaishankar approached DLIFE interior designers Kochi, he had in mind a color-filled design for their 3BHK apartment. Moreover, he desired a simple, elegant space with contemporary design sensibilities. Yes, we committed to provide home interiors in Kochi, as per his choice.

This apartment adopts an open concept design, flawlessly blending the dining and kitchen. As the space adopts an open concept design, the living, dining, and kitchen do not require artificial light during day time. The direct sunlight through the living area brightens up space and creates a spatial effect all together. Every piece of furniture in this house lives up to the expectation of the client.

Contemporary Living Room as Part of Home Interiors Kochi

The front door of this apartment opens directly into the living room. Blue sofa and accessories add a generous dose of luxury. Enveloped by wallpapers, long curtains and wall art, the living space creates an eclectic vibe. Mr. Jaishankar and family wanted to break the monotony of white walls and ceiling. Thus, grey walls and furniture that compliments bluish shade were added. Primary palette consists of a blue tone with grey and wood finish, creating an inviting atmosphere. Here, designers have tried to provide a sharp definition to the living space with the living room sofa. The rug flanked by curtains and wallpapers softens the space.

Moody Blue Modular Kitchen

Modular kitchen design kerala

The dining room lies behind the living space and serves as a warning antidote. The six-seater dining room interior design with wood bench infuses freshness into the interiors. Here, the Open kitchen design holds its own identity yet merges seamlessly with the rest of the home. Hood, hob and the windows prevent cooking aromas from spreading to the rest of the house. With effective space planning our interior designers in Kochi were able to provide solutions that catered exactly as the client wanted. The breakfast counter is carved as a laid-back zone. It is an ideal place for the family to enjoy intimate meals or afternoon tea and chitchats while sitting amidst the kitchenette.

Subtle Bedroom

bedroom interior designer kochi kerala

The master bedroom is an oasis of some vibrant colors that add some depth and drama. The wall behind the bed has custom wallpaper, while the rest of the space sports a grey palette. Bedroom interior design is kept minimal to bring in the cozy vibe to the home interiors in Kochi. A sofa chair stands guard almost near the foot of the queen-size bed, while the complementary textiles give the bedroom a tactile element. With the yellow sofa chair, space gets larger than life canvas and functionality. The room is connected to a balcony, separated with blinds. Customized bedroom wardrobe provides sufficient storage facilities the ensuring elegance as per client’s requirement.

The second bedroom is a soothing soft space. Mr. Jaishankar wanted this bedroom to be visually light. So, our designers chose textiles and palettes accordingly. Minimalistic decorative units and the rugs are some examples. This bedroom includes decorative pendant lights and a study unit on one side. Holding similar to the other rooms, this design is in contrasting interplay with the surrounding neutral elements. Guest bedroom has minimal designs yet very cute and warm that gives a very cozy feeling.

Are you also planning home interiors in Kochi or Bangalore? Visit your nearest DLIFE showroom to get an estimate for interior design and execution. Customize everything as per your style and requirements.

Mr. Jaishankar’s Luxury Apartment Interiors: Interior Walk-through

Interior Design for an Earthy Palette Inspired Living in Kochi

August 26, 2019

Spread across 1800Sqft this earthly little space is home to Mr. Adeeb and family in Kochi Kerala. You’re greeted with free flowing spaces that resonates comfort and calm vibration as soon as you enter this apartment. The sustainable features and the ultra-modern amenities at Grandbay combined with exquisite interiors makes apartment living in Kochi a perfectly balanced experience. Hospitable people and warm interiors!


Mr. Adeeb and family wanted the space to have a contemporary earthy vibe for their 3 BHK luxury apartment at Purva Grandbay Marine Drive, Kochi. Marine Drive is one of the prime locations with luxury flats and apartments in Cochin for people looking for privacy, peace, and preferably a view. Our designers offered a variety of ideas and the family took them into consideration based on their preferences and requirements. Within no time, the team was able to successfully conceptualize what they were looking for and connect the dots to bring the vision into reality. From the inception to the handover, DLIFE design team and supervisors were on site regularly to ensure, everything is being done per the plan. According to Mr. Adeeb, “the design and finishes create a warm and cozy ambiance that is more than what I have expected.”

Cozy & Stylish Living Area Interior Design in Kochi


The entrance of this apartment interior design in Kochi opens to a formal living room design with a sumptuous and indulgent vibe. What’s special about its living area is the warm upholstery and curtains that lend a royal look.  A perfect space to live in style that reminisce the value of solemn apartment living in Kochi. Living room walls adopt stone cladding and wooden panels highlighted with LED lighting. The window treatments offer a great living room decorating potential and is a source of beauty and character. Space above the sofa also gets an elegant ledge with lights to highlight prized possessions, photo frames, and even potted plants. In addition to this, the modern straight-line furniture and sofa incorporated with detailing and rich beige fabrics bring the space alive. Panels, rugs and the drapes flank the sofa scheme, matching the coffee table in the center.

Contemporary Kitchen

The signature trend here is the inspiring color palette. Open kitchen design overlooks the entire dining and living space. As a person who was keen on an aesthetics and visual fluidity, the designers had to cut off the spatial distribution. Two aesthetics were brought together dramatically in creating this dream home design. Apartment was remodeled as part of interior works entirely with ventilation, airy space, and maximum utility in mind. This makes it easy for the family to chat and still get the work done. As free flowing and elegant as it looks, the kitchen space resonates an elusive charm. Indeed this 3 BHK apartment interior design in kochi promises to be the right mix of luxury and functionality.


Modular kitchen acts as a visual extension of the living space. To give the illusion of a bright and lively space, the kitchen cabinets made from marine ply receives glossy laminate. This gives a modern and chic look when paired with the white countertops. Fully functional compact modular kitchen features laminated soft close cabinets, Faber brand hood and hob and German made Hettich accessories.


The dining area lies across the kitchen and living space. Dining set derives from the eclectic tastes that include a 6 seat dining. Special highlight of this room is the ceiling lights and the backsplash walls. Rawness it carries out against the white ceiling with LED ambient lighting contributes an elegant appeal to the overall design.

Subtle Bedrooms


Here, in this three-bedroom apartment, the designers have set up a vibrant layering style. The style of bedrooms is quite different from their design culture. Home decor explores new colors and materials and layers their lifestyle. The luxurious master bedroom adjoins a balcony garden. The balcony looks onto the serene backwaters and Chinese fishing nets of Kochi. It is a lovely little space to spend a decent amount of time. The interesting bedroom designs definitely brings the joy of unhindered living. Moreover, the amazing designs of bedroom sets with throw pillow create a cohesive comfort. Equipped with associate furniture, the queen size bed follows a bold and salient color theme. The bed also gets a pull up storage option under.

What adds a layer of interest to the bedroom is the details like pendant lights, false ceiling which each enhance the overall space and the balcony. The customized bedroom wardrobes feature the same texture and aesthetes as that of the kitchen. This simple finishes add a touch that subtly ties the spaces together. Thanks to the experts in interior design Kochi for the sincere efforts to accommodate demands of client while using their experience and brilliance to transform a space.

How to Create Better Study Room for Children

August 02, 2019

Creating a study room for children is always a daunting task. Having a room with a positive atmosphere that initiates motivation is the most important factor in creating study room interiors in Kerala and Bangalore. However, in order to achieve this, there should be space that makes learning more enjoyable as well as functional. Specially designed study room generates concentration and eliminates distraction. Therefore, it is essential to arrange it in the most comfortable way to ensure calmness as well as comfort.

Customized Study Room Interiors by Design


While planning to create study room interiors in Kerala or Bangalore, one of the most challenging tasks is to make it not only beautiful but also an inspiring space. Using items that are only significant is a simple way to customize a study room. A comfortable table with a straight back revolving chair or study unit provides enough space to work in peace. This creates a cheerful atmosphere and an ideal study space for group study as well. Displaying photos and hanging items are a good way to bring in inspiration. Use different items to add visual interest.

A simplistic ergonomically designed bookshelf is perfect for a child to study and concentrate on the homework. Carpentering is a good way to make a study table that fits your requirements along with other furnishing works. Assigning the work to a professional interior designer or a company can help you relieve this burden. Also, introduce a couple of indoor plants to energize.

Organize for Better Discipline

It is important for the study room interiors to have all the features, materials and provisions to make studying comfortable. A study room for kids should be a private space that meets its user’s unique requirements. If you have a toddler, make sure the room is attractive and filled with some of the most interesting things to help them learn. A kids study unit with ample storage keeps school supplies and books neatly and conveniently. Bookshelves or file cabinets can have spaces for keeping photo frames of friends and family. Placing a relaxing couch can make your kid have his own reading nook and a place where they enjoy their imagination. A stylish space extending from a bunk bed, wardrobe or a swivel chair brings in the purpose of better discipline.

Themes, Colors & Lighting

In order to create effective study room interiors, introduce contrasting colors combined with bespoke furniture. The colors should be chosen carefully so as to avoid distraction and negativity. Use wallpaper or create a feature wall or paint in bold invigorating color. Whites, pale yellow and neutral shades fit perfectly and provide a working environment. Bright and contrasting shades encourage creativity and imagination after a tiring day at school.



Providing natural light is the best way to lighten up a study room as it helps minimize the stress on eyes. However, it will be a downfall if you are a night owl. A stylish and fun table lamp has plenty of uses other than just looking great on a kid’s desk. Add LED lights, recessed lighting or even pendant lights to further brighten things up on your desk. They work as a spotlight with an optimal beam angle.

Is Open Kitchen in Kerala a Good Option?

July 12, 2019

What is an Open Kitchen?

Chucking out the dividing walls and creating a space without doors often promotes a seamless flow of common areas. By taking out the wall of separation, it connects the kitchen to the living and dining area creating a lot of space. This style of kitchen design is much suitable for small apartments or studio flats. The aesthetics it blends in not only seamlessly works well with any interiors but also helps the busy homemakers with multitasking. Dining, cooking, and spending time together with the family can all take place with having an open kitchen in Kerala.


Until the 90’s each space in a home had dedicated purposes. The Indian kitchens were destined for cooking; eating was for dining and so on. However, with the interior design style changes and architectural trends, kitchens experienced significant changes where it utilized more square footage and floor plan. There exist different shapes and styles of modular kitchen types. But, what makes an open kitchen in Kerala a premium choice among flat owners is that it prevents the feeling of isolation. Though it began as an economical option, this concept soon transitioned to a status symbol and a most preferred option for the busy working families.

Advantages & Disadvantages

An open plan kitchen keeps the family integrated and facilitates more social interaction making sure nobody misses out the conversation. However, this can be a problem if you are in need of some private time. It eliminates walls that reduce natural light and promotes easier traffic flow to the rest of the house. Hiring experienced interior designers can help bring continuity, function, and beauty to your modern kitchen space and save money in the long run. So, is an open kitchen a good option? Strong odors and sound while cooking can create awkwardness to people in the living room. Therefore, this type of kitchen is suitable where there is less space and less cooking activity. In case you are planning to resell the apartment, an open kitchen adds significant value. It gives the feeling of spaciousness and offers the option for the new homeowner to make necessary changes.

Things to Know While Choosing Open Kitchen in Kerala

Open modular kitchens are clean and simple. The streamlined surfaces and the high functionality incorporated with interesting tiles and cabinetry makes it the centerpiece of attraction in any Indian home/ Most important element in any kitchen is its layout. Being an open kitchen, it is to be designed with a working triangle in mind. Sink, oven, refrigerator, and the preparation area should be in an easy to reach working triangle. On the other hand, the color of kitchen cabinetry may be worth considering when integrating a kitchen space. Integrating the same color and style creates a cohesive look and creates a sense of harmony. Home decor with stylish lighting, furnishing, and accessories unites the overall concept. Concealed sinks and cabinets make it ideal for keeping the kitchen neat and clean. Moreover, for the perfect fusion of dining and cooking, include a breakfast counter or a bar counter to blend in and enjoy an unobstructed space. An amazing space with kitchen and dining coexist together beautifully.

Essentials for Open Type Kitchen


An open modular kitchen design in Kerala with a wide counter can serve a multi-purpose. A well-sorted kitchen island isolated from the rest can be a practical solution when the house is short on space. When it comes to keeping your kitchen sparkling, this creates a private space for kitchen appliances and dinnerware to remain hidden thus avoiding a messy kitchen when cooking. Likewise, integrating a breakfast counter saves you from having separate spaces.

Kitchen Cabinets help to gain an illusion of a larger cooking area. Custom-made modular kitchen shelves and cabinets create the much-needed storage space. This option makes effective use of corner spaces and helps the homemaker customize each challenging spot on requirements. A functional yet beautiful hood & hob is an essential addition. Since an open kitchen does not have walls unlike closed kitchens, cooking fumes and odors can easily feast through the other rooms of a house. Thus having a hood & hob eliminates the risk of reading smoky aromas throughout. However, it is always better to consult an interior design company to view different choices and thus select the most suitable option.

Complete Balcony Makeover for Home

June 29, 2019

Spacious balconies offer a wide view of surroundings and the skies with a relaxing aesthetic. It offers ample amounts of fresh air and sunlight where one can step out. The home balcony space is often taken for granted while planning and executing interiors for houses and flats. We often fail to understand that this space can also be a useful area, just like any other facility inside a house. While many balconies remain unused, they can still be turned useful and practical with some makeovers and hacks.

How to nail balcony makeover on a budget

Spruce up a boring balcony space with reasonably inexpensive tiles, a storage bench, plants, or a mini barbeque grill. We often focus on opulent living room decorations and neglect outdoor space, which can be turned into an alluring expanse within a low budget. Before starting to decorate the balcony, make sure to measure the area and plan the furniture accordingly. Oversized furniture pieces can end up making the space all the more unusable. One of the best ways to make a small balcony bigger is by adding glass doors, deck tiles, and rails for the balcony fence. Balcony railings are a graceful affluent in the traditional and contemporary architecture. Not only do they create a visual harmony, it also creates a special view of the outdoor setting. These are a visual appreciation and elevate the space’s dimensions.

Decorating balcony with plants


Sometimes all your balcony needs is a balcony garden with beautiful and original plants. Balcony plants can be in hanging baskets, clay pots or containers. Addition of a balcony garden will give a natural and organic vibe to the space. One can even create interesting effects in their balcony by combining herbs, vines, flowering plants, and vegetables. Bougainvillea, Indian Basil, Bonsai banana plant, Aloe Vera, creeping roses, money plant, Areca palms, and spider plants are some of the common plants for Indian balcony gardens.

Flowers in the balcony are always a good idea for the complete balcony makeover. Bougainvillea; with its beautiful colors, large size and long flowering period, introduces intense color to any design. While arranging plants in the home balcony, make sure to place them in the shaded or sunny areas depending on the plants. Just like outdoor plants in the garden, this also needs good care. A proper drainage and placement aligned with the strength and direction of the wind gives the added benefit of being evergreen and the effect of a real garden.

The Ideal furniture for balcony

When considering buying balcony furniture, it is important to know the factors such as number of people who use the balcony regularly, location of furniture, and how you want the space to be. Considering all these factors will help you determine the right decorating ideas and the furniture best for you. It is important to buy furniture treated with UV stabilization, as balcony furniture is prone to ultra violet deterioration. A spot with a combination of metal and wood turns your contemporary home balcony into a sleek spot. Wood is the ideal material for outdoor settings. If you are on the lookout for more reliable furniture, consider teak. With its high mold resistance, Teak creates a masculine vibe and a statement to the balcony space. Adding a great outdoor rug on the house/ apartment balconies is more inviting and cozy.

Seating with cushions is another aspect that we often forget to overlook. Chairs with lack of cushions can make it look unfinished and all the more uncomfortable. Thus, cushions have to be weatherproof, light, and easy to clean. Combine it with a glass top coffee table, the balcony space becomes well functional and comfortable.


The image above is an apartment balcony space transformed by DLIFE Home Interiors, Kochi. Before, it looked totally barren and unused and definitely not what the owners would have imagined it to be. Our interior designers pulled in a little more character with seating and a coffee table.

This New 3 BHK Apartment in Kochi is a Dream Abode for the Client

June 22, 2019

Glance at 3BHK Apartments Interiors in Kochi

An elegant upscale 3BHK apartment interior is truly a treat for the eyes and thus worth getting into details. Let us look into such an apartment at Panampilly Nagar near MG road, a posh residential area in Cochin, Kerala.

This 3 BHK apartment interiors in Kochi has been brought to life with a creative approach along with the latest designs. Interior designers adopted a unique style to merge the spaces and create a sense of continuity. With this, they were able to make use of the minimal design aesthetics much more functional and pretty. Being a second home that would be used by the client only occasionally, design and furnishing are stylish and modern. Decor in every nook and corner is high on function however minimal on design.

House at a glance

A Stylish Kitchen 

modular kitchen interior design kochi

Owners of this house love cooking and entertaining. Thus, the kitchen space is compact, contemporary, and neatly streamlined with a fully functional modular kitchen. Crafted with Gurjan Ply and granite counter top it offers plenty of storage and a vibrant aesthetics that reclaims the joy of cooking. Homeowners wanted the kitchen space in this 3BHK apartment interiors to be intact, easy to handle and all the more stylish. Therefore, the designers have come up with a mix of woody accents and LED lighting, making it perfect even for family socialization or get together.

Luxurious Bedrooms 

bedroom interior design in Kerala

Designers have incorporated the bedrooms with a clever mix of functionalism. This 3BHK apartment interiors in Kochi boasts the most modest designs, where one of them also functions as a workspace. Office space is luxuriously striking that encloses contrast and depth offering a suave style. This nook in the bedroom produces the ideal zone for the client to indulge in his formal functions with its rich fabrics and amenities. Besides, the green feature walls and wide windows offer a spectacular view of Cochin. The bedroom also gets integrated with bottom storage beds and small bedside tables with table lamps to make it uncluttered.

Attractive Living Area 

Coming to the living room, this 3BHK residential apartment interior is all about renewal, energy, and nature. A Path in the living room leads to a linear corridor with a sofa chair in lime green enveloped with rich fabrics and a plant that creates a modern vibe and eccentricity. A combination of contemporary with a twist of green adorns the walls and creates a unique look. The custom-made sofa along with the magnificent rugs, adds subtle plushness to the comfortable living. The owners wanted a feature wall; so a 3D wallpaper takes its place behind the sofa. A slim floor lamp helps to create a sense of calm luxury in the living space. In order to get a unifying characteristic, the apartment eliminates the use of ceiling fans. This has helped to eliminate the visual clutter and create a sleek highlight onto the decor.

Even the balcony creates visual connectivity with natural elements incorporated into an intrinsic space with a clever mix of greenery. This creates a sense of inner calm and peace. The space gets a custom wood armchair, a colorful plant that climbs up along the walls for a smooth garden like space. Magnificent natural tone of the green walls merges with the vibrant space depicting nature that reminds of good times & inspires the inner spirits.

Desire for most beautiful possessions should be meaningful and ensure peace of mind. An expert interior designer in Cochin can transform even a few square feet of bare space to a truly luxurious one. Applying mind, time and sincere efforts, they work on behalf of the client to create and deliver what they need. This 3 BHK apartment interiors Kochi is just one example. Many more to follow!

How to Appoint and Work with Interiors Contractor

June 07, 2019

Interiors Contractor in Kerala and Bangalore

Are you planning to get an interiors contractor in Kerala or Bangalore for a new house? If complete furnishing that includes all essential requirements, false ceiling, soft furnishing, and beautification, is in your mind you will need a trustworthy interior contracting company to carry out the works most creatively and elegantly. The traditional way of hiring a carpenter for a few days or months is no longer the right solution. Only a right combination of design, furniture production, products sourcing, and execution will ensure the desired result. An interior designer will have a versatile insight that will provide the blueprint to the further works. Finding a suitable contractor, appointing them with the specific assignment is the first task. Half the work is done with it, as they know better!

When and How to Hire Interiors Contractor

When the structure or building construction is ready and is moving into the stage of completion, it is time to appoint and work with an interior contractor in Kerala for furnishing, and decoration works. Contractors with expertise in interior works can come up with some of the best creative turnkey solutions that can transform your simple space into an awe-inspiring paradise.

The best way to shortlist some to appoint and work with a contractor near you is to ask the internet. You may choose the one near to your place or that reputed firm undertaking works in your area. It also helps you find and easily go through their portfolio. Some well-established interior works contractors would even work with clients from other cities. Before you appointing someone to execute the task, make sure they meet your style requirements with complete understanding. Go through their previous works and conceptualize it with the design style you are looking for.

Things to Know When Appointing an Interior Works Contractor

a) Know About the Contracting Company

Interior contracting companies have different styles of working, fee structures, capabilities, and people strength. When hiring a local contractor you might end up in a lot of troubles. Some of them even charge a certain percentage of the total project cost. However, some contractors adopt a cost-plus approach where they make/purchase materials, furnishings from their own factories or source it more at a discount rate. Before getting into an agreement with a company, go through their portfolio and projects handled. Research about how they design and build home interiors and the materials used for furnishing through social media. One of the common misconceptions that prevail today on hiring an interior designer or contractor  is that they are expensive. Note that the designer looks after your project and it is the project manager or designer’s job to ensure the interior design project stays within the allocated budget.

b) Understand the scope of Works

A project is never too small for an interiors contractor in Kerala and Bangalore. Most of the contractors have a provision for all rounded service that eases the role of clients. Technology has made a notable impact on interior design and construction companies. With the latest infrastructures and technologies such as for 3D designs, generating an interior project has become much more successful. With an in-house team from customer relations, designers, turnkey projects manager and service technicians, Interior contractors meet every demand of a customer. Interior firms always try to create spaces that are an extension of their client rather than shadowing the imprints of the firm.

c) Give details on your dream home idea

In case you are looking for a specific design, involve interior designers right from the planning stages. This irons out the potential discrepancies especially when related to doorways, windows, and ceiling through space planning. Interior designers in most cases come up with the most unusual ideas and recommendations. Though it may seem absurd at the beginning, giving it a little time may help to understand why the idea seems practicable and appreciate the work. When engaging with the designer, it is easier to discuss all the possibilities of the project. This eventually adds a distinct value and a new sense to the entire space.

Experienced interior designers will be able to fit or mix and match even the unconventional home decor ideas to make your dream come true within the budget. This requires some new textures or even new patches to match the home’s prerequisites. Moreover, it ensures all the changes are done within the construction laws and norms.

d) Discuss and Arrive at Budget

Let the contractor know your interests and what you are looking forward to achieving . Budget is an important factor when it comes to an interior project. Keep a tab on how much your budget for furnishing is. Ask the contractor for a detailed estimate, and ensure that it covers consultation, design charges, workers fee, production, and transportation and tax.

Choosing the Right Interiors Contracting Company

Interiors Contractor in Kerala Chennai and Bangalore

It is important that when you appoint and work with an interior contractor in Kerala or Bangalore, make sure they have knowledge, experience and capacity. Thus, choose an experienced interior design company that has successfully completed a large number of projects and has a strong portfolio. Also, with various furniture elements, arts, and designs penetrating the design industry, ask them to make visits in the future for timely services and repairs. Reupholstering furniture and even just choosing some interesting palettes can make your home stand out with the trend.

Living – Dining Partition Ideas for Indian Homes

May 29, 2019

Interiors Contractor in Kerala and Bangalore

Homes with an open floor plan are spacious. But, they can take away your privacy. When you think of living dining partition ideas, walls, or particleboards come to mind. However, you can do creative living room partitions and add a touch of functional sophistication in numerous ways. Creating private spaces between living and dining with dividers, curtains, open shelves, and wooden partition units in your home gives an intimate atmosphere. Here are some partition design ideas to divide spaces and still have a sense of openness.

Breakaway half walls

Walls are one of the conventional methods for creating partitions between spaces. However, with the need for more light and space, this has made way to half wall designs. Derived from the traditional and craftsman style homes, half walls create spaces that evokes a sense of comfort, scale and separation. At present, they are most common in mid-century houses for separating the living spaces and in contemporary homes for separating the kitchen and living without sacrificing on the openness. Half walls with matching color contrast makes it match with any interiors. A half wall not only creates separation but also provides a certain degree of privacy for a cozy corner of separation with an airy feeling.

Curtain Wall

It is a casual and chic way of creating privacy. Curtains are the simplest alternative for separating living space from custom-made dining room area. They save space, are surprisingly elegant, less expensive and act as the perfect room divider option. Use of curtains can create a multifunctional space that forms two separate spaces with visual privacy or a shared zone. With the stylish designs and practicality it offers in limited spaces, they cut off the need for a partition wall in certain rooms.

Anchor with a Sofa

A sofa can do the work as a creative room divider and act as a tangible closure in open spaces. This is one of the best and cheapest living – dining partition Ideas. A Living room design anchored with a sofa holds down the division without making it look more incidental. An elegant sofa set placed between the living room from the dining. Here, the sofa offers a subtle masculine edge and the lighting acts as a statement piece, which holds the focus on the living space.

Partition Units

Paneled or screen partitions are considered as the conventional way of creating useful separation. This can be done from a wide range of materials such as wood, plastic and metal. One of the advantages that come with it is that they are solid and look rich and elegant. Similarly, one can customize it as per their needs that match the decor. Including glass panels in the partition units helps to let in light and ensure brightness. However, this cost more than using MDF or PVC. Creating partitions with dedicated spaces for showcasing decorative items is a great way to hide a part of your home design for privacy and show your taste.


Have a look at this custom partition unit. Natural wood partitions look beautiful and are just the thing to discrete living and dining area furnishings or bedroom spaces. It is the ideal place to display decorating ideas with artifacts and memorable photos of your wonderful family vacations. The partition is not only beautiful but is also well organized. The wooden texture and aesthetics makes it synchronized with any home interiors making the space look incredibly stunning. Similarly, they do not cut out the light as it enables them to move freely between the divided spaces. It is best to consult a team of reliable interior designers in India to make sure that the room divider matches the overall style of the house interiors.


Bring Happiness Inside with Stylish House Interiors

May 18, 2019

When we make a house, buy things, or do anything, our ultimate goal is to experience happiness inside. It is not a life without challenges or conflicts. By acquiring a lot of wealth and possession, we may not find all the joy. While striving for a worthwhile goal in life, we would need a comfortable place to live, where we feel the warmth of togetherness. When a dream comes true, it bring happiness inside and perhaps for the whole life.

A house that ensures the best comforts and conveniences with modern style interiors is a reason to become happy. It is a place where we share, care for each other, and enjoy the moments or events of happiness. There we find meaning for life, the value of peace and rest and the worth of relations. Fill these rooms the way they deserve to be, with impressive furnishing and stylish house interiors.

Every piece of furnishing in our home has an effect on our mood and outlook on life. However, with a wide variety of interior styles and decorating ideas, it can be rather hard to know what you really need, to have a peaceful and tranquil family home. With the home architectural details, decor is important too. The element that one can integrate into home designs that is both functional and blends with the interiors is believed to bring happiness and reduce stress.

A Space that Rejuvenates with Stylish House Interiors

Proper utilization of space, arrangement of furniture, fixing of proper directions and ensuring all essential facilities help the family members live in happiness. Incorporating improper designs bring unhappiness and affect the homeowner more gravely. Be it broken furniture, or an unkempt rug, each piece of decor has its own impact.
bedroom interiors by dlife
A practical design with a gorgeous form adds a sensual side to any interior. Successful interior implementation with awe-inspiring design ensures functional freedom to the occupants. A piece of furniture is useless in a home if it does not serve the purpose efficiently. Indeed individualistic design elements are what matters. Strictly functional designs and interior ideas add a real human element and bring happiness.

For instance, a modular kitchen design integrated with a breakfast counter will be of much use if the homeowners always use their dining table. Both interior designers and architects agree that space optimization and decor has an impact on our daily life. This makes it extremely important that your home is something that you would look forward to bring happiness inside. For instance, giving an unexpected look to the interiors lets out an individualistic look. Making the interiors monotonous is rather boring ; creating the home decor with mix and match patterns and colors has an earthly vibe that can make one smile.

Enhance your mood with meaningful furniture

Creating a home decor that enhances one’s mental health and eliminates stress is not a simple task. One lookout into the people around you can make you realize there are different elements and different environments that make people happy every day. Many elements inside the house have a significant impact on one’s mental health. The colors we see every day have a certain emotion to it that we use them even in the vocabulary. We say we are green with envy, and sometimes as blushing red. Besides color palettes, furniture elements and its texture and shape give out an emotional response. Related with the FengShui principles, furniture and home decor with rich exquisiteness enhance the level of comfort and happiness. With all that said, it is of no surprise that most modern interior designers adopt the concept of Vastu Shastra or FengShui to improve the emotional impacts a space brings.

modular kitchen in kochi by dlife

Have a look at this kitchen design. This kitchen boasts stylish interior design that is both sophisticated and functional. The kitchen space is unusually beautiful and has its own personality.

Furniture in a house or apartment need not be expensive. It just needs to cheer those engaged with them just like arts and images of funny subjects. However, it has to be functional and match the homeowners’ taste and interest. Just make sure whatever you use in your home projects enhance and not just compete against the home. Try to make a certain level of consistency among each piece of furnishing.

Happiness and Trust on Interior Designer

Top interior designers adopt spatial perception and persuasive design. Trust, proper communication, and regular interactions transform the house as you desire. What we want is often the result of careful planning and execution and not a mere incident. When we delegate carefully, follow up and ensure proper execution that gives a place to live joyfully. Remember, happiness is a state of mind that exists not just by ensuring luxury but also by achieving what we love. To achieve something beyond our personal capacity needs tremendous trust in experts.

8 Best Interesting Bedroom Interior Designs

May 10, 2019

A bedroom is a place where you get to echo all your sensibilities. It is the personal chamber that holds the perfect soporific furniture and decors. Besides, with elements like rugs, chandeliers, sofa chairs, and exquisite wardrobe designs, bedrooms create an air of coziness. Here are 8 interesting modern bedroom designs you will love to select from.

Dramatic Sunken Bed Frame
low floor BEDROOM design bengaluru
Everything looks good and sophisticated in this contemporary bedroom interior. Striking finish of walls and curtains create a well-coordinated soothing contrast to the low height bed. Use of dark paint scheme makes this bedroom decor look more of a high end. In addition to this, the bed crafted with Hardwood MDF ensures durability and comfort. If you are looking for a brighter or light-filled room decorating ideas, use dark colors only on the feature walls. Use of dark colors on feature falls still creates a chic look and a designer feel.

Beautiful Bedroom with Panoramic view
Priyadarshan bedroom interiors kochi
Designing a bedroom does not mean it should contain fancy decor items. Sometimes, even simple beautification ideas make dramatic difference. This minimal modern bedroom ensures there is no distraction between the occupant and the lush outside view. The wide windows with light shade curtains stream plenty of light and embrace comfort. The entire bedroom decor space gets a wraparound in white shades making it engulfed with the endless views. Besides, it also gets a sofa chair for relaxing to the tranquility of nature.

Mysterious Paradise
This modern bedroom gets a fun and playful vibe with its dramatic black aesthetics. The bold and striking space gets an attached bath with a transparent glass door. Perfectly suitable for a romantic couple hideout, this beautiful bedroom boasts a wide queen sized bed with cushioned headboards. Use of headboard makes the bed frame look luxurious. Thanks to the rich materials used, it makes one feel wonderful when reading or switching on to the favorite TV show. But most importantly, it adds that plush luxurious look any bedroom deserves.

The Morning Sunshine

Indulge in a breezy exquisiteness in your own bed with ultra-fine home decor and bed with bedside tables. A luxurious master bedroom with bold and eye-catching elements boasts a well-defined decor. Carpet gets multi-color geometric design creating quiet disarray. Subtle decor infuses a visual variety which is even upheld by the white headboards and lighting. In short, this bedroom bursts a dramatic appearance and provides enough space for breezy breaths with its contemporary design statement.

Shades of Grey

This is one tranquil bedroom design with extra storage options. Large windows and window seat makes this beautiful bedroom a relaxing nook while the slim-line bedside tables keep the room uncluttered. Design ideas in this space emphasizes that any bedroom can be turned stark luxurious with enough storage space and facilities. Here, the large customized wardrobe and bedroom decor in glossy white finish sparkles expensive feel. White glossy paneling behind the bed further adds an upmarket look. Furthermore, the use of French styled door and false ceiling creates a similar effect of elegance.

The Space Saver bedroom

Look at these easy-to-steal bedroom ideas. This modern bedroom is dressed in brown toned wallpaper that compliments the color scheme of the interiors. Use of furnishings and color palettes is clever- enough to enlighten the room and breath openness. Decorative shelves with ambient lighting carefully display all the essentials. Patterned wallpapers on the walls form a great way for creating a designer touch. Doing it only in one wall cuts down cost but does not cut down on the exquisiteness.

Urban Glam Master Bedroom

Interesting Bedroom designs by D’LIFE Home Interior Designers in Kerala

Layering of wood, white, beige, and red creates an undeniable sensuality in this delightful bedroom. The wide cushioned headboard and overhead chandeliers topped with floor lamp and table lamp create a well-textured luxurious finish. Mélange of textures, alongside the bed crafted with Gurjan Ply emanate fine decorating ideas. This home decor spells romance while the sumptuous rug whispers softness.

Dramatic Getaway

This grey and brown provides a contemporary feel and even gives ample design ideas and inspiration. Wooden cladding in wardrobe and walls give a designer feel and creates a big impact on appearance. Wide full-scale mirrors in the wardrobe give the interiors a sense of timeless luxury. The bed is equipped with bottom storage and gets a sumptuous look with textured blankets and bedspreads. If you are planning to revamp your bedroom/ home interiors you can contact interior designers in Kochi.

Commercial Vs Residential Interiors – Know the Difference 

May 03, 2019

As you are aware, space for living and work differs entirely due to its purpose of use. Scope of both residential and commercial interiors depends largely on the requirements, budget, and size. Many of the interior designers are specialized in any of these two areas, as both require expertise and experience in the field. Residential interiors in Kerala, commonly involve constant planning and space allocations for the number of rooms in a house or apartment. It includes ravishing furniture designs, soft furnishing, and decoration that are full of glitz and glam. However, commercial interior design has a niche of its own. It caters to a wide and sophisticated range of spaces such as hospitals, business institutions, restaurants, and hotels. Designing a space for commercial and residential interiors differ in most cases. Let us find out what makes the distinction and how to know the difference between commercial vs residential interiors.

Commercial Interior Design

Commercial interiors include business establishment structures such as banks, hotels, and so on, of large, medium, and small in size. Unlike residential designs, commercial designs hold a range of its own with a distinct framework and requirements. There are interior designers specialized in each segment of business like retail outlets, hospitals, restaurants, hotels, shopping malls, etc. As each business entity serves a unique purpose, commercial designs integrate distinct strategic, functional, and eye-catching elements specific to the type of business. To be precise, commercial designs cater to the needs of the public with a larger structure and complex design element. Commercial interiors also include designing and creating office work spaces for companies.

commercial interiors

Commercial vs Residential Interiors: What do commercial interior designers do?

Though commercial and residential design follows the same process, designers build commercial spaces with sophisticated infrastructural elements ensuring that it provides functionality, safety, and style. For a hotel to run profitable, it has to accommodate a certain number of guests on any given period. However, to attain occupancy, the hotel has to offer something that impresses clients as per the grade. Be it the lobby or rooms or the lavish bathrooms, commercial interior designers have to always make space for the high-end amenities that impresses.

Residential Interior Design

Residential interiors in Kerala encompass apartments, houses, cottages, and large estates. Designs work closely with client needs and taste to bring out exquisite designs such as contemporary or even eco-friendly interiors that reflect the client personality and style. Unlike the commercial spaces, each space within the structure is carefully crafted out so that it meets their daily life needs; be it cooking, shower, bedrooms, or custom entertainment units.


Home interior design centers on creating living spaces that are practical and comfortable for the family. It is designed for a niche of a small group of people including children. Residential designers create a relaxed atmosphere, a place where you relax, eat and cook with furniture and appliances of your taste and interest. There are many interior design styles available in Kerala depending upon type, size, budget, and requirement of the client.

Traditionally, most interior designers focused on choosing the color palette and furniture that goes with it. However, with the increasing modernization and inventiveness, this has evolved into a much broader aspect. Residential projects often involve new, or renovation of existing spaces with construction or demolition of walls. This also includes lighting, furniture renovation, adding advanced appliances and electronic gadgets. Today, the field of interior designing even deals with determining the location of walkways and windows.

By knowing the difference of commercial vs residential for the client to get the right interior design firm to ensure prompt execution. Experience, sufficient facilities, and skill of manpower make a big difference in all the faces of work. Commercial interiors, depending upon the size of the project may require a large span of time whereas residential interiors require only a few months for planning and execution.

5 Requirements for Smooth Implementation of Interiors

April 24, 2019

Skillful & Careful Implementation of Interiors

Living room interiors

Once a plan or design for home interiors in Kerala is ready, it is time for implementation. It is the process of real transformation for the dream to come true. To produce the furniture as per the design and install it flawlessly in the house or flat demands considerable effort and skills. Therefore, time frame, manpower allocation, material utilization, and sourcing with proper coordination by a knowledgeable person following the blueprint are some of the factors determining successful implementation. For smooth implementation of interiors below requirements are inevitable.

1) The Site Must be Ready

Realizing a design concept and seeing it come to life is intimidating. A company with proper systems in place can complete implementation of interiors within 45 days, depending upon the site status. Once flooring, plastering and electrical works are complete, interior works can progress flawlessly. Project manager in coordination with the client must make sure that all the works at the site are over and thus ready for interiors. If the company makes all the furniture at their factory and brings it to the site, it takes only a few days for installation.

2) Client should be Available & Ready

For smooth implementation of interiors, the client should be available upon request and offer support. As with the process, there will be challenges and flaws throughout the project. When starting it off, make sure you are prepared and on the same page with the designer. Connecting with the team creates value and helps stylistically personalize the implementation process. The client should ensure to complete the finishing works on time and offer necessary support to the team for implantation.

3) Team with Proper Planning & Efficient Coordination


Successful implementation needs a complete understanding as to what the client expects. While some require a wholesome turnkey solution, others might just need a simple renovation. Team with proper planning and clear objectives at the very beginning can bring in the best result. Project manager needs to ensure timely delivery of complete materials. He also needs to plan the manpower requirement and organize workers at the site. Incorporating the objectives at the very beginning maximizes the functionality and provides a cozy space for living. Moreover, proper coordination between the project manager and team members ensures timely and quality completion of works.

4) Production on Time

Home should be an abode you love being in and fleeing to. It should cuddle a sense of antiquity, excitement and become part of your life. On time production minimizes the number of resources, time, and labor during execution. It also allows a minimal amount of on-site raw materials and faster implementation of interiors. Effective use of rapid machine setups and arrangement of the manufacturing area into flexible work centers also benefits with fulfilling immediate demand levels.

5) Procurement System

Interior designers have their own ideas and sources of purchase. Company with an efficient procurement system takes the stress and strains out from the clients. They efficiently make use of experience and follow a conventional furnishing process. Procurement methods and the product detailing helps in acquiring most interior goods from suppliers at a reasonable price. This is much less than what one will be able to procure from the high streets. An effective procurement system is the collective efforts to make the ideal design plan that transforms your house into your dream home.

When all the responsibilities of design, production, and implementation are in one company, it becomes convenient for the client to get the work done. D’LIFE is one such firm that improves life with custom woven accountable design and implementation measures. If you are planning to furnish your new house or renovate your old home into an attractive one, then rest your eyes on the best interior designers in Kochi to make your dream true. Get in touch, to refurbish your home in your style, and fine-tune each minute detail until they are 100% perfect. Suitable interiors revitalize your body, mind, and soul, and we take the best care of it with extreme creativeness.


Living Room Decoration: 9 Mistakes to Avoid

April 12, 2019


The living room is the most active space where we spend quality time together. The living room furniture echoes your personality so utmost care is essential when designing your dream living room. When the living room design is overfilled with numerous décor stuff, it might not be appealing to the guests. Just like a beautifully directed movie, a well-designed living room is at once attractive, impressively familiar and safe. However, most of the people take the design aspects into their own hands rather than assigning a house interior expert and end up with cramped and hideous living spaces. Let us find out the most common decorative mistakes that everyone makes.

Uncomfortable Lighting

The first, most important step in having the perfect living room decoration is lighting. A living room cannot do with only one or two lights or with just a chandelier. Have the perfect lighting system that accounts to your various moods with ceiling lights, reading lights, floor lamps and so on.

Improper Rugs


Improper placement of rugs often brings imbalance into a room. You might have often seen rooms with rugs that just cover the coffee table and another set of rugs just for the sofa chair. This styling is a big no in case of the modern interior designs. The styling not only is hard to maintain but also forms a clutter. Choose the correct set of rug for the living that is visually large and extends its space. A large rug that covers the coffee table, as well as the sofa set, adds a touch of brilliance with an elongated look.

TV and furniture placements: Misunderstanding Proportions

Placing the TV or furniture facing the window is one common mistake we make. Do not install TV close to windows as it prevents the view. Moreover, the distance between the sofa and TV unit must be between 3-5 diagonals. Make sure the furniture is comfortable and looks nice with the house.

Uneven Sofa and Furniture

Every living room deserves an inviting bright accent. Be it with the case of artworks, furniture, wallpapers, anything, and everything should attract attention. To make the living look it’s very best, emphasize it with complex tones or contrasting colors. Additionally, one of the most common living room decoration mistakes we make is placing furniture that is disproportionate. If possible, get the furnishings customized. Customized home furnishings have a number of benefits compared to ready-made furnishing. In the case of small rooms, try placing a two-seater sofa and armchairs. Placing large living room furniture makes the room look smaller and less spacious. Buying dark furniture with low ceiling floors makes the room cramped. Therefore, choose furniture with neutral shades for low ceiling rooms.

Wrong Wall Art

The perfect height for hanging wall art or photo frames is 153cm from the floor. Hang photo frames in a specific manner so that it seems seaming blended with the walls and furniture.

Neglecting the Functionality


It is to be kept in mind throughout the living room decoration to make use of the space. It is easier to keep balance in a square room than a rectangular one. If you have a rectangular room, use partition units that set separation between the two areas but still provide enough space to let in light and hold the spacious feel in the room.

Forgetting Green

Plants add a touch of glam and green to living rooms. However, having too many plants in small pots around the room can make you feel like you are in a jungle or an unkempt place. It is better to place a large plant in a corner. This makes the room seem cozier and lively.

Averting Mix and Match

Another most common living room decoration mistake we make when furnishing is following a solitary design pattern. Though this may seem interesting at first, as time passes by it loses its charm. To sustain the warmth and coziness, mix and match various styles. Mixing eclectic with contemporary or traditional with modern will make your living room design livelier and original.

Less Impressive Curtains and Blinds


An incorrectly hung and visually unpleasant curtain that does not mix with the walls makes the room smaller and worn out. Therefore hang curtains as wide as and as high as possible to make the room look larger. When choosing the textile, go for brighter  or saturated colors and ones that let light pass through.

No matter your requirements, the right interior designers will simply comprehend your needs, lifestyle, budget plans and do their best without any flaw. Hiring an Interior Design company can understand your preferences and stretch you a vision of your very own notions, and aid you to design a space that ties your preference reflecting your style. Being the promising interior designers in Kerala, we can assure you that we can deliver 100% quality works and leave no stone unturned.

Vastu Shastra for Homes: Unraveling the Myth

April 06, 2019

The Concept of Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra is an age-old concept of science that governed the conventional Indian architecture. The concept of Vastu Shastra for homes holds a blend of astrology, astronomy, science, and art incorporating the age-old Hindu and Buddhist beliefs. According to it, every element in a home should be placed in a specific place and direction. Vastu Shastra was initially designed as an art and later transformed as a science and astrological method for achieving peace and harmony. The architecture that it revolves on combines all earthly elements; fire, space, water, earth, and air.

Is It Important to follow Vastu for House?

Many of us consider Indian architecture and Vastu Shastra for homes as pseudoscience or superstition. However, in reality, it is an architectural science, which brings purpose and betterment. From creating a comfortable life to bringing prosperity, the concept has unseen benefits and characteristics to it. Complying with the Vaastu shastra norms provides immense cosmic energy making one happy, healthy, and wealthy. Above all even if you do vastu consultation, the professional architectural or interior designers recommend making home according to the concept as the positive energies help minimize negativity and lead a successful life.

Complying with the Indian architecture and vastu shastra for homes has a significant impact on one’s health, prosperity, and lifestyle. Homes that are well balanced to the environment or comply with feng shui principles create a positive energy and a dynamic balance within the space. One of the main benefits that come with it is that it offers numerous ways to create a better life without a huge sacrifice or incurring huge expenditures. The defects can be corrected even by making minor adjustments in the interiors of the house. This is possible by changing colors, shifting or changing the position of furniture and doing minor alterations. The changes convert any space in an order that aligns with cosmic energy and the nature of the people. Complying with Vastu for home means engulfing changes in spiritual, material, and physical well being.

Designing Homes the Vastu Way

Vastu Shastra tips for Home Kitchen Architectural
Modular Kitchen design in kochi

The kitchen is best situated in the southeast corner or northwest portion of the house. Electronic appliances such as an oven or mixer are preferable to the southern wall. However, when cooking, the person should face east with gas and water at the southeastern and northeast portion respectively. Kitchens with storage solutions and in primary colors such as yellow, orange, and green are believed to calm one’s mind and increase eating habits.

Vastu tips for prayer rooms

The auspicious location for prayer rooms is the northeast portion in the ground floor of the house. Although it may seem easiest to place a prayer room under the staircase, it is better not to do so. Moreover, arranging prayer rooms near to the toilets is regarded as inauspicious. Along with this, as per Vaastu shastra, avoid placing idols and go for divine images. However, if necessary, ensure the idols are over 9 inches from the walls. Have two-shutter doors of high quality with white, light yellow or light blue color walls. In modern apartments and houses where are space constraints, opt for a suitable prayer unit with ample light and air circulation.

Bedroom for a sound sleep


It is important that the first things you see when entering the bedroom make you happy. This could be flowers or even a photograph of your loved ones. Make sure not to place mirrors on the north side of the bedroom as it may bring troubles and create a projection of negative. Also, make sure the room is clutter free. As per Vastu tips, having a cluttered cupboard or bed is bad. While designing and making master bedroom interiors on Indian architecture, ensure that most of the space is open allowing free flow of energy. Likewise, sleep with your head towards the south as it evokes magnetic energy and excites the blood flow.

Vastu for home living space

As per vastu for home, living rooms facing north or east bring a good vibe with harmony. The living room sitting has to face the north or east side in a way such that visitors sit opposite or beside. Keep the TV unit in the southeast corner. While planning the living and dining area furnishing, choose rectangular or square pieces. Likewise, always keep the northeast corner clean and uncluttered as it attracts good fortune. Decorate the area with plants and design the space with bright and well-lit bulbs and decor. Brightness in rooms creates a soothing and cozy vibe inside the house. Display paintings that depict beauty or scenery. This elevates the mood and generates positive energy.

Overall, the concept of Indian architecture and vastu shastra for homes aims at free flow of positive energy and good vibrations inside the house to ensure comfortable living. Oxygen and light inside the house keep negative elements away and facilitates a healthy life.

Make Luxurious Master Bedroom Interior Design in Kerala

March 28, 2019

modern bedroom design

Premium Quality Bedroom Interior Design in Kerala

Consider the bedroom of a luxury hotel; even the outset gives a relaxed positive feeling. A master bedroom should evoke the same feeling when you walk in. A bedroom is where we spend one-third of our entire life. They are more than just a place to sleep; they are sanctuaries where we spend valuable time regardless of our interests. This is why premium master bedroom interiors in Kerala and Bangalore have been gaining attention lately. In addition to making welcoming living and dining areas, we have been paying attention to overhauling bedrooms to luxurious spaces at a fair price.

But what does it actually take to create a luxurious master bedroom interior design in Kerala or Bangalore? Is it the huge sum of money or choosing the perfect solutions that intend to give the perfect makeover? Experts in interior design and implementation provide guidance to give your bedroom a facelift with effective tips for choosing luxury the right way.

Refresh the textiles

The best part in transforming bedrooms into a cozy luxurious den is revamping the textiles. Go for top quality freshly crisped cotton beds and curtains. Forget about the bed’s thread count rather touch and feel the comfort and quality it offers. If you feel like you are in the lap of luxury and it offers an incredible and comfortable night sleep, then that is the one for you.

Throw in pillows in different sizes. The triple sheeting trick of layering comforters among sheets creates crisp and clean master bedroom interior design in Kerala. Add more pillows or even a soft plush blanket for the exclusive five-star treatment. Well-tailored window curtains elevate bedroom space. However, choose wisely whether to have curtains or blinds. Have them professionally tailored to suit the window size. In certain cases, adding an extra meter or two can fake a wider area and an elongated plush look to the windows.

Dress your walls


The right palette is absolutely crucial. Neutral colors such as creamy whites, shades of light blue and beige create a serene sense of mind. Painting the room with neutral shades and elegant furnishings creates a space where one can escape from the chaos and rest peacefully. Unless going for a super minimalist look, go for white walls. However, to make it stark luxurious, embrace high contrasts, wallpapers, or textured painting for more of a designer-inspired look. Even a crown ceiling molding or false ceiling adds sophistication to the entire walls. False ceiling and crown molding takes very little money and are super luxurious.

Organize the Space

Nothing feels more offbeat than a messy space. Create storage units or spaces for everything in the bedroom. Be it your daily beauty essentials or the clothes you have not been using for a long time. Additionally, add a walk-in wardrobe or a vintage boutique. A bed with bottom storage is another way to create more space and take maximum advantage of it.

Lavish lighting is a must have

To help you soothe away into a dreamy realm, have dim lighting or bedside table lights for the luxury factor. Alternatively, investing in hanging lights, wall lighting or false ceiling lights will give a well thought expensive look. Adding all this diverse element of lighting creates a variety of moods and serves multiple functions. To achieve the epitome of functionalism focus on what you want from it. Consider what all you do in a bedroom (sleeping, reading or yoga) and choose the right lighting.

Add Greens and Decor

Plants should not be limited to living and dining alone. A touch of greenery in the bedroom will look virtuous and spread subtle fragrance. Position an antique Japanese floor vase or stone vases in a corner to make the room look its best. In addition to this, choose the best wall arts and décor to make bedroom look elegant and impressive.


Personalize or customize everything by luxurious master bedroom interior design in Kerala or Bangalore. This can start from rugs under your feet to the ceiling patterns. Whether you have a wooden floor or tiles, a set of styled rug enhances the comfort and elegance of a master bedroom. Make sure space is uncluttered and neatly arranged. A wall mounted TV unit is also a perfect addition to the master bedroom. A flat-screen TV with stereo system lets you watch movies from the comfort of your bed. A fully customized wardrobes available in different sizes helps to organize everything exactly as you wish.


Additionally, in case the bedroom is spacious, make room for a comfortable armchair. It is not only elegant and comfortable to sit on but also level up the luxury. Moreover, depending on the style, also opt for headboards for the bed. A high top natural looking headboard with soft fabrics not only gives great back support but also stands out giving the luxury the room deserves. Remember to go with the eccentric personal touches. Keep the room simple but with a touch of fun, personal and quixotic elements. A mirror in the bedroom will add a luxurious vintage lace and a spectacular room reflection. Scented candles, decorative wall arts, an internal gallery of framed prints intensify the chic look and visual interest. Get the help of expert interior designers in Cochin, Kerala and ensure convenience and luxury in the master bedroom.

Defining Contemporary Interior Design Style 

March 13, 2019

The concept of interior design is composed of numerous interior designs styles. If you are into the world of interior designing and home decor, you might have come across modern and contemporary styles. There are many crossovers between these two styles, which cause confusion. When considering the ongoing debates and dilemmas that exist between the two, it seems significant to lay down the similarities and differences between the two styles.

What is Contemporary Interior Design?

All things trending can be termed as contemporary. In other words, it refers to here and now. Much of the biggest and interesting home decor designs have been inspired by the contemporary interior design style.

contemporary interior design

Contemporary interior design style includes basic forms with smooth geometric shapes. As a result, the design is quite eclectic and is not tied down to a certain style. It emerges from bits and pieces of various design styles and eras creating a sense of harmony that is both intimidating and pleasing to the eye without sacrificing on the functionality. The furniture is sleek with basic shapes and sets a mark with its interesting mix of accents.

Modern vs. Contemporary: Similarities and difference

Contemporary styles are the design trends that are prevailing and happening right now. It borrows characteristics and gathers ideas from modernism. While the design style shares a resemblance to modern interior designs style, the designs that existed before do not inspire it. Unlike modern design style, these designs are exciting and even more welcoming with its marvelous details, pleasant tonal variations, and shape. In addition, designs look sleek and fresh giving homes a comfortable vibe. To point out a contemporary interior design is downright hard as the style is changing and not tied to a certain period.

The style uses Gurjan Ply, Hardwood MDF, and Marine Ply with straight lines and minimal carving. The color schemes include bright shades, dark and bold hues.

The modern interior design brings out styles that refer to the early twentieth century or the 2000’s to be precise. Besides, it was the modern design that broke rules of tradition and brought a certain whimsy with its form and functionalism. This style signifies a combination of Scandinavian as well as German Bauhaus designs. Modern design has an aesthetic that shows solid lines, exemplary style, and a balance with warm palettes.

Modern design style works on natural materials and furnishings crafted mostly in leather, linen, teak wood and so on. The colors scheme involves olive green, off white and brown colors.

Creating a Contemporary Space: Decorating Ideas


Versatility is the key in contemporary home interior design style. The style creates a natural flow in the room and does not crowd the space with furniture and accessories. Decorating ideas making use of minimal furniture that reflects simplicity yet creates a touch of elegance. Likewise, incorporate the interiors with standout pieces that make a statement. Furniture with solid lines and crisp geometric shapes are essential in mastering a contemporary style. Decors often wear neutral or bold tones that seamlessly blend in with the rest of the interiors. For instance, oversized sofas and chairs made of leather, beds with bottom storage, space-saving ready to assemble furniture are some examples of it.


Go with warm and neutral tones when choosing colors. Design ideas include use of dark shades as secondary colors can enhance the look of the decor. Black, Grey, shades of brown etc. are some of the most popular secondary colors. Incorporate wall art or wallpapers to the walls to create a sense of contrast.


The key to creating a successful contemporary design is lighting. Paying attention to lighting wherever possible ensures there is enough natural lighting inside. Incorporate ambient and an accent lighting to fill the home with enough light to move freely. Ambient lighting usually comes from wall mounted fixtures, track, and recessed lighting. Accent lighting is picture lights, and wall mounted units used to focus or provide a sense of mood lighting.


Natural fabrics such as leather, silk, wool, canvas, and cotton are some of the most common fabrics in contemporary designs. If you are on the lookout for beautiful contemporary home interiors, it is best to give furnishing works to a professional interior design company in Kochi, Kerala to avoid prolonged works at site. Large interior firms have their own production units, which makes room for large-scale customized production with better precision and finishing.

Let Positive Energy Rule Your Home

March 06, 2019


We can feel and experience positive energy around us; the same is about negative energy as well. Just like this, our home, the living space is also full of energy that is essential to keep up with life. In order to live a happy, comfortable, and prosperous life, our home should have the vibration of positive energy. In short, it should be a place that radiates a happy vibe in and all around us. Home should be a safe haven and one’s personal space that brings positive energy to both body and mind. Let us look at some wonderful ways to fill your home with positive energy.

Create Suitable Space

Creating space without cluttering your home interiors with big and unwanted furnishings and décor can bring in a positive and creative vibe to home. Imagine walking into a room that is full of furniture without a free space to walk around. Yes, it is not that intimidating either. Large furniture that takes up a lot of space can make you less motivated. It even blocks lighting. Hence, clear the furniture that is no longer used. The best way to spot them is to identify ones that are not being used for longer than a year. This can include cupboards, tables, broken chairs, and even painting on the wall.

Add Colors that Keep You Fresh

Add colors that are soothing and bright enough to spread light. Choose soothing colors that set your mood and personality. The choice of colors plays a prominent role in setting up the right mood and in creating a  positive atmosphere. White and its monochromes are believed to be the best and powerful color that brings positive energy in home. Use of dark colors such as black, maroon, and brown in large quantities can hold negative energy. Use such colors just enough to bring a balance or a spill of elegance. But remember, each color has its own unique aspects. The perfect shades of paints eradicate darkness and bring in light. As darkness is seen as a form of negative energy, good ambient lighting inside the house can make it free from negative energy.

Use Mirrors to Open Up Space

Position mirrors so they reflect energy throughout your home. Based on how well you use them, mirrors can deflect and activate energy elements. According to Feng-Shui principles, place mirrors perpendicular to the wall and not directly to the doors. However, in the case of bedrooms, this can energize the entire room excessively, which can alter one’s sleeping patterns.

Lighting and Air

Lighting is an important factor in attracting positive energy in the home. Providing dim light in rooms slows down vibration, which results in sluggishness and mounting up of negative energy. It is always best to open up your windows during the day and let the light and air pass through your home. However, during the night, switch to natural looking lights that do not make your eyes tired. Stay in touch with nature as it lets you be more peaceful and creates a more organic energy flow. Investing in an air purifier or houseplants like ferns or bamboo that does not require sunlight or frequent watering is the best possible option for urban areas. Some efforts in that direction can ensure proper alignment of 5 elements of life inside a house.

Spiritual Motif

Spiritual beliefs and positive energy happily coexist in any home. Combine them with wall decals or prayer units for a home full of positive vibrations.

Make the Bed and Furnishings Right


The way we arrange beds has a serious impact on daily life. Though decorating the bed with a different size of pillows can make it look good and elegant, at the end of the day it normally leaves you with less space to sleep. Even the concept of Vastu Shastra plays a prominent role.

According to the concept, it is believed that the Perfect place for the bed is towards the South or West wall. However, the bed in the guest room can have its head towards the west. The century-long traditional beliefs even point out that arranging furniture according to the concept can bring positive changes in life. However, in the case of old homes and ones with broken furniture, repairs should be done as promptly to let the energy flow without any restraint. Always make interior design for a house or flat with the help of an expert to make sure proper space utilization and furniture allocation.

Keep Clean

Home is undoubtedly a sacred place. It is where we feel nourished and prepare ourselves to experience life. Keeping space unclean can lead to physical sickness and can affect one’s emotional well being. Among all the spaces, the kitchen is the most important space that needs attention. An unkempt kitchen can affect the well-being of the whole family. Even the dirty dishes in the sink or utensils that are not properly arranged can bring more damage than just making the home smell foul. The best way to tackle this is through modular kitchens. High storage capacity and facilities, the customization option, and ease of maintenance it offers are just some of the advantages of modular kitchens.

Must have Furnishing and Decor for Modern Apartments

January 25, 2019

must have furnishings for modern apartments in Kerala Chennai

Moving from parent’s house or from a rented apartment to your own home is one of the biggest leaps in one’s life. Setting up a new house or apartment and its interiors involves long-term investment, time, and efforts. Picking up the right furniture that meets your needs and maximizes the space is essential. Here is a checklist to all the must have furnishing and decor for modern apartments to start fresh.

Living Room

Wall mount TV unit/console

Relaxation that a television offers towards the end of a tiring day is inevitable. A customized LCD display unit with space to keep your consoles and hideaway accessories are a must have for modern apartments. Wall mount TV units are thin giving an in-built blended look with the walls. They hardly stick out at all making it an efficient and stylish space saver for apartments.

Conquer with Living Dining Partition Units

Unlike independent homes, modern apartments have limited potential for alteration. A partition unit that incorporates exceptional aesthetics connects and distinguishes living space. They also act as an open shelf to display artifacts, plants and other valued possessions. The design aesthetics it carries makes it the perfect set of furnishing in living areas. If the division is for better appearance and usability it is always good right?

Rugs and sofa bed unit

Rugs and sofa units are a must have furnishings to modern interiors. Area rugs incorporate an artistic air, mood, and personalize any environment. Not only are rugs quieter to walk on, it also decreases noise from the air. Sofa beds are ideal for apartments with space limitations and are great for guests who sleep over. These can be converted into a bed and back to a sofa without consuming much space. Moreover, one can move the unit from one room to another with ease adding comfort, warmth, and beauty.

Dining Room

A Laid-Back Exotic Bar Counters

An exotic bar counter as part of furnishing and decor for modern apartments is something many would desire. Bar counters intensify any interior space with its sophistication. Modern bar counters come with several open ledges for placing decanter and glasses making it an ideal prep space. It creates the perfect tranquil environment for you to relax after a tiring day of work.

Planters for your green thumb

Living in an urban area leaves you with limited space but that does not mean you cannot enhance your green thumb. Indoor plants are becoming a must haves and the latest trend as it leaves a dramatic natural impression. Plants inside a house require low to medium light and light watering.

Dining Table and Wash Unit

A dining with aesthetically balanced wash unit must have furnishings for every modern apartment. Having a pleasing dining design can be  a delightful feast for your guests. An elegant dining offers the perfect setup to a comfortable and enjoyable dining experience.


Bring in new possibilities with Beds with storage

When it comes to bedrooms, space is always a constraint for modern apartments. Finding the right furnishing and decor  for a modern apartment bedroom to hide away all the unwanted stuff can be hectic. This can be limited to an extent with beds with bottom storage. Beds with bottom storage are like treasure troves that give ample space for storing books and essentials. Bottom storage beds come with easy hydraulic lift up and drawer mechanism. The ample storage space it offers makes it ideal to hide away and stash extra pillows, blankets, and accessories.

Warm Exotic Lamps

In the urban setting, the adoption of over the top chandeliers  and lights is often quashed. A simple exotic lamp that caters warm illumination to the whole space is one flick the metropolitan can adopt. Placing one in the living-dining space or the bedroom is the best practical option to bring in exquisiteness in homes. Invest in warm and exotic lamps that are versatile so that it boosts the elegance of furnishing and decor. It creates the right warm ambiance.

Wardrobes with full height mirror

Unlike the traditional freestanding wardrobes that take up space, Built-in wardrobes can fit in any kind of space. Customized bedroom wardrobes have become the latest solution to awkward spaces and odd corners as it makes the best use of any space.

Integrate the materials for wardrobes depending on the interior style. For sleek finishes, opt for stainless steel handles. However for traditional, choose designs with walnut wood themes. Built-in wardrobes give freedom to customize according to personal requirements. Integrating spotlights and LED strips for lighting, full length mirrors are some ways of making best use of it.


Make it Modular

One of the main advantages of a modular kitchen is space utilization. Even a small and narrow area can be shaped to a well-equipped and functional Kitchen. Customized modular kitchens are a must have furnishing as it offers more provisions and storage capacity. Aesthetics it carries boosts elegance and enhances comfort and convenience. The use of best quality plywood and hardwood MDF protects them from damage and makes the furnishing & decor long lasting.

Take the help of expert interior designers in Kerala to plan and install suitable furnishing and decor for modern apartments or independent houses. This way eliminates waste of time, money and uses energy in the right direction to get the best result.

6 Residential Interior Design Styles You Must Know

January 11, 2019

One of the main challenges that clients face while choosing residential interior design in Kerala is their lack of previous experience. Most of them do not know how to best describe the decor in their mind to interior designers. With the vast number of styles and design elements they have seen, it is often a hellacious task to describe it. Though some may be able to show it through pictures, some often fail to describe it. Even then, after a series of conversations, the interior designers can end up guessing the right décor styling in the client’s mind. One of the best ways to get rid of this embarrassing situation is to understand the most common decor style and decorating ideas.

Here we have gathered a list of some of the most trendy interior design styles that you are likely to see or encounter. Going ahead with one of these styles as per personal preference and consulting with an interior designer can help to reach a prompt decision.

Contemporary Interior Design Styles

Modern and contemporary interiors are something that confuses everyone. Though the terms are used alike, the style features different tones and variations. Inspired by the early 20th-century, contemporary styles represent a smooth and fancy style that speaks ‘here and now’. Unlike others, contemporary homes include basic forms with smooth geometric shapes. This design relies on versatility and helps in displaying individual tastes and interests. The aesthetics it carries make home décor more welcoming rather than make it look cluttered. Furniture designs are sleek with metal frames or wooden legs in basic shapes and forms. Be it commercial interiors or residential interior spaces, this design always sets a mark with its interesting accents and artwork.


How to create it: A room with an elegant sofa favored by solid or neutral walls. Interior styles include unique furnishings with strong accents. Designer inspired artworks and artifacts match well with this look. A well designed functional modular kitchen with ample space for storage but carries elegance is one example.

Hollywood Regency

Perfect for the ones who like to make a statement, Hollywood Regency is one of the residential interior design styles that speak of drama and glitz. This art decor interior design reflects high sense glamour with its vibrant style of antiques, or shabby chic furnishings and color variations. The furnishings are luxurious and intensively over the top. The plush rooms have a foundation of strong colors that lets out glamour.


How to create it: To achieve Hollywood glam bring in fanciful furnishing and accessories. Further, enhance it by adding exquisite display pieces, mirrors, decorative units, light fixtures and artifacts to strong coloured walls.


Best suited for open space home designs with ambient or natural light, the minimalist interior design style stems from modern and contemporary concepts. This type of interior design style engulfs an interesting color palette with neutral colors, simple furniture pieces, and clean elegance. A home interior design with minimalist approach focuses on the quality of spaces with little decoration rather than over-stuffing. Kind of perfection and the amount of Zen-like simplicity it carries, make decors look well-crafted and meet the style trends.


How to create it:  Start with clean lines with simple color patterns and decorative accents. Simple furniture and decorative elements work nicely and layer it with attractive wall art decor items. Follow a specific theme to make it simple and not too faint.

Transitional Design

Transitional interior design styles are borrowed from modern and traditional designs that illustrate ‘not too much’. Balanced appeal and elegance it carries create a sense of rare style. Transitional style combines the use of plush furniture, glass, and relatively neutral color to create a relaxed and soothing experience. What makes it special is the use of traditional with modern furnishing craftsman styled to create a blend that is both warm and relaxing. It is flexible enough to bring gracious coziness to interiors.


How to create it: Transitional rooms can have a sense of traditional familiarity with fresh accents. Placing an interesting pair of textures, and furnishing that is sweet-toned like an elegant bar counter with sofa and single chairs, and a coffer is the best way to embrace transitional styles.

Traditional Interior Design

Traditional interior design embraces a classic touch. In fact, traditional design draws inspiration from 18th and 19th century French and British style. These homes are designed to feel calm and consistent. Specific attention to details such as soft edges, rich color palettes, and wooden finish with plenty of accessories is the key. The texture vintage interior carries enhances the beauty of any place.

How to create it: For traditional design use wood tones, antique pieces, and furnishings that express elegance. Think of a big overstuffed sofa, an essential chair, and a large rug with patterns and colors matching the walls.

Urban Modern

Modern residential Interior design in Kerala offers the ultimate urban living experience. Suited for both residential and commercial interiors, urban modern design displays strong geometric shapes with warm and interesting colors to create a clean and soothing feel. Use of chic furnishings with steel, woody, glass, and metals brings spellbind beauty. Modern styling is best suited for small homes and young professionals who have embraced a capitalist mindset.

King_-Queen-Size-bed-design-with bottom-storage-by-DLIFE-Home-Interior-Designers Kerala

How to create it: Think of a striking bedroom with bold color walls and design without too many textures and accessories. Arrange furniture in asymmetrical patterns.

Which one of these popular design styles or combinations may perfectly match your house or apartment Interiors in Bangalore or Chennai ? Just imagine how the final result would be. Make use of 3D visualization as it gives an idea of how the selected style would be in reality.

Celebrity Homes: Stylish Interiors by D’LIFE

January 02, 2019

South Indian Celebrity Home Interiors

Celebrity home interiors express their personality and reflect on how they turned out to be stars shining above the normal crowd. In fact, they think and act differently even in the real world and daily life; where they stay shows that. Hence, the money and time celebrities spend on lavish mansions, and penthouses are beyond luxurious. Imagine the homes in Beverly Hills, California’s Los Angeles County; celebrities pay a hefty price in real estate and an incredible sum in renovating. The interiors given here in these houses and apartments are unusually stunning. Decors of these celebrity style homes in South India comprise unique designs and state of the art skills. Let us look at the stunning home interiors of some of the most stylish stars to draw inspiration for the enhancement of home decor.

Priyadarshan’s Home Interiors in Chennai

director priyadarshan chennai home in chennai by dlife

This elegant family home with well-balanced lighting and furniture is a sure-fire for everyone. It gives a feeling of excitement, warmth, and luxury. Each furnishing in the house captures the unique moments in style.

The entire house is an interesting mix of smart and cheerful elements. With the warm designs that speak exceptional luxury, this colourful home brings back the memories of his filmy arts. One of the best ways to use dining space is seen in this Priyadarshan’s showstopper home. The dining area has a contemporary dining table with overhanging lights. Illumination and the designer inspired chairs to create a new facet to this ever so cosy modish decor. Moreover, the house also features a unique bar counter that carries its own elegance with wide counter-tops and decanters.

Classic Guest House of Anoop Menon


Anoop Menon, who has a serious taste in transforming a home, envisioned his apartment near central park, Cochin with a clean and refined look. The use of interesting furnishings with minimal yet lust-worthy elements adds a priceless style to the decor. This home adopts a mix of contemporary and western styles to bring life and beauty. Besides, the walls feature wallpapers and artefacts of geometrical design and a stylish TV unit with open ledges. The Moody settings create uniqueness and a comfortable living experience.

Pramod Raman’s serene home in Kochi


Mr Pramod Raman is an Indian short story writer and journalist who is a popular news anchor at Malayala Manorama television channel. He entrusted DLIFE with design, production and installation of interiors for a villa at Maradu, Cochin. Pramod Raman’s villa aims to be unfussy, and of uber-luxury. This home adopts large French style doors to make use of the natural light. However, the house gets all its charisma from the open living-dining space and courtyard. The Open plan living with modest furniture brings a relaxed and welcoming vibe.

Charming apartment of Jayasurya

actor jayasurya home interiors in kochi by dlife home interiors

Luxurious celebrity home interiors are something that the whole world desires to know. A long-time actor of Malayalam movies, Jayasurya got his home interiors designed by DLIFE in 2018. The Looks and the uniqueness in each piece of decor resemble how simple yet royal his persona is. Throughout the design, it was made sure that the house gets ample light and feels energetic as natural as it gets.

Shajon’s Stunning Cochin home

Shajon’s apartment blends the beauty of uniqueness and functionality. The Cochin based actor needed the house to be pleasant and dazzling. On the whole, the textures reflect a classic aesthetic with glamour.

malayalam actor shajon home in kochi

The home holds a display of artfulness to give the feeling of a luxurious designer inspired place. Products used to enhance the look include fabrics, artefacts, lights, carpets, and other accessories of modish styles. Inspired by the ideas from the actor himself, the furnishings are intended to be appealing to the splendid lifestyle he holds.

Ouseppachan’s Melodious House


Mechery Louis Ouseppachan who has made us fall in love with his exceptional set of songs, turned to DLIFE interior designers Cochin to plan and make his dream home.  This is one of the celebrity home interiors that has perfectly nailed classy elegance. Light-filled houses with contemporary aesthetics have reinvented the evergreen composer himself. Interestingly, a quick glance at this astonishing place reveals his taste and love for beautiful elegant interiors. Modern aesthetics stick to the natural environment so well that it has turned surprisingly homey.

Nobin Paul’s Evergreen Residence in Bangalore


Home of a most prominent Indian film score composer engulfed a beautiful collection of modern artistry and the latest edgy designs. Home interiors for Mr Noble make a new world of elegant living. Modern touches create a space with a laid-back vibe live with characters. This household is the essence of the state of the art refinement. Classy cabinets and storage accommodate a broad collection of dinnerware and owner essentials. Similarly, the living space offers a fantastic view and makes it the perfect place for a hearty gathering. Comfortable bedroom interiors by DLIFE give the right warm touches to create the perfect bonding experience.

Interior Design for House: Tips from the Experts

December 15, 2018

The last month of the year is here and it is time to embrace goodness and leave the past. New Year is a few days away and it calls for an interior decor reboot. It is about time to get home decor and beautification works done. Trends in interior design for houses always change and the best practice is to observe and follow living spaces. The key here is not spending a lot to freshen up but to focusing on the essentials that create a plush experience.

Are you worried about going through all the hassles of interior work and decor? Here are some tips on how you can make your home an astonishing piece of art on a budget with the help of interior design experts.

Livelier Modular Kitchens

Modular furniture is widely used in kitchens due to the ease of assembling them and the storage options they offer. For interior works to be successful, it is important that objects communicate with each other. They should balance and respond to one another and be aligned. Until now, the concept of interior design for houses has been all about making space and achieving the best with a low budget. However, in the modern era, innovative designs, mastery, and artisanship are able to create international standard modular kitchens in India.


To gain a serene and elegant look with functionalism, it is always best to use modular kitchens. They look elegant and functional by providing sufficient storage spaces. Kitchen cabinets with various sizes and heights are essential in creating an elegant elevated space experience to the interiors. Incorporating a modular kitchen not only enhance storage space but also brings an impeccable look to the kitchen.

Mix and Match Rooms

Homes with simple decors are adorable, and an interior design based on a theme looks orderly. However, buying furniture and doing decor on a theme will add extra bills. Instead of trying to add that extra style, play with patterns and variations. It is not only creative but adds a cohesive look. The success in turning this lays in the repetition of the palette or the usage of colours that tie together.

Picking colours is fun. However, it is the most sophisticated task. When done right, adding colours and patterns can bring a new dimension. Being bold and staying true to ideas of oneself reflects in interior design aesthetics. If you are focusing on creating minimalist designs, adding neutral colours can create a clean and elegant look. The best way to achieve this is by choosing monochromatic colours. The greys and whites have become typical and boring though they are good in the long run. Picking various shades can keep the rooms alive and fresh. This can create a unique design inspired exquisite ambience and speak out elegance.

Light it up



If the room has windows that can provide an ample amount of lighting, try painting light colours to enhance the look. Wallpaper and patterns are best in light rooms. If there is a lack of natural light, painting the walls, and getting the floor done in white is the best option. However, it might feel odd and usual. If you want to be experimental, go for dark tones and play with the walls and interiors. Dark themes give a designer inspired luxury look to rooms and give a cosy experience.

Contemporary Style is here to Stay

Contemporary is the blend of transitional and modern styles. Here the designs are lustrous, uncomplicated, and comfortable. With clean and crisp lines, contemporary designs create a minimal fuss. Moreover, it suits any type of interior as simple yet modern.

Careful choices while selecting furniture helps to avoid problems. Whether you like the classic rustic look or the modern contemporary look, the goal should be to bring in style and comfort. The golden rule to fitting everything is to have nothing that is useless. Furniture should not clutter the space. Choosing minimalist furniture can enhance the lighting, create space, and enhance the room decor. A perfect interior is when the furniture fits the space luxurious and flawless. It is when you find a balance between all the elements and see their theatricality.

Niche and Decorative Units

Niche and decorative units add a great advantage to the interior design for a house or apartment. Niches are a shallow nook in a wall for placing decorative items. With the right lighting and style, niches and decorative units can create a designer inspired style and highlight to the room. Designing niche or decorative units across shallow walls is one way to make efficient use of space. This gives extra storage and display space along with ample lighting. This concept turns an awkward area into something that is more stunning and well organized. If you want the niche or the decorative units to look unique, add a decorative element to it. Choosing an accent tile or complementing it with wooden panelling is one way to do it.

8 Tips for Creating a Functional Modular Kitchen in Bangalore

December 08, 2018

Contemporary-modular-kitchen-design-with-breakfast-counter-1536x1005Designing and implementing a modular kitchen in Bangalore for apartments is always a challenge. The limits set by the available space, budget and by considering the concept of Indian Vastu Shastra, creating a functional kitchen is a hard task. The kitchen is the heart and soul of a home and therefore, deserves the best attention. A modern kitchen should look stylish and fulfil our day-to-day needs. In the modern era, home spaces have are shrinking, and thus modular kitchen is a basic necessity. Appearance and practicality have made them a preferred choice for apartments as well as villas.  Here are some tips to keep in mind before setting up a modular kitchen for apartments.

    ◊ Plan Well in Advance

Crafting a modular kitchen in Bangalore with contemporary design involves tasks arising from basic structural works to painting. This can be successful only by blending the perfect architecture into the kitchen design. Deciding in advance reflects on the overall outcome of how efficient it turns out. Depending on the requirements and the shape of the space, the client can decide as to which type of kitchen is best suited for the decor. Some of the most used and practical models are L Shape Kitchen, Island Kitchen, U Shape Kitchen, Straight Kitchen, and Parallel kitchen.

    ◊ Consult an Expert Interior Designer

Consulting a qualified interior designer in Bangalore can help in engaging new ideas. He will be able to guide you to create an ideal kitchen for an apartment or independent house. Suitable design, shape and facilities make all the difference in a functional modular kitchen. A plan with complete specifications is essential to get the best possible result.

    ◊ Focus on the Basics and Function

Space, storage, and use are the three basic concepts, which hold the key to a successful modular kitchen design. A matching decor to the walls and flooring gives a complete makeover increasing visual beauty. With kitchens evolving, the traditional designs have led the way to many lively ideas. Whether you want the kitchen to look grand or functional, adding unwanted fittings will result in crowding the place. Remember, the main purpose of the kitchen is cooking, and storing utensils and other things. Thus, it is necessary to select the best modular kitchen design with essential cabinets and include accessories as per requirement.

    ◊ Be Realistic on Choices

Contemporary modular kitchen for apartments is linked with style, use, and details. The core focus when designing a modular kitchen has to be on cabinet allocation as per space. A complete design with an ideal mix of cabinets, drawers, and fittings give a complete makeover. Shutters being the most visible part of any modular kitchen needs to be strong and stylish. Crafting a modular kitchen with water-resistant materials ensures it remains graceful, stylish and long-lasting. Modules should have shelves, drawers, and pullouts with sufficient space and size. The use of lift-up cabinets has become popular in modern modular kitchens. They have excellent appeal and are easier to use. Cabinets using HK lift systems with hydraulic support offer ease of use and direct access.

    ◊ Quality Material Selection


This is the most key point while designing a modular kitchen in Bangalore. Choosing the right materials for cabinets and shutters is very important. As kitchens are built to last for years, it is vital to select water-resistant materials that can also resist termites. A good interior designer always suggests the use of 100% Gurjan plywood inside kitchen cabinets. Similarly, shutters of premium quality can resist scratches and bend.

    ◊ Go for Contemporary Styles

Even if you have designed your living room to entertain guests and make them comfortable, they may still end up finding a way into your kitchen.  Thus, putting considerable thought into designing an elegant kitchen space is always the ideal option. Contemporary modular kitchens offer elegance and reduce the load of kitchen chores. They provide bigger and better storage while ensuring the comfort and convenience of placing everything properly. Drawers, cabinets and shelves help to organize items and make working in the kitchen efficient and easy.

    ◊ Plan the Positioning of Appliances

Positioning plays an indispensable role in the utilization of a kitchen space. No matter how big a kitchen is, the lack of space for keeping appliances is one problem that everyone faces. A modular kitchen may ensure the best possible space utilization making it apt even for the smallest area.  According to the contemporary concept, the general idea is to have a refrigerator, oven, sink, hood, and hob. It is crucial to place them in the form of a triangle or adjacent so that you will be able to access them easily. Placing a refrigerator near the kitchen entrance helps in placing fruits and vegetables from a shopping bag effortlessly and let others have easy access without interfering with kitchen activities.

    ◊ Find Ways to Include Sufficient Storage

A stylish modular kitchen with the best storage solutions is certainly a blessing. The present industry is inclined to excessive choices. However, in most kitchen plans, there would be at least one corner space. You can create the best use of it by creating a cabinet with Le Mans Corner. A cabinet that can be pulled out can be put into good use in difficult spaces. Overhead cabinets with open shelves can aid in organizing better. However, choosing cabinets that are high may make it difficult to access.

Make use of the expertise and experience of an interior design company in Bangalore to ensure flawless implementation. Use quality time on discussions, planning, drawings, revisions and finalization to create something that you really need, and would last for years.

Specialists for Apartment Interiors Works

August 23, 2018

From interior designing to furniture installation, commencing apartment interiors works is a creative activity. However, with limited space availability of apartments in metro cities like Bangalore or Cochin, Kerala, this job can be often difficult at times. When it comes to interiors, each choice you make will leave a great impact on the outcome. It is also going to influence your day-to-day life for a while. Therefore, it is essential to give proper attention to interior design in order to create an amazing living space. For individuals who spend more time in their apartments may need the facility of customization. They may need to include many furniture and items inside their new house. This is where we can utilize the expertise of a specialist apartment interior designer or firm. To put it differently, for a perfect result, great expertise and coordination are essential from the design to execution!

Apartment Interiors Works Process- Designing to Installation

Unlike house or villa interiors, apartment interiors are less spacious in nature, and thus require more attention and clever strategies to turn every square inch of the space into utility. Some prefer to invest in expensive furniture while others like a minimalistic approach. Therefore, think of your individual needs while creating layouts for apartment interiors.

An interior designer’s understanding of your requirements solely depends on the way you communicate them to them. Therefore, the design process demands your attention to every corner and even minute details. Once the design is over, it is time to execute those layouts into actual furniture and fixtures. The traditional method of doing apartment interiors works in Kerala and Bangalore is to get it done with local firms or carpenters. However, most people are not aware of the complications in it. There are several cases where the carpenters fail to interpret the layouts and thus end up building purposeless units. Likewise, the production and installation process often gets complicated if you assign someone to design and someone else for production.

Getting help from a professional company with the capacity to design and execute is the right thing to do if you really care about the outcome. By consulting an interior design firm in Kerala or Bangalore, you can easily avoid mistakes that may cost you a lot of money. Once you find out about such a company in your area, the process is quite simple. They will analyze the site before the production and each stage will be closely monitored to avoid mistakes. Moreover, the use of modern machinery and premium quality materials will further improve the quality of the products.

Customization in Agreed Time Frame 

People in Kerala and Bangalore have a tendency to look for apartment interiors works just a few weeks before housewarming. This habit may sometimes leave you no time to do your research to find out a proper firm or designer for customization. As a result, there are chances that you may fall into the hands of fake designers or companies who may attract with promises they cannot fulfil. Customized apartment interior works usually take time, and the designing phase may extend from days to months depending upon coordination between client and designer. Therefore, it is always better to look for interior designers during the construction phase itself. The Sooner the designer realizes your ideas and needs, the faster the designs can be finalized.

It is better to go for the companies who are ready to provide a deadline for the completion of the interior work. Before the project starts, establish a clear contract regarding the budget and completion time. This will avoid delays and overages altogether. Most legit interior design firms offer a systematic procedure from design to execution. Once the design is finalized most companies will take only 35 – 45 working days to hand over the project.

Why an Experienced Company with Systems?

Interior designing for apartments requires experience and creativity above all. Amateur designers can manipulate clients with designs, which are attractive on paper, but not so functional when it becomes a real product. It’s the experience of the designer or the company which he represents that helps to determine the practicality. Not just in the designing phase, the experience of the firm is crucial for the proper production and execution of products.

Creating fine furniture from 2D or 3D layouts demands an expert artisanship and machinery set-up. Without it, the designs may fail and end up less functioning or unattractive. Therefore, before signing a contract, ensure that your designer has adequate machinery and staff support to execute the project. For contemporary home interiors, it’s better to go for machine-made products because they are close to the original layouts and standard finish. Furthermore, machine-made products tend to have fewer defects and thus last longer.

Additionally, installation of the furniture and fixture needs a professional approach and skillful staff, especially when your apartments are on the top floors. Lack of facilities and expertise during the delivery and installation process may cause unnecessary issues. Browsing interior magazines and websites will help you to find out the top interior designers in Bangalore, Kochi etc. Narrow down your list to a few companies in your city and then choose the right one by visiting their showroom and previous works.

Benefits of Customized Bedroom Wardrobes

July 30, 2018

Full wall length wardrobe with study table and book rack

Customized bedroom wardrobes have already started to replace the ready-made ones in modern bedrooms. Therefore, if it is time to furnish or revamp your bedroom interior, wardrobes could be the ideal place to start with. Wardrobes are one of the most functional and key elements of bedroom decorations. If not chosen wisely, it could easily increase your workload and become an everyday headache. An ergonomically balanced wardrobe makes it easier to load or unload your clothes and accessories, thereby saving you a lot of time every day.

Purchasing ready-made wardrobes from retail shops are a common practice in India. However, Ready-made products are not specifically designed to suit your lifestyle. As a result, you will start to experience the issues one by one once you start using it. In order to maintain perfect harmony, you will need something that looks great and serves the purpose. Customized bedroom wardrobes are the modern solution for these sorts of issues. You can design it specifically to fulfil your requirements within the space limitations, without compromising on the aesthetic appearance.

Significance of Wardrobes in Day-to-Day Life

Imagine a situation where you have purchased a new pair of expensive party wear, but could not find enough room in your closet to store it. This happens in everyone’s life, and to be honest, it can be quite irritating. Each one of us has a different way of living, only we know about our lifestyle requirements. Unlike Customized bedroom wardrobes, ready-made wardrobes are made based on the majority’s interest. Therefore, in most cases, it fails to serve the purpose, or could even become just the opposite of what you have wanted. Coz, not everyone follows the same habits or lifestyle patterns.

Wardrobe design ideas

Benefits of Customization

The benefit of customization is that you can design it as your requirements. Each drawer, shelves, or even the doors handles can be uniquely designed to serve your needs. In other words, you will get the option to choose the size and shape of the wardrobes and accessories. This means you no longer have to jam-pack your clothes to find space for new items, as the storage facilities fulfil your needs. Similarly, there are a number of things that you can incorporate to make your wardrobes more convenient. Soft-close doors, open ledges etc. just to name a few. 

Popular Types of Modern Wardrobes

Days are gone when the sole purpose of wardrobes was to provide storage space. Nowadays, various options of wardrobes come with additional units such as beautiful dressing units, fully-fledged study units etc. However, it does not mean that the regular three-door wardrobe does not have any buyers. Even though the modern multifunctional wardrobes dominate the market, there are still some old-fashioned units, which manages to maintain their share of the market. The major reason is the people’s susceptibility and unawareness about contemporary home interiors, mostly in the rural areas of Kerala. However, in the urban and suburban areas, choosing them over the modern wardrobes would be a difficult decision for normal buyers, as the modern wardrobes are far more functional and convenient in every aspect.

By integrating two units, we can easily reduce the space consumption and functionality of both units. For example, integrating bookshelves or study tables into the wardrobes can significantly reduce space consumption and budget. Moreover, if you design it as per your needs, it will be more convenient and easy to use.

Let’s review a few popular wardrobe models;-

Wardrobe cum Dressing Unit: A popular wardrobe model integrated with a beautiful dressing unit including a large mirror. The main advantage of the wardrobe cum dressing unit is that you do not have to hover around your bedrooms to grab your make up accessories or clothes. A fully-fledged dressing unit attached to the wardrobe keeps everything you need within your reach. 

Wardrobe cum Study Table: This model consists of a beautiful and functional combination of a small study unit and a three-door wardrobe. The design is more suitable for kid’s room interiors as it has all the necessary furniture units. The benefit of using the wardrobe cum study unit is that it can save plenty of space. For smaller bedrooms, if you build wardrobes and study units as two separate units; it will consume comparatively more space. As a result, the kids may feel more sophisticated inside the room and will lose interest in spending time inside it.

Wardrobe cum LCD unit: Some of you may like to have a Television in your bedroom. Installing a separate LCD unit in the bedroom will cost you a lot of money. Furthermore, it will make your room feel more congested. However, with an expert designer, you can easily include the LCD unit with your wardrobe. As per the size and shape of the room, the unit can be attached to the centre or side portions of the wardrobes.

Wardrobe with study unit in Bangalore


How to Get Customized Bedroom Wardrobes for Your Home

The best way to get a customized bedroom wardrobe is to get it done as part of the interior works. This way, the designers will be able to maintain an overall theme across the wardrobes and the rest of the interior. As a result, you will get a completely synchronized home interior with a balanced aesthetic appearance. When you discuss your requirements with an expert interior designer, always ensure that you are detailing everything you have in your mind. Proper communication is one of the key factors for them to understand your specific storage needs.

Contemporary Home Interiors for Convenient Living

July 18, 2018

Significance of Contemporary Home Interiors in Kerala

Contemporary home interiors designing is a minimalist yet lifestyle-centric interior design concept for modern homes. Building a home as per your dreams for years is a tough job. Similarly, decorating it as per your family’s needs is even tougher. Some give more preference to aesthetics; others are concerned about the space utilization. In reality, a perfect home interior is a mix of aesthetically beautiful and ergonomically balanced designs, which are well suited for your modern lifestyle. Concept of contemporary home interiors in Kerala is derived from this formula. In other words, this method of interiors is primarily focused on two basic things, space utilization and aesthetic integrity. It is a modern design concept, focusing on the effective use of home interior space with custom-made multi-functional furniture to match your needs.

Dining room interior design

Influence of Western Countries 

Globalization brought many changes to our homes too! Especially in Kerala, a large number of people live and work in Western countries, but does not want to leave their roots in home country. When they build a house in Kerala, they tend to bring the interior design styles of Europe. With expert supervision, a blend of traditional and western styles may result in an elegant contemporary home interiors.  When doing experiments like this, always be careful to choose reliable interior design company. But, local carpenters or small manufacturers may not deliver the aesthetic finish or design quality available in Western countries.

Longing for Something Different 


We all have the quest to create something different from what others already have. This inspires us to look for innovative ideas and latest trends to our complete satisfaction. Thus, unique, contemporary home interiors from your imagination is a mind fulfilling achievement. There is scope for many choices of customization in this style. For example, if you like to read a lot, a beautiful study table cum bookshelves would serve your needs quite well. Similarly, if someone like to have occasional drinks at home, a bar counter may come in handy. Wardrobe with dressing unit can be a convenient choice for a bedroom, especially for the ladies in the family. As a matter of fact, everybody has their own priorities, and facilities to incorporate as per priorities.

Perfect and Fast Implementation 

The traditional method of interior designing with wood as the base material for modular kitchen and home furniture is a long and time-consuming process. If you are looking for durable and cost effective wooden furniture, avoiding ready-made furniture would be the best thing to do. Because, most of them are made of low-quality woods. In addition, a majority of the wood furniture available in the market bear high prices because of less supply.

The process of getting fine wooden furniture is quite difficult and time consuming. First, you may purchase quality woods like Teak, Mahagony etc., which are quite expensive. Then, you have to find an interior designer who has a good understanding of your requirements. Finally, need to find an artisan who is really good and reliable. Thus, be careful while making choices. Even a single wrong decision in any of these steps could affect the quality of the products. Even if everything goes well, you still have to spare three to six months for production and implementation.

factory dlife


Simple Process, Beautiful Design

Whereas, contemporary style interior design process is quite simple and offers more utility. Moreover, it is better and more convenient than the traditional interiors. The biggest advantage of contemporary design is its flexibility to manufacture using modern machinery.  As a result, complete interior furnishing may be possible in just 40-45 days. Whereas, the traditional interior designs consists numerous curves and complex shapes which demands more time and efforts to make.

Most of the interior designing companies following contemporary style have systematic procedure right from the design stage. Instead of finding materials and carpenters, you can find such a company, who has the capacity to design and implement interiors and furniture. These well-trained professional designers will gather your needs and design concepts effortlessly. This enables the client to get house interiors as per the latest trends and lifestyle utilities.

Minimalist yet Full of  Utility

Designing just what is essential and incorporating all useful facilities is the specialty of contemporary home interiors. This method can effectively save plenty of space in your house, especially in the kitchen and bedrooms. For example, a modular kitchen with open ledges, and overhead cabinets can fit in even a small space. Irrespective of the size and shape of the kitchen, everything which is essential for your lifestyle can be included in it. Spacious cabinets with soft close doors, built in oven space, or convenient bottle pull out etc. just to name a few.

Contemporary home interiors in Kerala allows customers to explore and implement provisions to maximize the space utilization. In the present world, contemporary  style is the simple solution for all these modern lifestyle hassles; it is unique and minimalist, yet full of utilities.

How to Choose Suitable Materials for Modular Kitchen in Kerala?

June 30, 2018

Modular kitchen interiors in Mangalore

There are certain things you must know about the materials for modular kitchens, before starting works on home interiors. Due to several advantages of modular kitchen, the demand is high but the vying between brands in the last few years became more prevalent. In order to maintain their share of the market, top interior designers and brands go on introducing new offers, materials, and designs.

As a result, they have introduced a bunch of new materials for modular kitchen in Kerala and Bangalore. As the time flew, some of them proved its dominance over the others. Which is the best suitable material for your modular kitchen? Can be a quite confusing question; here let us try to assess the most common materials for modular kitchen.

Materials for Modular Kitchen available in the Market

  1. Water Resistant Marine Plywood

With far more superior qualities than any of its rivalries,’ water resistant marine plywood’ is easily the finest materials for modular kitchen. This material is highly popular in Europe and North America. However, interior designers in Kerala and Bangalore chose not to encourage the use of the product due to its limited supply and price factors. Several grades of marine plywood is present in the market, each of them is perfect for its own-labeled use. The premium high-grade version ‘water resistant marine plywood’ is boiling waterproof. Moreover, it offers long durability even in extreme wet state.

contemporary modular kitchen in bangalore

There are only a few reputed interior firms out there offers customers an option to choose this material. At first, you may feel that it is a bit more expensive than other conventional materials. However, in the end, considering the frequent maintenance and service costs, it will become the least expensive of all. In the present market, it is the most reliable one among the top materials for modular kitchen cabinets, especially if you have a fear of water exposure in your kitchen.

Main Advantages

  1. The material has almost all the qualities of its rivalries. In addition, it offers;-
  2. Boiling water resistance, high strength, and long durability than any other material.
  3. More resistant to fungus and pest attacks than other conventional materials.
  4. Comes with all side lamination, thus smooth and easy to clean.
  5. It won’t expand or contrast like the other materials, thus cabinet doors easy to use in all climates


  1. The only drawback of this material is its limited supply in Kerala and Bangalore.

  2. Hardwood MDF

In today’s modern world, we cannot afford to have the wastage of natural wood while carving furniture items or products from it. Millions of trees are being vanished from the surface of the earth due to this over-exploitation. However, more or less we still need wood and its products. Instead of avoiding the natural wood completely why can’t we use it as the primary substance to create something better that could fully utilize the wood?

To explain it in detail, “Medium density fiberboard” is a product made from the pulp of wood, which has far more superior quality than natural wood, yet relatively less expensive as the whole part of the wood can be used to make this product. All over the world, it is considered as one of the best material for making home furniture. Hardwood MDF is a suitable choice for kitchen cabinets due to its strength and long durability. It can serve your needs in both medium, and premium budget.

MDF made from hardwoods offers higher quality. Sadly, most of the modular kitchen dealers offer products, which are made of softwood MDF, which is cheap, but weak and offers less durability.  Therefore, never forget to do little research about the background of the interior design firm and the materials that they use before you take a final decision.

Main Advantages

  1. Stable dimensions in all climates, it won’t expand or contrast like natural wood
  2. Less expensive and more durable
  3. All parts of the recycled hardwood wood are used for construction, thereby helping to save trees.
  4. Offers fairly smoother surface than natural wood


  1. Direct and continues exposure to water may cause the material to swell, thereby ruining the product.
  2. The material is not easy to shape; as a result, local firms or carpenters may not be able to produce the desired outcome.

  3. Solid Wood

kitchen interior design kerala

Even though its new generation rivalries outperformed natural wood in many ways, there are still people out there who like the old-fashioned way. It is the natural color and elegance, which kept its demand up in the sky for centuries.  Even though the natural wood has its followers, the majority of people choose other materials for modular kitchen, because of its shaping limitations and high expense. Moreover, most of the traditional hardwoods like Teak and Mahogany etc. are now close to extinction. This greatly affects the supply and makes it much more expensive than other materials.

Main Advantages

  1.  Provides a realistic and natural look for the cabinets
  2.  Durable and strong under normal conditions
  3.  Cabinets can be easily re-stained or painted to get a refreshed look


  1. More expensive and offers fewer qualities than some of the other premium materials
  2. Cabinet doors may expand or contract according to the weather, making it hard to use.
  3. Hard to maintain the furniture and kitchen cabinets, as most of the cleaning agents can harm the  wood
  4. More vulnerable to pest attacks, since there is no lamination or protected coating
  5. It takes more time to design and build a modular kitchen in hardwood.

  4. Stainless Steel

Maybe it is safe to say that the era of natural wood went past us.  Researchers have discovered newer and better ways to manufacture metals, which can even replace premium quality natural wood. When it comes to suitable materials to make a modular kitchen, stainless steel also cannot be ignored. It is easy to maintain, will not absorb dirt, resists smudges or cuff marks, and is less expensive than natural wood. Homeowners tend to choose stainless steel cabinets and accessories majorly because of these features.

Main Advantages

  1. Easy to clean due to dust resistant surface
  2. Less expensive than natural wood


  1. Color options are limited in stainless steel cabinets
  2. Stainless steel cabinets are a bit noisier than other cabinets
  3. In time, hinges and cabinet doors may loosen up due to its excessive weight

Most of the reputed interior design companies in Kerala and Bangalore provide kitchen cabinets made of these materials. We would suggest here to go for water-resistant hardwood marine ply with lamination to make modular kitchen. It is durable with an elegant finish and thus the most practical choice of all the above options.

Best Home Interior Designers in Bangalore

April 14, 2018

dlife home interior designers bangalore

D’LIFE, the ace home interiors brand in South India, chooses the “Silicon Valley of India” as the location for their new branch. Now it stands as the most reliable interior designer in Bangalore with a full-fledged team for client service to execution. This company started at Cochin in 2004, built a remarkable reputation over the years through a systematic approach. As a result, it established several showrooms cum branches across Kerala. After many years of successful operations, the company is taking a giant leap by expanding the showroom network to Bangalore city.

Professional Interior Designers in Bangalore City

Bangalore is one of the most crowded cities in India. This fastest growing metropolis in India is also the hub of IT professionals. People living in such cities often face challenges while buying a flat, especially when it comes to managing with minimum space available. Most of the people working in this sector may have a clear idea about the requirements. However, it is not necessary that they get sufficient time to handpick the designs. But, as a perfect solution, utilize the expertise of professional interior designers in Bangalore from D’LIFE. This company can create exquisite designs and customize complete interiors. With over a decade of experience and more than 6000 completed projects, this team can certainly provide the best.

dlife front offfice bangalore

Products & Services

D’LIFE offer 100% customized furniture for all rooms as per requirements. You may find plenty of interior designers in Bangalore, but not many have their own design team, production, and execution. The speciality of this company is that it allows you to add your contributions and create exclusive designs that are perfectly suitable. Most popular products include modular kitchen, dining room furniture, living, and bedroom interiors.

Complete Modular Kitchen

L-shape-Modular-Kitchen-Designs-DLIFE-Home-Interiors-Kochi-Kerala-Bangalore-2-1024x683 (1)

In today’s world, a modular kitchen is the most practical version of a fully functional modern kitchen. Moreover, it can be customized for each client to fulfil his or her requirements. D’LIFE provides a collection of amazing modular kitchen designs in different styles and colours. Thus, clients can choose the one that is stylish, convenient and affordable. In addition, accessories like cutlery tray, bottle pull out, waste bin with auto lid etc. are also available. Select from different shapes of modular kitchen, considering the space and suitability.

Living & Dining Rooms Interiors

Modern Dining Table Design in Calicut


D’LIFE provides modern interior designs for your living and dining room by perfectly utilizing the space and budget.  Get customized crockery shelf, sofa set, TV display unit, or a dining table as per requirement.

Bed Rooms Interiors


Utilize the expertise of professional home interior designers in Bangalore to create stylish bedrooms ensuring comfort as well as convenience. Our team helps to design, make, and install bedroom furniture like cots, side tables, wardrobes dressing tables etc. in enchanting colours and patterns.

How Do We Work in Bengaluru?

A)    Enquiry & Requirements Study

Please check our website or contact us to see some of our previous works or to get a quote. We suggest you visit the D’LIFE Bengaluru showroom, an actual feeling of furnishing could bring better clarity. It will also help to express your thoughts and discuss requirements with our consultants in detail. Designers at the showroom will always be at your service providing suggestions and solutions.

B)    Designing and Approval

We create customized designs exclusively for each customer, taking care of specific requirements. Our expert interior designers in Bangalore will take care of this part; they will prepare suitable designs based on your needs. The client can also incorporate their suggestions and ideas during the process. Designers will demonstrate the scope and possibilities and validate them against the requirements. In addition, they will also prepare 3D views so that client can have a more realistic view and decide.

C)     Production and Installation

We promise installation of furniture and other interior works at the site within 35-45 working days after finalizing the design. All our products are built in our own factories without third-party help. This allows us to provide the service at a moderate cost without compromising on the quality. Products are also made with expert supervision to ensure quality. Once the production is over, our installation team install it onsite. Similarly, after the installation, they hand over the project to the client with all the necessary documents of warranty and service.

D)    Service and Maintenance

The company offers 5 years warranty on furniture and major accessories. Our dedicated service department offers lifetime maintenance and support. D’LIFE team is always committed to providing excellent service in interior design and execution. If you wish to contact the best home interior designers in Bangalore to hand over all works from concept to completion just call: +91 999 551 77 77. Or, walk into your nearest DLIFE location to discuss requirements and plan the perfect home interiors.

Custom Made Furniture in Bangalore

February 20, 2018

Why Does Everyone opt for Custom Made Furniture in Bangalore? 

Nowadays, the popularity of custom made furniture in Bangalore is astoundingly increasing. As the cost of an apartment or villa is becoming more and more expensive every day, we may have to spend a lifetime’s saving to procure one. When you spend a fortune to get home, you might want it to look worth spending your money on. What is the best way to improve the aesthetics of a villa or apartment? I would say custom made interiors. Furniture and appliances, which are built exclusively for you, could easily enhance the look of a home interior.

Choosing the right furniture for every room in a matching style as per the size of the room is a real challenge. Ready-made furniture like dining table set or sofa or even cot for bedrooms may be available in the market as per the requirement. It may be easy but not a satisfying experience to compromise on a modular kitchen, wardrobes and other fixed wall units like a crockery shelf. This suits the house better and meets the requirements of customization. The proper blend of style and colour of the furniture in all rooms is another advantage of custom made furniture in Bangalore.



The Price Factor

Custom made furniture in Bangalore may cost you little more than the ready-made choices but not much. Be it cupboards or movable furniture, each piece is made specifically as per design. But remember that in customized options clients eliminate the intermediaries and their margins. In ready-made furniture, there would be a wholesaler and retailer through whom the product reaches the client. But in the case of customized furniture clients buy it directly from the manufacturer.

Durable and Stylish

It is the look and the style that everyone notices at first. A well-decorated home with showy paints and adorable furniture is surely a pleasant sight. Moreover, it is the best way to impress the visitors. Once furnished, the overall appearance and utility satisfy our desire. Watching the ideas, you kept in your heart for a long time transformed into exquisite designs is definitely fulfilling.


Always ensure quality! Or else frequently occurring maintenance or service could ruin the peace of mind. When we have a ton of ideas but the budget is limited, most of us prefer to compromise on the quality. In fact, at first, the look brings us delight. But not for long, furniture with poor quality is less durable and will often require more maintenance.  Custom-made furniture and cupboards from reputed companies are the best way to get rid of this situation. A professional could always help you to save expenses from unwanted things and utilize it perfectly on the things you love.

Furnishing by Design Theme

There are several furniture shops in Kerala providing ready solutions. The major drawback of this system is the inability to plan the layout and themes. As a result, in most cases the furniture looked great individually; however, it looked odd and lacked the thematic fluency when one was placed along with the other. However, things have changed with time; technology has grown beyond expectations. As a result, the scope of interior designing also expanded. Designers found ways to view and examine the outcome well in advance through 3D modelling. This changed everyone’s perspective towards interior furnishing and inspired them to explore new and better possibilities.

Cost of Modular Kitchen in Kerala


The idea of furnishing the entire home based on a general theme was conceptualized a few years ago. Most of us will be having considerable interest in some specific colours or layouts. This method allows us to adorn the whole interior with the design philosophy that we have in mind. Therefore, it makes us more satisfied and helps to maintain a visual continuity all around. The theme can be selected according to your taste and ideas, designers could further customize it to match the architectural layouts.

Where Can You Find Custom-made Furniture in Bangalore?

Just like every other industry, many unprofessional interior designers may take advantage of the inexperience of clients. They may come up with great promises, but always check their previous works to understand their ability. If you research properly, you will find a bunch of genuine interior design firms that offer custom made furniture in Bangalore at a relatively moderate cost. All you have to do is to select the right one, convey your ideas and requirements. When you search for brands, make sure to look for a famous, reasonable and professional brand with the capacity to design, manufacture, and install customized furniture. If you wish to contact the best interior designers in Bangalore to hand over all works from concept to completion just call: +91 999 551 77 77, or simply walk into your nearest D’LIFE branch to discuss requirements with a designer and plan the perfect home interiors.

Advantages of Customized Modular Kitchen

February 03, 2018


Modular kitchen has gained widespread acclaim in India towards the birth of 21st century. The people were in need of a better space-utilizing design for kitchen to match with their modern lifestyle. Modular kitchen seemed like an ideal solution for the issue; therefore, it easily caught the society’s attention. However, people faced troubles when the popular models failed to fit in perfectly at their space. It was at this point, clients realized the necessity of customized modular kitchen.

It was not easy at first; everyone had to depend solely on local craftsmen to get it done. But, due to the lack of expert help in designing, the method fizzled and did not produce the expected outcome in most cases. At Present, things have changed. A number of well-known interior design firms came forward with an alternate option, customized modular kitchen cabinets as per requirement. In other words, you can get rid of the hassles and issues, these people will work on your needs and create matching layouts. Just sit and relax while they prepare the design and suggest the modifications and improvements.

Key Advantages of a Customized Modular Kitchen

1)   High storage Capacity as per your Needs

Customized modular kitchen offers more provisions and thus maximum storage capacity. Major advantage of the customization is that you can decide on the storage as per the family’s needs. In fact, you can increase or decrease the space and cabins as per your budget. Normally, modular kitchens have lower and upper cabinets, designed to enhance comfort and convenience. The large and heavy items can be stored in the lower cabinets whilst the items, which you need frequently, can be stored in the upper ones.

2)   Add Facilities as per Choice

A Customized modular kitchen with matching home appliances boosts the aesthetic elegance. The benefit of custom-made modular kitchen is its ability to incorporate provision for refrigerator, washing machine, brooms, plates and cups, vessels and utensils, containers and jars, wastebasket etc. conveniently as per your needs.

Customization offers better chances for you to add more facilities for your convenience. For instance, a breakfast counter would serve your needs; at the same time, if it does matches with the overall theme, it could enhance the interiors look. Likewise, many things can be added to a customized modular kitchen without affecting the core theme. Contact a famous interior design firm in your town to explore more options.

3)   Utilize the Whole Space

Better and maximum space utilization is another advantage of customized modular kitchen. Considering the space limits in today’s world, it is not a point that everyone could easily ignore, mainly the urban populace. Customized modular kitchen designs are prepared considering various aspects, the area measurements and floor plan are crucial parts in it. Therefore, even a small and narrow area can be shaped to a well-equipped and fully functional Kitchen. The perfect usage of lofts and other cabinets helps to explore the whole space under the roof.

Customized Modular kitchen can be designed in different shapes and styles; L-shaped kitchen, U-shaped kitchen, island kitchen, straight and parallel kitchens etc. are some of the most popular ones. An expert could easily help you to pick one that best suits the space. The designers can customize it further to incorporate your own ideas. Apart from this, the process eliminates the entire chances for misfit.

4)   Make as per Budget

Luxury apartment interiors kerala


When you plan for home interiors, budget is most important, as it should be affordable. At the same time, even if money is not an issue, some clients believe in minimalist approach. For example, not all of us require a highly expensive cabin with the acrylic finish or premium built-in appliances like oven or dishwasher. Some of us may have other plans in mind. Everyone will be having different needs and a different budget to spend. Therefore, the best way to limit or expand spending to the things you require most is customization. The method allows you to choose things as per your budget. In other words, a client has freedom to add or remove items and facilities in modular kitchen.

5)   Choose Your Favorite Color Combinations

In order to maintain the natural aura, the color combinations play a crucial role. The place where you cook needs to be well themed to enjoy the time you spend there. Unlike built-in modular kitchen, the custom-made version offers the option to choose your favorite color themes and layouts. For smaller kitchen, brighter colors are more suited. Likewise, for large and open kitchen dark colors are preferred. Effective usage of color themes could bring a natural charm to the interiors.

It is otherwise difficult to find kitchen cabinets in matching shades that blends in with the overall theme of home interiors. However, customized modular kitchen could easily solve the issue for you. It allows you to make cabins or other appliances in the color pattern you like, so that the right combination augments the elegance.

6)   Easy Maintenance

Modular kitchen maintenance is easy with quality materials. It may be made of hardwood MDF, plywood or combination of both. Lamination of these materials protects them from damage and make long-lasting. Every part of a modular kitchen is easy to clean and can be replaced in the event of a damage, without affecting the other parts.

If you are looking a customized modular kitchen in Bangalore, contact D’LIFE. This company provide complete home interior solutions  from the branch at H.S.R layout.


4 Stages of Home Interior Design Process

January 29, 2018

There was a time when the scope of Interior design was left untouched. Rarely people wanted to spend money and time on interior designs or decorations. Everyone thought, commercial buildings or big mansions were the only places, which needs interior designing. However, as the time flew, people’s approach towards home interiors also changed. The society realized the use of interior designing even in small houses or flats. As a result, there is an apparent rise in people who are seeking expert help for interior designing in the states of Kerala and Bangalore.

The entire design process is all about making the home more functional by managing the space inside. When you look at an amazing house, you may not necessarily think of the efforts put on to achieve it. Even though it looks easy from outside, home interior designing is a long and complex process. However, every complex procedure can be simplified by taking the right decision, proper steps and systematically working towards a goal.

Meet the Designer and Discuss Requirements 

Dlife Home Interiors

Most of you might be having a fair idea of how your home interior should look like. However, when we try to implement those ideas into reality, a lot of us fail to achieve the desired outcome. As we pay more attention to the details, the more difficult it becomes to understand. In situations like this, you are not the only one who struggles to visualize the outcome. However, consulting a professional designer just might solve the issue for you. Those who do not have designing experience also may have a lot of ideas and imaginations about their home.  Therefore, it is always better to get professional help to combine the ideas and expectations with the expertise of a home interior design firm.

First, find out a suitable designer in your locality or district. Then, make a list of your requirements, and take a copy of the floor plan. Otherwise, you may miss some elements during the discussion. Now it is the time for you to contact them and schedule an appointment. Handover the copy of floor plan and other details to the designer, explain your requirements, and budget in detail. Make sure that he or she understands your requirements and concepts clearly. You can also have a look at the display samples, and if you find it interesting, ask them to customize it further as per your needs. An Interior design company managed by experts could easily catch your ideas and concepts. So convey every detail, and wait for them to prepare suitable designs.

Design Layout and Estimate for Works 

Once you have managed to convey your ideas and needs, you are halfway down the road. The rest is upon him, it is his duty to produce designs and layouts as per your needs. The designer analyze the floor plan thoroughly, note down the areas where he can fulfill the demands. In most cases, a visit to the site is necessary to confirm the measurements and other details. Then, based on the requirements and actual measurements, he or she prepares the designs layouts.

The designer may further contact you for additional improvements or suggestions. The meetings and interactions could take several days, but always wait for a matching layout. Once you are satisfied with the layout, ask for an estimate to implement the design. The primary estimates are created using multiple data’s and are expected to vary according to the additional modifications. The materials you choose and the complexity of the design are the major factors governing the budge. You can add or remove elements as per your budget from the primary layout.

Detailed Drawings (Design), and Revisions

For a better idea of the designs and layouts, detailed drawings are necessary. Analyze the drawings and confirm that your thoughts are well incorporated. It is not easy for everyone to understand the 2D drawings completely, but it is the designer’s duty to explain every single detail until your doubts are cleared. In other words, never hesitate to ask for clarifications wherever necessary. If you feel the drawings are incomplete or not detail enough, ask for specific details and complete drawings. Most professional companies provide detailed drawings well before they proceed on to construction.

After reviewing the drawings, it is quite common that some additional modifications may come to our minds. Explain your suggestions further, so that the designer could modify it accordingly. There may be multiple revisions required. Carefully look detailed drawings after each revision; still, there may be a chance for improvement.

Approval of 2D Drawings and 3D Design



It is always better to have a look at the 3D layout of the interior design. 3D images are the closest representation of the final products. You can view the furniture, wall paints, and decorative items etc. clearly in 3D images. In other words, you can literally have a virtual tour of the interiors. This would help you to confirm whether everything went as per your expectations or not. Upon request, most of the interior design companies in Kerala offer 3D images. However, you may have to pay some amount as an advance as it takes a lot of time and efforts to create them.

After all revisions, finalize the design if you are fully satisfied with it. Always try to let the designer know your complete requirements in the first place. Because, more revisions may delay the whole process and could eventually cause multiple issues, especially if you have already planned the house-warming. Once you approve a design, most of the interior designs firms act fast, especially those who have the facility to design, produce and install. So, while planning for the furnishing and decor of a modern apartment or house, make sure to follow these stages of design carefully.

Have You Planned House-Warming in 2018?

January 10, 2018

House warming

If you are expecting house-warming sometime in 2018, it is time to start planning home interior works and other preparations.


What is the status of the house/ flat at present? Is your house or flat ready to occupy? If it is handed over by the builder or contractor, it is time to create suitable interiors and decorations to make it a proper living space. Make sure that flooring, tiling, electrical, plumbing, and painting etc. works will be completed at least by October 2018, so that furnishing can be started.

Furnishing, ceiling, and decorations works of furniture and fixtures will take some time. Need to find a professional company to make the design with a specific space planning. Once done with furnishing, it is not easy to change it or expensive to do so. It is always better to invest some quality time into planning and coordination with your interior designer. After completing the design, it may take about 45 days to produce and install the furniture, fix wallpapers, arrange other appliances like refrigerator, microwave oven, washing machine etc.

Plan Well & Avoid Last-Minute Rush

Fix a date in your mind and plan the remaining works so that last-minute rush can be avoided. As there are many factors related to completion of a house, it may take time to arrange everything in order.

Find out a Reliable Interior Works Company

It is not always easy to select a reliable interior designing company that can handle Design production and installation. There are several factors to consider before finalizing one. First, think of the requirements, and decide on a budget. You can always get referrals from your relatives, friends or neighbors who have recently furnished their home interior. In such cases, collect the details from them and pay a visit to the company showrooms for further clarifications. If you are satisfied with their products and offers, finalize it.

Most of the legit designing firms have their own websites now. Therefore, it is the easiest way to find out the most popular interior designing firms in your locations. Search on Google or visit the company websites thoroughly to ensure that the products and services are on par with your expectations. Always ensure to select the one which has more ratings and good user reviews.

Additional Decorations for Perfect Finish

Once you have successfully finished the interior work, look for other areas to improve. When it comes to the interior, there is always scope for improvement. If you carefully examine the house, you may discover minor anomalies caused due to erroneous construction. These imperfections can be effortlessly camouflaged using additional decorations. Another way to avoid these aesthetic problems is customized interior furnishing.



For instance, covering a small crack on an empty wall with ideal wallpaper is an exquisite way to dispose of the defect. Likewise, there are quite a few things that enhance the interior excellence. With the help of an expert designer, you can easily recognize these defects and find suitable solutions to ensure the perfect finish.

Plan for House-Warming Party

Moving into a new home can be thrilling and exciting. You may be planning to move into a new home or have had some renovations done to your existing home. In both scenarios, you have to plan the “Housewarming” well in advance to make it enjoyable for everyone.

Manage your Spending: – When you plan for a house-warming party, it is always a good practice to put together a detailed estimate of expenditure. Based on the estimate, finalize a budget and manage your spending to stay close to the budget. It’s natural to experience a small financial instability after spending a substantial amount in construction. In such situations, a small party with minimal expenditure may well be the best option for you.

Prepare A Guest List: – Creating a guest list may not be that simple as you think, especially if you have a limited budget. The key thing to remember here is to devise the number of guests in line with the budget for house-warming. First, prepare a list of close relatives and family friends. In the event that the list contains more people than your budget can afford, raise the budget. Likewise, if the list falls below the budget, expand the list to neighbours as well.

Food and Beverages:-Be it a marriage function or a housewarming, food, and beverages are probably one of the principal attractions of the event. With proper planning and a little effort, you can easily please your guests with satisfying food for your house-warming. In situations like this, cooking something yourself isn’t generally the best option. It will keep you busy all day and leave you feeling tired and exhausted. Organizing it with the help of a caterer or ordering it from outside will minimize the stress. Furthermore, you’ll get sufficient time to spend with the guests.


January 02, 2018


Flat interior design in Pathanamthitta

Most of you might be familiar with the term “eco-friendly home”. But, not everyone understands about its application in modern interior designing. At least one half of everyone’s day is spent at home. So it is not just the beauty that everyone should be focusing while decorating the home. It is the atmosphere inside the house that maintains the family’s happiness and well-being. Interior designing is not just about the aesthetics, it is about creating sustainable designs without using materials that are harmful to the residents. When these factors are taken into consideration, an eco-friendly interior design is a perfect way to maintain the cheerfulness inside the house.

Key elements of an Eco-Friendly Home Interior

Green Furniture

People always show an inclination towards materials which are more durable and comparatively less expensive. However, it is our duty to ensure that the materials we choose are not harmful to the people around us. There are several organic/natural materials available in the markets which are eco-friendly and long-lasting.

Wood: The first thing that would come to our minds when we talk about eco-friendly interior furnishing is the wood. It is comparatively stronger and available in different colors and finishes. But not everyone can afford wooden furniture owing to its high cost.

Medium-density fiberboard (MDF): It is the most commonly used material for furniture’s owing to its strength and durability. Hardwood MDF with less formaldehyde emission levels is more sustainable.

Bamboo: The latest trend in interior furnishing is the living room furniture’s which are made of bamboo. They come in simple and elegant designs. Short lifespan is the main disadvantage of bamboo products. You can also consult a furnishing firm or leading interior designers to learn and choose eco- friendly furniture.

Energy Efficient Windows

Everyone loves the cool breeze running through the window flowing inside the house.  People like to live in houses which are not isolated from its surroundings. Windows play a vital role here by merging the home with its surroundings. A poor selection of a window or glass could ruin your peace of mind. An energy efficient or eco-friendly window could bring a solution to this problem. They come with special coatings to protect you from UV rays and excess heat, as result it is the best way to protect the home from the blazing heat during summer. There are different type’s eco-friendly windows available in the market; all you have to do is to select one that perfectly matches your surroundings and climate.

Organic Cotton For better health

Be it a bedroom mattresses or a living room furniture, cotton is an essential part of the upholstery. Apart from the luxurious look and feel organic cotton has many advantages that can’t be found in synthetics or inorganic cotton. With the growing awareness about organic products, people have already started to use it protect their own health as well as that of the environment. Nowadays mattresses, pillows, and curtains made of organic cotton started gaining popularity; the major attribute to this popularity is the fact that the material is safer than conventional cotton because it is manufactured without using harmful chemicals. In an eco-friendly house, organic cotton is the best option for furniture upholstery.

Switch On To Energy Efficient Lighting

It is hard to imagine our home without light. Lighting plays a significant role in maintaining the cheerfulness around the house. Stunning chandlers, trendy pendant light, table lamps or even the perfect usage of natural light could elevate the beauty of the interior. Perfect utilization of natural light could easily reduce the use of electricity.

But the most important thing everyone should pay attention while fixing the lights is the energy efficiency of the lights. Energy efficient lamps are more eco-friendly as it prevents the emission of harmful pollutants. The best part is that you just have to change the bulb, not the lighting source. In other words, you can still choose your favorite designs for chandlers or vintage lamps, but you just have to replace the bulbs with more energy efficient ones. Compact florescent Lamps and LED light bulbs are the perfect combinations for a modern eco-friendly interior. They both are energy efficient, have great color rendering properties, long life, and are easily available.

Eco-friendly Painting and Wall coverings

Interior furnishing in Bangalore


Some elements in most paints produce volatile organic compounds that pollute the atmosphere inside the house. Living in such environment for long-term could cause several health issues. The best way to avoid such conditions is to choose paints which contain fewer amounts of VOC’s. Water-based paints contain comparatively minimal amount of VOC’s. Therefore it is the most suitable choice of paint for an eco-friendly environment. Similarly, there are several eco-friendly wall art and decor materials available in the market.

Before finalizing, you can also check out wallpapers or wooden wall panels that could also reduce the use of paints. These materials are available in different shades and are beautiful and eco-friendly at the same time.

Get Professional Help

It is not always easy to create eco-friendly interior that manage to meet your family’s needs and ensure healthy living. Professional home interior design companies are highly recommended to get the desired result. They can help in perfect planning, right sourcing of materials and thoughtful arrangement of furniture. It helps to make provision for all the essential storages and ensure convenience as well as comfort.

Cochin Apartment Interiors of Director Priyadarshan

December 15, 2017

The name “Priyadarshan” is well known in the Indian film industry. With a career that spans over three decades, he has directed films which are considered as evergreen hits in Indian cinema. Movie lovers will always remember his movies through the freshness he brought to his frames. A director who created some of the finest films in Indian cinema once again proves that his creativity has no limits. The design of his new home in Kochi the director shows the same magic. This stylish interior luxury apartment in Cochin is strategically located at Kochi and enjoys a view of the waterfront. One could even consider Priyadarshan’s Cochin apartment interiors by D’LIFE as one of his best works. The flat will remind us how colorful his frames were.

Most of the big names in the Malayalam film industry are now planning to make Kochi as their home. So it would rather be pointless to ask why the ace director decided to build a flat in Cochin. But the director claims that the view of the serene lake situated near to the flat attracted him the most. All three bedrooms and living room in the flat share this astounding view of the lake. We at D’LIFE consider it as a great honor that Priyadarshan approached us this time to customize his dream home as per his vision.

Let’s take a walk through the interiors of this house.


Flat interior design in Alappuzha

The director who once brought incredible color combinations to his frames, decided milky white as the major theme colorHowever, there are other bright and showy colors palette to attract the viewers. The use of red and black colors brings in a wide variety to the Cochin apartment interiors and is definitely eye-catching.

Delightful Living Rooms

The main attraction of the living room is the red and black lacquered glass attached to the wall. Pendant lights with copper finishing are also equally attractive. One could easily relax and spend time by sitting on the milky white sofa and enjoy the view of the lake. Right side of the main entrance we can see the formal living room with milky white and dark brown themes. The walls are painted with milky white while the doors are decorated in dark brown.  At the end of the wall, a bar counter highlighted in dark brown is fixed. Also, a small office space is placed to the left in the opposite corner. The photos aligned perfectly on one side of the wall shows a flashback to Priyadarshan’s incredible life and great achievements.

Wake up watching the morning glory of the lake

All bedrooms are designed in different themes. The dark red color highlights in the master bedroom are equally attractive and matching with wall papers attached. Another bedroom is highlighted in shades of brown instead of red. Small study space is also attached to this room.

Flat interior design in Calicut


The director claims words can’t describe the magnificent view of the peaceful lake. “The sight of the lake through the large glass wall is mesmerizing to watch and it instantly attracted me” he once said.

Elegant Kitchen

Kitchen in this apartment in Kochi is decorated in black and white colors. The kitchen cabinets prepared in laminated marine plywood are equally useful and also match with the floor tiles. In addition, a small breakfast counter is also attached in the kitchen, which is beautiful and can be quite useful too.

The Movie House

With this apartment interiors in Kochi, the director once again declared his love for cinema by naming it “The Movie House”.  May be the effort which he put to build a home with the style and designs he had in his mind reminded him his days of making films. He later appreciated the D’LIFE interior designers Kochi team for the quality commitment they have provided to make his visions true.

Your Choice for a Comfortable Living and Interiors in Kerala?  

November 16, 2017



There are 3 choices of residences that people go for when living in Kerala. Though they would have grown up in family house, an independent villa with beautiful interiors Kerala in a town or village, when one decides to separate from parental home as per the conveniences of job and other factors, he selects from any of these and settles down. Even a woman when she get married, moves to her husband’s house and then they make decision to have their own home. People living abroad for job mostly choose a house or flat in city or big town.

Independent Villa

This is the traditional style of living in Kerala where there is an independent house in a small plot or a large area of land. A small villa with beautiful interiors in Kerala can be constructed even in 3 cents plot where there is budget constraint. One can even consult an interior design company to create opulent home decor with world class quality designs and spaces of all kinds.

Those who buy plot and construct their house choose the best possible as per their requirement, convenience and budget. It may be 5 cents, 7 cents, 10 cents, 20 cents or even more. Some of the ongoing projects offer top quality residential units with amazing interiors. Those who enjoy an independent life and desire better appreciation of land and house in long term often prefer to have an independent villa. Make sure to choose the best interior designers in Kerala for the premium finish.

Group Villa

It is only last few decades this concept of group villas or compound villas became a popular form of living in Kerala. This includes a cluster of villas in a large compound with common facilities for the inhabitants. Constructed mostly by a builder, each occupants gets about 4 to 8 cents of land and villa. Square feet area of the villa varies as per the land available. Price depends on square feet including the land area. In addition, there need to be provision for villa interior furnishing as well.

Apartment / Flat

This form of housing was first introduced to ensure economic housing with sufficient security. Now a days it has become a most accepted type of housing in cities and large towns of Kerala. A luxury apartment living that ensures a sense of security, common facilities, conveniences etc. makes it the best choice for new generation. Luxury flats with interiors in Kerala are high priced but there is good demand for top notch flat interior especially from NRIs.

Own house is a necessity for all the families. But the choice depends on many factors like conveniences, comfort, price, and location. Those who prefer the house in villages and small towns still go for the traditional option of independent villas. However, for those who want to live in most prominent location the best option is to go for a flat. Group villas will be within the city limits but usually far from the main locations as large area is required.

Whatever be the type of house, it is complete only with interiors and decorations. It is only when the family occupies the house and live a harmonious life a house is complete in all respects. A house for most of us is only once in lifetime, so choose the best and live happy.

Anoop Menon’s Guest House at Kochi

September 14, 2017

Details on Anoop Menon’s House Interiors at Kochi

You must have seen Mr Anoop Menon on the Malayalam movie screen as a versatile actor, as a hero or in a supporting character role. He is also a screenplay writer of great talent and a lyricist too. His love for beautiful houses may not be that famous! Here we give details on Anoop Menon’s house interiors at Kochi, Kerala. The actor believes it has been his lucky house always and now converts it to a superior guest house.

Seeds of creative thoughts on many of his movies were germinated at this 12th-floor apartment with its windows opening to serene lake waters. Anoop Menon’s Guest House at Kochi welcomes his friends from the cinema world and other walks of life with its new design and modern look. The great ambience of a guesthouse is created here using a new set of ideas from the house of D’LIFE. Let’s look into the details of interior works in this guest apartment.

Living Room:

Home interiors company in HSR

Anoop Menon’s guest house interiors at Kochi is a fusion of western and contemporary Indian styles. The furnishing in the living room gives it a charming and thus welcoming feel to the entire house. The comfort of visitors gives happiness to the generous owner. An attractive ceiling, warm lights, matching wallpaper, and simple furnishing make the living room a perfect one.

Dining Room:

Wall-nut bronze dining table with 6 seats makes it a simple yet modern space for comfortable dining. Shelves made in white and wall nut is simple yet appealing.

Home interiors company in Chennai

Master Bed Room:

A combination of mystic walnut and glossy white laminated cot and side tables makes the master bedroom elegant. Brownish wallpaper on one side stands tall against the rest of the light colour walls on other sides and creates a mystic appearance.


Home interiors company in Thrissur

Guest Bed Room:

The cot in this room is of glossy white and walnut bronze finished laminates. Cot with bottom storage is an essential requirement for every bedroom. It is our great honour to design, produce and implement interiors for this guest house. We thank you Mr Anoop Menon for this opportunity and wish you all the very best in your family life and career.

Home interiors company in Kerala

Watch Sun Rise from a Luxury Apartment at Kochi

March 22, 2017

Luxury Interiors in Kochi for Client Mr Suraj John



Suraj, the Indian synonym for Sun reflects cheerfulness, enthusiasm and energy by presence. Our client, the family of Mr. Suraj John can have mesmerizing view of sun rise and sun set from their luxury apartment interiors at Marine Drive, KochiTata Tritvam with 6 residential towers provides the most premium 3 bed room apartments in Ernakulam City.

The water front residential project gives tan exquisite and international standard living experience in Cochin. This luxury apartment at Kochi Sited between Arabian Sea and Mangalavanam Bird Sanctuary, brings all comforts and beauty of the city. Vibrant youngsters at DLIFE worked towards designing and building the best living space luxury interiors in Kochi. Of course, it is with complete co-operation from the client and his interests have taken best shapes through team work.

Upscale Living, Grand Dining 

Open floor plan of this living dining space makes it spacious and creates the first impression on entry. Open theme helps to maintain continuity in design and color theme. Here, an airy living area engulf a three 2-seater leather sofas and a coffee table at center. There is a TV display unit on the wall with ledges. It also has storage facility at bottom for electronic gadgets and other items.

Open dining area comes with a table having thick black glass top and six chairs. Provision of storage with bottom cabinets and ledges are given on the opposite wall. A shelf for displaying crockery items is also set up at right of table. The see-through partition between living and dining area with facility to display artifacts is surely a decoration to the space.

Cozy Modern Bed Rooms

Dazzling view of sunset and starry nights from the balcony of bed rooms proffers a relaxing experience in this luxury apartment interiors. Feel of comfort is being importance to rejuvenate body and mind by this premier soothing lifestyle. All the three bedrooms embraces the most modern style.

Master bedroom has a king size cot and two side tables with lamps. There is one niche and shelf above the headboard of bed. A reading table with storage at the downside of the bed offers full utility. The right side of the bed holds a 3-door wardrobe and a dressing table next to it. The other two bedrooms come with queen size cots and two side tables each. Similarly, both bedrooms have reading tables and shelves above them. A three door wardrobe is also present in both of the rooms. All the furniture has a mystic walnut wooden finish or a combination of mystic walnut and frosty white colors.

Capacious Kitchen, International Style

A fully functional modular kitchen design ensures convenience of work with enough storage cabinets and all essential accessories. Apartment embraces a L shaped kitchen according to the floor plan. Hood & hob and all other modern kitchen accessories are of German brand Hettich. Kitchen incorporates a double bowl stainless steel sink with drain board. Galaxy black granite slab serves as the counter top. But, bottom cabinets have frosty white color finish. Whereas, the overhead cabinet have mystic walnut wooden finish.

We are always thankful to Mr. Suraj John and family for the wonderful support and co-operation throughout the interior works. Wish them a pleasant life having a broad view of sunlight and feel of cool breeze at 10th floor apartment in Tata Tritvam, Cochin.

Watch Video 

If you also wish to contact the best interior designers in Kochi to hand over all works from concept to completion just call: +91 956 723 11 11.

Design, Production, and Implementation by One Company

March 02, 2017

It is always better to have three aspects of interior furnishing – design, production and implementation by one company. This can be of great benefit if a sole hub controls these stages. Better co-ordination can enhance quality and perfection in final result. The conventional process of interior furnishing includes getting design from one company and finding somebody else to get it done. Now clients have the benefit of approaching just one place for all their interior designing and furnishing needs. As an interior design and furnishing firm, D’LIFE had successfully completed more than 7000 projects across Kerala by this date.


Dlife Home Interiors


Beauty of interiors roots in the suitability and completeness of design. When client’s needs meet with designer’s perspective, it becomes lively and attractive. Regular exchange of ideas between both the client and the designer during works is necessary for this to happen. The designer must have an insight about the project for taking actual measurements. This helps to realize the practical feasibility of implementing interiors as desired by client. After providing the rough drawings further alterations are made as desired by the client. The company makes sure all these during interior design process from client’s meeting for better understanding.


factory dlife


This is an important stage in whole process of design, production and implementation. The production phase ensures the Finish and quality of furnishing. Minute details of measurement, cutting as per specific details in design are important. The designer and a representative from factory cross checks measurement for projects before starting production. Furniture and kitchen cabinets crafted with hardwood MDF and Marine ply offers reliability. D’LIFE factories use machinery capable of laminating these without human intervention. The whole process is done under the control of qualified factory managers and supervisors.




Once production is complete, projects team takes control from dispatch to begin installation at site. Entire works of production and furnishing takes 35 to 40 days after finalizing the design. Project managers, supervisors, and laborers work together for completion of work. This helps to handover the site on time. By combining all the factors of interior furnishing, i.e. design production installation under a single management, this interior design and furnishing firm targets delight of clients.


It is cost-effective and comfortable if one company handles all the stages of interior design, production and implementation. Find out that one stop shop of professionals to handle the complete responsibility. If you wish to contact the best interior designers in Kochi to hand over all works from concept to completion just call: +91 956 723 11 11

View and Feel the 5 Elements of Life

February 22, 2017

Embrace 5 Elements from Apartment Interiors in Kochi


5 elements, the very basis of life, when around you, is a rejuvenating experience. Earth, water, light, air and sky unites here at an apartment interiors in Kochi. Bounded by backwaters, Heera Waters residential complex is almost equidistant from NH and MG road, the arteries of Ernakulam City. Chilly breeze, stargazed night sky and pleasant sunlight are nature’s gift present here that gives relaxing feel to mind and body. Chinese fishing nets, Houseboats and a number of small boats in backwaters are also eye-catching.  Hariz Razak and family enjoy all these in this fully furnished apartment.

A Place to Rejuvenate  

Coming back to home is really relaxing, just as reaching a final destination. Name “living room” is so apt for the biggest space in this apartment. It is the best lively place to relax after day of works and travels. Wallpapers and textured tiles make this living room really lively. White leather sofa is very cozy and can accommodate 5 persons.

Cabinets for storage are nicely fixed around living dining partition wall at the bottom Coffee tables and other furniture also match well with white theme of the room with warm lighting. An extra sitting area arranged next to living room by converting one of the 4 bedrooms of this apartment interiors in Kochi  gives the place a airy and wider appearance. This area of apartment interiors in Kochi has been given a wooden theme and comes with wooden flooring.

Come Home and Rejoice



Recharging the energy for next day of business life and off-loading of pressures of day to day happens only when we reach home. Here there is still room for us to rejoice at the blessings. There are 3 bed rooms in this house among them the master bedroom is the highlighted. A full side sky view is possible in this room through a glass window. Also use of wooden blinds adds privacy. It also consist of a King size cot and side table and wardrobes. Coming to the second bedroom, the wardrobe with sliding glass door built at bedside omits the need for dressing table. Third bedroom serves the purpose of a study room too as a table is set to the bedside. Both these bedrooms have queen size cots and a side table each.

Preserving Source of Energy…

Good food and positive thoughts are the natural energy sources. Right place and ambiance encourages these sources, especially with its connections to the nature. A precise dining place with furnishings and decor is set up in this modern apartment interior with enough space and natural lighting from the full window on one side. The roomy space next to the living area also functions as a place for social gathering.

Kitchen must be spacious with all facilities of modern style, was one of the instructions from client to the designer. The floor plan of kitchen was such that two L shaped kitchen counters could be built. Hood and hob fixed on one counter with the facility of a single bowl sink for quick washing makes things a breeze. The other counter has one bigger sink, more storage cabinets and the built in spaces for oven and grill. All the necessary kitchen accessories like cutlery tray, baskets etc are within the sliding trays under hob.

Watch video of this apartment interior.

If you wish to contact the best interior designers in Kochi to hand over all works from concept to completion just call:+91 956 723 11 11

Inside a Luxury Apartment on the Hills of Kottayam

January 24, 2017


Known for its religious harmony and as a hub of trade and commerce, Kottayam is one of the upcoming cities in Kerala. Being at the centre of the state it is easily accessible to the mountains of Idukki, the backwaters of Alappuzha as well as the metro city of Kochi. Tranquil rivers and enchanting green hills add to the beauty of this “letters city” of Kerala. Kanjikkuzhi is the most preferred and premium residential location, just 4 KMs from the heart of Kottayam town.

Dax Chacko, a businessman, from  Kottayam and his family are now enjoying the heights of luxury on the hills of Kanjikkuzhi. In addition to a premium apartment to live in, green surrounding, mild blowing wind and chirps of friendly birds, comes free forever. A swimming pool, children’s play area and recreation facilities help to ensure his well being at this new residence complex.

The 3-BHK 1830 sq ft flat at Skyline Palazzo, Muttambalam, Kanjikkuzhi, also includes two balconies, a foyer, living and dining room. This premium residential tower is near the prestigious Kottayam Club. When convenient location helps his business as well as living, suitable interiors ensure comfort, ease and peace.

Great Inside and Excellent Outside Space

These opulent luxury apartment interiors in Kottayam is delightful with their immense cosiness. Wooden flooring in the living space and ivory colour vitrified tiles at the rest of the flooring match with wall paint. A pale yellow colour tone with ambient lighting provides a warm feeling to this luxury apartment interiors in Kottayam. Furniture at living, dining and bedrooms as well as the kitchen has a blend of frosty white and walnut bronze finish. All other soft furnishings like sofas, blinds and wallpapers complement the whole theme.

At Palazzo, the builders have provided an excellent outside space and amenities for the occupants. The spacious entrance lobby with granite flooring is elegant and welcoming. Besides common facilities, amenities equipped include a home theatre, fitness centre, and recreation hall. Children’s play area, swimming pool, landscaped terrace party area and games room with pool table and card table are also set up here.

Client and Company Working Together on Interiors 

Foreseeing current designing trends, D’LIFE Home Interiors worked with Dax Chacko for fulfilling the requirements of his luxury apartment interiors Kottayam. All rooms and kitchen furnished are according to client’s suggestions, needs and convenience. A luxurious living room welcomes you with a 5 seated Ottoman sofa and a coffee table.  A TV display unit with a back panel, cabinets for storage, ledges and an open shelf are also arranged. The dining room is comprised of a table with a thick black glass top and 6 chairs. One crockery shelf and wash counter with cabinets are also placed here.


The three bedrooms have 3 door wardrobes with loft. The Master bedroom consists of king size cot with bottom storage, a writing table, a dressing table and a bedside table. The other two bedrooms come with a queen-size cot and 2 side tables. Writing tables and dressing tables are essential additions to the kid’s bedroom and guest bedroom respectively. The U shaped modular kitchen has a black granite top and is equipped with all modern kitchen accessories. Designers provide the best possible, yet simple furnishing with close co-operation of client. Watch the actual video of this flat’s interiors at Palazzo Kottayam. Walk into DLIFE home interiors Kottayam to view, discuss and choose the best one that suits your home. Or, just call: +91 956 723 11 11 .


Living and Dining Area Furnishing for Apartments, Houses, Villas

December 27, 2016

Living-dining space is the nucleus of every home where family members unite, entertain and dine. Setting up an enjoyable living, dining room interiors need proper planning and design likewise bedrooms or kitchen. Right furniture layout and fittings make the place live, spacious and further more impress guests. A specialized home interior designing company can help in choosing suitable living and dining area furnishing for flats and houses in Kerala.  Let us have a look at a few things to be kept in mind before doing interiors of living space and dining area.

Make Living Room by Proper Planning


Proper planning, allocation and preparation while designing a living area, ensure proper execution. Some important factors, based on our experience for making a vibrant living room are given below.

Space Planning with Accurate Measurement

Giving priority to available space and demands of client facilitates neat and pleasant living rooms. Measure the actual area available at foyer, living area and compare with usable space for furniture and decorations allocation. Free movement and attractive ambiance to create first impression are to be given importance.

Seating, Visibility and Comfort

Arrange seating to ensure comfort as well as convenience especially when space is not very big.  Sofas, coffee table, TV display unit etc. are to be in symmetry with total theme in living spaces. Mostly shrine or pooja unit in flats and small houses are in living room itself.

Free Movement and Access.

Make sure that people can walk free in the living area, but still enjoy all facilities. Entrance to the room and doors to bedrooms, dining room and stair ways etc. must be easy accessible from living. Keep furniture of accurate sizes so that hassle free movement is possible in between them.

Design to Fit Lighting & Decorative Units

Exploiting natural light is the best practice in home interior designing. In case of modern flats and apartments, artificial lightings are used for generating an inviting atmosphere. Ensure brightness in living room using proper lighting in furniture and decorative units. Tone of furnishing should go with lighting.

Create a Dining Room by Design



Amiable and effective working dining rooms are essential elements of home interiors. Choose furniture and fixtures that work at ease as per needs. Three main aspects that are to be taken care while creating dining rooms are given below.

Dining Furniture & Crockery Unit Allocation

Main furniture in dining room, the table and chairs are to be of suitable size and shape.  Choose the size proportionate to the space for improving aesthetics. Table top can either be of glass or wood finish. In flats and small houses, either small square table or round one with seating capacity of six persons would be ideal. Crockery unit provides functionality of storage as well as showcase for dining accessories. Counter top of crockery unit can work as serving space if the table is small. Broad and beautiful crockery unit can augment the appearance of a dining room.

Separation from Living Area

Separation unit between living and dining adds to the style itself. Decorative items on this separation will have visibility from both the sides. This unit can have full height and width of 60 – 70 CM only, and thus not really a partition. It is mainly a decorative unit visible upon entry into living room.

Easy Access to Kitchen & Wash Unit

It is essential to ensure easy access from dining room to kitchen and common wash counter.  Adequate space around the dining table is also necessary for movement. Pathways to these two portions must be obstacle free. Large dining table and excess number of chairs may cause obstruction on the way, especially in flats.

Experience Makes the Difference

Interior designers are familiar with modern trends in designing, finest materials for furnishing and its availability in Kerala.  They can give valuable and innovative suggestions using their vast experience. Also, they have special talents to professionally assess your requirements and design the living and dining area furnishing as per budget by avoiding many expensive faults. It is always better to hire a designer while planning for home interiors design and execution in Kerala as he can be of great help in considering the above specifications in detail and much more.

Home Interior Design and Execution in Kerala by Experts

November 30, 2016

A Simple Guide to Home Interior Design in Kerala 

Interior designers in HSR Layout

The art of home interior design includes concept development, communication, planning and execution. These four pillars or basics work to give best result. Client preferences, professional experience and talent of designer give the best blue print. It creates a vibrant visual layout before going ahead with real transformation of space. Technical knowledge, experience and team work is essential in execution of plan into reality. There are many attributes to achieve the best home interior design in Kerala. Selection of the right people is the key to success, as it requires talent, dedication and discipline and integrity.

Design towards Reality 

This is a two-way process of merging client’s dreams and designer’s skill of making a blue print based on complete understanding. Designer needs to grasp the taste and needs of the client. Similarly, client needs to be patient and willing to exchange his thoughts and make revisions in drawings. Family members need to take part in this planning process to get the best outcome. Final plan should blend the vision of designer as per requirement of client. Client if abroad can first give clear instructions to make a first drawing. Constant interaction between client and designer helps to give final shape to the design.

Considering the Available Options

Many of the clients leave it to the designer to provide a suitable design, trusting the experience and skills of designer. In addition, clients can also provide their own ideas and images to support the pattern in their mind. Many ideas come upon seeing the first drawing.

 a)      Options Available with Designing Company

There would be many options, solutions, and suggestions already available with the interior design company. Photographs of completed projects, and 3D views of past projects can help clients to take best decisions. Display in showrooms or branches also give a fair idea of material, finish, color and quality. Designer can also show a few color themes, styles that may suit the house or flat.

b)      Choices and Samples from Clients

Client with previous experience may be able to suggest better designs. Some clients collect samples, from magazines and other publishing as per his/ her choice. These samples are given to the designer to adopt similar styles. Client may also refer to the interior works at a friends or relatives house or flat in Kerala.

Execution as Per Plan & Design

Once the design is ready and production is completed, next is the most important stage of execution. Each furniture and module should exactly fit in the space and complement each other. Precise measurements, systematic cutting and production are essential to ensure prompt execution. Therefore, exact adherence to drawing is necessary to complete any project without flaws. An interior design company in Kerala  with years of experience can ensure proper design as well as execution.

3  Main Factors to Consider in Home Interior Design Kerala

interior designers in Kottayam


One of the prime factors that ensure customer satisfaction in execution of home interior design in Kerala is ample attention to client requirements. Therefore, an interior designer needs to plan and customize the furniture as per the budget. Most important challenge is to provide the best layout of furniture in available space. Thus, client’s desires, interests, and personal choices are of utmost importance at design stage. Best furnishing, at best price matching to the space is the goal of every buyer. Surely, an expert interior designer can help the client achieve what he wants, in terms of utility as well as beauty.

How to Reach the Best Interior Designers in Cochin?

November 07, 2016

Bedroom Interiors

Everyone in Cochin may have a dream home in imagination, whether it is an apartment,  group villa or an independent house. Once they achieve this dream home the next hurdle is to furnish and give life to the house. Perfectly matching interiors reflect the personality of the family and create positive energy within the house. Best interior designers in Cochin can offer a complete solution from design till installation.

Search for a Package of Interior Solutions

A genuine search will surely end at finding the best interior designers in Cochin. D’LIFE is the most reliable and largest interior furnishing company in Kerala since 2004, capable of materializing your imagination. This residential interior design firm offers 100% customized modular kitchen, bedrooms, living and dining rooms with a complete set of essential furnishing. This family of 600+ team of professionals has the experience of completing 5000+ interior projects across Kerala, mainly in Cochin. D’LIFE operates with Cochin (Ernakulam) as its centre. The company has 9 showrooms in Kerala & Bangalore for providing special attention to clients.

3 Showrooms in Cochin

DLIFE Home Interiors has 3 showrooms in Cochin for the convenience of people looking for interior furnishing in the Ernakulam district.

1)     Vyttila:

The DLIFE Vyttila showroom at 51/24A -2, 1st Floor Tharayil Tower, Poonithura, Vyttila is just 4 km from Ernakulam junction and 1 Km from Vyttila mobility hub. This showroom is set up in a 3 level building.  The showroom has a display of modular kitchens, bedrooms, living rooms and dining rooms. Visitors can also see other furniture like crockery shelves, wardrobes, cots, and study tables. People from Panampilly Nagar, Kadavanthra, Ernakulam junction south, Marine Drive, MG Road, Chilavannoor Road, Pallimukku, Fort Cochin, Thammanam, Eroor, Chottanikkara, Maradu, Petta can reach this place easily.

It is the central showroom which was once situated at Karshaka Road, Ernakulam near south Railway Station that shifted to Vyttila Cochin. The new showroom in Vyttila will be an active meeting place for discussions about design, sustainable interiors, and attractiveness, rather than a traditional showroom. The team here is capable of turning highly creative design ideas into successful projects – be it a kitchen interior or a home improvement with a personalized and professional service covering all aspects of interior design and interior decoration. Moreover, the showroom is in close proximity to mobility hub road Vyttila and Ernakulam junction railway station, making it easy for the clients.

 2)      Kakkanad:

The second showroom is at Kakkanad, the IT hub of Kerala and popular residential area of Cochin City. People in need of interior design and furnishing can easily make a visit to this showroom at 2C, Chakolas Heights at Seaport Airport Road.  People from Info Park, Smart City, Thrikkakkara, Eloor, Chottanikkara, Thrippunithura, Maradu etc can reach Kakkanad branch easily.

3)      Edappally:

Located strategically in the city of Cochin, Kerala, the third showroom in the district is near Edappally Toll at 31/361 A1 first floor, just next to pillar number 377 of Cochin Metro Rail. The Edapally Cochin showroom is 16 km from Cochin airport and equally accessible from all the Ernakulam district railway stations. This showroom is very convenient for those who live in Aluva, Kalamassery, Kaloor, Mamangalam, Elamakkara. Likewise, people from Vaduthala, Chembumukku and nearby residential areas can also reach easily.

Being a prolific interior designing company specializing in designing residential interior spaces, D’LIFE interior designers in Edappally aims at delivering the best quality customized products and services to clients. The design team is friendly and equally professional throughout the design & implementation process, and keep the client informed at every stage.

2 Factories & 2 Assembly Units at Cochin Ernakulam

All of D’LIFE products are fully customized and are manufactured in the company own factory. This company has one factory with an assembly unit at Thiruvankulam, Ernakulam. About 200 employees including carpenters and assistants are working in these factories. These production and assembly units are equipped with the most modern imported machinery. The materials are of fine quality Hardwood MDF and Marine Ply which are all side laminated.

Sales & Marketing Team

Getting your interior furnishing works from D’LIFE Home Interior is easy. Walk into any of the three showrooms according to your expediency. See and experience the quality and finish of the products and return with a rough estimate.  One of the sales officers will assist you in the showroom by clarifying your doubts and explaining the features of the products and materials. He will be responsible for finalizing your estimate as per requirement and budget. The sales officer will keep in regular contact through the design process till execution. If a direct visit to any of these showrooms is not possible, just call on +91 956723111 or send an email to the company directly. The sales team will contact and provide necessary details, estimates and other information.

4 Interior Designers at Each Branch Location

Interior designing and furnishing are more than giving a better appearance. In fact, it is making the home really work for your convenience. Keeping this in mind D’LIFE’s best interior designers in Cochin can deliver the best products for your house or flat. A team of 4 interior designers is present at every branch for giving one to one attention to each client. Each of our designers specializes in bringing outstanding contemporary home interiors as per the client’s requirements. One of them will visit your site for taking measurements and provide a design solution, taking into account all preferences and requirements. He will also make modifications in accordance with your suggestions. He will be interacting with you consistently to complete your design. Thus, Convert your house into a beautiful living space with all facilities made as per personal and family interests.

Kerala Modular Kitchen by Plan and Design

November 02, 2016

At this modern era, kitchen furnishing in Kerala is much more than creating just a cooking and storage space. Owner, if desires can get all the modern elements of style, color, utilities, comfort and appearance in to a kitchen.  Concisely saying, a perfect kitchen can create an ambiance for the whole house. An expert interior designer can help in building a suitable modern kitchen incorporating all luxuries. Here let us see the broad aspects about modular kitchen that the owner needs to consider at planning or structural stage. Urban method of adopting European styles leads to door less open kitchen. However, due to the specific food habits, open style kitchens are still prevalent across Kerala.

Open Type Kitchen & Custom Modules


In this concept kitchen becomes an integral part of house and it is open to the most adjacent area, typically living or dining room. As there are no walls in between, the person working in kitchen can watch TV, care about the guest or give attention to kids. Here the color pattern of modular kitchen should match with that of living and dining rooms. Minimalist yet modern approach suits an open modular kitchen better than going for lot of storage spaces. Designer can help with ideas of show unit or breakfast table facing the dining area. Proper display of smart appliances and utilities elevates the appearance of open type kitchen.  Some of the apartment buildings have open style kitchen, whereas a few clients may convert to an open style.

 a)      Open by Structure

If the client prefer an open style kitchen it is better to plan ahead of completing structure stage and thus avoid demolitions. An expert interior designer can mention some important points to remember when planning to order a modern modular kitchen in Kerala.

b)      Convert to Open

If client wish to convert in to open kitchen by breaking the front wall, it is possible with some extra efforts and expenses. An interior designer can plan it for an expert company to execute the conversions.

Closed Type Kitchen

U shape Kitchen design in Kollam


This is still the most preferred type of kitchens for flats as well as houses in Kerala. Closed type kitchen will have door like any other room, ensuring privacy, locking odor and sound to certain extend. This also allows ample storage cabinets on walls and thus ensures better utilization of space. There can also be facilities for cabinets, drawers, loft, shelves, utilities, accessories hood and hob in closed type modular kitchen by design.

Traditional and Modern Modular Kitchen

Most essential cupboards or shelves of wood are only there in a traditional kitchen. There is no such space planning or design applicable in this case. Overhead storage spaces with shutters are used in some traditional kitchens in Kerala. But nowadays, most of the new houses are shifting to the trend of modular kitchen. They are simple and effective system of using modules for each storage facility. It includes cabinets, drawers, and compartments with accessories. There can be space for everything in modern kitchen design by making provision by planning. Proper arrangement of hob, sink and work space ensure flawless movement. Custom made Kerala modular kitchens are built individually in accordance with personal interest of each client.

Why Modular Kitchen by Design?

For a sound functioning kitchen, proper planning, design and execution is essential. Customized kitchen interiors provides work space that keeps good atmosphere for work. There can be a work triangle that allows you to move easily between hob, sink and worktop. Another advantage is to choose the correct height and width of cabinets and place them conveniently. Moreover appliances like oven, dishwasher, and refrigerator can have appropriate places. Designer helps to utilize the best of the space as per your imagination, ensuring safety and cleanliness.

Brands of Customized Kerala Modular Kitchen

Brand names in modular kitchens are mostly in ready made segment. There are outlets in major towns offering design, production and implementation. All major Indian and a few international brands are available especially in cities like Cochin. Brands in completely customized Kerala modular kitchen segment are only a few like D’LIFE. Prior planning, design, production, choice of accessories and utilities as per requirement is the specialty of this leading brand. They also help to choose the right layout for your kitchen, determine electrical and plumbing points. D’LIFE provide 5 shapes and styles of modular kitchens through its 9 branches. To get in touch, just call; Kerala +91 956 723 11 11, Bangalore +91 999 551 77 77, UAE +971 56 665 64 14.

Bedroom Interiors in Kerala as Part of New Home Furnishing Works

October 21, 2016


Interior designing and furnishing is essential for the visual appeal and proper functioning of a bed room. It is not about being pretty or pleasing but selecting most suitable items and furniture. This is a process of determining requirements and setting up furnishings as per need. Choosing materials, colors and lighting are equally important to make beautiful bedrooms for a flat or house. Let us have a look into some bedroom ideas and must have furnishings that can be implemented by professionals for interiors in Kerala.

Master Bed Room

Bedrooms are the place where we need comfort as well as convenience. Therefore, it must be given priority while furnishing the master bedroom. King size bed having 198 cm length and 187 cm width with two side tables is apt for a big master bedroom interiors in Kerala. At least a 3-door wardrobe with a dressing table is necessary. Rest of the furniture as per requirements or according to the size of the room. You can also include a dressing table, reading table or a TV display unit as it may suit. A right color combination can make your master bedroom a perfect relaxing retreat.

Guest Bed Room

Guest bedrooms must be casual and charming and thereby you can make the guest feel cozy and welcome. The bedroom interiors in Kerala need only minimal furnishings but essential furniture are a must. Queen size cot having 198 x 157 cm dimension, bed side tables and a 3-door wardrobe is enough. You may go for a big wardrobe, a dressing table or book shelf, to make use of this space to the best. The design and furnishing must be done to make your guest stay comfortable and convenient. An expert interior designer can help you in furnishing your guest bedroom.

Children’s Bed Room 


Transform your child’s bedroom into a paradise with a lot of creativity from a professional firm. Think of bunk beds or separate beds and a study table with enough shelves for keeping books and other study material. Wallpaper also plays an important role in children’s bedroom interiors in Kerala. Pleasant colors and ambient lighting can make necessary environment for children to learn, relax and grow. Colorful accents create a bright kid’s bedroom to their delight. Bed sheets, accessories, wall hangings etc. that suits the age is new trend in children’s bed room.

Some clients prefer separate colors for each bedroom when most of them these days go for a single color theme. While some clients desire to have large size furniture for all the rooms, some go for standard size to fit their budget. Hence, the service of customized bedrooms by interior design company in Kerala managed by experts is attracting a lot of modern home makers.

Advantages of Customized Home Furnishing in Kerala

October 15, 2016

Living room design 3bhk flat kochi

If you are planning a new home furnishing in Kerala, there arises a question in mind – whether to buy Ready-made furniture from furniture store or get it custom-made? Make it as per measurement of space or just buy the ready available furniture. If the client needs suitable size, in good quality material, in decent finish, with matching colors, get it from an established interior designer in Kerala. Having customized home furnishing have a number of benefits compared to ready-made furnishing. Here we explain the advantages of getting custom-made home furnishing from interior designers or design companies than furniture shops in Kerala.

A)     Order from Any place

One of the major advantages of customized home furnishing Kerala is that the client can discuss and order it from any part of the world. People living abroad can make use of this facility very well by sending their floor plan to get an estimate. After receiving the estimate clients can remove or add any item as per budget and need. Upon receiving approval from a client, company starts the interior design process. Interaction between designer and client at each point of design till finalization is possible. This ensures scope of improvement to meet the requirement.  It is not a single day quick buying of largest furniture or competitively priced decor, but a process of finalizing the order in mutual discussion. There are only a few professional companies to offer safe service of home furnishing in Kerala by ordering from any place.

B)     Measure and Make

Designing and making furniture by measuring the actual space help to get it in the perfect fit for a house or flat. Professional interior designing company in Kerala can allot a designer for the client and thus provide special care from the beginning. This designer visits the client’s site, takes actual measurements as per requirement and delivers a 2D design. It is open to make changes like increasing or decreasing storage space in modular kitchen, wardrobe etc. Production and installation may take 35 to 45 working days, depending upon the size of the project. Measurement cross-checking before production and design with all inner specifications ensure prompt fit to space.

C)      Color and Style Same as the Client Need

It is just impossible to get it in ready-made, same as we need, in matching colors, shape, to fit the available space. Ready to buy furniture may not have enough storage space as you require.  Sometimes it may have shutter storage’s while you prefer drawers. You may not find the design you are looking for when buy ready-made furniture. Many times it looks good, suits your taste, and doesn’t fit well at your home. Having customized home furnishing in Kerala can offer you good quality furniture as you are free to choose the material. Thus, the most significant advantage of custom-made home furnishing in Kerala, by design is the aesthetic look that it creates inside a house.

D)     Cross Check…Make it for the space.

The main element for the need of interior designing is to utilize the available space efficiently with customized home furnishing in Kerala. So the designer visiting the site takes measurements at the first instance. Cross-checking of measurements is essential before starting production. This confirms and makes sure that each piece of furniture and modular kitchen fits perfectly to the space. In Ready to fix type of furniture the buyer need to compromise on perfect usage of space. Standard size and large size options are available with design and make furnishing. Large sizes will surely make it suitable for a big size flat or villa anywhere in Kerala.

Ongoing Flat Projects at Ernakulam, Kerala

August 12, 2016

Every city has its own way of living, but Ernakulam makes you live in the city in a different way.  Here you will have various options of flats and apartments having facilities that cope with international amenities. If you are planning to buy a new flat at Ernakulam, there are many ongoing projects of popular builders. The main advantage of going for flat in development phase is that you can get the interiors and kitchen furnishing done as per your taste and requirements. Let us have a look at some of them, selected random, expected to complete in near future.

(Note: This information is received and compiled from the websites of reputed builders. It is just for comparison and understanding of ongoing flat projects in and around Ernakulam city. Reliability and actual work status need to be enquired with the builder directly. Picture courtesy goes to the corresponding builders.)

Trinity Venus

trinity developers venus kakkanad


Venus is part of Trinity World, a premium and luxury apartment project located off Seaport Airport road, Kakkanad. It is the fourth and final tower of this project, consisting of Jupiter, Mercury, Neptune and Venus, set in 6 acres at a much sort after destination in Kochi. Close to Infopark and 600 meters from Palarivattom junction, it is well connected to the heart of Kochi. Total 213 units with two types of 2BHK (1320, 1214 Sq Ft) and 3BHK (1770 Sq Ft) apartments are available in this 23 storeyed tower. Apartments provide a luxurious life with all modern amenities including Indoor Pool, Clubhouse, Health Club, Swimming Pool, Indoor Games, Party Area, Business Centre, Guest Room, Intercom, Centralized Gas Supply and Home Theater etc. Octagonal elevation of towers with a central atrium is its main feature. Project is in ongoing state and hand over is expected towards the end of 2017.

Prestige Hillside Gateway

Prestige Hillside Gateway is a township located at the Info Park Road, Kakkanad in a prime and high demand zone close to Infopark and the Cochin SEZ. The project consisting of 602 Apartments & 27 Premium Villas is being developed on a 13-acre plot, which also includes the Prestigious Forum Mall, Villas & Six Residential Towers along with a Clubhouse. The Clubhouse comes equipped with Aerobics/Yoga Room, Badminton Court, Billiards, Cards Room, Gymnasium, Health Club, Indoor Sports Area, Jacuzzi, Mini Theatre, Multipurpose Hall, Super Market, Squash Court, Swimming Pool, Table Tennis and a Terrace Party Area. Apartments include 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 & 4.5 bedroom sets starting from 663 square feet onwards. Development of this first Disney themed project at Ernakulam is in progress.

Sobha Isle

Sobha Isle is a super luxury apartment project offering spacious 3BHK, 3BHK + Study, 3 HK + Utility and 4BHK + Utility units located in Silversand Island, Vyttila, Ernakulam. It is developed in 4.69 acres with total 384 units in 4 towers having 24 floors. The apartment has a 4 level stilt car park. Size of the apartments ranges from 1850 square feet to 3120 square feet.

Indoor amenities include Multipurpose Hall, Table Tennis, Billiards, Card, Carrom, Chess, Well Equipped Gymnasium, Yoga/ Aerobics and Badminton Court where as outdoor facilities take account of Swimming Pool with Deck Area, Celebration Lawn, Lawn Tennis Court, Volley Ball Court, Half Basket Ball Court, Kids Play Area, Jogging Track and Fishing Bay. Rain Harvesting, Organic Waste Converter, Sewage Treatment Plant, Water Treatment Plant, Visitor Car Parks, Driver’s Rest Rooms and Entrance Plaza with Security Kiosk are the common services. Just 300 meters from Mobility Hub, it has Schools, Colleges, Airport, Railway Stations, Bus Stands, Hospitals, Malls and Entertainments etc. in its proximity. This ambitious project designed completely in accordance with nature’s bounty and designer landscaping offers you a premium living experience. Project completion is expected by December 2018.

skyline brown apartment kochi

Skyline Brown


Brown is the seventh and final tower of the Skyline Ivy League, a luxury apartment project, located next to Smart City, Kakkanad in 8.6 acres of land. This project has 160 apartments of 2 and 3BHK in 22 floors having area ranging from 1039 sq ft to 1695 sq ft. This is one of the luxury flat projects at Ernakulam that encompasses a host of first-rate amenities that complements the modern lifestyle.

Facilities include Badminton Court, Sunset Deck, Convenience Store, Party Lawn, Exquisite Landscaped Areas, Squash Court, AC Party Hall, AC Pool Side Cafeteria, AC Fitness Centre, AC Mini Theatre, Children’s Play Area, Intercom, Sauna, Jacuzzi, Guest-Suites, Swimming Pool with Kid’s Pool, Games Room and Massage Centre. Comfortably away from the city crowd and conveniently close to urban conveniences, just 5 KM from Seaport – Airport Road and 10 Km from NH Bypass Palarivattom, the Skyline Brown provides you excellent connectivity and a serene neighborhood. The project at ongoing stage is expected for hand over by December 2017.

Confident Pride

Confident pride is a luxury apartment project located at the elite spot of Edappally, only just 2 KM from Lulu Mall and 300 Meters from NH – 1. The project has 3 towers with 226 units in 2.5 acres and is developed with 2/3BHK apartments having 1116/1378 square feet respectively. Pride is loaded with modern amenities like Kids Play Area, Visitors Car Park, Sun Deck, Guest Suite, Badminton Court, Mini Basketball Court, Day Care Provision, Ac Party Hall/Conference Room, Multipurpose Gym, Card & Games, Table Tennis, Billiards, Swimming Pool, Centralized Gas System and Office Space. It is expected to be hand over by October 2018.

Abad Knightsbridge

Knightsbridge represents a premium residential apartment project in Kadavanthra, Kochi. This premium residential compound offers 66 units of 2BHK (1100 Sq. Ft) and 3BHK (1610 Sq Ft) flats in a single block of stilt + 12 floors. Each of its flat units will be completely independent with no common-sharing walls set over 64.5 cents of landscaped land. Residents can enjoy the latest amenities befitting of a cosmopolitan urban lifestyle. Association Room,  Solid Waste Management,  Sewage Treatment Plant,  Rainwater Harvesting,  Multipurpose Recreation Hall,  Children’s Play Area,  Terrace Party Area , Fully Equipped Health Club,  Infinity Swimming Pool & Jacuzzi and  Modern Elevators  are some common facilities. It is conveniently located, 1.5 KM from Panampilly Nagar and 2 KM from SA road, overlooking the enchanting Kochi Backwaters. The project, now under construction stage, is supposed to be hand over by June 2017.

Skyline Synergy

Synergy is an ongoing flat projects at Ernakulam- Cheranalloor. The 18-floor luxury apartment project is designed to have 141 apartment units of 2/3BHK ranging from 1135 square feet to 1737 square feet in 4 towers. Located in 1.51 acres, Skyline Synergy is designed with a luxurious landscape and modern amenities. Association Room, Fitness Centre, Games Room, Home Theatre, Guest Suites, Swimming Pool, Open Badminton Court and Multipurpose Recreation Hall are some of the facilities offered. Edappally junction, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Aster Medcity and NH 17 are just a short drive away. Work is in progress as of now and expected hand over is in February 2018.

Galaxy Pine Court 

Pine Court luxury apartment at Kakkanad, Ernakulam sprawls across 1.36 acres with 270 units of 2/3 BHK flats in 3 towers rising up to 16 floors. The 3BHK apartments have a built area of 928 square feet where as 2BHKs have an area of 725 square feet. Galaxy Pine Court is perfectly located, close to Infopark, with easy accessibility to prominent educational institutions, shopping areas, hospitals and much more. Common amenities include 6 Automatic Lifts, Swimming Pool & Health Club, Mini Auditorium with Indoor Game Facility, Children’s Play Area, Landscaped Garden, Rainwater Harvesting and Sewage Treatment Plant. This ongoing flat project is expected to be completed in first half of 2018. The keys are supposed to be hand over by the month of June of that year.

Jade Heights Tower II

Jade Heights II, the second twin of the 32-Storeyed twin tower apartments in Kakkanad, Ernakulam, is a part of Green Metropolis, a 6-acre eco-friendly township project in Kochi. It is the tallest twin tower apartment in South India. The project offers 160 units of very well designed 3BHK residential apartments having 1820 and 1850 square feet area. This is one place where you can enjoy your life in an eco-friendly environment. The site is in close proximity to useful utilities and well connected to Kochi city. Landscaped Garden, Children’s Play Area, A/C Home Theatre, Table Tennis, Card Rooms, Indoor badminton Court, Single Basket Ball Hoop, Health Club, Beauty Parlor, Mini Super Market, Cafeteria, Swimming Pool, Open Party Area, Jogging / Cycling Track, Conference Hall, Business Centre / Reading Room etc. are the common facilities offered. Construction is undergoing and the apartments are expected to complete by Dec 2018.

Asten Campus Court

Campus Court is a fully integrated housing complex that offers residents the best of homes at Kakkanad, Ernakulam. It comes in 3BHK (1760 Sq Ft) and 2BHK with study (1572 Sq Ft) in 3 acres with 2 towers and 384 apartment units. Asten Mall, a commercial shopping mall facilitated with Multiplex, Food Court, Hypermarkets, other Lifestyle Stores and a 120-Room Luxury Hotel Block is also associated with this project. Situated just 300 meters away from the Seaport-Airport Road, it has unparalleled connectivity to other places of Kochi city. Swimming Pool, Health Clubs, Multi-Purpose Gym, Billiards Room, Library/Reading Room etc. are the facilities included in the Clubhouse. Other common amenities are also available. Development is almost complete and apartments are expected to be hand over by the end of year 2016.

There are many more going projects of vertical villas, group villas and flat projects at Ernakulam promoted by prominent builders of Kerala and outside. If the building is nearing completion, interior works planning can be started with the help of measurements provided in floor plan. It will help to do a furniture layout and mark the changes required in electrical and plumbing connections. Alterations on internal walls or changes in other specifications can also be planned to avoid demolitions at later stage. Client can request the builder for necessary changes in advance. An experienced interior design company in Ernakulam can help to plan at development stage.

Back to Kerala for a Cool Riverside LIFE

August 05, 2016

Away from Hustle and Bustle of Ernakulam City, at River Side

After many years of experiencing life abroad, here comes a beautiful opportunity to live a peaceful life at Ernakulam, Kerala. Here is an example of premium interior furnishing in Ernakulam that anyone would love to live in. Mr. Mathews Philip and family are extremely happy with their choice of villa at Ernakulam. Located at Vennala – Eroor Road, near Arkakadavu Bridge, Tripunithura, Ansals Riverdale is far from the chaos of Ernakulam. The house has easy access to the city with about 5 KM from Vyttila, 4.5 KM from Palarivattom and 4.3 KM from Tripunithura. A gentle stretch of Kaniyampuzha river embraces the western boundary of Riverdale colony spread out in about 12 acres. The 4BHK villa has an area of 2570 and all the common amenities are available for a comfortable living. This villa is designed and executed by D’LIFE interior design team along with complete customized home furnishing in Kerala.

Art of Interiors for Aesthetic Feel Inside

Contemporary style of interiors and furnishing matches the house as well as the taste of the inmates. On entering in to the living room of the villa, our eye catches the sight of two decorative display units in Canadian Walnut wood finish on walls. The center of attraction is a large size coffee table in dual color combination of Canadian Walnut and Frosty White surrounded by a 3+2+1 sofa set. A living dining partition can also be seen there. Interiors done using laminated Hardwood MDF and Marine ply ensure durability and style.

Coming to the dining room, we can see a custom made six-seated dining table with brown beveled glass top and a TV display unit having storage facility. The dining is also equipped with a common wash counter with overhead and bottom cabinets. One customized small center table and a bar counter unit is setup in the ground floor balcony area.

Modern Kitchen and Master Bedroom

The kitchen of this villa has plenty of space and hence adopts a U shape layout. Hood and hob fixed to the right portion and sink placed at the middle of the U shape blends seamlessly with the decor. A tall unit attached to the left end provides space for the oven and grill. All essential modular kitchen accessories like baskets, trays, pullouts, lemans corner, waste bin etc. are inside drawer storage and cabinets. A breakfast counter is also set up at one side. Overhead cabinets and lofts have a Black Currant glossy finish whereas bottom cabinets have Frosty White Finish. Moving to the master bedroom, we can see a king-size cot with headboard paneling and bottom storage. Two side tables arranged on either side of the cot provide ample space for storage. The display unit fixed above the headboard of the cot offers space for artifacts and photo frames. The room engulfs a study table with drawer storage and a 4-door wardrobe with lofts. There is one guest bedroom on the ground floor and it has custom-made storage and lofts.

4bhk villa kitchen interiors at ernakulam kerala


Interiors of Upper Living Space and Bedrooms


The main LCD TV display unit for this villa interior project is at the upper living space. The unit serves as a bookshelf cum display unit spreading over the entire wall. Another bookshelf provided at the entrance to a bedroom creates an exceptional distinctive styled look. The living space also exhibits a center table and a sofa set. All the furniture here is done as part of customized interior furnishing in Ernakulam. Giving Individual considerations while designing gives the perfect blend of style, and functionality. One of the bedrooms adopts a pink theme and other a purple theme. Both come with queen-size cots with headboard paneling and bottom storage, display units and wardrobes in matching design. One bedroom has a study table unit whereas the other gets a dressing unit. Open Storage, pelmet, paneling, and shutters for Kitchen work area and customized shoe rack are also part of this project of villa interiors in Ernakulam.

villa interiors at ernakulam kerala

Click Here to Watch the Video of this Project.

How to get villa Interiors in Ernakulam Done by Professionals?

Apart from a place to live, home has become opulence in man’s dream. With the current trends and future potential, people have started choosing group villas or vertical villas with complete interior furnishing in Ernakulam. Today, ready to occupy villas are available in main cities as well as towns in Kerala without having any hassle for building them. Giving importance to comfort and personal interests of family members is a must while planning villa interiors. With little effort, one can get the help of a professional home interior design company in Kerala from concept to completion; just call: +91 956 723 11 11.

Style and Simplicity Inside a 1125 Square Feet Flat

July 21, 2016

Modern Furnishing in 1125 Square Feet Flat at Ernakulam


Flat having 1100 to 1200 square feet with modern furnishing is expedient for an upper middle class family to live within a city like Ernakulam. It is ideal to use it as a second home especially to enjoy the convenience within the city. These types of apartments come with a reasonable sized kitchen, three bedrooms and a living dining space. One must be vigilant while planning to furnish such flats as the space available is to include everything essential. At the time of designing interiors, every space must be efficiently utilized to ensure comfort of living. An expert interior designer can provide you the kind of design that suits the space. Let us have a look at the modern furnishing for 1125 square feet flat at Galaxy Cloud Space, Kakkanad, Kochi designed and implemented by D’LIFE Home Interiors.


Kitchen in L Shape Made to Fit the Space

The best-suited layout for kitchen of this flat is L – Shape as it has a dimension of 220 x 300 cm. Cabinet made using Marine Ply and Hardwood MDF in Canadian Walnut finish stretches to the full length of both walls. The Granite slab is at a standard height of 85 cm from the floor. Hood and Hob is fixed on one side and sink on the other side thus by separating wet and dry area. Premium accessories like baskets, trays, pullouts, detergent holder, waste bin etc. are also provided.

Three Bedrooms with Modern Furnishing

1. Master Bedroom (490 x 300 cm)

The master bedroom consists of a queen-sized cot, two cot side tables, a 2-door wardrobe and a dressing table. All furnishings engulfs Hardwood MDF in a dual tone of Mystic Walnut and Frosty White finish. A ledge provided above the cot makes space for artifacts and photo frames.

2. Bedroom 2 (390 x 300 cm)


The guest bedroom provides comfort and coziness. Furnishings are same as in master bed room except dressing table which is in combination of Canadian Walnut and Frosty White finish.

3. Bedroom 3  (270 X 270 cm) 

The spare bedroom is the smallest among three. It is also designed in mixed color blend of Mystic Walnut and Frosty White. Furnishings include a queen-sized cot, a cot side table and a 2-door wardrobe.

3BHK flat interiors in Ernakulam, Kerala

Fully Furnished Living – Dining Space

Living dining space has an L shape to it. The Living area has a dimension of 380 x 300 cm and therefore a 2+1 seated sofa and a center table is apt. A TV display unit is also fixed on opposite wall. The dining has an area of 300 x 340 cm and comes with a dining table with thick glass top and six chairs. A display cum storage unit is also placed near the table. All the furniture in living- ding area has a mixture of Frosty White and Mystic Walnut finish. Dining chairs and Sofa also matches with the color theme of the room. Click Here to watch video.

If you wish to contact the best interior designers in Kochi to hand over all works from concept to completion just call: +91 956 723 11 11. Or, walk in to your nearest DLIFE branch to discuss requirements with an interior designer and plan the perfect home interiors.

5 Ways to Get Best Kitchen Interiors in Kerala

July 14, 2016

Things to Know While Planning Kitchen Interiors in Kerala

Apart from all other rooms in a house, modular kitchen gives the prevalent visual impact in interior design and furnishing. Various aspects play key roles in the luxury appearance of kitchen interiors in Kerala. Cabinets are not the only kitchen amenity where customization is critical. Sometimes, it come in standard size with matching door shutter options. As per the choice and budget, it is up to the client to bring them into life with the help of a professional interior design firm. Here are five simple ways to make your kitchen interiors look luxurious, modern and attractive.

1. Begin by Selecting the Right Shape

black kitchen design dlife kerala bengaluru chennai

Prominence must be given for selecting the right shape if you are looking for a perfect laid out kitchen. The distance between hood and hob, sink and work-space should allow flawless movement and easy work in any modern kitchen. Experienced interior designers in Kerala can help you in this as per the size, shape and layout. You must be also cautious on your requirements while choosing the shape. L –shape, U – shape and Island kitchens are most preferred for flats, villas or houses.

2. Get the Right Height and Width

Planning is a must before furnishing a kitchen. Correct height for counter top and overhead cabinets is necessary for smooth working in kitchen. If you prefer a contemporary or modern kitchen just leave it first to give the most suitable design. Owner should be able to suggest changes, discuss the alternate options and decide the best possible style. To increase the size or to accommodate some essential facilities, alter the kitchen structure. Extra overhead cabinets or loft can enable more storage space.

 3. Think Where to Splurge


Upper and lower cabinets take up the largest portion of total budget for modern kitchen. Select designs with minimum cabinets. As it is a long-term investment, it should be of your requirements and need. Both premium and economy range of kitchen accessories are available to select as per budget. However, Convenience and style need to be given importance while designing a suitable modular kitchen in Kerala. The right selection of materials and its durability also needs to be considered when going ahead with kitchen works.

4. Provision and Care for Accessories

Planning is a must before giving the work of kitchen interiors in Kerala to a contractor. Cabinets are not the only things that make a modern kitchen functional. Kitchen accessories are also important. Hood and hob is essential and inevitable to go with a kitchen design. Choose GTPT, cutlery tray, a cup & saucer tray and baskets for drawer storage. Waste bin, bottle pull out and detergent holder are also necessary. Cabinets offer ample space for storage to accommodate all the required accessories .

 5. Ambient Lights up Makes it Bright. 

Lights give the final bright touch to a kitchen to make it attractive to the visitors. Lighting keeps the elegance of a kitchen and enhances its appearance. Where to give the lights should be left to the discretion of interior designer. Minimum lights at suitable places should be added to the requirements while entering to a contract for kitchen interiors in Kerala and Bangalore.

In any of the customized home furnishing works, kitchen is the most important area to focus. Therefore, get the design, discuss the above specifications before finalizing an agreement. Know about the material quality, finish, accessories to ensure best results out of the works.

6 Rooms in a House Where You Live Merrily

June 13, 2016

Make House Interiors in Kerala with Perfect Plan & Design

Family life is mostly revolved around these most important 6 rooms in a house. Therefore, it is important to get house interiors in Kerala with best appearance and endurance. Furniture in these rooms should fit perfectly to the space and match the interest of family members. In this case, you should surely go for the customized interiors with proper planning. Matching each other, perfectly compatible with the size of the room furniture made by design is the best choice.

If you have a house or flat in Kerala either ready to occupy or about to complete, start looking in to the works of interiors too. In case the flat is of about 1400 square feet the below specifications make the furniture fit exactly to the space inside the rooms. Adding more storage, items or extra fittings, interior designer can include them at extra cost. If the size of the flat or house is more than 1600 square feet client may need to go for bigger units that fits better to the rooms, by exact measurement.

1)      Kitchen – Design as per Space with Adequate Storage

Kitchen interior designers in Kerala


Kitchen is the most vital part of a house where you are going to spend a bit of time daily and that is inevitable. Therefore, you need ease of work and sufficient storage for easy reach of things. Hood and hob, worktop and sink etc precisely in place, make sure that flawless movement is possible in kitchen. Even though five shapes of kitchens are available, more preferable among them are U shape and L shape kitchens. Straight kitchen is apt for kitchens having comparatively less space. Parallel kitchen is for professionals and cooking enthusiastic. Thus, functionality and beauty are equally important factors while planning house interiors in Kerala.

 2)      Master Bed Room – Wardrobes  and Queen Size Cot with Side Tables

Master bedroom of an average 1400 square feet house or flat requires a queen size cot having a size of 158 x 200 cm and one or two side tables. At least a three-door wardrobe is necessary for every master bedroom. Here a 210 x 120 x 50 cm wardrobe having 3 doors would fit in to the bed room perfect. A dressing unit can also be integrated to the wardrobe or provided as a separate unit as per availability of the space. If there is sufficient height for the room, a loft can be added to the top. Quilt, premium bed sheet, bedside carpet, wall pictures, bedside lamps, wooden blinds and wallpapers also can be added to give that dazzling effect.

 3)      Guest Bed Room – Cot, Wardrobes etc. Essentials

Nowadays nuclear families living in a 3BHK flat reserves one bedroom for guests. Even if it is not used on all days, that guest bedroom also needs some modern essential furnishing. A queen size cot is apt for this room. One or two bedside table can be added as per space availability. As a part of bedroom, a 3-door wardrobe is adequate. All these can be put under your budget by proper planning and designing. Rely upon a professional and truly beneficial interior design company in Kerala for your requirements.

 4)      Children Room

Surely, one room in each home is for the kids whether they are one two or three. Children love colors like Parrot green, Danube blue, Marie gold and Bubblegum, which are readily available at D’LIFE Home Interiors. Bunk beds are the best choice for kids as they can save space for a useful study table. Wardrobe for children’s room is a must so that they can go organized with their dresses for school, home and other casuals. Wardrobe with 3 doors and full size mirror is sufficient for kids and it is more convenient that if a study table can be integrated to it. You can think of single cots instead of bunk beds if children are a little bit grown up and that will be helpful for future.


 5)      Living Room / Area – LCD TV Unit, Shoe Rack


Living room is the area in a home where all the members of the family spend the most time together. Furnishings here should be equally adjustable for every member of the family. A T V Display unit is an unavoidable part of living room. As per your taste and wish, shelves or storage spaces can be built in for home theater, music systems or other things. Shoe rack is another unit that can be integrated into your living area or foyer as part of house interiors in Kerala.

6)      Dining Room / Area as Part of House Interiors

The house becomes comfortable home when the members share their emotions and make perfect bonding, and the best way to do it is through a quiet and warm meal with your family. So dining area is another vital part of your home. Be precise to select furnishings for dining rooms. You can choose customized dining table and chairs as you wish. A suitable partition between living and dining room is another facility that comes only with customized house interiors in Kerala.

Let us work together and make the arrangement of furniture and decorative units the way you wanted them to look graceful. All the 6 rooms in a house can be uplifted with suitable furnishing and decoration as it fits the budget.

Melody of Life in New House at Manarcaud, Kottayam

June 01, 2016

Living room interiors kottayam

Mr. Sangeeth Thomas, Sales Manager at DBMCSC Steel FZCO Dubai, has realized his dream of an alluring independent house at Manarcaud, Kottayam. Two storied 3800 square feet spacious house with 4 bed rooms, living areas, dining, and modern kitchen with work area got ready to occupy in 2016. When the work was in structural stage, he started thinking of suitable interiors for this contemporary style house built in 10 cents plot. He saw some picture posts of D’LIFE Home Interiors in social media and got fascinated.

As recommended by his friends, he went ahead and chose D’LIFE home interiors in Kottayam to do the entire works including modular kitchen and customized furniture for all rooms. He also had consulted with his relatives living in Kottayam about contractors capable of undertaking whole essential interiors for the house.

Discussions on requirements of home interiors in Kottayam

Mr. Sangeeth, his wife Sheena and two children Sandra and Steve participated in the discussions to share their requirements of furnishing in new house. They made a visit to DLIFE office and show room at Kanjikkuzhi, Kottayam. Modular kitchen that aptly fit the space ensuring essential storage was wife’s prime concern. The discussion also involved arrangement of Master bedroom with king size cot, 4 door wardrobe and dressing unit, guest room, and additional bed room . Kid’s bed room was a real gift for the 2 children who could rejoice on their visits to Kerala. They chose for pink color wardrobes and a king size cot for their dream bed room. The selection of formal and family living room furniture with care ensured that the house received a premium appearance.

Design in consultation with client

First, we gave the plan layout indicating the position of furniture and revised as per the suggestions from family. Reworking on detailed drawing and improving several times helped to arrive at the best of owner’s interests. Taking measurement ensured perfect fit of furnishings to the available spaces in each room.

Summary of Main Furniture and Works Covered

A). Modular kitchen, U shape with upper and lower cabinets and accessories, hood and hob in modern kitchen.

B). Storage spaces in 2nd kitchen and store room in two levels.

C). Bed Room- King Size Bed, Wardrobe with dressing unit and side tables, display unit above the cot and toilet storage.

D). Guest Bed Room – Queen-size cot, side tables, display units above the cot, built in wardrobe with dressing unit and toilet storage.

E). Kids bed room – King size cot, wardrobes with 3 doors, dressing unit, display unit

F). Living areas –There are 3 living areas in 2 levels. Each living room consist of LCD unit in wood finish laminates, center table, display partition with glass pillar, and display units as required.

G). Dining area, wash counter and display units.

H). Interior works included also electrical, lighting accessories.

Execution to Hand Over

Smooth and continuous working of 45 days by a team of technicians and workers headed by project manager could deliver the products installed as promised.  D’LIFE team was enthusiastic to serve Mr. Sangeeth Thomas and family who were understanding and co-operative at each stage of this home interiors project at Manarcaud, Kottayam. We wish this happy God conscious family all the very best in their new style of living. Let the life be a melody for this small blessed family.

Interior Designers in Kakkanad, D’LIFE Offer Better Service

April 30, 2016

Providing Customized Home Interiors at Kakkanad

Kakkanad, a suburb of Ernakulam is one of the modern residential areas in Kerala. With the new business developments there was substantial increase in flats as well as independent houses at Kakkanad. As modern life style and requirements demands a flat or villa to have ready to occupy interior furnishing that includes modular kitchen, bed rooms, living, dining etc. Residents prefer a professional interior designers in Kakkanad to conceptualize design and execute the works. D’LIFE home interiors Kakkanad, the company that has been serving clients of Kochi since 2004 has opened a new branch to get closer to them.

Convenience Offered for Clients

DLIFE offer convenience to clients through the direct branch network. Dealing direct with customer, understanding the requirements in person, visiting actual site etc. gets easier with having the branch close to them. This is the third branch of D’LIFE in Ernakulam. Edappally and Vyttila are the other branch locations. With the increased customer needs, D’LIFE has branches in other cities such as Trivandrum, Kollam, Kottayam, Thrissur, Kozhikode and Bangalore with fully furnished showrooms. Clients can visit Kakkanad or any other showroom in compliance with their ease of reach. D’LIFE offers tailor-made customized interiors and design solutions as per space plan. The showrooms interior boasts a display of modular kitchen furnishing, living rooms and bedrooms so that customers can see, touch, feel and experience the quality and finish with the assistance of our team of proficient officers and experienced interior designers and see how their dream home be like.

Location of Kakkanad Branch

D’LIFE home interiors Kakkanad branch, which is show room cum office is located at 2nd Floor of Chakolas Heights Building, near Info Park Entrance in Seaport – Airport road making it easy to reach for the residents of nearby areas like Thrikkakara, Kalamassery, Thripunithura etc. Location can be found here.

Some of the Completed Flat Interior Projects at Kakkanad



Kakkanad being a highly demanded residential spaces with required facilities for quality living, all major builders have showed their presence with a large number of flat projects. D’LIFE home interiors Kakkanad is doing house and flat interiors in Kakkanad for the last 12 years. Some of the latest home interior projects executed direct for the clients are in below listed residential buildings.

Skyline  IVY League                      

Mather Highlands

DLF New Town Heights

Purva Eternity

Trinity World

SFS Silicon Hills

Kent Mahal

Galaxy Cloud Space

Olive Court Yard

MIR Jade Heights  

Use the expertise, experience and cognizance of a company with excellent systems to provide better solutions in home interior furnishing at Kakkanad. Let us meet at the showroom and discuss the requirements in detail.

Kitchen Storage Solutions

April 20, 2016

Store in Style, Same as Per Requirement

A work space for woman, exactly as she expects with lot of storage space is what D’LIFE modular kitchen provide. Stylish and modern outlook with ample space to store essential things is no longer a luxury for today’s households. Through years of expertise, our sales and design team is now well aware of customers style and storage requirements. When you create a functional modular kitchen, it is important to think about the the essential provisions. Similarly, one should also ensure the best finish and stylish appearance.

What All to Store in a Kitchen?

Kitchen storage solutions mainly consist of utensils, plates, glasses and other accessories for cooking, serving and eating. Easy and comfortable reach to the frequently used things is the essential need of everyone working in the kitchen. Less used items also should have its space so that it does not disturb the flow of work. Refrigerator, Sink, hood and hob play an important role and it forms the work triangle that controls the easiness of work. Besides overhead and bottom storage cabinets, the modular kitchen provides modern utilities that make cooking a bliss.

Make a Place for Everything

Everything needs to have its own space and be easy to access. Modular kitchen storage solutions offer ample space to arrange grocery items, detergents, curry powders, and bottles. Detergent holder helps to store the things for the washing machine as well as dishwasher. Bottle pullout helps to keep bottles of sauces, oil etc. properly. Similarly, plain baskets, thali basket, cup & saucer tray and cutlery tray help to organize better. Waste bin with an auto lid maintains the kitchen clean and avoids foul smell. Keep away the cardboard boxes, plastic bags, newspapers etc. from the kitchen to ensure cleanliness and make it pest free. All these facilities and provisions are possible only in a custom-made modular kitchen by a reliable company.

Take Care of it & Maintain Beautiful

Would you be able to take out everything stored inside, every month and clean the shelves using wet cloth or kitchen cleaning liquids? It would avoid pests, dirt and dusts occupying their favorite space. Kitchen storage solutions by cabinets using marine ply and hardwood MDF are durable and alluring. Thus, strong from inside and beautiful outside this combination of materials will take care of your needs in kitchen for several years. DLIFE provide the best modular kitchen in Kerala and Bangalore ensuring sufficient storage as per requirement. Take good care of the accessories and cabinets and enjoy years of using them.

Personalized Home Interiors in Thrissur

November 18, 2015

We all know that furniture and fittings in addition to the utility, provides beauty and comfort inside a house or flat. Interiors need a more artistic imagination of the owner to exactly match the desire. Thus, with precise planning and mutual understanding between designer and the owner, one can have a lovely flat or villa. D’LIFE, professional interior designers and modular kitchen manufacturers in Kerala is now offering its services at Thrissur. Thus, get personalized home interiors in Thrissur district, Kerala.

Professionals for Home Furnishing

home interiors in thrissur

D’LIFE Interiors showroom started in August 2015 at Thrissur, the cultural capital of Kerala and land of festivals. Located at a convenient place near Sobha City, Punkunnam, the showroom is in close proximity to NH 69 and 75. Thus, house and flat owners having needs for home interior designing in Thrissur can easily reach here. Team of designers and other officers are ready to help customers in their home furnishing as per requirement. Additionally, the showroom displays modular kitchen with accessories and bedrooms with wardrobes and cots. Similarly, living room furnishings like sofa, coffee table and decorative units are also there to view and discuss. Anyone who visits here can experience and feel the quality and finish of best custom-made interiors and furnishing.

Convenient, Customized, Modern Modular Kitchens in Thrissur

It is not necessary to adjust with the limited facilities of a traditional kitchen in a flat or house. It is possible to design and furnish according to your convenience and interest. D’LIFE is offering 100% customized modern modular kitchen in Thrissur district. With a unique capacity to furnish highly sophisticated contemporary interiors in Thrissur, the company also assures timely completion of work anywhere in the district.

Inform Us, We Will Contact You

Do you or anyone else is looking for a reliable company for home interiors in Thrissur? Tell us about the requirements by just filling and submitting an estimate form. One of our interior designers will surely call you. Or, Contact us directly at +91 9567231111 between IST 9.30 AM – 6 PM from Monday to Saturday and  10 AM to 6 PM on Sunday. Alternatively, you may also visit our showroom at Kuttippuram Rd, Near Sobha City, Puzhakkal, Punkunnam, Thrissur, Kerala 680002.

8 Points to Remember When Planning a Modern Kitchen in Kerala

September 01, 2015


Modern kitchen beautify the house, ensure convenience in cooking, and aid in better organization. While thinking of a modular kitchen, prime focus must be given to the storage facilities, accessories, and suitability to the space. Only a professional interior designing company can provide the right blend of style, beauty and functionality for a kitchen that completely transforms into your choice. Here you can read about many things to consider while planning for a modern kitchen in Kerala.

1. Kitchen Design

Giving importance to size and shape while designing a modern kitchen in Kerala, can help in making the most out of kitchen space. Available space plays a significant role in its functionality and user-friendliness. A straight-line kitchen has a sleek look where as L shaped is most preferred. There are 5 shapes and styles of customized modular kitchens in use. One can also think of combining these basic shapes if the space permits. Better leave it for an expert interior designer to suggest the suitable design, check, discuss and approve to go ahead.

2. Materials for Modern Kitchen in Kerala

Another most important matter to consider is the type of materials for modular kitchen cabinets. Kitchen is an area that get wet frequently and therefore require laminated materials. Marine ply for the cupboards ensure better durability and strength. All side laminated marine Ply is water-resistant and durable, therefore a good option. Therefore, it is advisable to use laminated Hardwood Fiber board or 100% Gurjan BWP Marine Plywood  for the shutters and granite slabs or Korean tops for countertops.

3. Ease of Movement & Reach

Even an average homemaker spends a good amount of time inside the kitchen. Therefore, it must be a convenient place for smooth working of modern housewives. Adjusting the Elevation of overhead cabinets can help to get maximum reach. Similarly, the depth of countertops also should be comfortable for all persons using the kitchen. Make sure that frequently used items are easy to reach. Workspace, hob and sink should be placed such that there is no movement hassle and more people can work at the same time without any inconvenience.

4. Modern Kitchen Accessories

Accessories used inside the cabinets should be perfectly suitable to the needs and matching with the kitchen. Ensure quality stainless items of reputed brand while selecting accessories for modular kitchen. You can pick standard or premium quality branded accessories rather than compromising with local made products to ensure durability. Choosing the right size helps to get the drawers and doors of storage cabinets fitted easily and utilize corner space effectively. An experienced interior designer can help in getting the right things in place.

5. Storage Cabinets

Storage cabinets give an elegant and sleek look and style to every modern kitchen in Kerala. Select a matching color with other furnishings to get a natural appearance. They are one of the aspects that determine the ease of work in a kitchen. For better experience, it must be spacious enough to store everything from pot to pan. Adjust the width and depth of cabinets according to your preference. Be careful to select premium quality hinges and handles for cabinet shutters as its constant use may cause breaking up. Place the overhead storage cabinet in a convenient height for more comfort.

6. Hood or Chimney

Cooking habits of Kerala includes excessive usage of oils and spices. The stench smell of spices and cooked food hung in the air may cause unpleasing impression. Vapors of oil, steam and smoke can dull the beauty of kitchen. A good quality hood or chimney deplete and distinguish odors. Several models with wide features and auto function are available in the market. Choose a 60 cm or 90 cm hood with appropriate functions according to the size and number of burners of your hob.

7. Lighting & Colors

Ambient lighting over the cooking area and workspace is necessary inside a modern kitchen in Kerala to work smoothly. Other areas can be lightened up to enhance the beauty of the kitchen accordingly. Be vigilant to avoid shadows of overhead storage cabinets over the cooking area and countertop. Make use of day light with electrical light to get a natural balance while lighting up a kitchen. This is helpful for creating a lively mood and cooking with ease during the daytime. Light shades of colors matching with the walls makes the kitchen look brighter.

8. Maintenance & Service

Kitchen is the most used area of a house or flat and therefore there may be chances of repair or maintenance in long run. Before giving order for a customized modular kitchen, enquire about the warranties and after sales services offered. As it is a long term investment, and cannot be replaced shortly, you require long-term service. A professional interior design company in South India can offer you a lifetime service. Hiring them will be better to get ultimate perfection and uniqueness. This service is available allover Kerala.


10 Benefits of Customized Modular Kitchen in Kerala

July 23, 2015

Modular kitchen design kerala

Modular Kitchens, the style statements of modern homes, have revolutionized the way of kitchen usage. In this era of open living concepts, bold and elegant modular kitchens have become a new standard. The only thing you have to do is to seek out a reliable customized modular kitchen manufacturer who is capable of meeting all your requirements. D’LIFE Home Interiors, based at Cochin (Ernakulam), with an experience of 12 years offers solutions that suit the house or flat. Here are the 10 benefits of customized modular kitchens in Kerala.

1. Fit to the Space

Customized modular kitchens designed and built with precise measurement offer maximum space exploitation. Pre-built or ready-made modular kitchens may not fit space exactly in shape or size. No such size mismatches arise in the case of customized modular kitchens. We can make use of cramped corners efficiently and even the narrowest spaces turn to side mounting or bottle pullout facility.

2. Get the Facilities as Required

Hood and hob, sink, storage units etc. are the essential components of any modular kitchens. Besides these, one can opt for other facilities like built-in space for ovens, grills, refrigerator, and LPG cylinder. Additional storage, more space, quick dining area etc. are some of the benefits of a customized modular kitchen. The customer can also choose the size of storage units, the height of overhead cabinets and shelves, type of drawers etc. as they wish. This flexibility in design is foremost among the benefits of customized modular kitchens.

3. Get the Right Color Combination

Color reflects the state of mind. It affects your mood favorably or adversely that in turn influences working in the kitchen. Color selected must be in tone with the taste of users. Attractive and stylish color blends from a simple matte to a high gloss finish are available from a variety of choices. It is better to go for a color that harmonizes the wall paint and does not get outdated. Always consult with a modular kitchen specialist for a color scheme that creates a lively atmosphere and that gives a bright look in the kitchen.

4. Provision for Accessories

Modular kitchens have changed the traditional concepts of kitchen usage and we can find them very functional. Modern kitchen accessories play a key role for the smoothness and ease of functionality. As one of the benefits of customized modular kitchen, its storage spaces come with a set of well-organized accessories. D’LIFE offers 9 accessories with their modular kitchens. Customers have a provision to choose additional premium accessories if necessary. The kitchen does not require any alterations to integrate these individual components.

5. Add Wanted and Eliminate Unwanted

Modular kitchens are contemporary trends in the kitchen and are getting popular day by day. They include kitchen appliances, accessories, and storage cabinets to fit various cooking needs and are available in diverse materials and finish. As pre-built and having only standard units they may not be suitable for specific requirements of every person. Some elements may be missing or some might not be necessary. In the case of completely customized modular kitchens, we get many options and ideas to add our choices and eliminate the unwanted.

6. Convenient and Time Saving

Convenience is another benefits of customized modular kitchen. Nowadays more and more people are opting for modular kitchen, as they are very convenient. In traditional carpenter made kitchens, the house owner has to search and find wood and other materials for construction. There may not be a proper time limit to finish the work and one has to wait with patience until the carpenter does it. Materials for D’LIFE’s modular kitchens are made in sophisticated factory under expert supervision. Moreover, it takes only 35 to 45 working days to complete the work starting with design till hand over. Lifetime service and limited period warranty are some of the benefits of modular kitchens.

7. Fit to the Budget

Customized modular kitchen final prices depend upon the storage spaces, provision for accessories, materials, and finish. Conventional carpenter built kitchen seems to be a reasonable solution in the beginning. However, in the end you will realize that the cost has reached beyond your budget and you may not get the finish, quality and look of a modular kitchen. Customers may disclose the budget to the sales consultant and discuss the facilities and size that can be attained within that. D’LIFE modular kitchen prices start at Rs1.76 Lakh including design, and implementation services. This includes Hettich (German Made with 15 year warranty), Kitchen cabinets and storage Hood and Hob and all other essentials.

8. Pay as Per Progress

Finely designed modular kitchens add fresh look and style to the home and adapt to available space. Its cost may vary depending upon choices. You have to pay in advance for traditional or readymade modular kitchens. Payment can be made as the work progresses starting with a nominal token amount to get the plan and design done. Half of the remaining sum should be settled before starting the production of materials. The rest in two installments at the phase of installation and final hand over.

9. Match to the Rest of Furnishing

interior designers in chennai

Modular kitchen has become a necessity in modern houses and is turning out to be a place beyond for cooking. For a better living experience in the kitchen, its finish, and color combination should match with dining, living, and other areas of the house. The open plan trend does not make demarcation between kitchen and living area. D’LIFE, a professional home interior designing company, can offer kitchen designs that perfectly match with your rest of furnishing.

10. Preference and Desires Matter

Traditional kitchens are now transformed to modular kitchens as per time, new styles and choices of the new generation. Perspectives on home aesthetics also have changed a lot with attitudes and increase in income. Kitchen interiors should be done according to the preference and desires of the user rather than regretting later. Thus, space within a kitchen can be utilized the best way by proper planning and execution. Get your modular kitchen from D’LIFE Home Interiors in Kerala, Bangalore, Chennai and Coimbatore by discussing the requirements.

5 Most Common Shapes of Modular Kitchen

July 16, 2015

Select the Best Suitable from 5 Shapes of Modular Kitchen

Kitchen is the heart of any home and it is much more than a place for cooking. Therefore, we have to give proper attention and importance for designing them while building a house or buying a flat in Kerala. As per the culture of Kerala, whether it is flat, villa or independent house, it will have cooking, preparation, cleaning and storage areas. Arranging these areas efficiently by utilizing the maximum space for smooth work, hassle free movement and ample storage is not an easy task. Moreover, modern lifestyle demands systematic kitchens to organize things conveniently. Here, you can think of a customized one instead of going for readymade options available. Below are the 5 shapes of modular kitchen by DLIFE Home Interiors in Kerala & Bangalore.

“L” Shaped Customized Modular Kitchens with Connected Work Area


This shape is suitable for small, medium or large sized kitchens. As the name indicates, they are in the shape of the alphabet ‘L’ and fit between two adjacent walls. This design provides a continuous work area along with efficient corner space. In addition, more people can work at the same time. In this case the kitchen can also incorporate a dining space. Extend one of the countertops if required, and use it as a quick meal or breakfast counter.

“U” Shaped Modular Kitchen with Ample Storage and Facilitated Style

kitchen interior design dlife interior designers kerala

U Shaped designs from D’LIFE are ideal for medium and large sized kitchens as they provide abundant storage space. The counter tops mounted to three adjoining walls offer plenty of space for cooking. Storage cabinets separate kitchen space into multiple work areas. Many people can work at the same time and there is no disruption in movement from one area to another. Length of counters are adjustable to add an additional preparation area or a mini food counter.

Straight Line Kitchen Design Make it Simple and Elegant

dlife straight kitchen

Straight-line layouts are the simplest in 5 shapes of modular kitchen designs. Easy access to appliances and accessories is its key feature. Hood and Hob, Preparation area and sink are next to next on a single counter top. However, storage space is less and cabinets are built overhead and bottom of the counter. The number of users should be limited to one or two. D’LIFE Home Interiors plan and execute this design very well. It is useful and convenient for small spaced or long kitchens.

Parallel Designs for Cooking Enthusiasts

Parallel kitchens provide efficient designs having two working areas on counter tops of opposite walls. Cooking area and Sink is on one countertop and the other can be used as an additional workspace to prepare and keep appliances. Thus, wet and dry areas can be easily separated. This helps to keep the cooking area dry and sink on the other countertop. Chefs and cooking Enthusiasts prefer this design as all things are in easy range.

Island Kitchens with Dining Place within the Kitchen

island kitchen by dlife interiors

Island designs have elegant looks and are apt for spacious kitchens. In this layout, D’LIFE builds an independent countertop that provides an additional work area or storage for appliances. Kitchen doubles up as a cooking space and a dining area for small families. As the island counter has access from all sides, passage inside the kitchen is flawless. Thus, it allows many people to occupy at a time. This design is perfect for integrating workspace, storage and dining to a single place.

Select Most Suitable Shape as Per Kitchen Space

Picking an appropriate shape for a kitchen depends on its size, available space, position, and orientation. Besides these, tastes and cooking habits of the persons, most probably female members of the family should also be considered. As modular kitchens are a permanent installation, it cannot be rebuilt or altered easily. So be cautious while selecting. As an experienced interior designing company in Kerala, D’LIFE gives custom-made designs for every project according to the requirements and characteristics. Thus, you get a most suitable shape for your kitchen with comfort and expediency.

Add Most Modern Style & Utility to the Shapes of Modular Kitchen

Classic finish and quality are the prime features of customized modular kitchens by D’LIFE. They use all side-laminated hardwood MDF and marine plywood having sleek design and finish for storage cabinets. Hood and hobs, accessories, hinges, Granite slab for countertop etc. are also stylish and fashionable. Washable wallpapers are trendy as well as pleasing to the eye. Totally, D’LIFE adds the most modern style to the kitchen. Click here to watch a video of a modular kitchen, its accessories, and shades and finishes available.

Convenience of Storage and Freedom of Movement

All the shapes of a modular kitchen must be user friendly. The key factors that determine user friendliness are convenience for storage and freedom of movement. D’LIFE provides overhead and bottom cabinets for storage that are easy to reach from the work area or cooking area. The work triangle forms between the hob, sink and preparation area that controls the ease of transfer in the kitchen. In addition, the most suitable design and best quality materials make a fully functional and beautiful kitchen for your house or flat.

Places in Ernakulam for Home Interiors

June 30, 2015


Ernakulam, the fastest growing city of India, is the business capital of Kerala. Many of the residents are people from other places of Kerala, who have shifted to this city for a purpose. Educational institutions, employment and business opportunities attract people even from other states as well. Mobility hub at Vyttila, a common point of unlimited connectivity by means of transports including road, rail and water makes Ernakulam a unique business cum residential spot. Same as  in any other city, those who buy flat or build a house need to do their home interiors in Ernakulam. Let us see the main places where the most reliable company undertake interior design and execution.

Get Home Interiors in Ernakulam from Professionals

People living and working in Ernakulam opt for a house or apartment as per convenience, liking and budget. NRIs prefer to buy flats and group villas for investment or living purpose. All of them need professional help for home interiors  in Ernakulam. Everyone need quality works design solutions, best finish and on time execution. Thus, it is always better to select the most reliable home interior design company in Cochin Kerala like DLIFE. With 3 branches in Ernakulam and teams rich in years of experience, expect the best result in design as well as execution.

Premium Houses in Panampilly Nagar

Panampilly Nagar is one of the posh residential localities of Eranakulam. It is well connected with other parts of the city and has easy access to M.G road and railway station. Being one of the busiest places at Ernakulam, Panampilly hosts a number of schools, hospitals, supermarkets, banks, ATMs, hotels and restaurants, beauty parlor and boutiques and many more that are essential for daily life. Other residential places around Panampilly Nagar are: Kadavanthra, Giri Nagar, Gandhi Nagar, Ramaswamy Iyyer Colony, K V Nagar, Indira Nagar, Tagore Nagar, Shastri Nagar etc. Service of D’LIFE home Interiors in Ernakulam, definitely covers the elite residential area of Panampally Nagar.

Customized Home Interiors for Celebrities in Kaloor

Kaloor, a prime spot of Ernakulam, is renowned for Jawaharlal Nehru International stadium. As very close to the town railway station and private bus stand it acts as the heart of the city. Also connected to other places like Palarivattom, M G road, Marine Drive it has all facilities to reside within the reach.  We can see calm, quiet and peaceful places secured away from rush of the city to live with.

D’LIFE interior designers in Kochi has completed several interior works in this area for clients including celebrities. Anoop Menon, famous for screenplay of new generation films, owns a pent house at Kent Hail Garden, Kaloor. Vyttila branch of DLIFE completed design and execution of this 3000 sq ft apartment. Have a look at the interiors of this beautiful apartment.

Similarly, popular cine artist Kalabhavan Shajon is D’LIFE’s another celebrity client at Kaloor. D’LIFE had done all space plan, interior furnishing, modular kitchen, and the complete home interiors in Ernakulam for Mr. Shajon at Knights Skyline Imperial Garden. This has appeared in one of the latest issue of the Malayalam magazine, VanithaVeedu’. All the interiors including living room interior design and bed room interior have a frosty white and mystic walnut gloss finish as per clients requirements and the lighting makes it spectacular. Our team of professional interior designers in kochi ernakulam were able to exquisitely design their space that complement and reflect their values. Kitchen, living and dining areas are open. You can see it here as it is.

Other residential areas near Kaloor, Ernakulam are: Kathrikadavu, Elamakkara, Journalist Colony, Kacheripady etc.

Interiors for Independent Villas at Palarivattom

Palarivattom, once the ruling centre of Cochin is now a beautiful residential location. With a major stop metro rail project, it is well connected to NH 47, Edappally, Thammanam and Vyttila by road. Ernakulam Medical Centre, Lulu mall and Oberon mall is accessible from here with ease. Premium home designs and flats of major builders are readily available here. Property rates are also affordable and thus the number of independent villas for turnkey interiors are also high. Anyone planning house interiors in Ernakulam, at Palarivattom can contact DLIFE, Edappally branch. Some more residential areas around Palarivattom are: Thammanam, Padivattom, Arakkakadavu, Vennala, Chakkalakal etc.

Interior Design and Execution for Flats at Vyttila

Vyttila, the busiest places at Ernakulam Kerala, is the entry point to Cochin from Kottayam and Alleppy districts. It is beyond a commercial place and an excellent residential area. Many residential projects are ongoing here. All essential facilities for comfortable living are here within the proximity. You can get complete home interiors done including your interior design and furnishing for kids room design, living room design, modular kitchen
from D’LIFE Home Interiors, Vyttila branch. There are few more residential areas near Vyttila, Ernakulam: Thykoodam, Champakkara, Powerhouse, Chakkaraparambu, Elamkulam, Ponnuruni etc

Kakkand – IT, Educational and Residential Area

Kakkanad, the administrative center of Ernakulam district, is a quiet place, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. All basic and essential facilities and landmarks are easily accessible within short distance. Upcoming Smart City, Kerala’s largest IT park and Info Park of CSEZ converges Kakkanad as Cochin’s IT hub as well as an industrial area too. It is also an educational center with famous colleges and several schools. The location has easy access to seaport airport road and NH bye pass that connects to other places. D’LIFE has completed several home interiors projects in and around Kakkanad. Click here to see a video of the interiors of a 3-bedroom apartment in Galaxy Homes by our Kakkanad branch.

Interiors for Houses and Flats at Calicut

June 05, 2015

home interior designers in calicut

Calicut, also known as Kozhikode, with an illustrious history is a place of tourist attraction and a nice place to live in Kerala. City continues to be a center of flourishing domestic and international trade. The people are simple and down to earth. According to the data compiled on residences, earnings and investments, Calicut is one among the best cities in India to reside in. There are many flats projects, group villas, and rich independent houses in this place. A large number of people require interiors and finishing for their houses. But, they do not know who can give the best solution. They would be looking for a reliable company to get the desired result in Calicut home interiors.

Which Company is Reliable for Calicut Home Interiors Contract?

We can find many interior designers, architects and builders at Calicut. Among them, D’LIFE Home Interiors is the professional firm specialized only in residential interior design and execution. They started in 2004 at Kochi, Kerala and have more than a decade’s experience of planning and executing interiors. This well established organization has a fully furnished showroom at Calicut. Company specializes in interior works that includes modular kitchen, wardrobes, LCD TV display units, crockery and bookshelves, cots, kid’s wardrobe cum study table and many more.

People living here have easy access to the firm that has 10000+ completed projects, and the best interior design company in India. Each project is designed by a dedicated interior designer and executed under efficient leadership of a qualified project manager.

Budget and Estimated Cost of Modular Kitchen and Other Furniture

D’LIFE offers custom-made modular kitchen and home interiors in Calicut district. Packages of 3-BHK flats and villas are available to understand the cost. Price of 3 BHK starts from Rs 380,000/- including the Foyer, Dining room, Master Room, Guest Room, Modular Kitchen and accessories. As customers can choose their requirements there is more control over the budget. Customers can add or reduce any item from as per need. Also they get discounts up to 30 percent on M.R.P depending upon the volume of work.

Things to Remember While Doing Home Interiors in Calicut

You can think of a Calicut home interiors company under two circumstances. One is when you plan to buy a ready to occupy new home or flat. The other is one when you decide to build a new one. As home is the first space of our life which gives us energy, peace, and comfort we need to be careful while planning and executing interiors. Once done, it cannot be rebuilt easily as it is a permanent structure that costs money, time and effort. Therefore, it requires better planning and coordination with the company.
B. One company for design, production and execution avoids communication gaps between the architect and contractor.
C. Keep all requirements in mind and explain properly to the designer. Make sure that they understand the requirements before entering into a contract for Calicut home interiors.
D. The owner should have a clear idea of how much he is going to spend on the interiors, furnishing and decoration compared to the money spent on a flat or house.
E. Plan every detail of facilities required, space and check the drawings provided by the interior designer.

Time Required for Execution

All customers want their work within a stipulated time frame, whether it is only a modular kitchen or a turnkey project. Installation within the promised time range is one of the key features of D’LIFE Calicut. With around 1200 dedicated employees and their own factories, they require only 35 – 40 working days to complete a project after finally approving the designs.

It is very easy to contact and deal with the D’LIFE Interiors Calicut office. Log on to Fill up the quick contact form from ‘Contact to discuss’ or ‘Get an estimate’ tab and submit it. A D’LIFE officer will contact you to discuss the needs and arrange a visit to the site when required. Or just call +91 956 723 11 11 to discuss details.


9 Accessories with Modular Kitchen at Ernakulam

June 05, 2015

Essential Accessories with Modular Kitchen

Customized modular kitchen represents a modern kitchen that comprises various modules or units as per specific requirements. It includes a bottom or base storage, counter top or working area and overhead or wall storage. The storage units hold kitchen accessories whereas the counter top provides sink, hood and hobs, and gadgets like microwave oven. Above all, these units are made with diverse materials and assembled together to make a stylish kitchen. A modular kitchen maximizes work comfort and utilizes space efficiently in flats as well as villas. D’LIFE, the experienced interior design company in Kerala provides a modular kitchen at Ernakulam with accessories as per exact measurement of space. Moreover, they provide kitchen accessories like hood and hob, plain basket, cutlery tray etc. through their branches.

Useful Stainless Steel Accessories Available in Kerala.

A modular kitchen completely customized as per discussion with the house owner makes the framework that gives a beautiful look. For it should be fully functional we need accessories and appliances as per requirement, cooking habits and convenience. D’LIFE provides premium quality hoods and hobs for their customers. Accessories are of good quality stainless steel. In addition, the overhead and bottom cabinets are direct from the company’s own factory. Customers need to choose useful stainless steel accessories with a modular kitchen upon completion of design.

D’LIFE offers 9 very essential accessories

Hood and Hob

kitchen interior desgn dlife interior designers kerala

Hoods and hobs are the most essential components of any modular kitchen. Standard hob has a sleek design with tugged black glass finish that matches to any color variation. It comes with one multi-flame and two medium brass burners for different cooking needs and has a width of 60 cm. Enameled pan support and auto electric in-built under knob ignition are its other features. In modern-day kitchens, hoods act as traditional chimneys. They suck heat and stench and give the kitchen a pleasant feel. Premium quality hood has a suction power of 1000 m3/hr and a width of 60 cm that suitably aligns with hob with baffle filters. It also features an electronic soft touch panel for controlling its functions and two L.E.D for lighting.

Plain Baskets

D’LIFE offers 2 attractive and stylish plain baskets for all of its modular kitchens. They can accommodate any kind of item. It can be kept inside for kitchen cabinets and kitchen larder pullouts. Moreover, these baskets come with various dimensions and you can choose the required height and width that fits your cabinets. In addition to this, high durability and corrosion resistance are the features of these plain baskets.

Thali Baskets

Neat and tidy plates add to the dignity of a kitchen. Thali baskets help to arrange plates in a kitchen. D’LIFE provides one elegantly designed Thali basket with its modular kitchen. It is integrated into kitchen cabinets and operates like a pullout. Clients can select one with 15 cm 20 cm height that matches the requirement. They are available with 304 grade stainless steel for better corrosion resistance and have an electro polished finish.

Cup & Saucer Basket

Cup & Saucer basket available with D’LIFE modular kitchen is perfect for any modular kitchen. It comes with a height of 10 cm and thus clients can choose apt dimensions from many available according to requirement. This accessory fits perfectly with cabinet drawer slides. These baskets have stainless steel finish for long life and fit for rugged use.

Cutlery Tray

Cutlery trays suit all needs of a modern kitchen. They are available in different sizes and various configurations to fit on to any cabinets. These pull out cutlery trays provide an appropriate storage facility for various types of spoons, knives, and forks. Further, the super quality stainless steel finish makes them corrosion resistant and durable.

Glass Tray, Plate Tray

This glass cum plate tray that looks fashionable has a dimension of 90 cm and is apt to store glasses and plates in any modular kitchen. It fits to the cabinet above the sink for more convenience and has a glass lid with handle. Plates fit perfectly at middle portion and glasses or cups at the bottom. As plate and glasses are more likely to be in contact with water there are chances for corrosion. This tray is made up of industry standard stainless steel material for resisting corrosion and has a long lifespan.

Bottle Pull Out

Bottle pull outs are for storing bottles and other small packets under the counter in narrow spaces. They are suitable for storing items in corners, under the sink, and in bathrooms. Unbreakable transparent inserts offer an optimal usage of storage space and the closed base prevents small items from falling out. Typical dimensions are 200mm x 560mm x 650mm. These detergent holders store soaps and dish wash for household cleaning purposes. They have sufficient storage space with a sleek design and are durable. It aligns perfectly to wall cladding. Typical dimensions are 230mm x 200mm x 330mm.

Waste Bin with Auto Lid

Waste bins that are the parts of D’LIFE customized modular kitchen come with an automatic opening system for lids. It has a removable bucket inside for convenience. Use of nontoxic premium plastic ensures long life and has a stainless steel polished finish outside. The dimensions are 355 x 277 and have a capacity of 13 liters.

Additional Accessories available to purchase and add to modular kitchen

Customers can buy more modular kitchen at Ernakulam from D’LIFE if they require. Below are some accessories available from D’LIFE branches at Ernakulam, Kerala and Bangalore.

Hood and Hob 90 cm

Clients can opt for this bigger hob if the cooking needs are beyond the standard 60cm. This hob has 90cm width and has 5 brass burners. Two of them are multi-flame burners and the rest are medium burners. Like standard 60 cm hob this has also enameled pan support, auto electric in-built under knob for ignition and toughened black glass finish. This will be more than enough for a big family with a broad cooking habit. The hood suitable for this hob also has the same features of that of the standard hood and additional intensive speed functions. Further, common features of it include 1000 m3/hr suction speed, 90 cm width, Baffle filters, LED lights and electronic soft touch control with backlight.

OrgaWing for Pan Drawer

Orga Wing is a special feature for pan drawers that make your kitchen special. Here, two trays fan out when opening the pan drawer, providing access to the storage place. You can get it as an additional accessory in modular kitchens. This space allows storage for small items. Thus, this special accessory makes use of the space behind the pan drawer front panel and creates additional kitchen storage.

SS Cutlery Tray 90cm

D’LIFE offers a silver finish powder coated, stainless steel cutlery tray with an exquisite look as the additional accessory with its modular kitchen. It offers neat and tidy cutlery organization within easy reach, by the help of this premium accessory. As a result, this can be organized according to the needs of customers with variable dividing elements. It has a 90cm width with a pan drawer under a hob for easy access.

How to Buy Accessories with Modular Kitchen

You can get a modular kitchen at Ernakulam with facilities for all accessories from D’LIFE Home Interiors as a complete package offer. Thus, at Ernakulam or anywhere in Kerala, it is better to choose premium quality accessories with a modular kitchen as they are more trustworthy. Most importantly, look at the warranty and annual service arrangements before taking a buying decision. Accessories should fit perfectly into the kitchen cabinets. Therefore, it is better to finalize the accessories during the design stage.

Home Interior Design and Execution at Trivandrum

May 29, 2015

In Search of Professional Home Interiors in Trivandrum?

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There are many interior design companies and architect firms for home interiors in Trivandrum, Kerala. Some of them do only design and others may only be in to partial or complete contract works. In this article, we explain one company that is covering the entire interior project starting from design until execution.

D’LIFE is a leading residential interior company in Kerala specialized in home interior design and execution. By the sincere efforts of team, we have achieved the top position among interior design companies at Trivandrum within a few years. Services are available for flats, compound villas, as well as independent houses. It is just one place for all the works with expert help. The company does customized designs, production and, execution under efficient supervision. Direct branch of D’LIFE at Nalanchira, Trivandrum offers complete home interiors. Team is ready to do works for residences at any place in this district.

What Does this Company Do for Home Interiors in Trivandrum?

D’LIFE makes your dream home interiors in Trivandrum come true. Whatever may be your requirements, they are ready to implement that to create the perfect interior with elegant look and perfection. From kitchen furnishing to wooden ceiling, everything is done competently with proper space plan and executed aesthetically excellent. Be it kitchen design, living room design, or bedroom designs they make complete customization according to the requirements of clients. Unlike other design build firms and other building designers as well as decorators in Thiruvananthapuram, this home interior designing company can create exception custom furniture and designs as per designing requirements. Products include modular kitchen, wardrobes, cots and beds, LCD TV display units, sofas, dining tables, shelves and storage, and many more. Additional support services like new electrical and plumbing points or shifting of electrical and plumbing points, demolishing of walls, decorative wall painting, wallpapers etc. are also available.

How Much Reliable are these Products and Services?

D’LIFE uses imported laminated marine plywood, hardwood MDF and other acrylic products. These are durable and stylish. All products are made in the company’s own factories using sophisticated machines with great perfection and good finish. D’LIFE interior designer in Trivandrum delivers high quality products that are superior in design, functional and comfortable. Company ensures the best quality for all products and the service is excellent. As a result, they offer one-year free service for all installations. There is also a responsible customer care section ready to serve the clients any time.

Way of Managing a Perfect Implementation

Company allocates a skilled interior designer for each client. The procedure begins with the company’s design consultants. They give you an approximate estimate according to your requirements. After receiving a token advance a specialist designer visits the site and give a plan. On final approval of design and estimate, the products are made in own factory. Projects team finishes the work under the leadership of a project manager and handover within 35 to 45 working days after final approval. With track record of 7000 completed projects across Kerala and Bangalore, the company ensures perfect implementation of home interior furnishing and décor in Trivandrum.

The Need for a Proficient Home Interior Company

Traditional way of home interior furnishing is a tedious task and time consuming for any client. One must consider budget, plan, resources and precision before furnishing his home. Only a professional can give the best result as they can understand and act. Clients know his requirements and money available but need to check the practical aspects too. Choosing a professional interior design firm helps to avoid expensive mistakes. Thus, it is important to select a company having experience of doing home interiors in Trivandrum. They will be capable of planning, and executing based on your needs.

Specialized Home Interiors Company at Kottayam, Kerala

May 03, 2015

D’LIFE – Well Established Home Interiors Company at Kottayam

home interior designers kottayam

DLIFE branch office cum showroom at Kanjikkuzhi – Puthuppally road is the most reliable home interiors company in Kottayam, ¬¬-Kerala. Over the period of 5 years at Kottayam this company has achieved the goodwill of many NRI as well as local customers. By this 5th year there are many residential projects that have already been completely implemented. Whatever the need, modular kitchen for a villa or complete flat interiors, expert designers give the most suitable solution. Clients can choose the best from the options of contemporary designs, stylish modern materials and colors. Our designers and consultants provide guidance, suggestions and support right from the first call to the completion of the project.

Traditional Way of Doing Home Interiors in Kottayam

Someone building a house usually locates a local carpenter either during construction or after. House owner explains the requirement and agrees to go as per terms of the carpenter. Either plantation wood or plywood is commonly in use for wardrobes, kitchen cabinets etc. There may not be a proper planning on style, color, or accessories. Once done it is difficult to rework or reconstruct durable furniture. If the house owner is present in Kerala he or she may be able to suggest some alterations during making. But if the owner is away, they need to depend on their luck to get good quality results. Thus, if one needs the interiors and furniture only in traditional style using plantation teak or other wood, the only way is to go for the best available local carpenter.

Problems and difficulties of a house owner in traditional way of furnishing

• There may not be proper planning, design or agreement before starting the work. Everything works on word of mouth terms.
• Materials may not be of high quality standard unless everything is monitored closely by the house owner.
• There are no time limitations set. Thus there may not be discipline in works which will affect timely completion and results.
• Making is often done at the same house with the available tools and equipment. Individuals who are taking the work may be unaware of modern trends in design and style.
• Once done cannot be undone…. So no proper planning may make an unsatisfied customer.
• No after sale service or warranty is provided by local unorganized contractors carrying out traditional ways of furnishing.

Change Makers in Interior Design Accepted all over Kottayam District

D’LIFE, the home interiors company in Kottayam is really a change maker by providing quality materials, international standard finish, at affordable price. This team undertakes works not only within the town but also in all other the places of Kottayam district. Especially, for the people living abroad it is a relief to have a reliable interior design company, undertaking the whole work and execution within a specific time frame. People abroad can communicate directly through email, view the options and discuss in his absence also. Planning, design, production and execution in a professional manner, is a change brought about by D’LIFE in this sector. Thus, the contemporary style designs dominate over the traditional way, giving excellent results both in terms of beauty as well as functions.

Simple Style…. Great Looks by Expert Interiors Company in Kottayam

It is more of a matter of suitability both to the space as well as the taste of house owners. Understanding all the requirements and acting within the given time frame is the secret of success. Every company small or big know it. But, making it practical is often difficult as there are many factors that lead to the final result. This way, younger as well as the older generation like the simple but elegant style of interiors. They are confident that a company with 15 years of experience can only provide the best. Design and customize modular kitchen, bedrooms, living and dining the way you need.  Perfect fit of the furniture to the space improve the look and usability. Thus, simple and elegant style of furnishing by DLIFE beautifies a house or flat at Kottayam.

Interior Design Company in Kerala Managed by Experts

April 25, 2015

Trusted Interior Design Company in Kerala, South India

Are you searching for a reliable interior design company in Kerala with contemporary design, production and implementation under one roof?. D’LIFE Home Interiors is a trusted name in this field for several years. This company has an exemplary track record of successfully completing and handing over about 6000 residential interiors projects. This includes flats, independent houses and villas across Kerala in any of the 14 districts. Even if the client is physically not present in Kerala, the company can efficiently handle the interior design and implementation works. The brilliant team of experienced people offers reliable assistance taking care of every detail of modular kitchen, bed rooms, living room and dining room.

Expertise in Design, Production and Implementation

As a complete project implementation company D’LIFE Home interiors are experts not only in creating innovative designs but also in producing and implementing it as per the requirement. Team of qualified and well trained people in each department takes care of your design and furnishing needs very well to complete satisfaction. With background in kitchen interior designing and creating beautiful living space, D’LIFE focuses not only on top quality aesthetic sophistication and functional needs, but also on sustainability.

a) Team of Proficient Sales Managers

Designers as per the discussion and study of floor plan visits the site, takes measurements. They later provide the most suitable design of modular kitchen and other furniture to the client upon confirmation of work. In addition to this, revisions and reworking to the sheer satisfaction of clients is a part of their work culture. In fact, you may share your ideas and dreams with this interior design company in Kerala to turn them into a reality, holding on to the budget. This team of professionals with their experience in providing stylish interior and décor ideas to clients have earned a reputation for honesty and integrity and deliver beautiful interior design solutions.

b) Team of Talented Designers

Experienced interior designers as per the discussions and measurements, provide the design for customized modular kitchen and other furniture to the client upon confirmation of work. In addition to this, revisions and reworking to the sheer satisfaction of clients is a part of their work culture. In fact you may share your ideas and dreams with this interiors design company in Kerala to turn them into a reality, holding on to the budget.

c) Skillful Teams for Production and Project Implementation

Once approved by the client, the design goes for production in our own factories at Cochin, Kerala. Afterwards, the furnishings are moved for implementation at client site. All the items and fixtures are as per exact measurements and designs. Still it would require expert team coordination for safe and acceptable installation at the site. The D’LIFE team for production and implementation trained under effective supervision is capable of handing over 100 projects every month.

What Can D’LIFE Do For You?

This prominent interior design company in Kerala can provide all essential furnishing in the most modern style. They understand the client requirements and provide design, interiors furnishing and fittings at factory cost. Small, medium and large types of projects are handled with required care at each level. Projects include modular kitchen, bedroom interiors, living and dining rooms furnishing. Above all, quality materials and standard services ensure customer satisfaction and referral sales. This company has branches in major places like Trivandrum, Kollam, Kottayam, Ernakulam, Trichur and Calicut.

Leading Interior Design Company in Cochin since 2004

October 22, 2014

Modular Kitchen design in kochi

D’LIFE: A Leading Home Interior Design Company in Cochin with 17 Years Experience

Turning a house into a home often requires the expertise of an interior expert. When searching for an interior design company in Cochin you are bound to search on the web. One search online and the screen will spill over with different interior design company in Cochin, Kerala. This includes those who undertake residential projects and office interior designs and those that operate only within the city and those with multiple branches across Kerala.

So, how do you make a final choice? Every brand seems to offer similar services. Every website seems to be impressive. The trick lies in looking beyond the obvious and delving deeper. Only a few interior design companies can boast of being truly reliable to enter into a contract. Eventually, a handful will qualify as experts in playing with classic & contemporary color palates and creating a blend of aesthetics and functionality. D’LIFE is one such Kerala-based interior design works specialist for designing residential projects. This discussion is about what makes D’LIFE the best interior design company in Cochin.

Getting Started: The Journey Begins for D’LIFE

D’LIFE began its operations in 2004. A humble business set-up, it had a very clear business ideology in place, i.e. pursue quality and profits will soon follow! It has been over a decade since D’LIFE started to engage the attention of homeowners and property owners who valued stylish and durable home interiors. At that time, the web retail niche was in its nascent stage. Advertising was largely media-driven and an expensive option. Choosing to depend upon the goodwill it generates by exceeding the customer’s expectations, D’LIFE interior design company in cochin started snowballing as a niche customized home interior brand. Soon, this company started getting orders from different parts of the state. Today, adopting the concept of unique, customized design and execution, they deliver quality products and meet the expectations of clients.

Closer to being a complete solutions provider in the Home Interiors Niche

D’LIFE is one of the most recommended names for homeowners who wish to refurbish their living space with trendy furniture options and modular kitchens in Kochi. The business model at D’LIFE is straightforward. It removes intermediaries, retails direct to the client and shares profitability with consumers by keeping the prices reasonable. Today, D’LIFE has emerged as the most trusted name in the customized home interiors, handling turnkey projects and innovative ideas. The company believes in maintaining transparency through the life cycle of an order, following the requirements, space plan, listening to the instructions, and making changes accordingly.

Not Just another Interior Design Company in Cochin!

We are a team of 200 people who live and breathe home interior designs. Artists at heart with true dedication work with a penchant for excellence. We are often hard-pressed to meet delivery deadlines but our inspired designs and honest approach are still unscathed. Capacity of this company to design, deliver produce and install is on the upswing. Unlike others, D’LIFE has nurtured a team of professional interior designers in Kochi, Kerala who understand and genuinely like the home interiors niche. Thus, when people do something they actually love, the workplace ceases to exist as a place of business.

Every home is different so why are interior installations standard?

D’LIFE understands that lifestyles and personal perception of style varies a lot—not all customers have the same approach. This applies to the niche of modular kitchens as well as complete home décor and furnishing. To ensure that every kind of prospective customer is well served, they have suitable solutions in all the budgets. Custom made designs offer a huge incentive to people to personalize entities that will become a part of their everyday lives.

D’LIFE, the prestigious interior design company in cochin is the pioneer of offering customization in the home-furnishing segment. This company and its people make the effort of understanding the client’s requirements in detail. These are matched with the availability of resources and the sharp pricing. From contemporary furniture to wardrobe and modular kitchen, this team offers you the unique option to choose the designs that are perfect fit for an apartment or villa.

D’LIFE is about Empowering the Customer!

Our customer service is more about empowering the customer rather than overwhelming them with quick links of customary gifts or boring sales pitch. The basics of home interior furnishing remain the same—it has to be the perfect marriage between style and performance. However, this recipe can be a challenge when you have to keep the costs in check and still look better than competitors. We have taken the best approach to solving this dilemma—involve the customers! From our online product listing with sufficient product details to the interaction of our sales, marketing and designer teams with consumers, the emphasis is on keeping the buyer informed. Once the customer and our team are on the same page, the results are invariably great!

Kerala, Especially Cochin will always be Home to D’LIFE!

Having begun our journey in Kerala, the southern state is home to us. Today, we have over 9 branches spread across Kerala, Bangalore, Chennai and Coimbatore to cater our customers. D’

LIFE aims at providing the best solutions to the medium and upper class segment. Kerala has always engaged attention as a leading hub of honest manufacturing facilities that favors quality over bulk volumes.

At D’LIFE, integrity is not just preached—we practice it at each level to eliminate the distance between promising and delivering! With fully equipped factories and human resources, this company can easily take upon 100 residential spaces (houses/flats) a month. Execution of a project in Cochin that includes discussions, site visit, design, production and installation takes more than 35 to 40 days. Years of expertise helped us build up an everlasting strong system of projects that is useful to many people working all over the world but building their home back in Cochin or any other place in Kerala.

Best Modular Kitchens in Kerala

October 13, 2014

Summary: Bring home the best modular kitchen in Kerala and stay assured of efficient functionality by customizing it from D’LIFE Home Interiors. They are designed by incorporating the basic requirements and preferences of customer.

Well-organized, utility kitchens are always at the top of every homemaker’s wish lists. With changing times, kitchen spaces have undergone a huge makeover in terms of designing and technological improvements—this has led to the emergence of modular kitchens in Kerala. It helps in efficient, pest-free storage of everyday kitchen essentials and easy retrieval of utilities apart from raising the aesthetic value.

In this discussion, we present easy-to-understand information about what makes modular kitchens by D’LIFE the first preference from homeowners/families, apart from decoding various aspects of this progressive, more functional type of kitchen installation.

Importance of Modular Kitchens -Overview

Modular kitchens carefully attributes to all essential functions in compact and convenient manner. Other than adding aesthetic beauty to your home, these kitchens combine easy functionality and space maximization in the most effective way. Easy maintenance enhances their overall appeal to a great extent. Thus, beautification as well as utility are the two most important contributions of modular kitchen to a modern home.

Types of Modular Kitchens

There are mainly five types of kitchen interior design in Kerala namely, Straight-line Kitchens, L-shaped Kitchens, U shape modular kitchen, Parallel kitchen, and Island Kitchens. The straight line modular kitchen designs and Parallel shape kitchens are best suited for compact spaces in order to optimize working space. L-shaped kitchens allow accommodation of dining space, while the U-shaped kitchens are the most efficient ones owing to their generous spacing. Similarly, Island kitchen layouts offer good storage and working area. Makers of them use different materials like marine plywood, MDF, solid wood and steel.

Why Should You Customize a Modular Kitchen?

Space inside a kitchen and size is different for each house and flat as per the floor plan. Also, the requirements of each customer vary in terms of accessories, counter top size, storage and other facilities. Ready-made modular kitchen components available in market would surely not fit the space. Therefore, it is always better to approach modular kitchen manufactures or interior designers in Kerala India that undertake customization. Expert designers can visit the house and check how best he can utilize the available area. The moment he visit the place a creative idea may flash in his mind about the shape, color and design. Thus, the common practice is to share these ideas and discuss them with the house owner.

Get Modular Kitchen Installation in Kerala

Best modular kitchen in Kerala is made with extreme precision by abiding with stringent quality control measures. A reliable supplier tries to fulfill client requirements and executes the installation in the best possible manner. You may simply need to contact the company and get a rough estimate as per your requirements. After making the token payment and finalizing on your dream kitchen designs, the measurement of your space and customized designing requirements will lead to the final manufacturing process. Team of professionals at a home interior design company handles the entire work from design, production and implementation, as per promise. They can complete installation within 45 days of finalizing the design and color theme.

Get Accessories, Hood and Hob & Granite Top Fixing

Additional utilities like hood and hobs are provided according to the desire of the customer to enrich the functional aesthetics of kitchen. Various stainless steel accessories like baskets, pull out shelves, trolleys etc are infused together to accentuate their overall working. These items can be purchased directly from the shops selling top brands with the help of this work contractor. Granite top, electrical and plumbing modifications are also provided as part of modular kitchen works at extra cost.

Explore Options for Best Modular Kitchen in Kerala

There are several options of the best modular kitchen in Kerala with different types of materials and levels of customization as per the kitchen shape and kitchen cabinets designs. Compare prices, reliability of the contractor to finalize the suitable choice. But, by virtue of being an interior design company in Kerala, D’LIFE Home Interiors offers installation facilities in all the districts. Trivandrum, Calicut, Kottayam, Cochin (Ernakulam), and Calicut, Thrissur and Kollam are the most popular locations to avail the luxury of modular kitchens, through our own show rooms. DLIFE flaunts a fine lineage of trusted service, making it a reliable option. Please ensure that you make a well-informed decision when opting for a modular kitchen. This is a long-term installation where making periodic changes is not easy. Thus, ensure to seek professional guidance when finalizing the works.

Kerala House Interiors Experts

July 11, 2014


A peaceful life is every one’s desire, be it in a big or small house. Harmony within and between the beings brings abundant joy. Place where we live, its calmness, beauty, conveniences, color theme and facilities surely contribute to wellness. When you build a house, or buy a flat, advice from an expert interior designer may be quite essential. To conceive an idea, see some plans, go through some furniture options and create a unique theme, their help would be required. Experience makes the difference and for many of us a house or flat would be the first attempt. Therefore, house interiors experts in this field can advise us on using the space in the most accurate way with maximum storage, and bring the very modern styles to make impressive house interiors.

Interiors for Independent Houses, Group Villas and Flats at Kerala

A complete transformation of a bare space giving it life with suitable furniture and decoration is what we specialize in. This company has the strength of more than 600 permanent employees to plan and execute interiors of group villas, bungalows and flats all over Kerala. Modular kitchen, wardrobes, bedrooms, dining, display units, decoration units, sofa set etc are designed in accordance with space and requirements. In addition to this, partitions, curtains and blinds, wallpapers, decorative paints works are also done. Those who reside in would be completely satisfied with their achievement of a beautiful home. Visitors would be fascinated and drawn to the immaculate style of arranging everything in passionate order. Planning and implementation is safe in the hands of Kerala house interiors experts with an experience of 15 years and success stories of more than 8000 residential projects.

Carefully Customized Design by Experienced People

Beautiful house interior is an inspiration to live a meaningful life with a sense of achievement. As Kerala house interiors experts, creative and unique styles of designs that fit perfectly to the space are what D’LIFE means by customization. Members of an experienced team of designers in our offices visit the site, take measurements, and prepare the initial drawings to discuss improvements or alterations for each project. 3 to 4 or more revisions and modifications to arrive at the right solution after discussions will surely give the desired result.

Show Rooms in South India

Convenience is what every customer looks for. D’LIFE has branches and fully furnished show rooms at 12 prime locations in Kerala, Bangalore, Chennai and Coimbatore. This enables customers to visit and explore the collection of furniture and themes. It also makes it easy for our team members to visit the sites for measurements and implementation. Every branch has, designers and administrators to take care of client’s requirements right from the time of inquiry.

Design, Production and Installation in 35-45 Working Days

D’LIFE undertakes a complete contract of designing, production, and execution. Whole work can be completed within 35-45 days of agreement. Being the Kerala house interiors experts, D’LIFE ensures complete satisfaction of the house owner by providing the best quality in modern style. Reference of existing customers is a main source of our new work orders. We at D’LIFE provide the best services and supports at all stages of our discussions and contract. Same as a smile on the face is a reflection of happiness within, beautiful home interiors exhibits the nature and quality of people living in. So choose the experts to get it done the best.